
I will develop your niche with wordpress for $50

83.3% (12)
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I will develop your niche with wordpress

I will develop your niche with wordpress. So you can make money online with adsense.

A niche is a specialized website or blog on a specific topic, which focuses all its contents to this subject and therefore achieves a high traffic of people interested in it.

With this type of websites, earn between $ 100 and $ 1000 a month it has become easier to achieve.

You need the domain and hosting for wordpress.

The service includes:
1. Installation of WordPress and plugins (SEO, Analytics, contact form, antispam, social media buttons, ...)
2. Installation and configuration of a responsive theme
3. Adsense Monetization
4. Creation of basic pages
5. Preparation of SEO optimized template for blog posts. Including 2 post of 500 words each
6. Connecting with your social media profiles
7. Search engine indexing and file generation (robots and sitemaps)
8. Share your social networking site for 5 days.
9. 500 backlinks to your page.
10. Real unlimited traffic to your pages for 15 days.

I just need a topic that will treat your site. If you have questions or do not know, look where the extra I advise you.


Wordpress Niche Adsense


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Help selecting a niche 1 days $5

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$50 - In stock