Use this GIG to have WordPress installed on your Shared Hosting account or VPS. Price is $5 for WordPress on Shared Hosting. But for VPS, you'll have to add extra called 'Setup VPS Server' which will cost you extra $10.
Notes about Shared Hosting
It's recommend to use a VPS for performance and speed of your site. Try to get a VPS if you can. An unmanaged VPS only costs about $12 monthly, but you'll have a super fast website in return. And it can host unlimited domains and websites. Send me a massage if you want a list of best unmanaged VPS providers.
Notes about VPS Hosting
Please note that I'll need Ubuntu 14.04 as VPS operating system. You'll need to add 'Setup VPS Server' extra to your order if you're going to setup WordPress on a VPS.
If your VPS is already setup, either by me or other person, you don't need a add VPS extra.
Pointing Your Domain to VPS
You'll need to point your domain to VPS or Shared Hosting account in order to get your site online.
Please feel free to send me a massage if you have questions.