Writing is one the best and easiest way to earn money online. You can write articles, tutorials, essays, speeches, thesis and other typs of content to earn money
You just need to know English to write and get paid. You don't need to be an expert, There are so many topics to choose. You can write about any topic of your choice, find a website to submit and get paid
What you will learn
1· Websites that pay $50 - $500+ per article
2· How to find content ideas
3· What type of highest paid content are easy to write
4· Different type of topic you can write on
5· How to format & write (ideal article length)
6· Things to do before submitting any topic
7· Finding high paying websites
8· Different ways to receive payments
You can expect from $50-$150 per article and for tutorials, You can earn $100-$300 per tutorial, depends on the topic, length, quality of tutorial, your experience and website, where you will submit your tutorial
If you will write at least 1 article/tutorial every week, you can earn $400-$800 per month. More you will write more you will earn