
One article into 30 article sites submission required

One article into 30 article sites submission required

Hi, i need some experienced guy who can submit one article into 30 high PR article submission directories. You will provide me list of sites with their PR
-Duration :- please also mention time or days for submission
- You should know your abilities and work so that we can work in future too. I don't have any intention to waste time for inexperience person. if you do not know job , i would suggest you avoid bidding otherwise this project would give you bad reviews . This bad review will be harmful for your future projects.


Previous experience with similar nature
-List of articles sites where you will submit.
- SEO experience in a company or as a freelancer.
-You should know how to make account in high PR article directories sites.
-You will provide complete report of alive link
- These articles should be submitted into proper category like Health or subcategory of health.

Skills Required

Article Writing Content Submission


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Bid On Listing Created 10 years ago in Writing

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