
Humming bird can't walk

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Humming bird can't walk

Humming bird can't walk, but it can fly backward, also upside down. It can also hover at one place in air. This hovering ability helps humming bird in sipping of flowers of nectar plant. While flying their wings goes up and down of 55 times in one second and wings seems blurred to our eyes. They have the ability of deep sleep state which is known as torpor. When they don't get food, they go to this state to save energy.
Humming bird can


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I wish humans can go into torpor state. That would be a way to combat starvation if we are marooned on an island or something.
Anyway, I would like to add some more facts on hummingbirds :
1. Hummingbirds lay the smallest eggs of all birds.
2. Hummingbirds have no sense of smell but have very keen eyesight.

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Hummingbirds are able to perch and will do so at feeders regularly. Because they fly so much, they have poorly developed feet. They can barely walk at all. The hummingbird is much more comfortable in flight. I've seen them shimmy on their perches too but not walk in the traditional sense.

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What humming bird can't walk?! Iam really unaware of the fact. By the way, thank you Aplau. It may help me in any interview or quiz competition. The hovering ability of the bird seems awesome. The deep sleep 'torpor' state sounds really wierd and amazing at the same time. Great post! keep going.

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You learn something new every day and I would like to thank you for sharing such an interesting fact with us today. When I saw this topic, I thought it would be very weird that the bird cannot walk at all. But then I read your post and it's even weirder that the bird can fly upside down and can fly backwards. I wasn't even aware that any bird could fly backwards, to be honest. It just sounds impossible.

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It's my first time to hear, a bird, like humming bird don't walk. That bird, sometimes a doing quite strange flying ability, like hovering steadily. I only watched those only in documentaries, but not in personal. The only makes them more stranger, when they fly like defying basic physics, the gravity.
I love the color of that bird, strange rainbow, and the texture of feather suited quite well to the bird. I saw in documentary that, they only rely on their wings, because their feet barely develop, for the fact; it will only goes to their wings.

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God's creation is full of wonders and beauty. It's mesmerizing to look at the humming bird. The drone now resembles the hovering system of a humming bird. They are like some animals who can hibernate. It's interesting that humming bird could fly but can't walk.

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I love humming bird,they're one wonder of a bird.I read so much about them and I have to love them than other birds.

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God has been very wonderful with his creation of all things in this life, I don't think it such task is bestowed on another person I completely doubt that such person would do the kind of excellent job that God have done.

I really don't know much about birds but what you just analysed and explained about humming bird looks lovely but mysterious in a way. Their not being able to walk but can fly backward and up and downwards seems odd to me. I love that ability to go into deep sleep, what did you call it "torpor" is very interesting, I wish people can do that as well. Lol.

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Didn't know anything about this bird but I think this bird is really interesting like he can do stuff and thank you for sharing, this is just awesome. And also, this is the craziest and interesting bird I've ever seen and known, like I did saw so many species especially a like a white crow like I think I did seen one in the internet and it's crazy.

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I heard a few times about this bird but since is an exotic bird and we do not have it here in my country I know almost nothing about its characteristics. I didn't know that she cannot walk and that she is flying backward, this is interesting.
Thanks for sharing!

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This is new for me. I have seen a hummingbird in the wild. The birds are so fast that I have never been able to analyze their movements. Another bird that does not walk, I guess, is a sparrow. In the air they fly, on the land they hop and fly.

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I hope I have some of the abilities of the humming bird. Birds have different characteristics. And the humming bird is a cool one especially the way they save energy if they don't get foods. Well I hope I can do this ability too so I can save my energy even when I'm hungry. I wish I could fly too.

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Alright. Now that's a good post of information on humming bird. I never knew much about the bird. Thanks for adding a little more knowledge to what I already know about the bird.

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Well its truly magical to see a hummingbird in action. You are almost not able to see their wings when they are levitating in front of the flower and extracting nectar from them. Nature has provided these amazing gifts to all the animals and birds to help them in their survival. I never knew about this state of deep sleep that these birds can go in when they are not able to get food. This is yet again an example of a gift bestowed by nature to ensure the survival of the species.

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