
Favorite Online Game?

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Favorite Online Game?

My favorite online game is Dota 2, I've been playing it since I was born, kidding, since I was just a kid, the first version of Dota 2 was Frozen Throne or widely known as just Dota, and ever since I always enjoy playing that game up until now that I am an adult already, I still play Dota 2 but it's not like before where I spend so many hours on it, now that I am an adult, responsibilities really arises and I just play Dota 2 when I have time. 


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Although I haven't played Dota 2 yet, according to your sharing, it must be very good. I am also playing another game called cupcake 2048. It's pretty easy to play and fun. I can sit and play it continuously for an hour. If you like puzzle games that allow you to test/improve your brain and creative skills, this game is for you.

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My favourite is CSGO, I am 9th rank on Faceit.

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I have a lot of friends in my dormitory that are playing Dota 2. Sometimes I think that they are zombies because they make a bootcamp in the lecture room and there they can play the whole night. I understand that it is very addictive and interesting game, but to miss everything in your life because you want to play is not correct. Personally I am playing CSGO as well, I am not the best but I am doing pretty good for my rank (Gold nova 4). Now I can play in the morning 1 or 2 matches and I can play on in the evening before going to sleep.

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Dota 2 draws you too much into the game, and the players there are usually too negative, this game is very repulsive. Fortunately, there are a lot of decent games now and there are plenty to choose from, I advise you to get acquainted with these PC games in more detail. Interesting reviews will help you find something suitable for you

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My brother and I have been working in game development for many years, and asked for help from different companies, but having contacted we were shocked by the quality of the work of these guys, this is something, in a good way, but all because they have been developing games and applications for many years as shown and proven.

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I never play money game. Just play online game to improve stress after office.
My favorite game is: Drift hunters - an exciting car games.

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Who doesn't love slots? They are filled with exciting bonus features such as free spins, wilds, scatters and bonus rounds. You can always play for free or for real money. But first, read dr bet casino review!

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I'm working on iMakereview which is an affiliate marketing website that has many quality articles to review new products launched about technology.

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