
Do you get inspired by celebrity chefs?

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Do you get inspired by celebrity chefs?

I like some celebrity chefs, but others seem more interested in sensationalism (such as Ramsey) and hype up the drama on shows.


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I don't mind watching a real cooking show where they share recipes, but these reality shows are more about the scripted drama rather than actual cooking. They do more arguing than cooking.

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I love Rachel Ray. I have tried many of her recipes and they are great!

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I watch the Pioneer woman and have used a few of her recipes.

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I love Rachel Ray. I have tried many of her recipes and they are great!

She always seems so enthusiastic about cooking and so fun to watch. Do you get inspired by celebrity chefs?
I really enjoy watching her cook and always feel inspired to get back into the kitchen.

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I do probably get inspired by Chef Gordon Ramsay, like he's my all time favorite chef. The way he cooks and teaches it seems so easy but also I like how he treats his co-workers or other chefs like he is the boss. The way he gets angry and strict is so bad ass, like for me it's definitely his technique for you to learn and work harder.

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I'm fascinated on those chefs who prepare a very enticing dishes. Cooking is an art, therefore, whenever I see a work of art dishes, it really blows my mind and wishes that I could eat it.

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