
Strawberry pie

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Strawberry pie

My mother used to make the best strawberry pie but now that she is gone, I do not have the recipe. Does anyone have a strawberry pie recipe that you use whole strawberries and jello in it?


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Hum I have never had this before but it sounds delightful. I love strawberries.

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wow! That really brings back good memories. My mom would always make strawberry shortcake cups. I have not thought of those in years. I should really look up the recipe online and try them out with my own daughter.

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Unfortunately, I don't have any strawberry pie recipe but ... I have an idea ... google it and as are so many recipes ... you'll find the recipe you want or, at least, one very much alike.

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Sorry i don't have.

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I don't have but i think you can find on google

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Wow itz nice if I can taste that too. :-)

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I haven't tasted a strawberry pie and I'm sure that it tastes good since I love strawberry. The common pie that we have here in the Philippines is coconut pie. Sorry, we don't have a recipe for a strawberry pie that I can share with you.

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I agree that the strawberry pie is awesome and tasted good, but nothings beats the coconut pie or the buko pie. This pie is the best, like I always bought this thing as a present for my family whenever I go on a field trip and come home. And also, this is perfect when you ate it hot and steaming, like totally perfect!.

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That's totally true! Coconut pie, for me, is the best pie that I've ever tasted. I always do that whenever we go to a certain town where coconut pie is their special delicacies, I do buy boxes of it to give to my family and relatives. This is a must, whenever you visit this town. I do miss eating coconut pie. Hope to go to that town again when I have a free time. Strawberry pie

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Strawberry pie I wouldn't mind to have a bite of it.I once tasted banana pie and it was really nice. I love most confectioneries done with fruits. The taste nice and a bit healthy than the ones with plain sugar.Some people uses honey which I know is better.

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I found a recipe for that on tablespoon (retro recipes). It looks awesome, i have never had it but I might try to make it when I get fresh strawberries. Fruit pies are the best because they are never too sweet! My favorite pie is apple pie but I love blackberries too and rhubarb.

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Come to think of it I have never made one, but if I'm going to then I'll use sweet preserve whole strawberries. We have a lot of strawberry products here. Like Jama, spreads and even strawberry wine. I would make strawberry muffins and cupcakes for Valentine's but I've never made a strawberry pie. I think I'll make one this December.

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