
Isn't Overwatch amazing?

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Isn't Overwatch amazing?

My son turned 13 this year and as always he gets money for his birthday, he was dead set on getting Overwatch but wanted to look for the best place doing the most decent price before he took the plunge. I had tried Overwatch but not long enough to really get into the game.

My son managed to get a copy of Overwatch and save himself quite a bit of money which he was pleased about. He hasn't stopped playing it since he got it! Granted he does take breaks and does go outside for a while but most days if you can't find him you will definitely find him on an Xbox playing Overwatch with his friends.

I gave this game a serious try the other night and wow! It's addictive I will give it that and such a change from your usual shooter. I am still new to it all and still getting used to it but I am really enjoying what I have played so far and am eager to get into playing more when I have the time.

What are your thoughts on Overwatch?


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Overwatch is a pretty fun game.I have found it a great experience teaming up with my friends. I love that there are a vast array of characters to chose from. It used to be difficult initially but I have trained up on a couple of characters to be better. I would definitely recommend this game to anyone who is interested in online shooter games.

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It is cool, but it's not worth the reviews and hype , what a waste of my hard earned money. I encourage everyone to wait 4-5 months before buying the game you want. 25% off easily. Make your own review when nobody gives a shit in 2
weeks. Or support the dev and buy it at launch. That's all the
publishers care about (most anyway).

It's annoying because it's all of them lol. Uncharted, doom, Overwatch, (I'm calling blood and
wine expansion). 10s down the front page, boom boom boom. Like god
damn, is this the greatest month in gaming history? I wouldn't call any
of these games 10s personally.

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It's quite fun. If you have a PC (I'm not sure about consoles), Blizzard often run free weekend events once in a while so you can jump into it and try it out before you commit to the purchase. I like it because unlike many other online games, MMORPGs for examples, it's not as time intensive in the sense that a match generally lasts from 10 to 25 minutes. You can pick up and drop. What's also good is that you don't need to have friends to play/enjoy the game due to match making!

If you enjoy team-based shooters, I would recommend people to give it a go, especially on free weekend events (they are held, maybe once every few month). It's constantly being updated and Blizzard has a great support staff!

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I have never played this game. Can you tell what it is about? It is similar to call of duty?. It is great that your son got a copy, they are difficult to find. It is a PC game or I can play it on my Nintendo too?. For what I read is an addictive game. It makes me wonder if I should buy it or Can download online?.

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I haven't really heard about this game or even player it but it seems interesting from your explanation and I think I would be considering getting it for my little cousin Jim.

He loves games like myself but I am more of a football game lover, but let's see how Overwatch looks like. I just hopes it is fun as you said.

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I want to try it but so far I have only read about it. I love that there are many characters and each of them is very different. It really shows the creativity of the people who made them and it makes the whole game very original.

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I have kind of loved the graphics and the overall plot of the game. It has some serious different level of graphics. Also the game play can turn out to be intense. So it's not going to be easy to play some games such as those. Overwatch is a good game worth playing for sure. I think everyone should give it a try once.

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Overwatch can be addictive just like other good games.I like the gameplay it can keep on the edge which is one of the things I love about games.It can really be fun playing with friends.I love the graphics as well.

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True. I remember overwatch and borderlands being one of those busy games. And they kind of made things a bit better for me in past. I'd definitely keep in touch with those games for same reasons. I find them really good.

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It is true that overwatch is addictive. When the time I have this game, I spent most of my day playing it. It is so cool and amazing and also I like the gameplay of overwatch. I also started not attending my class just to play this game. But I am blessed that I can control it when the time I see my grades. It is low like I don't want to go to school. So I stop playing overwatch and I focused on my studies.

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