
How many of you using SSD in your computer?

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How many of you using SSD in your computer?

Now a days many prefer to use SSD in their computer for getting the benefit of performance upgrade in both new and old computers. Before using SSD my system used to hang many times while doing heavy work. But after upgrading rarely it get hanged. I'm using normal SATA SSD. Haven't tried m.2 SSD as my system won't support it. But in my next system I'll go for m.2 SSD. If you have used latest m.2 SSD with better performance, share your experience with us.


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I am using one. It's a Samsung 830 256gb SSD. It's been a while since I got this one. This was a steal deal back then and I am glad that I bought this. In my experience with this, it really helped a lot specially when you want to get things done fast. What I did was, I put all my mostly used softwares installed on the SSD, including my operating system. So whenever I use those softwares and apps, they would just open right away instead of waiting for a couple of seconds or minutes when I have them installed on the HDD. Also, the OS boots really fast. My fastest record I think was 8 seconds? I'm using a mid-range gaming pc.

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I'm using a Samsung 256 GB SSD. I find it really great as it allows my PC to have great bootup time. I usually install software which I often use on this SSD as the launching times is much faster as compared to the normal HDD. I am considering getting another SSD to have more capacity. However, it depends on whether there is sales offer for the SSD model which I prefer.

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Seriously, I had a small knowledge of computer hardware, but I have no idea what my computer compose with, as long as, it would work. All I know was, if I upgrade some of my computer hardware such as, memory, hardisk, SATA wires, and video card, with high performance, and if it works, it will be okay for me.

I don't have a problem, regarding replacing some old components of computer. Whenever, I don't know what to do, I simply ask my brother what is the compatible components of inside, when I buy something to upgrade.

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I really want SSD to speed up my computer because it's getting slower now , my problem is the budget for it. I am still using SATA now, and as long as it keeps working for me, I think I will stick to it. I am planning upgrading soon after I finish my studies. My computer components are old but it is still reliable. Hopefully I can buy new components sooner.

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Haven't use one as I don't have my very own laptop and PC but I'll definitely look for units with SSD integrated on the system once I have enough funds to bought one. I'll definitely need one as I have lots of work online and I'll be needing a faster peripheral in the future.

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Okay just learned another thing I will meet my technician for this, I have a hanging PC in my hands and I become helpless on what to do.Seriously I'm happy for seeing this.Will be upgrading mine now and hope it will correct this fault.

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I don't use a SSD I have a regular hard drive and my computer is plenty fast the websites load in 2 seconds or less and it boots up in about 10 seconds. I cant see how much faster a SSD is going to make the computer. If a SSD wasn't so expensive I might consider it , but I am not about to pay $300+ for a 1tb hard drive.

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I'm looking for an SSD specific post. can you share? mapquest directions

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I think most of us use SSDs on our computers. I also had big problems with the old SSD. I don't remember the exact model, but it was a Kingston SSD. Well, I did not have the best experience with this SSD. I had a lot of information stored on that SSD, and at one point, it crashed, and I lost all the information. Thank God I found a company that deals with hard drive data recovery and has recovered all my lost information. Now I'm paying attention to the SSD I'm using. I use Samsung 970 Pro SSD, and I am satisfied.

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