
Do you have artefacts in your garden?

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Do you have artefacts in your garden?

Do you have artefacts in your garden?One cannot have flowers throughout the year. In order for a garden to look attractive throwing in some artefacts here and there would be a good idea. There are several ideas, including painted roots, pots, statues, rocks and pedestal or rock lights. Garden paths with colourful gravel is yet another idea.

What artefacts do you have?


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My mother designed her garden very unique to other common gardens and I admit that she has the talent of being creative lol. Starting the garden with white pebbles and stones we get from mountain 3 hours from our home. Then surrounded with old pots and statue of dwarf smiling in front of the gate. Running water with different directions with forest sounds adds a unique touch to it. The feeling of relaxation and peace of mind is the only thing I can feel every time I stop by and have coffee in my mothers garden.

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I wish many thought the way your mother and I do. It is not just seasonal flowers but bringing in nature they way we see is how a gardeners should go about planning their garden. Those permanent structures take care of the look of a garden even when flowers do not bloom.

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We have hard-packed clay for soil here, and a lot of trees; so between the hard dirt and the tree roots, it is almost impossible to dig a regular garden and plant things. We do have a few rose bushes and blueberries that come back each year; but for the annual plants and flowers, I have to put them in a container and grow them in potting soil. Even then, it is hard to find a place that gets enough sunshine because there are so many huge trees all around us.
I also have an Aerogarden that I can use to grow plants inside the house. right now, it is cold enough that I have brought the pepper plants and basil inside, and I am going to plant the Aerogarden with some other herbs as well. The ight from the Aerogarden should help the pepper plants and basil to keep growing, too.

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With that dense growth of trees all around you it is difficult to grow seasonal flowers. May be you can try to grow orchids on those trees and also a few African Violets on window sills. That must be a beautiful setting that you have there.

Do you have artefacts in your garden?

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Well, I sadly, don't have a garden myself because I live in a flat but my aunt has a very large and a beautiful garden. It doesn't only have flowers but also fruit trees, vegetables and more. She uses artifacts to improve the way garden looks just like you do. She often goes shopping to see if they've put out anything new that she might use for her garden.

My favorite are these cute little stone statued bunnies. She has three. They are sort of a like a family - two bigger bunnies and one small. Then she also has a fountain that is completely functional and amazing in the summer days. It's very convenient to freshen yourself up Do you have artefacts in your garden?

So, I definitely agree that garden artifacts are amazing because they give this whole new ''vibe'' to the garden and it lets you be very creative.

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How a garden is designed reflects the personality of the gardener.

The image below has ivy clinging on the pot which I let it grow. Ivy is an invader and left alone it can invade the whole garden. I quite like the effect.
When it comes to artefacts, sky is the limit. Do you have artefacts in your garden?

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That's one nice Artefact! I like how the ivy makes itself as a design and it gives a unique touch to it. But is it me or I imagining something about this. I feel like when the night comes, there's a creature that will show up and scare anyone who comes near. I imagine it like in the movie "The Ring." XD

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I find it quite beautiful when a garden has tasteful pottery and decoration, but for the most part I don't have much in terms of man-made decoration in my garden. We leave most of the work to nature. I use the space in my garden as more of an area for growing food to eat as opposed to a place to grow flowers and decorate. My garden is focused more on growing crops, but it isn't to say that they aren't beautiful in their own way. Perhaps one day I'll have more room and I'll be able to focus on the aesthetics of gardening too.

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The only thing I grow is fruits. Simply cannot get round growing vegetables although we had some success a few years ago when we had just started living here.
It must be thrilling to harvest what you grow. Being in nature is a great way to spend one's life.
Do you have your own compost?

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This summer, since we've moved into a new, my garden has become my passion! I've always dreamt of having a beautiful garden, a secret hide away place from the business of life and world, and such a garden wouldn't be complete without having more than just flowers. I am ultimately aiming for a lovely English cottage style garden, filled with many different types of plants and flowers, along with many little treasures and gems. It's the artifacts that truly make a garden unique and special! I've worked on filling mine with a variety of hand made, thrift store found, and repurposed treasures. A cute little figurine of a frog doing a yoga pose sits near the hammock under the choke cherry trees. Three brightly clad garden gnome statues are busy amongst a row of flowers. One corner of the yard is filled an entire fairy village made of various objects that include a stick house with a penny roof or repurposed orange juice bottles with decorate stone. Another corner of the yard is truly my secret English garden, complete with decorative China plates hanging on the fence. It's all these little artifacts that tell the story and my garden wouldn't be complete without them.

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That's really awesome to hear! I am glad that you are enjoying your garden. Do you have artefacts in your garden? By the sound of it, sure looks like a beautiful one. Could share it with us in the future? Maybe a sneak peak or a full one. That'd be great! Do you have artefacts in your garden?

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I would have loved to see your garden as reading through your response and the spread you have of so many artifacts atleast a picture would satisfy me. As they say a picture is worth a thousand words.

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More than having them in a garden the search for such treasures is a great experience. And then comes planning and deciding where to place them. Hope you will succeed in your search for what you are looking for specially that frog doing a yoga pose.

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My aunt takes care of our garden as she has a passion for gardening. She especially loves to use nice pots to grow her plants in. We have a chinese porcelain garden table placed outside next to the garden. Sometimes, I just sit there with a cup of tea and enjoy the greenery. Other than that, we do use some tiles, bricks with patterns to lay and make the garden more interesting.

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It is not possible to get the colour only with flowers as there are times when the garden can look bare even though if there are perennials as they too have their seasons and that is why adding a few artifacts will have a garden looking its best at all times.

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Unfortunately, I don't have a garden, and neither my parents. However, they have some small space on the second floor, like a balcony, where they have some flowers. My Dad loves his roses, and sunflowers, and he put those things that move with the air, like some kind of paper fans. He also planted them on very bright color pots, so they look amazing up there, full of live and color. He also decorates them on holidays like Christmas, he even add some light bulbs, they really look pretty.

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Nice idea to have such fliers and colourful too. They do not need any maintenance and when there are no flowers these fliers will add the colour and that place will not look bare.

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Cool, am not a gardener, but when i be living in my new apartments, i will have a garden. and this artefacts is surely a nice sight to behold by looking at it and it's very beautiful. Does it come with different species and is it rare or alien to some environment or weather conditions?.

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What you see in that photo are plants and a painted pot. That pot serves as an artifact in that group. I have others too all over the garden. I also have a statue above our birdbath.
Do you have artefacts in your garden?

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My mom only grew fruits to our garden so we don't have anything that can be considered as an artifact. I think it's a waste of money, however, it looks cool to have one of the artifacts on your garden.

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Why do you say it is waste of money? A flower garden is supposed to add decor and adding artifacts will enhance the decor. One does not have to go for expensive items even a painted pot as you see in the photo is good enough.

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I do not have a full blown garden right now where I am living, but if I did, I definitely would pepper and inhabit it with a few artifacts here and there. Of course the natural flora of the garden is its inherent beauty, but if one is tasteful, I think that it is cool to put a few statues or objects in the garden to accent it. I always like having bird fountains or bird feeders in a garden as well to encourage hummingbirds and other avians to demonstrate their natural beauty in my garden as well.

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.We have a birdbath that attracts several birds of different species. It is a joy to watch them frolic and have fun. My camera is always handy when they are in that mood. Here is a video clip that has a few of those moments.

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We don't have any artefacts in our garden although I'm always wanted to have some sort of a mini fountain. We just haven't had the time to properly put some stuff in our garden yet. It would be nice to have a lot of beautiful flowers around the garden as well but we just don't have the time to water all the plants and look after them. More than likely, if we started to grow some plants, they would die after a few weeks due to us forgetting to look after them Do you have artefacts in your garden?

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That is indeed sad. As for me I forego everything to keep our garden alive and we have a huge garden that needs maintenance. No doubt we have help but that is not enough.
We also have a waterfall. The sound of the waterfall is quite soothing.

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I love also to put some old things to make like art. I don't put usually an artifact, for the purpose it might be destroyed or broken, in
unwanted way. My mother usually add up things to make so beautiful, her
combination were green and red flowers. Our dogs often destroy our
garden just to play around, in our part was so frustrated. They even
destroyed an artifact came from china and that's why we don't put
things, in our garden.

What I have in our garden:
1.bermuda grass
2. roses or red flowers
3. sunflower

I put them at the back of our house, but my mother recommend them in front of our house.

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We have a pet and this little one only walks on footpaths. We have not trainer her as such. Probably she has seen us walking. She is a well behaved dog a perfect lady.
Red and green are great combinations and your mother has art in her.

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Yes because my grandpa lives at a house in the mountains that is owned by me and I live there in the summer as well so he decorates the garden really well and takes care of the flowers every day. Although he is not the nicest person ever, i still think that he is a good person for taking care of the garden.
So yes I do have artefacts in my garden and they're beautiful as well.

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How sad you do not have find your grandpa to be the nicest person (lol) Garden lovers are normally nice people and I am one of them.
Atleast when you visit that place you have a nice garden but not a nice grandpa.

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It looks like all the gardens here were owned by out mothers. Haha. Anyway, mom's garden is a jungle. She wants all the plants and flowers tucked together so sometimes it would be really hard to go through it. Since we are living in a tropical country, our plants are pretty wild.

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You can ask your mother to set up some paths for easy walking. I too have too many plants and trees but have paths to walk all over the place. Paths do add decor to a garden and mine are with gravel. Do you have artefacts in your garden?

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There are many amazing ideas that make a garden look more beautiful and attractive. Even simple artifacts could enhance a world-class home garden design. In her garden, my mom has old jar collection and some big old drifting woods surrounded with her precious orchids, ornamental plants, and flowers.

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A garden reflects the personality of the gardener and that decides on the kind of artifacts that go into gardens. Then there is the maintenance element The simpler the artifacts easier is their maintenance. Also one needs to take the cost factor into consideration.

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I am not into this stuffs but this is my mom's hobbies. She has a lot of in our front yard, a lot trees, plants, fruits. My front yard is quite small but she still managed to have these a lot of beautiful artifacts. She is a house wife so she don't have anything to do that's why our garden is always took care of my mom.

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Someone just commented there being several moms gardens in this thread and yours gets added there (lol) Please give her credit even though she is house bound maintaining a truly manicured garden is not easy.

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My mom used pebbles and great looking stones to design our garden. She gets angry if someone tries to place the stones to different positions.

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Pebbles and boulders can really enhance the look of a garden greatly. I quite understand your mother's frustration when her pebbles arrangement is disturbed She must be having some kind of meaning in what she does and surely disturbing that will surely ruffle her feathers.

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I do not have any artifacts in my garden, I like that my garden to be simple but nice. My plants are looking good, and I want that people who visit me to see the flowers and admire them not a small statue or an old artifact.
Besides, my yard is very small and I don't think there is room for a statue or any big old pot.

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Even the smallest garden can take an artifact. Artifacts make up for the time when there are no flowers in the garden and that happens many a time. Artifacts do give a garden a professional look. I am a landscaped garden designer and all my clients demanded that I place something in their garden.

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I do not really have much artifacts in my garden except for some pots. The beauties of my garden are mainly the beautiful flowers, the trees and the birds who come to visit my garden every now and then. I am not really interested in artifacts. My main interest is about growing flowers in my garden. I really love summer as this is the time of the year that the beautiful flowers start blooming.

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For your birds to stay on longer it would be good if you had a bird bath if you are not having one already. They need water to drink and also to forolic. I have a birdbath and it is a joy to watch them. That is one reason why they stay longer in our garden.

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The beauty of a garden is given only by plants and flowers that lives on it. Then, I visited one that really caught my attention and it gave me the idea that garden must also contain other things than plants and flowers. From that point, I started putting some more decorations on my garden and this is some artifacts. I buy pots that are really beautiful and ancient looking but not really antique. I put a mini fountain decoration that is built from rocks that are imported from neighboring towns. It's not really expensive if you know how to take efficiency measures.

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You surely have ideas on how to enhance the look of your garden. It is not everyday that flowers bloom. There is always a time when there is a bare look and it is at that time these artifacts make the garden look presentable.

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A garden is meant to be beautifying in all ramifications, and it's a known fact that sometimes a garden doesn't remain green forever, so as a result of this singular situation, gardens must be upgraded with artefacts to always make it look appealing, eye catchy and irresistibly good.

Just as you have pointed earlier, painted pots are a very good example of that does a very good job in a garden decoration. The mixture of colors in the pot together with that of the flowers in the garden makes it look exquisite and lovely to passers-by.

Some trees carved up, moulded structures are also a good artefacts that would accompany garden flowers in making the garden look good. If one happens to get a good artist and a sculptor, both could combine effectively in upgrading to beauty of a garden by working on the artefacts used in the garden.

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Some dead trees leave behind artistic curves and if they are treated and preserved they could be great ornaments for a garden. The Japanese art of gardening uses a lot of these. They also use rocks and pebbles. They have what are called dry gardens with no flowers at all.

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Well, we do want to have some artifacts for our garden but sadly there is not enough space because my mom just made like a mini garden on our little rooftop. But I remember she said that she want to put some like a little vase and some other artifacts if she had a space and time to decorate our garden.

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You can create a pedestal there and keep anything that you fancy. One should always use space above the ground level where sky is the limit. With a bit of imagination you can create an attractive garden.

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I have a giant round flower pot in the garden plus big and small grey pebbles in the garden. It was supposed to make "88" in the middle but the cat poop and the constant rain had destroyed the "88" that looks like "00" instead. Furthermore, the weeds are growing among the pebbles, very hard to maintain cleanliness.

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I personally design my pots, i love out of this world pots... it makes my plant authentic and captivating. Although it takes a lot of time to make, the end results always satisfies me. There are times that people go for a better look at my pots. I also have some good feedback's from friends and family. Which encourages me to make more. Here's on of my work.

Do you have artefacts in your garden?

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No! I don't have artifacts in my garden. What I only have are flowers. I like flower gardening. Its so nice to see everyday. I'm so happy seeing my flowers blooming. I water them everyday.

I believe that gardening can help us a lot. The oxygen that those plants gives to us is already a good thing. I believe I got this love for flowers from my mother. My mother even sells her flowers so that we will have food to eat. But then she grow flowers again to replace what she has sold.

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Well, I love gardening and it is one of my favorite hobbies. I think that placing artifacts in your garden is a great idea and it looks very beautiful in the pots and the greenery around. In my case, however, I don't have enough space to occupy any such artifact in my small garden. Already my garden is overcrowded with flowers, vegetables, and herbs etc. However, I would definitely be trying to accommodate something in the near future that is small and does not take a lot of space in my garden.

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Our Garden for past 2 years is more of a piece of art at the moment. My wife is decorator and has some experience. She did a lot of attention on flowers and lights. Plus added from her own some stuff. I’m also in to it, but did mostly path and wooden floor like a platform for everything to be on same height. <!--td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;}Guides4homeowners is our mentor as many advices and ideas are from there. They have a lot of interesting articles to read, learn and to realize. We had great experience. Finished all the hard work in 6 weeks plus minus because of lack of time. But at the end we are happy because we can chill together in a pleasant atmosphere.

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Thanks for the information, I also like when the garden looks beautiful and the most I like the garden of my mother because she spends a lot of time taking care of it and it's very beautiful. She is using a lot of tools and almost all of them are already old or broken so some time ago I decide to buy her garden shears so that it will be easier for her to cut the thick branches or bushes. I bought them for only 30 dollars and even if they aren't expensive she likes them very much because they are sharp and very comfortable. And after buying her new tools she started to work more in the garden and now it's more beautiful than before.

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Yeah, I have, but those do not define my garden.

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I notice that an artefact is mostly regarded as the nicest thing in the garden, but the reality is slightly different. For example, my yard has no artefacts at all, but a firm like will have a lot of work to do in it. That's because, while I don't have any artefacts, I do have other plants that require more maintenance than those. You wouldn't believe how much a little bush can give you a problem. So, even without artefacts, having a garden is exciting.

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I notice that an artefact is mostly regarded as the nicest thing in the garden, but the reality is slightly different. For example, my yard has no artefacts at all, but a firm like will have a lot of work to do in it. That's because, while I don't have any artefacts, I do have other plants that require more maintenance than those. You wouldn't believe how much a little bush can give you a problem. So, even without artefacts, having a garden is exciting.

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