
No Mildew On Your Plants

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No Mildew On Your Plants

Have you ever had problems with mildew and temperature control on your plants? How did you take care of this problem?
My view is that mildew being a fungus growth, its seeds or spored are ever present in the atmosphere; and when a relaxed condition of the plant ensues, the minute germs find a suitable place for their development in the enfeebled leaf. Therefore I believe that anything that impedes the flow of the sap places the plant in the condition fitted to develop mildew. All care should be taken to avoid great variation of temperature. I know you may not have control over mother nature, and her ever changing temperatures, but evenly moist soil will also keep plants from becoming relaxed and or wilted with mildew.


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Mildew is a common problem specially when there is less sun and more moisture in the air. There are fungicides available in the market which could be sprayed on the leaves as per given instructions. If the mildew is on vegetable plants then the vegetables should be harvested only after 8 or more days after the spray.

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Wow thats a nice thought and I guess we will still have a way to prevent the mildew in our plants.

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To avoid mildew in the first place plants should have enough sun. Over watering also causes mildew on plants. As they say prevention is better than cure.

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Now I know. Your insight has been very helpful. Thanks for sharing. I'll see how it makes a difference on my garden plants.

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I have resolved this problem in one way...I posted all my plants in just one room, there is only one temperature and it does not vary at all. The only disadvantage is that there is less light than the rest of the house but until now this had no negative effects on my plants.

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Wow... This is such a simple idea that sometimes can be totally ignored by a lot of people (and here I include myself, haha). I think the only disadvantage would be for those people who would like to have many plants but don't have much space (and here I don't include myself, haha).

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Flowering plants need the required amount of sun to produce flowers unless what you have kept in that room are indoor foliage plants. I have not quite followed how fungus can be avoided by keeping all plants in one place.

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Yea, mildew occur when there's much moisture in the deal with it try to remove the affected leaves, so as to be affected by the other leaves.Then if it still persists you could you could purchase fungi spray from a pest control store to spray on the leaves.

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Thank you for the suggestion that you gave for it is one that I'll try to check out and see how I can that to remove mildew from plants.

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You cant prevent the occurance of mildew but there are steps to prevent that. Just try to cut the affected leaves so that other parts will not be affected and try to spray some pest spray to prevent mildew.

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I never knew that cutting them won't affect the growth of the plant. Since I know, I'll try to take that into consideration when checking our garden.

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Mildew is a common problem the only thing we do to keep our plants fresh is to water them everyday and try to fix the soil composition so that there will be air coming in below the roots if it reaches. And sometimes this problem can be overlook and that's the hard thing about mildew we cannot really stop if mother nature is doing something we can still hope that it will not get worse.

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It's true that mildew is a fungal disease that affects a wide range of plants. It is a common problem in plants especially in my plants. So for the treatment of mildew, I remove all the infected plant parts and destroy them. Then I also spray it with an effective fungicides that will easily remove mildew. You can search in the internet about that.

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Mildew is a problem that can occur inside a home, outdoors and on any surface that has been exposed to moisture. It is really problem in plants we also have plants and we also encounter that problem. My mother water plants every morning watering in the morning allows the water to evaporate off of leaves before evening, keeping the plant dry for a longer period. Remove any weeds that come in close contact with your plants since they can also carry fungal disease. Create a mildew spray. Combine 1 gallon of water, 1 tbsp. of dish washing liquid, 1 tbsp. of baking soda and 1 tbsp. of vegetable oil in a spray bottle. Spray the tops and undersides of all leaves with the mixture once per week to prevent further spread of mildew. My mother always does that and it really helps.

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Wow I did't thought that it can be avoided by placing the plants in one room or by just spraying plants with home made mildew spray. Can I omit the dish washing liquid on your list? I think it's not right to include it because it will hurt the plants because of its chemicals or maybe I'll just add 1 drop every other time I'll make a bottle of this spray. I'm intrigued by how this mixture really can prevent it. Thanks for this tip, I will try to do this once a week.

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This is one of the common problem when plants is exposed to moisture and is also caused by fungal disease. It is important to remove those those affected leaves so the fungal disease wont spread to the other leaves. Dirty tools can also spread it so make sure to regularly clean your tools. Do not over water your plants for it can form bacteria that sooner can cause powdery mildew to the plants.

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Honestly, I'm not a good plant keeper, but my dad really knows how to keep a whole garden. We live in a tropical place where moisture is a common thing, so usually you can find mildew on plants. He makes a mix of baking soda, water and white vinegar, and he use to spray the plants with it. Not like directly, but mostly like in a very fine sprinkle. Also, he gets some products to prepare the soil and anti fungus stuff. He does all these treatments at night, to prevent the sun to burn the chemicals.

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Strange, I've actually never had this issue with any of my houseplants. I'm relatively new to owning houseplants as I've only just recently started living on my own, but they all seem to be doing fine with some simple care. I just water them, give them some fertilizer after a while to keep them healthy, and they've all been prospering. For now I haven't noticed any mildew and such. However, I have another problem and that is trying to get my cat to stop knocking them over. The little jerk.

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The cat part made me laugh. LOL. You are lucky that you have not encounter this kind of problems on plants. I bet you are really good on taking care of your plants.
I think this case has something to do with changes in temperatures, too. Sometimes they can also occur due to the wrong way of watering the plants.

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Haha, I'm glad I could give a good chuckle. I don't know if I'm all that good at taking care of them, since I just give them the basics, but I think a lot of it is thanks to my environment. I live in a temperate area so I don't have to deal with a lot of heat or humidity that might cause problems for certain plants. It gets kind of bad over the Summer sometimes, but nowhere near as bad as it would be somewhere with a more tropical climate.

As for my cat, another funny story. I put some decorative rocks in my potted plants so that it would look nicer. One day I come home to find that my cat has picked out every single rock and hid them all somewhere. She's either a real jerk or just so bored she tries to entertain herself by causing me trouble.

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LOL, they are really playful sometimes, and it looks like she loves to do it more on your plants. haha

Anyways, you are right, the temperature has a lot to do with the plants. Here in my place the weather gets so hot sometimes and plants are always in trouble especially during summer.

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I think that this is a common problem and I have seen this on some plants in my garden. I wanted to try some homemade remedies at first to get rid of this problem. The first thing that I tried using was a solution made out of baking soda and baby shampoo. I found this on the internet but unfortunately it didn't work for me. I then asked advice from a friend and he advised me to use copper fungicide which worked wonders. However one must take great care when using fungicide as the soil can become toxic due to it.

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Yeah, this your last sentence, should be taken into book. I have worked with my uncle on his farm at some time and I discovered that wrong use of fungicide can damage both the soil and the crop. I strongly recommend the guidance or tutor of an expert before making use of some fungicide.

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Well, both my mother and aunt are quite big fans of gardening and plants in general and I do believe that there's the so called mildew spray that you mix together which should help you manage the mildew on various plants. I am not sure about all of the ingredients but I know that it involves water, baking soda, and oil or something similar. If anybody struggles with it, give it a try No Mildew On Your Plants

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Plants also needs care as much as we do as humans. We also need a little sun to take in Vit. D to improve our immune system. Plants also needs the sun and shade to make food for themselves. The well maintained moist soil is also essential in its growth.

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Mildew on plants and how to remove them depends on the type of plant you have. In most cases, you can resolve this issue by improving the air circulation within the plants. Sometimes or most of the times, crowded plants tend to be the best nesting ground for mildews. To do this improving of air circulation, you can try to thin the plant down by removing some of the leaves. Also, when you water them, don't water them on top of the plant. Instead, just water them at their base. Look for an organic fungicide. I have a succulent that has white powdery mildew on, and I tried using baking soda on it. I just carefully cleaned and wiped their precious leaves one by one, and then try to coat it with baking soda and some horticultural oil. Hoping that this will work and hep my succulents survive the threat. They are not harmful to us and to the environment because they are safe to use. Hope this helps.

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Hmm. here to learn from the pros though.
But having your soil evenly moist, i think it has little or no effect on some plants, provided mildew usually thrive in moist soils, so I think it depends on the circulation of air on the plants which should be also supported by having your soil evenly moist also. And if it doesn't work you might try out the artificial way, through fungicide.

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I think it depends on the place. When the air is kind of dry there should be no mildew but you have to remember to water the plants often. If the air is more humid the plants will feel better but mildew might occur so you have to control the situation.

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Apart from writing and internet marketing, I also farm cereal and vegetables. I am a hobbyist farmer. As a farmer, I experience mildew a lot of time, especially during the winter when the sun is covered with fog or the clouds. Sun is also not visible in the rainy season when rain clouds hide the sun, however, rainy season is very favorable for the plants and I don't see mildew during the rainy season. In order to control mildew on my vegetables, I sprinkle warm ashes over my plants (not very warm though). On my cereal using ashes is not possible, therefore, I use chemicals to increase the temperature in the plants.

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I have experienced that many times on my cucumber and squash plants and I felt so sad because it's well taken care of. It didn't survive in my first and second attempt but after a lot of trials and patience, fortunately, it becomes successful. I tell you it's not easy and it's hard to predict nature and so your plants. But that's how I love gardening, every day you learn and when you grow your plants successfully it's a rewarding feeling. Anyhow, I used baking soda mixed with water and spray it on the leaves, or remove the infected leaves and burn them. Also, try to mix them with lots of different kinds of plants, sounds weird right? but every plant has their unique way how to protect themselves from any nuisance. Putting lots of various plants in your garden will help to confuse the pest. Mulch and feed them with nutrients it will keep your plants to survive with any disease also.

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Plant care is really important, especially if you live in a country which goes from extremely hot to extremely cold weather. With mildew, you need to keep on top of things and stick to a plant care routine.

I've seen people in our area that keep plants, frequently wipe their plants in the morning, or after the rains to get rid of the moisture.

Sometimes mildew is unavoidable. The best thing you can do is get rid of it once you notice it. Stop it from growing into a colony. It's more stubborn for wall plants

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I don't really take care of my plants that much, someone else always does it so I don't really have to worry about things like Mildew. So I'm not sure what I could suggest but I did find a good article where it had a lot of good tips to help prevent mildew on your plants. You can find it here:

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We had a garden then that we always water during the hot temperature to ensure that it does not suffer those type of temperature issues. We even made a drainage that constantly supplies water to that channel during the dry season in Nigeria.

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Yes, mildew can be a big problem if proper attention is not given to the plants in your garden. The sprays which are available in the nurseries to fight mildew can be effective but often are very strong and can cause problems if not sprayed according to the instructions. I think people have a habit of watering there plants more frequently which is not very necessary. overwatering the plants is one of the most common reasons for the spread of mildew.

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Well Mildew is a common thing, especially in places where there's not a lot of sun and lots of water (rains). Myself I live in such place. I suppose one of the best solutions would be building a greenhouse? I might be wrong though.

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Most often, mold appears due to high humidity, so if you eliminate this problem, you will be able to get rid of mold. Besides, you can order the services of a mold removal service and they will help you cope with this. I had a problem with mold in the bathroom and I couldn't cope with it for a long time, and then I realized that my exhaust fan broke so mold appeared because of high humidity. You probably know that fan removes moisture from the air after a bath or shower and it works to prevent mold and mildew. Also, fans help to control and eliminate bathroom odors therefore, it should be installed in every bathroom. If you want to know more about it, you can read an article about the best exhaust fans, perhaps some of you will find this useful. For example, I learned something new after reading this article.

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