
To the Past or To the Future?

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To the Past or To the Future?

If you where given a chance to go back or forward in time, would you choose going back to the past or going forward to the future?


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If I can time travel, I would rather go to the future than the past. No one knows what the future may hold. Apparently, we tend to look back at our younger selves having this feeling of regret and badly wanting to pass on the wisdom to our past selves as we age. We might even wish to travel back in time to rewind or to have a take two in life. In direct contrast, I'll be travelling to the future with hopes that a smile will appear on my future self's face when she look back and remember who she was. A smile brought by a genuine happiness because everything that has happened to her, resulted in a person she was fated to become.

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I'll definitely pick going forward in time to the future because it's exciting and awesome to explore, being in the future I would see new technologies and I can also access all the lottery winning numbers and all the recorded outcome of all sports matches to bring back to my time lol, I can get rich quick.

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The popular saying that the future is bright is something that I always look at when we talk of the past and the future. The future is still filled with big ideas and goals of things to achieve and deserves to be explored.

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Well, i also thought of the winning lottery ticket thing. Your right, if we can go to the future and back to the past we would be the riches man alive. And with all the knowledge and information, probably the smartest.

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Haha, look at you trying to screw with the future and get rich off it Lol. I'm sure it's why such power isn't make available for us human beings because we can go to any extent to exploit it beyond imagination. But the question is who wouldn't want to be rich if given the opportunity to know how to go about it? Personally, I would do more than just know the lottery numbers.

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Looking forward to the future and being given a chance to be able to know about it is both amazing and frightening. We don't know what lies ahead, and if ever we knew, we would have to be brave and take a choice whether to change it or not. We would be in a hard situation in choosing whether to do something about it or just go with the flow.

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To the past. It will be a big opportunity for us if it is only possible. Thus, I'll be able to fix the wrong decisions I had before.
Another thing, I want to go back to the times where social media isn't as important as it is right now. Like, we were happy and contented even without internet. People won't worry about what to post on social media just for the show off.
I'd like to go back to the times when people are hanging out together with genuine happiness. Not like today that people are hanging out just for the sake of selfies and instashots. LOL

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That's interesting, honestly i forgot about life without internet and how simple life back then. Yeah, i think it would be nice to go back on those years where socializing is getting out and talking to physical persons.

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Going back to the past with what you have experience right now would definitely change everything. You'll be more wiser in making decisions because you already know what would happen. But going back to the past without the memory of the present, there's a possibility that you'll make the same mistake again.

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That is why I said it will be a big opportunity for us if it is possible, means ofcourse we have the memory of the present.
If that's included in the topic, then I'd rather choose the future. It makes no sense in going back to the past to make everything right, when you know you won't have the memories with you when you go back. Then what are the things to make right when you don't remember anything. To the Past or To the Future?

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I think doing that would be some kind of a movie. We should all accept our past and learn from that. We all want to be wiser in our past decisions but we could fixed that in the future. We should live our life and not regret a thing in our life. Everything that happened was a lesson and we are what we are today because of that. Live in the future not in the past.

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Making mistakes is part of our life's journey. And there are things that no matter how sure we are today in our decision, in the end we still regret it because as the time is passing by things are also changing. Just like choosing who's going to be our partner in life or starting a business that we thought is the right one for us.

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I agree. But the topic is that if we are the given the chance.
So why not grab it to make everything right? Anyway, it's just my opinion, and the topic is nowhere to become possible.

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I agree with you. I want to go back to the past, when I live a simple yet happy life. I miss those times. I miss being happy with simple things. If I can just go back in time.

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My life has always been about more ahead. I mean that there is no need for us to focus on the past when we can have amazing future ahead of us. Yeah, there are times that we might wish to go back so as to correct lots of mistakes, but it doesn't mean that this is the way that it should be as life is all about the future amd great things that we can end up achieving.

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My father always told me that in life, one should set himself or herself up to make one step backwards and make 3 steps ahead. The reason why he was of this opinion is that we still need to look at our past but we need to focus more on the future. One step back and three steps front.

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A really hard question. It's very deep and requires quite a bit of thought. There are many things I would change in my life now that I know what I know now. For example my chosen career was a total waste of time. I would chose a more generic career like business administration and management. I would make better choices in friends and in romantic relationships. However I choose the future, I've learned enough and I can only do better.

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I would picked future over the past. Past definitely helped us to learn some lessons in life. The lessons we learn is a big part of what we are in the current time. But I still choose the future because you can control it. You cannot control the past because it already happened. You can create your future but you cannot create your past. Future is also a way to change mistakes in the past.

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I'd rather go to the future, because I already know what has happened to me despite my supposed mistakes in the past, so going back and trying to change them may only cause a lot of changes for the worse in my current timeline, whereas going to the future can help me make a decision whether to do the things I did or not in the present in order to achieve or prevent the future I saw.

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" going back and trying to change them may only cause a lot of changes for the worse in my current timeline..."

I'm glad that you came to this realization. It took me quite a while to come to it myself. We always regret the mistakes we make, but the truth is we might actually be worse off if we hadn't made them.

It reminds me of this story, about a king's personal doctor. To make a long story short, any time the doctor mended the king's wounds, the king would ask if it would turn out well, and the doctor always replied, "Good? Bad? Who knows?"

Well one time the king had to have his finger amputated due to an infection, so he sent the doctor to jail for failing his job. The king went out on a hunt, and was captured by savages who wanted to sacrifice him. Seeing he was missing a finger, they let him go because an imperfect sacrifice wouldn't do for their god.

He later went back and thanked the doctor, and the doctor thanked the king for throwing him in jail, because if he went with him on that hunt, the doctor would have been captured and sacrificed.

The point being: losing a finger, getting thrown in jail, both supposedly negative things turned out to be good. "Good? Bad? Who knows?"

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Definitely, in fact, you can even argue that even if you had the power to go to the past or the future, both instances can only cause uncertainty because you don't really know for sure if changing something in the present will result to something good or bad in the future.

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These things are pretty relative.
You reminded me of the book 11/22/63 Stephen King's masterpiece. It's about Jake, a time traveler who tried to go back in time and stop the assassination of the president John F. Kennedy because he thought by doing this, he will benefit humanity. He succeeds in that. He prevents the president's assassination but, when he returned to the present -expecting to find a perfect world- he found the complete opposite has happened with natural disasters occurring everywhere and nuclear war has destroyed the world. So he goes back to the past and allows the assassination to happen again...

As king said:
Not good to fool with Father Time.

Everything happens for a good reason.

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I've never read the book by Stephen King, but I think it's a trope that has been used time and time again throughout both literature, television, and cinema. I recall watching a lot of cartoons as a kid where the main protagonist would go back in time in order to prevent something bad from happening, only to have it backfire because when they got to the future, everything was much, much worse.

It's good that it's such a common trope, because it teaches people that regretting the past is pointless and that sometimes the mistakes we make have made us better people for them.

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Yeah, it's best to not change anything in the past if you have the power to do so because you truly never know how a simple action can affect the present even worse than the original situation that you were in.

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I agree,if we will go to our past and try to change anything we might be causing more changes that we don't want. We might end up ruining our lives in the present. Whatever happens in the past must be left alone. Besides our mistakes teaches us lessons so why change it.

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I'd rather go to the future. Even though I've committed lots of mistake in the past, I don't want to change anything. All those mistakes honed me to be who I am today. I'd rather take a peek on what will be me in the future. I want to see what will be the fruits of my hardwork today.

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If we don't make mistakes, there is no way for us to learn and become a better person. So, personally I don't see my mistakes as something to be too ashamed of because it's not. It's more like a lesson session for me as it helps me acquire knowledge and wisdom on how to be better in life in future. So, I would definitely not want to go back to the past to rid myself of my old mistakes.

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Your thoughts are so good. We share same thoughts not change anything in the past cause it teaches us life lessons. We are what we are now because of our past. Whatever struggles or mistakes we have undergone in the past, I will not change it. But there is actually one thing that I wanted to do in the past, it is to see my mother who died in my childhood years. I never had the chance to say that I love her so much. But I think that she already knew that. I just miss her so much that I wanted to see her just one more time.
And taking a peek to the future will be great too. We will be able to see if we succeed in our careers and in life. And we can do much better in our present life to have a much better future.

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Do you mean this in the sense of traveling to any time period in history, or traveling along your personal timeline?

If it's any period in history, I'd like to go to the past, particularly around the 1950's. Sure technology and medicine weren't exactly developed yet, but I think it was the sweet spot in history (of course it depends on your location) where everything seemed to be looking up and towards the future, but people weren't yet overdoing things with tech the way they are today. The stories my grandparents tell me really make me wish I was born around that time.

If we're talking about my personal timeline, I honestly wouldn't go to neither the past or future. The present moment is where you can make the best of things.

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I'd choose the power to go any direction. Not necessary to go up and down. And that means you have to understand that future is not always going to be good and past is not worth visiting all the time. And that means you build yourself over a period of time. And that means some of the time you have to take the risk and go with the flow. That's what make things a bit better over a period of time. That's my observation so far.

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Well, I'm of the opinion that the past should strongly stay in the past without cropping into the future, although the future wouldn't come into existence without the past but I would rather much whatever that happened in the past should stay in the past as I look forward to the future and what it holds in store for me.

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To the future for me. I think it would be great to see a glimpse of me and the world in the future. Also it would be nice to see the difference in technology . I just hope that the future is bright when i get there.

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No matter how one takes a look at this issue, the future will always be better than the past no matter how good one's past must have been. It's the future and we have the opportunity to improve on our current situation and become better. The only issue would be kicking the bucket before getting the job done and then it would be better to have been in the past. Something that is in front, will always be better than what is at the back.

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To the past. I know it is impossible but if we are able to do so,i would choose to go to the past. It will be really nice to go to the past and tell myself (my past me) to not do the wrong things and decisions that I have made. I have a bad experience and it will be great if I can tell my past me what to do and what not to do. But, on the second thought, who I am now, is because of my past. I bacame stronger and better because of my past. I became closer to God because of my past. So why would I go to the past and change eveeything right? And if would choose to go to the future, what if I saw that something really bad will happen to me? I will be living in fear in the present just because of that. So in conclusion, I will not go to both my past and future. I will just focus on my present and live my life.

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If I would have the chance to go in the past I would change two things from my life, one is to continue my studies and the second is to not get married, I would avoid even to meet my wife.

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Past is dead. There is no point in going to the time that is already dead. I always look forward to future. If I had a power to go either to the past or the future, I will choose future. I want to see what will happen in the future. If I can see the future, I can get prepared for the future.

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The future is definitely what I always aim at as that is one of the ways that you can get to remain motivated. I never feel that I should dwell in the past as that is going to rob me of the good things that the future should bring to my way.

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I wouldn't categorically label the past as being dead because our present is molded by the past and our present molds our future. So, from how I see it, the past, the present and the future are all interconnected, which means that one can't do without the other. But it's more important to look up to the future than dwelling on the past.

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It is true that past, present and the future are interconnected. However, since the OP has given a choice between the past and the future, we can choose only one. When I have to choose between the past and the future, I will always choose future. It is also true that the past is not dead because the past makes the present and the present makes the future. However. I will choose to look forward to the future instead of living in the past.

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Oooh, this is a tough question. The past would allow you to pick an era and know what had happened, but going into the future is the complete unknown - and there's a degree of fear that comes with that, I think! I'd probably say past, based on that.

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In as much as the future comes with the weight of the unknown, I think that the future will bring better things as long as we work to make it better. The past might have been known, but to keep dwelling in the past is not the best way as long as I am concerned. We should aim to have a greater future!

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I like your approach...and that's true, dwelling in the past isn't always a good thing. I need to be a bit more open minded and adventurous and look towards the future, and making that better!

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I'll choose going to past as I wanted to make things clear about my mistakes before. From past years, I am not really confident and I don't love myself. I don't value myself so the responsibilities that I should do for my own self such as discipline ,hardwork and others can't be done since I am kind of lazy before. I want to go back where in the people I trusted before, instead of keeping my secrets they spread it so I want to be more careful. Instead of trusting friends, I just trust only myself. I want go back where in I should have not entertained my ex boyfriend before because it was my greatest regret.

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To the past. I want to go back to the past and make friends with well know artists right now but just nothing during their time, just to know exactly what the story behind their arts to solve the mystery, because their arts has different story right now because of some collector who trying to sell the arts.

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That's actually a great idea... I would love to have a small talk with Nelson Mandela and Leonardo Da Vince. It would be nice to know their life before and how they manged to be successful on their work.

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Yeah, and also to ask them personally about their inspiration and the story behind their works. Because people nowadays misleading and don't know the truth. The Monalisa has different sides of story just to make it more expensive, I just want to know the funny reaction of da vinci about his simple art. To the Past or To the Future?

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Yeah there could be a lighter and funny side about the art. Also i would love to have chat with Leonardo even with a bottle or two.

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Yeah, what if da vinci just said that monalisa is just the girl next door, that's it, no more further explanation. LOL. I wonder what these people right now reaction about this explanation. To the Past or To the Future?

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Well, it depends on what I can do if I go to the past or to the future.
If I can change things, I would choose to go to the future and change what's going to happen in the next few years, if that's not what I want to happen, lol. I have a very personal issue going on in my life right now and I don't know what's going to happen or how it will evolve in the years to come, and that has kept me awake for days. I am scared of the future.
But if I only get the chance to live in that period, then I'd choose the past. I am a huge fan of history and I am obsessed with ancient times. I would really love to live in ancient Egypt or Greece. Those times were indeed hard but they were charming in a way that I can't describe.

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I hope we can choose both but if not, I might go with the past. There are certain parts of our lives that we hope we could have done better so that what we are or have right now could be different. If we go to the past, there's a possibility that we can be with the people that we lost and spend time with them again. Although changing the past doesn't guarantee that the outcome would be for the better but at least we have removed that "if only" part in our minds. As for the future, I am a bit hesitant to go there since moving too fast to the future might make it hard for people to easily adapt not just in technology but also with situations since we would be skipping parts of our lives to move to the future.

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Majority of us would love to go have a change in our lives : going back or peeking in the future would give us better and what we want in life. As for me, I'd love to have either of them and just be a spectator to the scenery cause I know I would be living in the present. This thing is a gift. I may have to change something when in dire situation only. Cause as for me changing something would greatly affect everything which may lead to spiral chances of futures and pasts. I don't wanna ruin that. I would love to see the evolution in our world, in the lives of the generations. This is where you can learn something.

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Yeah, that's right. Just be an observant and just watch the past and learn from it and use what you have learned in the present, but I don't have any intention to see the future, I would probably lose the purpose of living if I already know what will happen, no more excitement for me.

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Hmmm.. I would rather go forward than backwards. I mean if we move back to the past we just know what will happen and change it the way we want it to be perfect and that's sad because all we want is to have a great past. In the future it would be challenging and full of surprises. There's nothing else we can do but to move forward than spending time backwards and still move forward again.

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If it's a one way trip then I would choose to go to the future about 300 years ahead. That would really be mind blowing, to be able to live in the future where most diseases would have cures and when technology can transport people to different planets just like today's commercial planes. To experience something like that would be beyond words.

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I always wonder though if the future will be better or worse! I don't know that society is improving right now, sometimes I feel like we're going backwards, sadly. People don't even interact much anymore because of smartphones, social media and so forth.

It would certainly be interesting, if nothing else, to see what our planet would be like that far in advance.

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Past is important because it gives you the lessons you need in your life. It gives you experiences that you needed to improve. Future is important because it is the day you want to correct all your mistakes. Both are important.

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Agree with that. We should learn to the past and use it as the example to make a better future. We should create our future and shouldn't make any cheat by looking at the future.

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Yeah, you are indeed right. For us to be able to become successful we must learn from our past mistakes. We can't go back from the past but there are still chances that we can correct our failures to the future so past and future is an important matter to us as long us you know and believe for yourself that you can make things right. It doesn't matter how long it may take but what's more important is that you tried to stand up for own yourself.

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I think there's no more excitement if we choose the future. It's looks like cheating in a simple game. Excitement and thrill is the reason why we are so excited to know the outcome of our works. I think there's no reason to live if we already know the what will happen.

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Though I feel that sometimes my past demons still chase me, and that I had some traumas growing up, the past is something that has to remain there. Why do I have to still focus on something that already happened? I would rather go to the future, like in all the futuristic movies, so that way I can make some changes now, and maybe have a different future. Also, I would like to see if I ever have the chance to meet one of my favorite artists haha.

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Haha that's one way of putting it. I too would like to go to the future because it's something unknown, yet to be realized, it's exciting and I can live and start a new life in the future.

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I can't really choose. There's a part of me that makes me want to go back to the past to revisit wonderful moments in my life and the people I lost. There's no use going back because of regrets because the pain and the failures made me what I am now. Now if I choose the future and found out it didn't turn out the way I expected or desired, I can still do something about it at the present. But then again I don't want to lose the thrill of the unknown.

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Basically, it is a tough but interesting question to answer. Past always give us the lesson we need to learn. Without knowing the past, we won't be able to know and nurture ourselves of what to do in the future to avoid such mistakes made. The future always gives us the best time to change and be better in our lives. We can't live in the past. We just let it go and move forward for a better future that is waiting for us. I think 'the future' is the better version of ourselves that needs to enhance more and take care of to succeed.

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When thinking about time travel when I was a kid, I would always dream going back in time 10,000 years back in Egypt to find out who actually built the pyramids. Although I think I need some modern day weapons like automatic rifles and a lot of ammo if I'm going back in time.

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I would rather prefer to go back to the past so that I could get back to the things that I did and felt the guilty of regret. I know that when a mistake has been done, there is nothing we could do to undone it that is why if I would be given a chanve to time travel, I'll go back to the past to cherish more of the things around me that time. I lost a lot of persons in my past, and I want to spend with them again.

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  • According to a famous quotation, yesterday is already a history, tomorrow is a mystery, while today is a gift from God that's why it is called present. For me, the message of this quotation is for us to live in the present time rather than in the past. Our past serves as an inspiration of what we are today. We could use our previous experiences to be a better version of ourselves. Our actions today will create an effect to our future. Thus, let's take an action now if we want to have a brighter rather than overthinking of what will gonna happen later on.
However, If I will be given a chance to choose one, whether to go back to the past or to see my future. I would definitely choose "past". Why?, It is for the reason that I want to talk to my father once again. He passed away 8 years ago and I wanted to tell him how much I love him. I don't want to change anything in the past but I just want to hug my father one more time. To those people who still have their parents with them, take that as an opportunity for you to tell and show how much they mean to you.

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There is only one answer to this question. You go back into the past. There you will correct all the errors you have made. You will retrace the steps making the best you can.

The future carries with it old age. It also goes with the mistakes you made in the past. Going in the future will displace you completely. The technology will have improved so much that you will look out of place.

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Given a chance, I would like to go back to the past. Going to the future will take away all the excitement in life. I have lots of good memories during my childhood and this is something that I want to experience again. Although there are some sadness and failures in my past, these circumstances won't change my strong desire to go back to my past. I would like to meet and play again with my childhood friends. I want to feel again those precious memories. If you are one of the Filipino 90's kids, then you used to play piko, Chinese garter, 10- 20, paper dolls, texts, and pogs. These games are just part of my past and not being recognized by kids today.

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It is a really hard question. I admit there are situations that I wished that I did better but if I really think about it I will not be the person I am now without that failure. I will choose to go forward because I'm excited to see the things in the future. Our technology grow rapidly in just a small span of years. I'm really curious what are the new discovery and invention in the future. Maybe they will discover how to make a time machine.

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I guess it's a case-to-case basis but I prefer going back to the past. The main reason why I would like to go to the past is to correct my mistakes, apologize & thank people that obviously can't be done in my present life as well as the future. With that said, everything I am going through in the present or future will turn out to be well & on track.

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Why choose future if that will be your final destination. Going back to the past could be nice. It is a nice way to amend our mistake and to do the things that we wish we should have done.

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I choose to the future. There is nothing you can do about the past. The past is past. I can only remember the past and learn from it. Time flies so fast. There is no more way of going back to the past.

Our past whether good or bad can be beneficial for all. We just need to learn good or bad things from our past. Our past teaches us of what to do or not in the future. We all have our future ahead of us. Let us move forward and face our future with confidence knowing God is with us and is on our side.

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In my opinion going to the recent past and reliving my life again is like cheating in life. Mistakes are made to make us stronger and for us to learn from that's why I wouldn't want to travel in my recent past. But travelling a century or two before my time would be a good adventure.

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Personally i would pick forward because it is boring to go repeating those old days when technology was something not known; no phones, no whats app, no Facebook, no everything!...Its boring. The future for me is really interesting and promising!...I would want to be part and see the technological changes in the world, new trends in the fashion industry, new foods, new everything!!!

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I will certainly would like to go back in the past to change so many things about myself. I know some of us would choose to be in the future but amending things from the past will greatly helps you in the inevitable future. I would like to make things right from the past and become a better version of myself. It would also be amazing to talk to your loved ones who passed away or lost friends who you didn't see anymore. Playing with your childhood friends would also be awesome.

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As for me the appropriate response would be not one or the other. I wouldn't have any desire to see the future in light of the fact that the best piece of life is the energy that something great could occur or the information that life is short lived and subsequently, every minute ought to be relished. Then again, changing my very own past would adjust my present and however I have had a few thoughts throughout everyday life in general I am content with how things have prospered and I don't figure I would need to chance endangering that.

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Actually if there was a third choice of remaining in the present then I would definitely have chosen to be in the present moment. But since the choice is between the past and the future I will go for the future. The reason is obvious, who will want to relive the life which you have already lived once. Future on the other hand is full of new possibilities and hopes. So it's future for me.

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Though so much had happened to me in the past, both memorable and painful, I still would like to choose going to the future. I honestly don't want to change my past, because, if I do, I wouldn't be the same as I am right now. I am stronger because of my past experiences. On the other hand, if I go forward, I still have a chance to improve myself.

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I am torn, because I want to meet my grandma again from the past. But, I also want to know what my future holds.

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Neither, I would rather treasure my present than travel to the past and future. I don't want to travel to the past because it already happened and my mistakes already made me the person who I am today. I also don't want to travel to the future as it will spoil on what will happen with my life. I wanted to know what will happen in the world, but I don't want to know what will happen with my life. It will not give me any excitement anymore.

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If i were given the chance I will go back to my past. I've done more wrong decision in my past, I will always tell myself "IF's" i do my best for everything I will much better now. Somehow I'm afraid if i can able to face my future, if can't still handle my present. I was trying to do best but the most important person in my life... tells me i'm not worth for everything. I just hope there's a chance waiting for me to tell him he's wrong and I'm capable of doing more significance.

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If someone wants to travel to the future, they have to travel at near light speed. Humanity does not have the ability, technologically AND physically. The faster you accelerate towards light speed, the more thrust we need. Our mass will increase until we have an infinite amount of mass, meaning more thrust. We don't have that capability.

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It's not a big deal going to the past, just tiptoe your way past history and make as little ripples as you possibly can. I'd just bet big and get enough money and get back to my present. Taking a page out of Back To The Future here, it's a good idea really. For me, the future is boring, the past is really cool.

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I would want to go back. It is not because I have regrets and I want to make them right. Well, Not really. There are just far too many people that I would want to be with and I've been missing lately. So I would want to go back where time are not yet that complicated.

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I really want a glimpse of the future. But I definitely want to back to the past. Not want to rewrite my regrets but to have fun exactly the same experience I had. I mean, if you're given a chance to experience everything you do in the past why don't take it.

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To the future, really there's no point to look back in the past if you only think of past memories where you failed past memories that's negative, it's okay to look back in the pass and admire it but to look back in the past and stay in there get stuck in there is a bad attitude. For me what matters is now and what you do now affects your future, so do your best today and the future will be bright.

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I would go to the past because I'm scared about the future going on for the changes, or anything new. It's really hard. I missed hanging out with my other friends, and some classmates back in high school, and middle school. If I go forward to the future, it's just like for me "I would find a job for paid experiences, or go back to college to take classes again". Definitely the past would be a good choice for me to have good times with friends, have conversations, and live a simple life.

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