
What is the future of social media?

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What is the future of social media?

The proliferation of social media platforms nowadays has become a significant part of our daily lives. People nowadays can't live without it, spending precious hours in it, it can be said that it's a whole new world that one could live a part of their lives in. What innovations can you see in the future with regards to social media.


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It’s hard to say! I feel like social media has come so far each and every year. I think about just how much social media has changed relationships, how people meet, how people interact, how often people actually catch up face to face these days because they’ve got social media to rely on’s pretty crazy when you think about how much of an impact it has on social relationships.

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I couldn't agree more. In addition, social media nowadays can either make you or break you. It can help you be famous overnight. Social media can make you gain popularity (in a good way and in a bad way). I'm actually getting scared bacause there are a lot of people who are more depressed because of social media.

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Absolutely. It has come so far that I felt kinda scary for the mankind. People are using it more for shaming other people. There are also pages that are making some issues viral in just a night and it is scary. What if the person involved won't be able to overcome the shame and insults of others? I mean if we really are concerned about somebody, it'll be good to talk to them in private. Not by shaming them in public.
Sorry to say this but when are we going to get rid of it? When someone already killed himself?
It is indeed gone far that it can ruin someone's life.

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I think social media will continue to grow powerful in the future. Here are my reasons.
Most of the social media sites are free and people are very much interested in free products.
Social media has eased personal communication.
Social media connects businesses with customers
Social media are used by media houses to reach the audience

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I agree. Social media can be used in so many ways. Connecting and communicating to your friends, business communication become much easier,a business or a product can be promoted for free too, etc. Social media has come and achieved a lot so far,it helps us in communicating easier. I also wonder how it can can in the future, i mean social media are so great now,how much more can it change?

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I think soon the social media is going to change. You just have to see that some of the time such social media websites don't have much impact on brand. Because lot of brands do promotion and also it affects the branding. I think if properly handled most of the people can get the most out of the branding. So it takes time I guess moving to new social media.

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I think some social media will grow more powerful in the future. For instance, I can see the prowess of Facebook increasing day by day. Facebook owns whatsapp and instagram, which are even more popular than facebook itself. During the last presidential election, it was said that facebook manipulated the elections.

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Yes, lot of people are on facebook. But I am guessing other social networks too are competiting. And that means there is going to be a lot of tijme that may mean in future the current social networks would fall as well. I guess we learn from our experience on this.

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I think you're right, and I think the social media might take over all the legit media outlet like the normal news on T.V, and people will just watch news on social media, this is all happening in our country because of the bias medias.

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Social media is growing stronger with the passing of time. It is a market, a place to socialise,a place to get traffic and a newsroom. It is here to stay.

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And the government should provide the appropriate law for this, like from the fake news, fake seller, scam links, and even the fake account. They should be prepared for this.

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This is really a tough question for me. When we think about social media now,there are advantages and disadvantages. Nowadays people in social sites are cruel in bashing. Social media should be a fan and enjoyable thing not hatred and pain.I think in the near future social media will become more powerful yet scary that we need to do something about it.

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This may sound funny because it's too familiar. Great power comes with great responsibility. Social media has so much influence at this age so I cannot imagine how far it will go. This can be manipulated by some self seeking people as you can see the proliferation of fake news and mudslinging sometimes through memes. These can be aggravated by further developments in technology in the future and something needs to be done if that happens.

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I have heard that,think that was in the movie. Anyway social media is getting powerful in all forms. In future to comes this will become more hightech and very much useful in human lives.

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I think social media is great. Personally I spend hours and hours on it. This is a symptom of decentralization where people drive the news and the message and stop relying on what a central authority says. For years we relied on the press or the government. Now the citizens of the world have taken over. Social media is used for many things. To start a campaign e.g injustice, to spread news and as a marketing tool. The future for social media is bright, I see new platforms coming up though. The age of Facebook and Twitter is coming to an end.

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People from all walks of life have access to social media. It has been a platform for self expression and a bridge for communication gaps. It comes handy for bits of information and have been proven useful for some charitable purposes and good cause.

However,it's both boon and bane. Because of the extensive freedom there is in social media, lives can be destroyed. What I have in mind is possible censorship in the future to regulate this right and privilege.

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Yeah, in the future online social media platforms may be more regulated and under government scrutiny, as people become more acquainted with technology and how they can be regulated to prevent exploitation by individuals and businesses.

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Social media is a power on the Internet, I think that social media sites will grow in the future and there may appear more social sites in the future and most people will join them.

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The need for people to relate is what is bringing about the coming of new social media sites in the internet world today. I am not against them building new ones, but there is need for us to do things that will always result in ensuring that the personal details of people that join such ain't in serious attacks by those that want to spam their emails and all that.

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Social media is trying on a daily basis to ensure that we get better with how the interaction between one person and the other goes. The thing is that it is not always easy for us to build an easy relationship from social media back in those days, but day by day, we noticed that things are now changing for the better.

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For me what I can perceive to advance more in tge near future is the provision of more video sharing platforms. Whether it is on the current sites or others that will come up video is the new "awesome" for most people.

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I think that in the future social media platforms will become even more influential and impactful on people's lives. I predict that people would spend more and more time in social media as the technology progresses. Ultimately it could turn into a virtual world where people can spend time in just like a cyber world.

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I think social media will continue to grow bigger and more innovative as time passes by since it is one of the most powerful tools of the Internet. However, it has been associated with good and bad things to man. Common things like bashing on specific stuff or on someone may be worse because people are becoming more outspoken on social media. On the other hand, social media can also be the center of the business world in the future.

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I can definitely say that it's possible for us to have more advanced technologies. Like the stuff we see in movies. I can imagine us having regular holographic conversations as if it's just the new Facebook. Maybe in less 10 years we'll see this happen.

That would be like a whole new level of social media.

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I like the idea of holograms! It is absolutely possible in the future as people do not stop searching for something that will make our life better, easier and more innovative.

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I like it too. But I'm somewhat disturbed by the idea of it being used for ill purposes. Imagine the internet now being used for dirty things. How much more if hologram became a thing? The very thought makes me feel sick.

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I agree! As the technology moves and changes drastically in a short period of time, everything is accessible and available in just clicks away. As time passes by, everything is possible to happen either good or bad.

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Exactly. So as much potential as it has to do good, we're certainly drawing close to a possible dark future. Let's do our best to be positive people. While we can't avoid destructive changes, we still have the power to counteract it with good deeds and selfless acts.

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Certainly! Social media can release different emotions like anger, happiness and even sadness. Some people are using it for business purposes or to even scam people. Some of us are also using it to influence others in a way we want them to be better or to be worse. It is really amazing how powerful social media is!

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I think the future of social media lies with us. The people who contribute to its growth and success. We will be the ones to decide what it becomes as years pass by.

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Facebooks group concept seems to have worked out. And many other social networks are also trying those concepts. It seems like there is more future for the social media sites like those. You can see that groups are where people spend the time most. Not on pages. So there is definitely some value to be gained in such cases. I'd definitely be going after the groups that can get the most out of the people. So that seems like future.

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nobody can really say, I guess it would depend on what other technologies can be developed which could be integrated into social media, such as VR, holograms, etc.

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I can't see some of the current social media sites lasting for a long time but for the moment, they will still be here. And by long time, I mean a period like 30-40 years. I don't see any of the current social media sites (the big ones like Facebook, Twitter & Instagram etc.) dying out in the near future because even though they are declining in popularity (well Facebook especially), they have enough users and visits to survive.

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I think that in the future everything can be done in social media. A lot of businesses will migrate into it and it would become a virtual world where anyone could go to work and live. I think that in the future more information would be shared in it and it would be a major platform for games.

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I really think that social media would become a major factor on people's lives in the future. People would depend on it more and who knows the way technology is developing social media platforms may evolve into something that would envelope a lot of things.

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More people are taking up with social media sites and I feel it is a good development as you get to relate better with both the males and the females when interacting on social media network. This is pretty nice and good as long as I am concerned.

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I think it's gonna be more advertising, freelancers and business. It's not gonna be a normal social media anymore or something like meeting people. Posting about their personal life, updated their profile pics is not gonna be matter anymore.

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I am very interested on future social media. I believe that this will evolve in the whole new level for example, a people with different language can easily translate to other using auto translation chat box

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That would be useful. Though, it's unlikely to be 100% accurate. Most of what mean is either hidden through context or the manner in which speak our words. Learning languages will still be as significant even if this were to appear.

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This is something that is hard to predict and say. I believe that there are a lot of possibilities that can happen especially when connected to technologies. Improvements are made from time to time. One thing is for sure, social media would exist for a long time and is going to play a big part in the lives of people. Even bigger than its current role.

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The future of social media is that it has a future. Because no matter how much people complain and protest, social media is just artificial intelligence. It is here to stay! So get used to it! Frankly, I'm glad those SM platforms were invented. I don't know how I would have gone about reaching a reading audience for my blogs and a customer base for my affiliate product referrals. Classified ads sure don't work!

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This is a great question, and there are a TON of people (marketers and advertisers in particular) who would give anything to know what the next trend in social media will be. I have no idea what the future of social media will be, but I can guarantee that whatever it is, it'll allow us to share information with each other easier and in a more innovative way than the platforms do right now. It'll be really interesting to see what comes next but until then, I'm going to try and stay as ahead of the curve as I can a keep up to date with it!

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Social media is hard to predict because it grows everyday. The changes that happen are enormous. What I know is that social media will grow bigger and bigger and the influence it holds will expand. In the future it will surely become one of the most influential platform in our society. I just hope that it will be use for the betterment of the people.

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Me too. What scares me is the potential for corrupting people's perception of reality. I remember the show "Black Mirror." It depicts the lives of people as to how they're affected by society and the media. Particularly, technological innovations.

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The question is what is there to see again in social media innovation when we already have HD Video calls in terms of Cisco software technology in calling and monitoring? At the moment, I would say that social media have exhausted its innovation in improving on what we have at the moment. But, I'm going to be hopeful and watch what they brings forth for us.

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I think they'll have some sort of hologram device in the future. Like the ones we see in futuristic films. Social media might become so advanced that you're basically living in an artificial reality. As if you're wearing virtual reality goggles.

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It looks like it's heading in two directions, either to our utmost benefit or worst, destruction. That can be an exaggeration but not far from happening as we can see in the trend nowadays. I hope that in the rise of technology we'll maintain the decency and the values. And if that will not be possible, then intervention must be implemented.

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I agree. It can really help with everyday life. But it can also destroy lives. So it's up to us and the ones who control everything to choose the path we want.

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Correct. Social media is just a tool. It should not manipulate or get the best of us but instead, we should use it to our advantage. However, it's a matter of individual choices.

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That's how things happen. It almost always ends up in an ever increasing fork road of choices. Each decision moves us closer to an ultimate choice. And that will decide the fate of humanity as we know it. That's kind of a dark way of putting it. Hahaha!

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Social media is here to stay. It makes introverts into extroverts as they hide behind computers. Dating has never been easy on social media.

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We can never tell what's in store for social media so that question is really hard to answer. The idiom "Sky is the limit" is appropriate for any social media because we're always surprised and amazed by the innovations it offers us. Truly, we are already living in the future that everything is possible and attainable.

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Today social media plays a major role in some many aspects of people's lives. There are many companies that require you to have a social media account before they will even hire you. They take a look at your social media profile and see what type of things you post or share. They are curious about you and this gives them the perfect insight into who you are.

Furthermore, social media can be a good positive influence on people. It allows you to keep in touch with friends and family that is far away and you can't reach them so easily. But on the other hand, social media can be bad and a stocker could find you and start stocking you. This can make your life miserable because you have no idea who they are.

Not everything is negative or has a negative effect on people when it comes to social media. It all depends on how a person uses it and benefits from it.

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Facebook and other social media sites will make themselves even more useful in the future. More businesses are using Facebook in lieu of a business website of their own. For most businesses, developing their Facebook pages has become an indispensable part of their marketing strategy. Facebook has also become more efficient as a search engine. Members can now use its search feature to find businesses or places near them or in a specific location. This enhanced capability is driving more businesses to Facebook.

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They should understand how those networks work and be ready to produce the content that will best in those channels. this suggests that social media marketers have to be consultantsin ads, making video, stories, electronic communication bots, and more. what is more, their goal shouldn’t be to do to show these places into a marketing. Instagram for exampleisn’t fascinated by having users leave their app. They’ve created it onerous for marketers to drive folks from their app to a landing page while not an advert.

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I agree with you. With the future, we really don't know what will happen specifically. But, if social media administrators do their job well, no doubt that it will still be on top in the future.

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I can see two things on it. In a positive way, you can get more easily get in touch with your customers because by just posting your product and communicate using messages are way easy. In a negative way, many people are still critics these days, gullible of things they never search first if its fact or fake. But honestly I enjoy joining with facebook because I can communicate now with my love ones abroad and from different places in the country.

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I hope all current social medias will merge into a one stop place for all our need for social networking. Every person on this planet will have this social media where it also serve as registration. Almost everything can be done in this social network. People will easily identify people as there will be no dummy account on this one. There no more multiple account for a single user.

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I think social media platforms will evolve to encompass gaming platforms and ultimately it would have a convergence with virtual reality. I really think this would happen in 20 years time.

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@kakashi2020 that sounds a bit scary to me. How would you be able to tell whether what you were experiencing is virtual reality or you are interacting with a real human. I think that social media is completely changing how the world interacts. It is the new marketing platform , it is the new medium from spreading news and to communicate with friends and family. In future we will see political and social movements emerge more powerfully on social media. We have seen a bit of this but it will become more pronounced. Social media will also destroy certain structures permanently e.g physical employment, physical newspapers e.t.c

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I guess the future of social media is every people who is registered on any social media platform can be identified the name just using their photos.

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I think things will eventually dovetail into one platform. It's already happening. You can post on Twitter and Instagram and the post goes to Facebook. However, Watsapp seems to stand alone. I think that will always remain an alternative.

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I don’t think the focus should be specifically on social media but what technology would bring. I think as technology progresses, it would not be unfounded to have things that used to be in science fiction as our reality. I imagine there would be more holograms and 3D projections. So instead of being stuck looking at your phone, you could literally see the person you are talking to like they are in front of you. Social media as it is today will die a painful death if it doesn’t adapt to technology of the future or find a way to co-exist with it. I am doubtful that it would though.

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Social Media is getting more important nowadays. We can get everything we wanted to know by clicking on a page that may help us. Social Media will get stronger, I guess in making people communicate to other and making money inside the comfort of our home.

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Social media will still thrive in the future. It is the best and easiest way of getting updates from your friends of different places.

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I bet everybody would have gone crazy without social media last spring when the number of covid cases was insanely increasing. So, I think that when it comes to social media, we just can't help ourselves! I mainly use social media to get in touch with my family and friends, but a vast majority of people, especially teenagers, use it for thousands of purposes. For instance, my sister, who's only 15, is now TikTok famous. She can't imagine her life without it, and I think she wouldn't be able to live a day without it. It's like a job for her, and we're supporting her, and we really hope that she's gonna hit 1M followers soon. By the way, I'm helping her increase her audience with some free followers. If you're interested, you could chat with those from They'll make you famous as well!

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I think that social networks have a vast future. It is an opportunity to communicate and transmit a large flow of information over long distances and a chance to earn money. Many people make money on social networks. My childhood friend is no exception. He recently told me that he had a problem with the promotion of the account, and activity began to drop sharply. Then I advised him to read the article , which was able to help him solve his problem.

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The most important thing in promotion is to follow the correct strategy, thereby bringing profit to the user or the company, continue reading about working with social media influencers here

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