
Infographic- What do you think?

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Infographic- What do you think?

Hey guys
Here is an infographic I did for one of my services. What do you think?
I'm no web designer but managed to do this using using their premium membership.

There's actually a free membership which you guys might find useful; great for us service providers if you need something a bit more appealing to the eye! Give it a go, it's quite easy to use.

Hope that helps! Oh, and let me know what you think about my first go!

[url=http://Infographic- What do you think?]Infographic- What do you think?


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Nyc Barry Infographic- What do you think? thanks for the info but this info-graphic looking fade and a little odd ?

- Sunil Bishnoi

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I like it Barry. I feel you did great on it.

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Looks cool, it's great for being your first attempt! Infographic- What do you think?
As already stated above, it looks a bit odd. Is it because of a re-size perhaps?


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Thanks for the feedback guys.
Not sure why it's faded but could be the dimensions it was uploaded to.
Interesting about the text, I may do a little "teaser" infographic and see how that goes- I suppose that's the idea!
Design or graphics aren't my field but I can see how people get into it-quite fun if you have the time.

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Well Barry I feel that you did great for your 1st attempt. Awesome job and you can only improve.

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Good job Barry! I think it has a good feel to it.

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It's really awesome. Infographics still plays an important role in SEO and Blog Optimization.

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Looks cool Barry. Keep up the good work.

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I love it, it looks great!

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This looks really amazing! What software did you use to create this?

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Looks good! I need to make some myself, just don't have the time. I'm sure the pixelation is a minor problem with resizing or something.

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