
Run or elctric fence? what do you guys think?

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Run or elctric fence? what do you guys think?

When it comes to my dogs i always try and do what is best for them. I have a Black Lab Saint Bernard mix breed. She is still a puppy about four months old, rite now i have her on a run. She weighs about 50 pounds and is expected to be over 160-170 pounds by the time she is two. I have been thinking and when she gets bigger she will probably tear this run rite out of the ground and keep running. The other option i have which is my only other one is to install an electric fence on my property. Basically its a collar that gives a little shock when she goes past a certain point in the yard. I like the idea of her being free to roam around until she gets to the invisible fence but what i don't like is the shock. Dogs can be very heard headed sometimes and i feel like she will electrocute her self all the time trying to get into the front yard. On the other hand the run is not going to work for much longer. What do you guys think what should i use?

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Bailey is such a hard headed little pup! I like the idea of the run only because i dont really like the whole electric fence idea. i guess we will have to see how she does on the run in order to better gauge our next step.

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She is an escape artist lol! She has been getting off of the run and out of her harness. I think maybe we need a different harness for her but i don't know if it will help. Bailey is very hard headed and she thinks she knows it all just like any human kid. I think your rite we will have to monitor it and see what we should do next. Lets try another harness and if she continues the Houdini act then something will have to be done. Thanks for reading!

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The electric fence idea doesn't feel good! Can you not fence in your property? This would be first prize then you can have her running all over the property without having to worry at all.

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The thing about fencing in my property is the cost. I do not know how to install a fence myself and i hear it can be outrageous in price to have someone install it. The other issue that could come about is the digging aspect. Bailey is very curious and adventurous the odds of her digging a hole under the fence and escaping is very high. Electric fence is suppose to be like a shock collar nice a subtle but i have a feeling that is a lie too. Im sure we will find a solution we will just have to wait and see what happens. Thanks for sharing Lynne!

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Same here, I prefer you fence round than an electric fence in place,it can really be dangerous for everyone unless humans are excluded from any form of danger.

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I personally wouldn't be advising on installing anything that would be harmful to the dogs in terms of shock collars or electric fence, some dogs can be quite stubborn and end up keep trying till it get itself killed from the shock, and believe me you will never be happy finding out its in your efforts to protect your dog that eventually got it killed and dead.

I would be going for a leash use on the dog. At least you get one that would allow it move about to the limit you want it to stray to and that's it. This is simply best for me as it would allow the dog to move about inside the compound without my worrying it would stray away and get lost. I hope this my suggestion looks considerate enough for you. Good luck.

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Electric fence could hurt your dog and you must not do that kind of limitation. There are lots of ways how to avoid your dog to be away from your home. You can give a harness into it. Harness is more better than other tie dogs because it would not hurt your dog. You must take care of your dog and understand them on how they differ in acts in many things. You cannot avoid it from walking away remember they can go back anytime they want.

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Unless you live in a bad part of town which could be urban bad or rural bad - I wouldn't ever install an electric fence. I understand keeping your dog on your property but a simple fence it can't climb over or dig under would suffice. Electric fences are normally for heavily secured military or government installations. Or like I said above, if you live in a scary, shady, isolated rural area - or very high crime urban environment.

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The electric fence is one of the best choices, and maybe your dog will be traumatized once she will go near that fence but after that, I don't think she will do this again and you will not be stressed by this problem again.

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I would love to have been working with projects like this. I know a lot about electrical engineering, and I could help...

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BTW M1ndPrototype, are you working now? Did you find something? I guess that you haven't made any post since the first one you've made. I would love to see what did you do in the end. I have been working for charlotte electrical contractors for a few months now, and we always need guys like you. You could learn the job fast, you have some knowledge for sure, and I think that it would be a great side hustle for you, until you get something that you want to be doing in the long run. The pay is also good, and you will be doing something good.

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