
Happy Mothers Day 2013!

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Happy Mothers Day 2013!

To all you mothers out there, I hope you have an excellent day filled with respect from your families.

To non-mothers, what did you get your mother, wife or baby's mamma?


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Thanks so much. It was a great weekend. Husband took me out for lunch so I did not have to cook and I got to enjoy doing what I love doing----- shopping!

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Spent the day with my mom and it was greatHappy Mothers Day 2013!

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Thanks so much. It was a great weekend. Husband took me out for lunch so I did not have to cook and I got to enjoy doing what I love doing----- shopping!

That's really awesome. I hope you had a very good time on Mother's day c:

This was the first year that my daughter has ever spontaneously said, "Happy Mother's Day". She looked at me and said it and I cried c:

I was so very happy. I don't expect presents on Mother's day; my daughter is my gift and I cherish her every single day and consider every moment with her a blessing. Happy Mothers Day 2013!

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It was a weird day on Sunday for me as I was seeing alot of Mother's Day things around the internet and we in the UK celebrated this in March. It was nice to be wished Happy Mother's Day though by some despite living in the UK.

I hope all mums that where celebrating had a great Mother's Day Happy Mothers Day 2013!

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The love I've got for mom is special and I am wishing her the very best all the days of her life. I always celebrate my mom to show appreciation for all she has done for me all the time I have been around her.

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I agree mom has always that love that none others can give, like an unconditional love. Mom's are the best in terms of taking care and loving you non-stop even if you do wrong they will still care for you no matter what. <3

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My mother is the best thing in my life at the moment, I love and cherish her more than life itself and she is the very reason for my existence. I definitely can't do anything thing without her.

So therefore, I say a big mothers day to her. If I have the money and means to buy the entire world, I would do it for her just to make her happy.

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For me, everyday, every month and every year are mother's day. Because not only my mother do her best for the sake of the family, but also all the mothers out there. I always see my mother how hard she work for us. She is always there and take care of them. And I proud of my mother always.

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Mothers are worth celebrating daily not just on a specific day or date.I thank God I have able to do this before my dear mum passed on. Becoming a mum has given the full reason why mother's should be highly appreciated it never easy to be a mother.

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