
Bid Wars App For Android Review!!

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Bid Wars App For Android Review!!

Has anyone seen that show on TV and Netflix called Storage Wars?? It basically is a show where those self storage places auction off storage containers that people have defaulted on. Most of these people that come to buy these storage containers have little shops and stores they own, so they buy these containers to help with their inventory! It is actually a really entertaining show, it gets pretty competitive!! LOL

I was going through my app store awhile back and saw this app called Bid wars! I was like no way, could this be just like the show??! So, of course, i downloaded it because i had to see if it was the same, AND it was! And i have been addicted to playing it ever since i downloaded it! So in the game, you pretty much do everything like the show does! You pick a town to "go to" and they unlock the storage containers that are up for bid and you get to look inside to see what is in there, but you only have a few seconds! So you have to look quick and if you tap on each item it will give you a little idea on how much the item costs (although that isn't what happens in the show, they open the door and you can look for a minute or so and then the bidding starts) and once your time is up, the locker closes and the bidding starts! You can bid against 3 or 4 other people, which are just computer players but they try to out bid you all the time, so you have to be careful! HAHA

So once you win your locker, you collect all the stuff that was inside and then, they keep track of your profits and losses. You can pick a city you want to go to, and each one has different items in the lockers. Its really cool to play, i enjoy it. I enjoy any kind of game they make for the popular TV shows they have out! I know they have a app for that show Tanked, where those 2 guys build amazing fish tanks and aquariums!

Check it out, the app is available to free on not sure if it available for apple or not! Enjoy and anyone who downloads and plays this game, let me know what you think!! Thanks for reading!

Bid Wars App For Android Review!!Bid Wars App For Android Review!!Bid Wars App For Android Review!!Bid Wars App For Android Review!!Bid Wars App For Android Review!!


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I am so glad that you did a review on this game. Remember when we played it for like 2 hours on that tiny phone! This is one of those games that grabs you and gets you losing track of time. They call these time management games which does not make any sense to me but hey it is what it is. How can you manage time when you having so much fun? I am a huge fan of storage wars the show and this game really gives you an idea of the basics that are involved in doing this type of business. They need to expand this game and allow players to sell what they find inside of a store rather than instantly when you tap. If you had to buy lockers and manage a store that would be the ultimate Storage wars simulation. Almost every single one of the people on the show have a store. I think Barry is the only one that does not own a brick and mortar store. Tanked looks whack in my opinion but i was not able to get it so i guess i cant really talk.

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I can say that I am a huge fan of Android. Everything is done as comfortably as possible for the client. Especially for me a new development - new pubg. Have you heard or tried?

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Thank you for such a large and informative review. Could you advise the developers of applications for Android?

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What an entertaining and cute game. When I was younger, I really liked games of this kind. Collect resources, build houses. Nostalgia.Therefore, not so long ago, I decided to create my own blog about games. But since I have no programming skills, I had to look for good developers. A friend advised me of a team of specialists who make ios developer and create Android applications and websites.
The blog turned out great. I am happy with the result. And I'm waiting for you to visit if you want to learn more about the games.

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Yeah, I also like this game. When I was 11 yo I remember a similar game. At that time I understood that I want to become a mobile app developer. So I've started to read posts about medicine delivery app development online and building healthcare mobile apps. Now I work in a big company that provides such services to other businesses.

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This sounds like a fantastic and exciting game. The review really caught my interest. I tried looking for it on the App Store, and then I realized this is an Android App only. I was frustrated. This happens all the time. I was looking for an app once and could not find it because it was also for Android. So as a student who is studying coding, I started making one that could work for everyone. But I'm not really good at designing, so I used for that. Perhaps I'll change it after some updates. If only someone did the same for this app.

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