
Update on Bailey and her broken leg

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Update on Bailey and her broken leg

Hey guys as you know my dog broke her leg and we have been taking her back and fourth to the vet to get fixed. I am happy to say that her leg is fixed and she is out of the cage and running around again. My family is happy as can be and boy is she getting big. She is about 5 months old now maybe closer to 6 she is almost 5 feet 3 inches tall when she stands on 2 legs.

She is a good addition to our family and when it comes to dogs her breed is good all around. She is good with kids even though she is rough and big she tries her best to be gentle. She is a good guard dog and she has a mean bark. Since you guys have never seen a family picture of us i will post one below. I had to take the picture so im not in it but i swear this is my family lol!

Update on Bailey and her broken leg

Thank you to everyone who was concerned about Bailey i appreciate every ones support and concern. As always thank you for reading please don't forget to follow me and like the topic.


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hahah yes, that is us! crazy dogs, crazy hair, and crazy kids and all! Bailey is a big girl and loves to play, especially with the kids! She does try really hard to be gentle, i just dont think she realizes her size because she still jumps around and tries to play around like a pup!! she has been a champ in the heeling process of her leg and i am so happy she is better and now able to be around us all like Prince! Bailey is such a lovable dog and i cant wait for her to be completely trained! Im going to try really hard to make sure she is trained well enough, i mean she dogs pretty good so far with sit, lay down, and paw and even has gotten better at trying to let us know when she has to go outside. We have to work on stay and no jumping but other than that she is going really well! She is definitely stubborn, but so is our whole family and she fits in perfectly! =]

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Yes she is a good dog for sure. Im just glad we have a big back yard for her to run around in. She is only 5 months and she is HUGE! I love our family and our little home. Yesterday she tried to lay on me like our little morkie does. She has no idea how big she really is, but she is ok so far so good. The puppy stage is killing me she is so wild sometimes. Now that her leg is all better i am going to start running here again slowly so she can build her leg strength up again. This will also make her more tired during the day and she will sleep. I agree she is a perfect fit hopefully she continues to be that lol.

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yes. the big backyard is a huge plus because she needs the space to run, shes big now i can only imagine how big she will be when shes full grown!!! her bark is very deep and i wouldnt want to mess with her because it sounds mean! haha but shes really not, shes a huge teddy bear! i hope she does continue to do well with our family and break out of that stubborn stage because if she does she will be such a loyal and loving dog! =]

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