
My Cat Will Not Stop Slef Destructing!

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My Cat Will Not Stop Slef Destructing!

For the past few months, my cat has been very self destructive. He is constantly cleaning himself, which has led to bald patches on this skin. I have taken him to the vet, and he does not have fleas or worms. They gave him a steroid and antibiotic, and that helped a while, but now it is not. I have tried coconut oil, Neosporin and even a cone. He HATES the cone. The coconut oil is nice, but I do not like him licking off the Neosporin. One thing that sort of works is a t-shirt. He fits rather nicely in an 18 month old baby shirt. He hated it first, but is now getting used to it. I think that it is sort of comforting to him. But I am also open to more suggestions on getting him to stop this if anyone has any.


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This is a tough one. I have a cat who would do the same thing as your cat and after taking her to the vet to be looked at it turned out she was allergic to the female fleas saliva and when they would bite her, she would instantly lick herself getting the female fleas saliva in her mouth which would make her sick, it was also cause a reaction on her skin underneath her fur making her scratch until she was sore and had bald patches.

Is it possible your cat could have sensitive skin? Maybe even eczema? I do know cats can get eczema just like humans which could be causing the over cleaning.

Maybe going back to the vet and mentioning things like eczema see if that is possible.

I really hope you find a cure soon.

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Sorry to hear such about your cat, I wish I could have any ideas that would help you but I'm not a cat person but dog man. What I would say is that you try several stuffs that might help it feel comfortable, maybe constant bath and stuffs like that, and be very observant.

I hope he gets better and comfortable sonner than later. Good luck mate.

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I am sorry to hear about this, that's a big problem and I hope the vet helps, that's what the doctors are for. The treatment should help and also you should be caring as always and give your cat as much time as it needs.

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sorry to hear that. My old cat licks herself that she coughs up fur ball and yes her furs keep shedding off every day. I think it is skin allergy. Maybe medication from the vet should help.

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Maybe you should go back to vet again. It is hard for us to see our pets doing this. So having a checkup is not a bad option. I hope your cat will heal soon.

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Maybe it's time to take your cat to another vet. There is no harm in getting a second opinion. It can also be that you are feeding him something to which he is allergic with. I am glad that you managed to find a solution.

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It looks like your cat is going through some tantrums. And it could require some level of the medical check up. And for this it'd be reasonable to go through the doctor. I am sure you can find a good doctor who can diagnose and know about the solution as well. I have found out that this can be one way for you to get your cat to properly tested too. Make sure to have the vaccines necessary.

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You could check to see if there's anything irritating the cat, We had one like this and she never liked the food she was given at some point but we didn't know not until my big aunt found out and told us to stop that food.You know as animals they can't voice out so their displeasure can be done in other ways.So check it out or else you get back to the vet doctor.

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