
Over easter sell hampires make money

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Over easter sell hampires make money

Here is an idea not sure where you all live but near me they have pound shops lol yes everyone loves a deal and £1 yep that do me. Here is great idea not sure who would agree but buy some cool stuff for £1 in pound shops like chocolate as it is easter after all. Few other items which sure to find something good in pound shop and make hampires and sell them over easter. Who thinks this is a good idea ...


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This would be an amazing idea! It's true what you say moneybags, they pound shops or even the dollar shops in certain Countries sell some really awesome candy at this time of year and in most cases you wouldn't even realise it only cost you a pound or a dollar. My Mum made us a hamper for Christmas time and everything she got was from the pound shop but to look at it you wouldn't realise it. This could be an awesome way to make some extra money over Easter as you could spend very little but sell to make an profit, you could also take orders for different kinds of hampers as well if people wanted to buy them for gifts at Easter. There is so much potential with an idea like this!

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It's actually a great idea. We don't really have any pound stores near me because the area that I am in is a bit posh so we only have places like Sainsbury's and Waitrose. But it would actually be great to do this especially if you have one right near your place. You could buy some stuff including chocolate like Toblerone or After Eight. I'm not sure if pound stores tend to sell baskets so that would probably be the most expensive thing to get. You could make at least £5 profit per hamper if you can sell them well.

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This situation is not common in my locality as we don't transact using dollars or pound but definitely there are other things and way ones could engage in and make a reasonable amount of money during easter festive season.

Over here it's very easy to prey on people's minds with religious beliefs and artefacts associated with it. If you can happen to get stuffs that has to do with religion and resurrection of Christ, definitely selling them wouldn't pose any problems for you, as lots of people would be willing to procure it. They say that religion is the opiom of the masses, and as such people are willing to do anything in the name of religion.

Also, one could get some money from sourcing from charitable organizations that are are willing and eager to support acts and works of love. The easter setting makes it easy to get such fund thereby making it possible for one to have leftovers after completing his task at hand because there is no way possible one would finish all the money realized from the charitable organizations.

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There are many other way to earn money on Easter than this. Maybe this could make some, but I guess it won't work for all. But I definitely suggests that you end thinking of making on this occasion. Come on guys, it's a rare holiday that comes only once a year, you must be grateful for it and just enjoy resting or doing some activities on this day. We all deserves to have a peaceful rest once in a while.

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That's actually an amazing idea. We do have some shops over here that sell their items at very low prices. One can definitely make some nice hampers with those products. However, I am already very busy and I won't be able to start such a business. I may suggest this idea to someone else. Thank you for sharing.

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We have shops that sell hampers during festivities and in good seasons like this season in our different stores.I totally agree that money can be paid selling this because it the period that people love to hand out gifts and hampers is always the best option.Will create time to package one for my aunt.

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