
What are your thoughts on Call of Duty World War Two?

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What are your thoughts on Call of Duty World War Two?

Finally after many rumours and much speculation on Wednesday 26th April 2017 Call of Duty World War Two was officially announced and we got to see some game play from the campaign of this game. I will admit I am happy to see Call of Duty finally go back to boots on the ground and I do like where they are taking this next game and the fact they are bringing the Nazi Zombies back as well is amazing but I was a little disappointed that they didn't have any multiplayer to show, I feel that if they were able to show some multiplayer as well which is usually the most popular side to a Call of Duty game then I would have felt a little more excited. I have heard that they will be keeping supply drops in the multiplayer though which I don't see as a bad thing with Call of Duty evolving the way it has done, many people will expect supply drops now with them being in so many games prior to this one. Another thing that got me on the reveal the other day for Call of Duty World War Two was that they will be offering a beta but you will only get access if you pre-order. After getting burned on games such as Advanced Warfare, Ghosts and Infinite Warfare I am reluctant to pre-order now for beta access and would rather there was some kind of open beta so I could play the game and then decide if I want to purchase.

Fingers crossed we get to see some multiplayer gameplay during E3 in just over a month, I would think that would be the ideal time to show off some multiplayer.

What are your thoughts on Call of Duty World War Two? Were you disappointed with the pre-order for early beta access or are you happy with that and would you have liked to see more in terms of multiplayer at the reveal?


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I don't think I'll be going back to Call of Duty to be honest. I think they made the correct decision to go back to the roots and go with a World War 2 setting but it might have been too late. A lot of people jumped towards Battlefield because they were tired of people jumping up and down whilst getting shot and it's too late to convince them to come back to Call of Duty. It's just too difficult to go back to small maps and the different game style after playing Battlefield for a while.

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I am pretty hyped for this game. The Nazi zombies are purported to have multiple classes for the zombie mode. I am really interested to get back to WW2 era in the game. There is certainly some unfinished stuff for COD. Hopefully, this game will not disappoint me.

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Kind of excited but I'll see how the game turns out first so I would probably rely on the reviews and how the gameplay changes. But I think that it would just be the same in terms of user interface and playability in my opinion. There has been a lot of hate towards Call of Duty lately specially on it's community because of the increasing number of toxic players.

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As a first person shooter fan and hard core COD fan, i can authoritatively say that it was realy a cool game with both it's bad and good side, every games has it's bad and good side, no game is perfect, but for this game the good side overshadows the bad side.So here is my take and verdict .
The good side of the game is its :
  • Classic Call of Duty shooting
  • "War" multiplayer mode
  • Squadmate mechanics make NPCs feel like real characters
  • It's been a while since we got a new World War II epic

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I'm glad that they have gone back to their roots, to be honest with you. I wasn't a massive fan of Black Ops 3 and I always said that I would never buy another Call of Duty again especially after enjoying Battlefield 1. But this seems like it could potentially be an amazing game and it could do well especially because people, like myself, got bored after a while with the World War 1 setting on Battlefield 1. It might be difficult for me to get used to the smaller maps after playing BF1 but I will try it out.

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It was the coolest game I ever played! The bad-ass scene of first campaign related to historical basis. All was synchronize from story to scenes. It has even a epic fight, saving your comrade, seeing your friend dying in unexpected way. Russian campaign: about the massacre in four square, killed by both red army and nazi. I always wondering how they created a customer attractive game.
Things that I like about the game:
  • It base on historical events
  • You will be playing into survival mode
  • Ambush by enemy specially from Japanese imperial army really intense battle
  • The details of Call of duty was so accurate
  • The battle of CAT (plane fighter battles)

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My thoughts about this game is it maybe a better one than the first call of duty. New campaigns is much awaited and new missions. Good graphics is also my thought and the gameplay. I like action games so I want to try it myself.

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I would love to play this someday. I was hooked with Mercenary before. It is the same with Call of duty, as a package. However Mercenary was the first one to be introduced to me and my friends. Maybe this is more interesting than the latter since this has already been living and continually upgrading. I would be excited to play this kind of game again.

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I have played this game and it is one I would say that playing brings with it the suspense of not knowing what you're going to meet at the next level. I would recommend it to anyone looking for a great game to play as well

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I think Activision is drawing for straws on COD although they still have a large fan base. EVery year since COD 4 the game has been getting worse and worse to the point of last years COD was laughable at best. And because of that they are losing fanbase and they are going to try anything to get the players bac. But I can tell you right now I am not going to buy it.

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I think COD series seem to be one of the most dragged series that I have found. I think on that context you can see that you should definitely check it out. But the WW2 seems to be a good game with weapons and quest trail. I'd say it's worth playing for sure.

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I just have to admit it, this is one subject am not familiar with. Am not into games that much but I think I've played an older version of call of duty some few years back which was quiet an experience back then with how fascinating the whole game was. I can only imagine how good and better the most recent series will be. And from all said in the post above, am sure it's going to be a blast for sure.

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At first, I wasn't too sure about playing the game Call of Duty until I saw a friend playing it on his Playstation 4 console and I was 100% captivated with the game. It didn't took me more than a month and I rushed and ordered for mine which I practically enjoyed more than I had ever anticipated. It was a decent game, there is no doubt about it.

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Honestly, I liked the game really much. We have finally got something different, and we have got back to the World War II once again! The story mode was really great from my point of view, it was awesome. The characters were good, not that good as the characters from the modern warfare series, however they are still pretty good. The multiplayer... was really bad. I have actually played only the story mode, and I was kind of addicted to it, just like I am addicted to playing poker on right now. I am just tired of gaming, so I turned to gambling instead.

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