
Fatherly Pearls of Wisdom: Call Your Parents Once a Week or Month

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Fatherly Pearls of Wisdom: Call Your Parents Once a Week or Month

Call your parents at least once a week or a couple times a month. It will make them so happy to know you care for them so much.
You know, when most kids fly the nest, they can become so consumed by their new sense of freedom and independence, that they can neglect to keep in touch with their parents. Some people move out of home and they are hardly seen again and that's just not right! While you might go home for your mom or your dads birthday, or the occasional Sunday dinner! Even that's better than nothing! You should try to keep in touch with your parents by giving them a call from time to time!

And I understand that not everyone has a close relationship with their parents. Some people don't even have any kind of relationship with their parents and that's just sad really. But if your parents love you, and you do have love for your parents, you should try to keep in touch with them from time to time with something simple like a phone call. You should call them up at least once a week or month or every now and then just to see how they are.

And no, emailing them or sending them a text message isn't the same thing lol. While it's still nice to send an email or a text message or something every now and then. Just so they know you're okay and what you're up to and that. If you really care about your parents, speaking to them on the phone will give you a much better idea as to their state of mind (as them yours).

Since you can really tell a lot about a person by the tone of their voice on the phone you know? I'll be honest though, I don't usually speak to my old man on the phone that much. I send him a joke text or funny picture or meme occasionally on Whatsapp or something and he'll reciprocate or retaliate with a reply of some sort or even send me something funny and amusing. And that's cool! That lets me know that he's in high spirits when he does that and I'm sure he thinks the same way about me when I do that too.

But every now and then, if it's been long enough, I'll actually give the guy a call and have a bit of a natter with him. Find out how he's doing and ask him how his arthritis is doing and if he needs any help with anything or anything. And I think he really appreciates it. I mean, what father doesn't like to hear from his son you know? Fatherly Pearls of Wisdom: Call Your Parents Once a Week or Month

What about you? Do you call your parents from time to time to see how they are and how they're doing?

Or do you stick to sending emails and texts only?

How often do you go home to see them? Once a week, month or year?

Or just every now and then for a Sunday roast since your mom's roast dinners can't be beaten right!? Fatherly Pearls of Wisdom: Call Your Parents Once a Week or Month


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Calling our parents once a week or a month especially when we are far from them is a great way of showing love. Sometimes we are shy to show our love for our parents so by means of calling act as one way of showing it. We should also appreciate our parent's effort and make us a better person calling them make feels them appreciated and love.

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I agree, totally true. Every little thing like calling or video chat your parents, makes them more loved and lessen the worries towards you, which will make them more assure that you're safe. If I would be going to another country and work there, I wouldn't stop calling them, like I would do this every time or every night if I'm not that busy on work. Things like this can make me more stronger and makes me want to work harder even though I'm so far away from them.

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I couldn't agree more with everything that you've described. I really believe that we at least owe it to our parents to show some effort and love since they were the ones that raised us and spent years giving things up just so we could have the latest toys, have nice clothes and more.

I am extremely fortunate because I have a great relationship with my mother. We're like best friends and even though we don't live together, we actually call each other every single day. Sometimes, it's the stupid conversations of ''hey, what have you been up to'' or ''how's the weather there'' but it doesn't matter because just hearing each other voices truly brightens up my mood and day. I love my mother and I am so grateful for everything that she went through when she was raising me. I wasn't the calmest child and I could get pretty stubborn but I have turned around and now I know how much she has done for me.

Just remember. Life doesn't last forever. A person could be gone when you wake up the next morning. Call your parents and tell them how much they mean to you so you won't regret it once you won't have the chance anymore!

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I used to work away from my hometown in another country. I was away there for around 7 years. I only return to my parents
home once a year. I make it a point to call back at least once weekly. It's important to keep in touch and see if there's any problems at home.

As a son, I think that it's a responsibility for us to let out parents know how we are. Some of them may not express it openly but it's common for parents to miss and worry about their children who are away from them. By calling back, we can clear their doubts and worries.

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I absolutely keep in contact with my parents, my mother more so than my father. After a falling out with my father, I ended up moving several towns over. While there isn't bad blood between us now, we simply never actually had the father-son relationship you would expect. On the other hand, I still love my mother very much and we keep in contact on a daily basis. Sometimes I find it a bit annoying if she calls me when I'm trying to work, but I quickly get over that when I remember that one day the phone won't ring, and that I should appreciate each moment I still have with her.

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That is a pretty common in families I guess. There will always be some people who is harder to get along with. How frequent do you visit your parents? I am still living with my parents as of now.

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I must admit that I am terrible at this, and I really need to drastically improve my communication habits with my loved ones. My mom had not been well this year, and I should most likely call her at least three times a week, but sometimes I get wrapped up in my own selfishness and crazy schedule, and I neglect to call her and tell her I love her. I am thinking about setting an alarm on my cell phone to remind me to do so a few times a week. Life is short, and I have no idea how much longer she will be with us.

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True. This is also what I keep saying to myself that is why I won't go far away from my mom since I love her so much and I want to be always with her no matter what. Parents aren't getting any younger so we should always try to tell them often how much we love them and how much we appreciate everything that they have done for us specially when we were young and feeling hopeless. :'(

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Sorry guys but I do speak with my old loved ones every single day. My dad had a heart attack about 12 years ago, and since that moment, we as family decided to never ever say at least: I'm ok by phone. If we have time to eat 3 times a day, check on our girlfriend/boyfriend, call a friend, check our emails, then why can't we do that with our parents? how hard it is to just grab the phone for 5 minutes and say: hey guys, hope you are doing ok, feeling good today? So, that's what I do, and they feel great to hear my voice every day, as I feel goo too by hearing them also.

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Incredibly powerful advice. My mother goes in for a major surgery at the beginning of next month, and I'm anticipating taking as much time off work to return to my hometown and be with her. I've been fortunate that both of my parents and all of my grandparents are in very good health, so this is one of the first occurrences that has me really nervous about my mom's health.

I'm sure she'll be fine, but I worry about her nonetheless, and I want to be there for her!

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I'm lucky that I live and work in a city that's about 45 minutes away from my parents. My dad's job puts him near my city pretty frequently, and we actually grabbed dinner while he was passing through town just the other day. I can be pretty bad about calling my parents regularly, but I probably manage to call them once a month.

However, probably see them on average once a week since they live so close. If I don't have anything going on on the weekends, I'll usually make it a point to try and go home to see my family, which is always a nice escape from my routine in the city.

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Your parents did so much for you when you were smaller that you should appreciate them whenever you can. A phone call once a week or even once a month doesn't seem like much but it is so much for them. It shows them that you still love them and appreciate them. I'm sure a lot of people don't have parents anymore and they will tell you to appreciate whatever time you have left with them.

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I love my parents so much especially my mum that I don't fail to call home atleast twice a week.Parents are such treaure that we shouldn't joke with them.Without them some of us wouldn't attain some height.They are really a treasure,I adore the both.

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I have to force my self to talk on the phone with my mother, I prefer the traditional face to face, now that my mother is away, I have to speak with her every day, at least every two days, she says I don't have to, but I know she's waiting for this call every day, my sister told me so.

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Since I moved out of the house and find my own place, I always see to it that I call my parents every once in a while. I am very attached to my parents since we are really close as family and I felt homesick most of the time. Whenever I misses the (almost everyday) I would make a call just to know if they were doing fine, whether they have a problem or if they needed anything. I loved my parents so much that I won't call it a day off if I can't say I love you to them.

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Currently, I am living with my parents. When I lived away from my parents I used to make calls couple of times in a week. I called my parents, I used to talk for 20-15 minutes. Talking to parents frequently, deepened our bond. It felt good to know they are safe and are happy.
When I was a child, I was in boarding school. Interestingly I never missed them. When I was in teens, I was in the city where as my parents were in living in the countryside. I never missed them .Now that I am living with them, I understand how much I actually missed them when I was in a boarding school or in the city.

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I was kicked out when I was 18, so I don't really think that my parents would like to hear a peep from me. I feel that it's just better to leave the whole issue be, as keeping in touch would cause nothing but grief for everyone involved, so that's why it's much better to not even try to contact them.

I know my situation is not the usual, but people like OP should take into consideration that not everyone has the same good situation as them.

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I have a similar situation. Been through so much with my parents, so much bad blood that im better off leaving thing the way they are otherwise we will fight. Unfortunately, not everyone is the same and this old thing of "Honor your parents doesn't work every time

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For everything our parents did for us such as training us to become better citizens, providing our daily food till we were ready to fend for ourselves, granting us shelter while we never knew what paying house rent is all about, taking care of our health situations and even going to as far as boring just to pay hospital bills when fell ill and lots more, I feel they deserve more than a phone call every week. Our parents should be called every day, if possible, asking how they are doing, what they need and so on.

Parents are rare gifts to us that without them, I doubt if we could have lived to this day! I love my parents and pray they live long to enjoy the benefits of training me to become a better man.

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This is a good reminder for us to show our care for our parents. It helps their health also, and make them feel good to relieve their stress in old age. We must make it to a point once every month to visit our parents.

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I am an only child and I have always been close to my parents. I don't live that far from them and I visit them about 3 or 4 times per week. My parents have done so much for me and this is something that I will never be able to forget. It is now my turn to look after them.

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While we all do not have a great relationship with our loved ones, I think no matter the circumstances, we need to find time to call them. No parent is perfect, but as we grow old, we know that we are also not perfect in any way. Growing up and moving out on our own means we are maturing in terms of every aspect of our lives. While we get too busy to live our lives, it doesn't hurt to put even our periodical call to our folks in our weekly schedules. I love to talk to old people. Maybe this is because I am so close to my grandmother. I love listening to their stories when they were younger and everything they are happy to share me with, what I always get from them is that no matter how stubborn or how busy their sons or daughters are, you can feel in their stories that they are proud of their offsprings. Their stories usually evolve around their children and grandchildren even though most of them do not see them so often. So you see, even when your relationship with your parents are not that close, they look at it in a very different angle. So bridge that, call them regularly if you can't visit them often.

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I think parents should be parents and you should be the child. Why put the burden of this very important relationship on one party. Personally, I think they should call us the same way you should call your kids when they move away from home.

The Bible says obey and respect your parents. It also gives parents instructions on how to treat their children. Instructions that are often ignored by parents and the clergy that interpret them.

Both sides should want to nurture the relationship. Come on guys this is 2017. This is the period of enlightenment.

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Very true that. It's like any other friendship if the other party is not making an effort to come around then why should only I am the one making it? Every relationship needs to be equal otherwise it won't work out in the long run

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I used to call them sometimes when I was living away from home. But I am currently living with them under the same roof and so I rarely see the need for phone calls and texts. I enjoy talking to them everyday

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My mother and I are really close, so I make sure that I call my mom at least once a day and I always check on her to see how she is doing and make sure that she doesn't need anything. And as far as my dad goes I go every few days before I call him because he likes to talk on the phone for 3hrs and that's no joke. Whenever I tell him I need to hang up he starts talking about something else until he tells me everything that he has to say.

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9 years.. It's been 9 years that me and my Papa are not talking, as in zero communication.. Well I tried chatting him through Facebook's messenger but I ended up on seen-zone as always. Can't blame him though, I dishonored him, I only brought disappointments and failutes to the family. I got pregnant while studying and ran away with my boyfriend, so who ain't gonna be disapointed? As of now I've myself three kids, my eldest being 7 then 5 and a 4 month old baby. All of them hasn't been seen by their grandfather and it kinda hurt. I tried reaching out yo him, I really tried. Said how sorry I was and how I love and miss him so much but still no reaction. Like of Adele's "Hello" I sing like "Hello from the other side.. I must have called a thousand times, to tell you I'm sorry for everything that I've done but when I called you don't seem to be home. Hello from the outside.. At least I can say that I tried to tell you Im sorry for breaking your heart but it don't matter it really doesn't tear you apart anymore." (Brings me to tears thinking about it) but I still love him for his my Papa and I'll forever be my Papa's girl.

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Thanks for bringing up the topic. We live at times when children no longer care about their parents that much. One of the best thing that each child should show to the parents is love and care, irrespective of the differences. It makes the parents happy, although they will rarely talk about it.

I have a strong connection with parents, and I always make sure I call them twice or thrice in a week. Also, I try my best and visit them at least once in a month.

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Well, I used to be in touch with my parents all the time and used to call them almost every day when I was living away for them for a very long period of time. Today I am living with them and receiving there blessings each and every day of my life. I think that it is very essential to stay in touch with your parents when you are away from them. They look forward to your messages every day and feel a sense of joy and happiness when you communicate with them.

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My relationship with my parents has been very tense in recent years, but after visiting the therapist, I realized that I need to talk to them more often and tell them that I love them. I don't like that they always insist that I find a girlfriend. I know that, but they insist on it bothers me. I registered a few weeks ago on Tinder with a temporary number and I receive sms online uk. I don't want to publish all my information there, and I want to be more discreet. But until I don't have any succes.

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