
What do you think about Thor Ragnarok ?

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What do you think about Thor Ragnarok ?

Who don't like MARVEL movies as well as Thor ? I think we have lots of people around here who like MARVEL and Thor also. Thor is one of my favorite MARVEL character. I have watched both Thor and Thor : Dark World for several times. Now I am waiting for Thor : Ragnarok.
First I was not so excited about Thor : Ragnarok. Before watching the official trailer I was thinking that Thor : Ragnarok will be a good one as earlier part of the movie. But after watching the trailer I am thinking that this movie will much better then previous parts. We will be able to see some new characters like Grandmaster, Valkyrie, Hela and most important thing is that we will see how Hela will destroy Thor's hammer ! Can you imagine about it ?? Nobody can take Thor's hammer except Odin, Thor himself and Vision. Even Hulk couldn't take the hammer in Avengers Age of Ultron. But in Thor : Ragnarok Hela will take the hammer and will destroy it at once as its very common for her ! I am just so excited about the movie. Can't wait till November for the movie !!! However, did you watch the trailer ? Share your opinion about this movie.... What do you think about Thor Ragnarok ?


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I think it's one of the best MARVEL's characters and I also think this part is one of the best parts about Thor. When I watched Ragnarok on this site I was enjoying my evening with my wife who like me loves all the MARVEL's movies. I was surprised and impressed by the quality of the high-quality movie. I discovered this site accidentally and now I can watch all my favorite movies for free without worrying about any penal sanctions incurred. There are movies of all genres and from all countries, so you can watch any movie you want.

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M1ndPrototype said:
"I think it's one of the best MARVEL's characters and I also think this part is one of the best parts about Thor. When I watched Ragnarok on this site I was enjoying my evening with my wife who like me loves all the MARVEL's movies. I was surprised and impressed by the quality of the high-quality movie. I discovered this site accidentally and now I can watch all my favorite movies for free without worrying about any penal sanctions incurred. There are movies of all genres and from all countries, so you can watch any movie you want."
Thanks a lot for sharing, man. It's really useful, I've tried to watch some movies there and I really liked it.

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I think the new sequel of Thor which has a subtitle of Ragnarok is pretty awesome. Aside from the new story, it will bring the new Thor into new transformation as seen on the teaser his long hair is already gone. I believe new special effects and stunts are there making the movie amazing. I'm not a fan of Thor but it's a great story and effective characters. I'm gonna definitely watch it when it's available here. There's a part of the teaser wherein Incredible Hulk appears and its one portion of the movie that makes it interesting.

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I am hyped after watching the trailer. I think Thor looks cool in his short haircut. The best thing for me is that Loki and Hulk will be in it. The villainess in the movie looks pretty daunting. I am also looking forward to watch how the movie sets us up for the Infinity Wars battle with Thanos. I find that it's more enticing compared to DC's Justice League which will be coming out this year too.

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This is really weird. Like it just went out of control lol. At the last scene of the trailer, Thor looks like The Flash + DeadPool + Captain America. Haha. But I am excited about this movie though. I can't tell if it's better or not because I haven't watched the full movie, duh obviously. What do you think about Thor Ragnarok ?

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I guess this movie will be pretty much like a journey since Thor will be transported multiple places. I hope it will be great. Cate Blanchett is pretty amazing so I hope she will be used well in the film.

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From wikipedia: Ragnarok (Old Norse Ragnarök, “The Doom of the Gods”) is the name the pre-Christian Norse gave to the end of their mythical cycle, during which the cosmos is destroyed and is subsequently re-created.

So most-likely, it'll be a recall from the past where all his battles or probably the origin. I watched the trailer but I did not really watched it all, I turned off the sound and just clicked randomly on the run time frame because I don't want to spoil everything.

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Well, the ads are getting kind of annoying. I hope they do justice for the Hulk vs Thor matchup. I wonder what will happen to the Grandmaster and if any Infinity stone would be mentioned in the movie.

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Well from by observation though Ragnarok is very much about Asgardians punching each other’s lights out to a fantastic soundtrack, the very first person we
see and hear in the Japanese trailer is Benedict Cumberbatch as Strange,
explaining to Thor in the Sanctum Sanctorum that he’s “sensed a great
change in [Thor’s] future,” which makes sense considering we all know
that Hela’s going to kick Thor’s ass at least once. As surprising as
Strange’s inclusion is in the trailer, it makes a degree of sense
considering that Doctor Strange’s first post-credits stinger also featured the two heroes discussing Asgardian affairs.

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The movie itself doesn't follow to the original flow of the story. Hulk should have sent into space by
avengers, but what happened to the story of "Thor Ragnarok" was banner simply walk away from everything. It's not clear, if he went out to space, or kidnap within earths territory. There are many stories that had been revised by the creator of the movie. It doesn't follow to the story in comics.

The other version of the story, it was not Thor, but rather Beta-ray-bill,
the other hero of Asgard captured and force into a fight of gladiator.

Hero should present in Scene;
  • Silver Surfer
  • beta ray bill
  • The rock people
I don't know if loki should be present in that area, i think it was a king of the planet watching them.

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I'm very excited to watch this movie on the big screen. When I first watched the thor ragnarok trailer I'm shocked when I saw the scene when the villain broke thor's mjolnir like is it possible ? I'm so intrigued I tell myself that I must watched this movie before someone spoil it to me. As seen on the trailer whole movie is settled only in asgard. They may not have scene on earth with the avengers focusing only the asgardians. I'm looking forward for this movie hope it will be great more than I expect.

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I dont have any idea in first place but I like how will be the flow of the movie because i saw some part of the trailer that the enemy catch Thor's Hammer and when hulk comes out i totally excite because of there tandem Thor and Hulk i think they it will have a strong enemy to that movie

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I should'nt definitely miss this sequel of thor. Its cool that Loki gets to be a Hero this time not a villain. But the frustrating part of many movies where when a villain changes for good, he gets to be weaker compared as when he was a villain. But then I'd definitely watch Thor: Ragnarok!

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I think that this movie is going to be the best one thus far. You can really never go wrong with a good marvel movie and they are only getting much better. Thor Ragnarok looks like it is going to be up there with the best of them and I really can't wait until November.

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Trailer looks decent though not a fan of the Thor movies. Most of the movies were very slow paced and very shallow stories. Though they are adding the hulk. And that makes the stories lot better in that case. I would love to see how the ragnarok goes. Though I am going to watch it on the netflix. Not going to see it through the theater. Because there does not seem to be much value from what I have seen in the trailer.

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I think this will bow mind of others. I see that this is very great movie and very unique. This is one of the most awaited film of the year. I know Thor well because im a fan but with ragnarok? im expecting more excitement at this trailer.

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Well you should've put a spoiler warning there. But anyway, I'm also a fan of all those marvel movies and good thing that I've read your post cause I've never know that there will be another sequel of Thor if I haven't seen this post. I'll definitely watch it but for the mean time, I think I'm gonna binge-watch all currently aired series of MARVEL's Agent's of SHIELD after I finished watching Vikings.

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I actually think that it's a good movie but honestly I'm not a fan of this so I don't know what the story line is about. But my friend told me that he would invite me into his house whenever he'll have movie marathon on some marvel movies. And also, I did watch the trailer and it looks awesome, and I did remember that guy with long hair and he looks bad ass.

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I'll probably pass or wait for DVD. I've never been a fan of the Thor universe. Whether it be comics, films or anything else. My favorite Marvel characters are Spiderman and Blade. The X-MEN of course also and Wolverine. But Thor just has never appealed to me. Even as a kid.

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I recently watched this movie and it was one of the best movies made in 2017. I didn't expect this movie to be good as the two previous two movies were senseless. All the actors did justice to their roles. Cate Blanchett acted wonderfully. The story was exceptional.

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I must admit that I'm not impressed with the movie Thor Ragnarok. From the acting in the movie, it looks less serious than tense like other marvel movies that I have watched. Take for instance, Avengers part 1 and the latest Avengers Infinity War, as well as The Black Panther, they are all better marvel movies compared to what was acted in Thor Ragnarok.

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When it comes to technology, Thor is a bull in a china shop. Despite his encounters with wizards, magic, and gods, as well as his travels through several universes, he is frequently taken down a peg by human-made technology. When he's asked for the Avenger Quinjet's voice-activated password, for example, he naturally expects the system will unlock when he speaks his code name, "strongest Avenger," twice, as if Tony Stark's creation didn't hear him the first time. Play and Download Stick Fight Now here.

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