
Why i think GTAV was a flop

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Why i think GTAV was a flop

GTA V PS4 update:Sadly after the disappointment that was gta v on ps3 I purchased the remastered version
on ps4. Now, let me start off by saying that visually the game is
amazing and they really did improve a lot of visual aspects of the game
such as draw distance, fine detail and increased foliage and wild life
such as a larger array of dogs and even cats and birds. however there
improvements doesn't go past that, the game still feels very flat and
stale and maybe I was wrong to expect this but the city is exactly the
same with not one single addition in landscape or building,
The City:
Soooooooo much space is wasted in this game it's ridiculous, half the map is taken up by mountains and other places that you only really venture to once. In the map there are two mountains, a swamp, deserts a sea and an ocean, a wind farm but only
ONE enterable venue within the city where you actually spend the majority of your playing time... The hood is even more of a joke as it looks bizarre and unlike any part of the real south central in LA. The projects and individual buildings were modelled from south central LA but the actual layout of South central Los Santos is alien with streets
laid out in almost what looks like loops and curves instead of the straight blocks that you see in South Central. Where are the rows upon rows of houses seen in movies such as Friday or Boyz In Hood? Instead we have several neighbourhoods that are made up of literally ONE street such as Chamberlain Hills and Rancho were you find yourself driving up and down Forum Drive Or up and down Jamestown Street, Forum Drive and Chamberlain Hills are basically the same exact thing which is lazy in my
opinion Forum drive should be one of the several streets within Chamberlain Hills same way Jamestown Street should be one of the several streets within Rancho except what we see is Jamestown and Rancho are basically synonymous. If the designer wasn't bothered to put more effort into Rancho they should have just made the entire neighbourhood a housing project like they did with the South Eastern portion of rancho that way the area would have more of a hood like feel instead of feeling like a last minute street that was quickly added on.

Police helicopter:

Whoever thought it was a good idea to design the police to shoot at you from a helicopter is a retard, it completely strips the game from any realism and enjoyment. The constant sound of bullets ricochetting off my car from the police chopper drives me insane and ruins the chance to enjoy a realistic police chase.

Lack of Revolvers:

Out of all the guns they have released since it's release on ps3 in 2013 and it's release on ps4 in 2014 we are yet to see a single revolver, now I know there will be people out there like whoa picky much? But you have to understand the arsenal of weapons they have decided to release instead of a revolver including a firework launcher, Ray/Laser Gun, musket, Torch light, Taser and a can of gasoline proven useless if not shot to ignite but not one single revolver...correct me if I'm wrong butI think there has ever only been one revolver made since GTA III and that was the modified revolver with the scope that you get in Vice City
apart from that it's been a revolver drought.

All in all the game had the opportunity to be the greatest GTA to date but instead I think they focused on providing activities for every type of person to enjoy instead of focusing on what made the GTA series good in the past and how to bring those improvements into the next gen console.


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I always play that game rather enjoying it becomes more intense when you play the mission. The scene itself sometime might not worth because some of the mission should not be worth to play or waste of time. It cost a lot of time for me, the design itself might not be expected by the customer as the creator of the GTA trying to imply that, the game made for specific reasons to play.
The only thing made it so hilarious was the physics of GTA, the old version:
  • The physics of the games specially when a tank hitting the tree it would destroyed
  • It has a cheat code which tempting to use
  • It has no children in GTA
  • building can't be destroyed

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Grand Theft Auto V on PS4 and Xbox One is great but only because of the beautiful graphics and first person mode. The wildlife additions that they made are also great especially in the sea because when you dive down it is absolutely beautiful and even slightly scary because of how realistic it looks. But I wouldn't consider it a flop because it has done extremely well and it continues to do well especially because Rockstar has continued to release brand new updates that people are enjoying.

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No doubt, the game did well in terms of graphic, but c'mon the game disappointed me big time, and many other die hard fans, there were busy spending time on creating new activities ,character modelings, Graphics and Cars, and at the same pushing out what made the game popular at the first place.
Can't wait for GTA 6 tho. this one sucks

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Well, while you may not be the biggest fan of Grand Theft Auto V, you can't deny that with an astounding $2,079,480,000 of profit made by Rockstar and Take-Two Interactive, it was definitely a massive financial success. Personally, I don't think I neither hate it nor love it. I thought it was okay for the 70 hours that I played it, but I don't find myself wanting to pick it up anymore as I do with other games. I agree that the environment was a bit disappointing. I was expecting much more content, but it all felt very empty. In terms of realism, I wouldn't know how true to life it is. I lived in New York City and was impressed with how accurate their depiction of Liberty City was in Grand Theft Auto IV, so I assumed they'd do just as well in GTA V for L.A. The gameplay was fine in my opinion, just nothing to write home about. Needless to say I'm not too excited for Grand Theft Auto VI, I'm looking forward to Red Dead Redemption 2 far more.

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When it comes to the money aspect, i must accept it grossed a whooping $2,000,000,000+ profit which is cool and amazing for a video game but the map and realism? bruhh? "half the map is taken up by mountains and other places that you only really venture to once. In the map there are two mountains, a swamp, deserts a sea and an ocean, a wind farm but only ONE enterable venue within the city where you actually spend the majority of your playing time... The hood is even more of a joke as it looks bizarre and unlike any part of the real south central in LA. The projects and individual buildings were modelled from south central LA but the actual layout of South central Los Santos is alien with streets laid out in almost what looks like loops and curves instead of the straight blocks that you see in South Central."

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I would agree that there are flaws to the game but I don't think it's a flop since it is critically praised and did very well in terms of profits and even breaking records. As for the vast spaces of mountains, I think that just adds realism and also I think it's more geared towards those who like to fly planes in the game, which would be very boring if the distances were too short and the scenery was too cluttered. It's not really my favorite GTA version of all time, to be honest, but I think they really did a fairly good job with this version. I can understand your frustration though, as some GTA versions I've played just didn't appeal to me even though they were loved by everyone around me.

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Yeah, i didn't say it was a total flop, but it wasn't up to the mark i expected , as a die hard fan, there were some improvements i expected. but the game was actually cool.
You are wise, in that of the mountains but they wasted so much space, with only One enterable venue within the city where you actually spend the majority of your playing time.

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Yeah I can see where you're coming from. Maybe this is just the case of doing something as best you can but still not being able to please everybody in the end. Like I said, even when they packed some versions with a lot of cool features, it didn't appeal to me too much since it wasn't what I was looking for. I'm the type that preferred the simplicity of the older games, but for what they made with each new version I could at least say they poured their heart into it which is much more than I can say for most other games.

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I don't think that the game is a flop either. I mean, the game is built on how it's suppose to be. I believe that GTA is a game wherein the things that you can't do in real life can probably be done on that game. So don't feel bad because it wont satisfy whatever it is that you want the game to accomplish or bring. Why i think GTAV was a flop The game is meant to be enjoyed in it's own way.

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I agree and that's what I love about this game. There are a lot of things that you can do in this game that you just cannot do in real life and that is why a lot of people enjoy these games. Grand Theft Auto just lets you do whatever you want whenever you want and that makes the game great. It does get boring after a while and I'm sure there are players that don't like this game but that's just their opinion I guess.

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LOL, Spare me that load of crap please, go and ask any hard core GTA gamer, how he feels about the game, It's a flop. there wasted many resources, or should i say, they used the time they should have used to improve the game on hyping.
How can i enjoy a game, when they took the enjoyment away, i don't play the game mostly because of the mission, i play it because of the freedom i enjoy in the game. like going anywhere i want, entering venues, strip clubs, Police chase etc. but they took almost everything away. you can't enter into most venues, it was a total waste of space. and so many other things like i said in my post. it's annoying, i hope for improvement on GTAVI

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I guess that's why mods are made, right? To compensate about your complaints which the game couldn't satisfy you? Why i think GTAV was a flop And anyway, you only asked those hardcore GTA gamers but have you asked the normal GTA gamers? Lol. Before you complain about the game, you should've read the reviews before playing it. Or if you want something that the devs should change within the game, you can always post on their respective forums. Why i think GTAV was a flop

You can't just go blabbing around telling people to spare you the load of, what, crap? How is that even a crap? I am just stating my opinion. No need to be aggressive. You would be so lucky if the game would adjust to your needs. Haha.

A true and real gamer doesn't complain about a game; he/she enjoys it because that is what a game is all about. Unless you are trying to prove something.

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LOL, young lady, we ain't quarreling please. keep it down, and learn how to pass your opinions without throwing tantrums, separating your emotions from it, so you can pass it with decorum.
Well to your assertion on the normal gamers. i stated clearly in my post that "they focused on providing activities for every type of person to enjoy instead of focusing on what made the GTA
series good in the past and how to bring those improvements into the
next gen console."


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Oyy lmao I am not. Why i think GTAV was a flop I am clearly stating my opinion as to why I tend to disagree with your topic. Nothing more.

And as I notice on the opinions of our fellow posters here, most of them tend to disagree with you. And besides, I was just posting nicely without any aggressiveness towards you or anyone. Hehe. It is okay though. There would always be people like that.

Anyway, it's your opinion against ours. And at the end of the day, the game will always be there for us to enjoy. ^_^

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Have we played the same game? Haha. I absolutely loved GTA V and I still do. It's an amazing game and one of the best in their franchise along side San Andreas.

You mentioned the police helicopter shooting you - that isn't anything new? it was there before the GTA V so I don't know if you ever played GTA IV? I guess not. I actually like how they've used the whole map. Of course, there have to be some landscape areas, you can't expect it to be all built up. It's based on a real city and that's what they were trying to do - make it seem real. I love driving the dirt bikes on those hidden trails up the hills, it's seriously amazing fun.

I really disagree that GTA V was a flop because not only does it still have a huge amount of people playing it years after its release but it has also made a lot of money.

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Yeah, but the shootings wasn't as intense as it was in GTAV, although many people love the game, but it didn't clearly live up to the hype, and improvements i expected.

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I understood where you are taking your points from. But you have to realize that no matter how a game is built, it can never please everyone since we all have different things we look out in a game. Like in previous versions that they have many cool features that others hailed, I never felt moved by that since I was not passionate about playing the game then.

I just wish they could hear your plea and add your desired feature in the upcoming version of it.

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This one I know, and my cousins are big fans of this series, they say it is like a free for everything game, you have all in one, racing, graphics, soundtrack, beating, missions. But, they are in some way disappointed with this one. They say graphics are great, cars are nice, and characters too. Unfortunately they say multiplayer option is boring, and that is how the play the most, they didn't enjoy the missions, the can't enter to a lot of buildings like in the other series, they complaint about the map all the time. They still play it but is not their favorite, at least not like the previous ones.

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I previously experienced playing gta v in ps3 it is good i really enjoy it. It feels like you are in the game. The graphic content what totally reached in another level when i bump a car its almost same in reality. In fact i already finish the mission with smile in my face. But when some people reacted because they cant play there gta V to ps3 then maybe they are pushing people to buy ps4 to play it or maybe its just a technical problem of rockstar hope they fixed it as soon as posible so that others can enjoy playing it

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Wait, how is the game a flop? I agree with the comments above, GTA V wasn't a flop by any stretch of the imagination. You make some good points in your post, but not liking the game is a problem with you, not the game itself, which was a massive success and critically acclaimed. This is not the place to post a full game analysis but for once a GTA game had fun and precise gunplay together with an excellent campaign AND online mode, all of which are much more important factors than "hey the police helicopter shoots me now".

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What spoiled GTA5 for me was the lack of a consistent story. The story has always been a big factor in a game to me and I hate to see a game unfinished. So GTA4 had over 120 missions with a well developed and very sentimental story while GTA5 had only around 80 and revolved around bank heists. Not my cup of tea.

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I think GTA as a brand has been losing steam for awhile now. It might just be that people are tried of the franchise as a whole. I mean you can only do the things that you get to do in GTA so many times before it becomes redundant. They need to really rethink the next release, freshen it up a bit.

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Let me make another thing clear: I was excited about GTA5, and I mean really excited. Up until it was released I’d just play FIFA and the occasional 10 minutes on other games here and there. I was looking forward to getting some good hours in, completing tricky missions and doing all sorts of maniacal things.

GTA 5 promised so much, and it looked so great. But let’s be honest – it’s a flop. A complete and utter flop.

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Thank you, you are a real gamer, this exactly what i was talking about, the hype was skyrocketing, expectations were high, and it really promised so much. When it was released, i was excited, only to play the game to find out it was not really up to the mark.

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I don't think it's failed. It did managed to acquire some of the good sales. I also find it people are even buying it now. So it could be possible that it's all about experience. In future the game will be more realistic. And on that grounds, I think GTA seems to be working on that coding. They may add up more interactivity and also may add some fun in the due process too. I am not sure how this is going to be there though. It's just that game lacks some maturity on some point. So it has to evolve from that point onwards.

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What GTA really needs as a franchise and as a universe is an exciting new gimmick. Like maybe take the action somewhere it's never been before. Or maybe mesh it with more horror or supernatural elements. Something like Fast and The Furious meets Annabelle or something.

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yeah i agree with you bro the game is not that good like gta 1 but the graphics of the game is to great many nice cars added also the people walking in the street is good 3D. but i hope they will just make like gta 1 story line with great graphics would be better.

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I don't agree that GTA 5 is a flop. This is one of my favorite games. It is the best action-adventure game. I really like the graphics and the soundtracks are just amazing. I can play this game over and over again. This is many positive reviews about this game. GTA 5 was one among the best selling games.

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Oh man! When I read the headline of this article I got so mad. I mean I'm a big fan of GTA games and I couldn't believe that someone can call it a flop. Then I read the whole review and I understand your point, especially about unrealistic physics. The first game of the GTA series that I've played was GTA VC and I don't think it has realistic physics either, but I thought that's "the thing" of the games. But then I played the original GTA and now I can see the difference. First games are legends! Most interesting missions I've ever played! And I agree that GTA 5 could be way better. BTW, I also tried GTA LC on android to waste some time at work and it's pretty good too. I've read on that they are going to release GTA 5 mobile in 2021 and I can't wait to compare it with LC.

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