
Do you think Political issues should be discussed at the Church?

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Do you think Political issues should be discussed at the Church?

Last Sunday, while I attended a church mass, the priest preaching about politics regarding on killing of people involved in drugs especially drug pushers. 

I thought the church is separate in the state.  The church is the institution of worship and praise. I was quite surprised when the priest is discussing on how our president runs the country. He said the President is cruel and inhuman.

After hearing his word I don't feel like going to church again because I do believe that the president is just doing what is right for my country since illegal drugs here are very rampant. I hate drugs because drugs can turn people into a monster.

Therefore, political issues should not be discussed in the Church because it may affect the real mission of the Church.  What do you think? Is it okay to discuss politics at the church?


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You are right the church is the institution of worship, we go there to pray and feel the peace from a church, not to listen about politics. If I want to hear anything about politics I open my TV and there are a lot of political posts, but I cannot find the peace and feel God near me if I watch TV. I go to church to hear about God, about how we can do things better for the people around us and how we can become a better person.

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Well said. That was really my point. I am surrounded by dreadful news every day. Going to church is my way to find peace of mind. The church should focus on their mission and not dwell on political issues.

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Exactly. That is why most of the time, I choose to go on chapel instead of attending the mass. Those news on tv are really stressful to hear everyday, we need a little refresh. Political issues should be discussed on senate not on church.

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Issues in the Philippines, I see.. Well, it can't be helped. Religious groups are pro to life while the president is more than willing to kill people who are involved in drugs if they resist surrendering. Technically, these two were throwing stones at each other, to point out what is wrong and what is right.

I strongly agree that politics should not be discussed in church because, in that way, they are implanting hate towards the government. What do you think will happen if they succeed? "People Power" will rise to oust the current government. I think the Catholic church hate changes. Do you think Political issues should be discussed at the Church?

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Exactly church is now full of political issues most especially here in our country when Duterte became the President. I know it is all brought because of Extra Judicial Killings (EJK) and violation on human rights. I can't blame them because they are on point in their reacts with president's tenure but so far Duterte is the President where in we can put our trust on him. Compared to previous presidents, he is the most liable and responsible of all. He deserves an honor and obviously he brought a lot of changes especially to his operation on "War on drugs". This is one of the reason why political issues are now in church.

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I am an ex-seminarian and I think opinions of a priest regarding to politics is allowed but if they will go deep down through it then the mass isn't a mass anymore.

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That's right! I remember when there was a time that the government tries to meddle on issues that are happening within the church but the church creates a protest and demand for a separation of church and state. But nowadays, you can hear a priest, lecturing about what's happening in our government and how they operate it. For me, the government is doing great on their job.

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Actually I prefer to go to church when I am alone in that empty hall - just me and the presence of that peace that prevails in that environment. I am not much into rituals and those sermons which are just there because they are supposed to preach.

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Amen to this, lol. Men are subjective and fallible. I never trusted the idea that another person could deliver the word of faith or hope to me. One has to find that voice, I think, within. We all need to think and to feel for ourselves, and depending on someone at the altar or pulpit is a shortcut to doing our own work, if you ask me, on our own minds, hearts, and souls. I like going to an empty church as well--it is so much more holy without the words of men echoing around its walls.

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What goes on in churches is not something that will make the congregation any holier. My husband and I both believe in being spiritual and that helps one live a good life. More and more have started thinking for themselves rather than what has been indoctrinated in their system.

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I would argue that there have been free thinkers for thousands of years now, and many times, the church and/or its politics or mechanisms has shut down or silenced the free thinkers who could have made us even more spiritually educated and enlightened, but that is just my opinion.

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I have noticed these days priests no longer take any one to task if they stop being church goers. It was not so in the good old days. That used to be talk of the town.
What I feel is even priests too know all is not well but they cannot come out in the open to give their opinion.

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Very well said, priest should not mix politics in their sermons. I'd rather listen to the word of god than listening to irrelevant things. I know that they fight against killings and stuffs, but should they need to mention that in every church mass?

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Going to church and listening to god's message is like a form of relaxation to me. I totally believe that we must not mix religion and politics. The church is not the right place to discuss about politics. We hear about politics everyday on the news and we go to church just to get a break from all those.

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Exactly the point of why people should not talked about politics issues inside the Church, this is God's home and this is where we pray,worship and talked to God at the same time. And I don't even know why people would even bring out politics and something about killing when it's not even God's fault and not evenly close related to God.

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I definitely agree with you because political issues has nothing to do with the discussions in the church but most of the time,there are certain types of people political people rather that uses the church for their campaigne and offering them something in return for their votes so maybe churches sometimes talk about political issues because they think that since political people are asking for their help,their opinion is important.

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I believe that politics should be categorically reflected in the Church and this is unacceptable. I have heard many times how believers discuss political issues in the Church and to be honest, I am completely horrified by this. I believe that the Church is a Holy place, and politics is a dirty part of our world. People who are willing to sell not only their religion but also their family and themselves. I think it's a bad idea to discuss this in Church. Anyway, I was disappointed in the Church. Recently I understand that churches are a place to collect more alms from the faithful and to denounce their everyday problems. No one goes there to feel connected to God, and it's sad to know. That's why I decided to stop going to Church completely. Now, I just publish my prayer on Prayrs and I am sure that it will be voiced during the Sunday service and it will be heard by God. The main thing is to believe in God, because he is always with us.

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The Church should be above politics. It seems to me that political issues should not be discussed in the church. Unfortunately, politics is a very dirty business that should not be discussed in such a sacred place. I studied quite a lot of materials before writing this comment, and almost everywhere people write the same thing. In the church, we are taught to treat everyone with equal respect, but unfortunately, this does not happen in politics https://www. Therefore, I think it is better to discuss politics among friends or family, but definitely not in church.

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I believe that religion has no place in politics. Church should be separate from any political issues; political issues should be tackling in the government offices or session hall. Church is the house of God so every Sunday holy mass priest should spread the word of God. Church and State are separate precisely so that the State can investigate a legal, criminal issue without having to consider the rank of the religious leaders in question. I don’t really understand why some priest in their homily they intend to discuss political issues? Church is not the proper venue.

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I side with you on this issue. Church is just not the proper place or context for these discussions. A priest or preacher could ask his congregation to pray for the safety and safe passage of others into the afterlife, or to pray for the families who have lost people to violence, but to make a political stand with the influence that a priest or preacher has could be potentially unethical.

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I agree, but it is also a job of the priest to tell people about the ten commandments and Thou Shall Not Kill is one of those. Them acknowledging the injustice happening in the society, is not only proper, but is also their job to do so. In a country govern by the same people being accused of this, do you think there will be any chance of them condemning themselves? If the church shuts up about this issue, the Christians would think that what the government does is being supported by them and whatever they are doing is justified. Now that even minors are being killed in these operations, soI don't think this is the time to think about the separation of Church and State. We have to acknowledge the fact that not all people killed are guilty with whatever crime they are being accused of.

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If that what you stand for what about addicts killing innocent people? That's why the president has this campaign to lessen the victims of drugs. Well, I understand your rant but we have lots of issues in the government and it really stressed me out. The only place that can give me peace of mind is the church. You go to the church to pray and listen to the word of God not to listen to the sermon about the President. That was hilarious and I rather watch TV news if the topic to the church is all about politics.

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I don't think I was ranting my friend, rather, just like you, I was also sharing my thoughts and opinion on the matter. Am I not entitled to do that? I also don't think that my disagreeing on people being killed had any connections on me being okay for addicts killing people. I was merely pointing out that many innocents have become collateral damage because of these operations, and you cannot deny that fact.

You go to Church to have peace and listen to the word of God. Don't we all? We don't get to choose what we're supposed to listen though. If you only want to listen about good, beautiful and happy things, I don't think that is the place for you. The Church is supposed to make us see all our wrong doings especially by those people who are in position because they are the ones leading our nation. They have to use whatever is happening in our society as examples during their homilies for us to be able to know and understand what the words of God tell us to do during these times.

I see where you are coming from with all these ideas you have, and I understand why you feel this way. I guess we can just agree to disagree, and respect each other's differences.

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You are crossing to my border. Don't take it personally. Do not judge me that my church is not a place for me because I only want good things to listen. Can you just respect my views and do not tell me you know where I come from because you don't know me at all. I understand your point if for you politics can be discussed to your church and if you think that is good for you and so be it. Do not tell me it's because I only want to listen to good things then I do not belong to the church. You mentioned respect each other differences but it seems you're not respecting my views by telling me the church is not the place for me if I only want to listen to good things. And if you think we're both living in the same place you don't have to mention it here. Now you sound like a threat to my privacy. Go for your views I will be glad to read it but just stick to the topic.

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I believe that politics in church is not a wise idea, but you should also understand that there is a commandment that says you should not kill. The priest was addressing the community about breaking the commandments of God. I know you feel let down but remember even those who are the drug dealers can be reformed and change.

a man of God will never agree with killing because they preach on repentance, sometimes circumstances may lead them to talk to their community of worshippers about the ills of the society. Remember it is in the same churches that these drug dealers and the executors go to and if the word of God can be used to change the vice then there will be no killings.

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You're right, it is ok to preach about the ten commandments about killing. But i think when the priest talk about the political issues specially mentioning the name of a political person, that is what makes it wrong. We all know that religion and politics are the hardest issue to talk about. No one will win in that debate. So opening a political issue in church, i think, is out of line. I have experience attending a mass and the priest also preach about the certain political person, it's not yet election that time and i find it foul to use the church to say their views about the political candidates. And also witness what the writer of the post talked about. And it makes me really upset when i hear the priest saying bad things about the person. We have different views, and so many people who attends the mass have those views, priest should know that, so they should know it's not proper to say their own views in the house of praise.

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Very well said. When there are
mentioning of names of the politician, I feel like it is being biased on the part of the priest. I know that they only want to the address what is being said in the 10 commandments but mentioning names during mass is something different. Either it is for good or bad comments on a specificic politician, I think it will still be better not to mention particular names.

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Mentioning names is one way of canvassing either way which is what a priest is not supposed to do. At best they could talk about how individuals can help the country in making it a better place to live.

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I agree with you 100%! The priests are there to tell people what is right and wrong according to God's teachings. Other people think of this though as them meddling in political affairs. I think that is such a big misunderstanding considering they are merely pointing out what they see in evil in their society. Is it acceptable to acknowledge that what a an unknown criminal did was wrong in selling drugs but not to a president of a nation who is killing people?

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And I agree with you! When politics and religion mix, the ultimate outcome is one thing: WAR. Political discussions do not belong in a place where people are seeking spiritual guidance and respite from an otherwise cruel world full of mortality and sometimes awful humanity. I think it is unfortunate that some clergymen abuse the power of the pulpit to preach their own political views and force them down the throats of the congregation.

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Of course. In this case though, I don't think this thing applies. The issue is about the priest saying that the president is cruel an inhuman because he is killing people. Illegal drugs are indeed rampant in the country, but many innocent people had died and became collateral damage because of the operations done by the police and the government. Since in the Christian faith, Thou Shall Not Kill is on of the ten commandment, the priest is right in saying this. It is, after all, one of his jobs to acknowledge whatever is evil in the society.

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Point taken. I can understand the priest's outcry here, but we are bombarded by this evil in the world every day outside of church. Sometimes, I just want to go to church and find peace and sanctuary or learn a deeper spiritual lesson. These are the things church can do for us to help us deal with the violence and injustice of the outside world. I guess I just have a bit of an aversion to hearing about these things in church when they are already such a terrible part of our everyday lives anyway.

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I can see your point. I too feel that way sometimes especially with all these news about the threat on nuclear war and violence all over the world. Then again, I feel like the best way to deal with the problems we have in ourselves and in our countries, is to first acknowledge that yes, there is a problem.

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The President is not killing people. It is the drug pusher who put themselves into death. He warned the nation about his campaign and he warned addicts and drug pushers to stop their illegal doings. However, these bunch of drug pushers is still determined to cross against president legacy. The Police were tasked to eliminate drug pushers but some of them fight back during operation in where a police officer has no other choice but to shoot the suspects before they got shot by them

I guess it would be best if the priest will encourage people to stay away from drugs or to any illegal activities that can harm them and to the nation if that is what you think that the priest should do telling people what is right and wrong. It is not really good to criticise the president on his sermon.

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I wasn't the one who heard his sermons so I can't really say that he did or did not criticize the president himself. What I know though is the Church condemns the killing, and not the President himself. Don't the priests encourage people to stay away from drugs? What I abhor is when I see in the news people gunned down such as is the issue with Kian. Some are just being killed with not enough evidence that they are indeed drug sellers. Do you also believe that every single suspect really did fight back, thus they were killed? Others are alone inside the police cars being cuffed and when they arrive in the police station, they are already dead with the police claiming they reached for their guns or whatever. Do you really believe that 100%? The President may not be killing people, but he is encouraging it.

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It is difficult to say what's the true story behind those. You'll never know that there are a lot of parties involved. You'll never know if it was staged/framed up. You'll never know who was saying the truth. There are a lot of point of views in those stories and one will be the truth and we'll never know it is the truth.

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Politics has no place in church especially when priests tell people who to vote for. Unfortunately it happens often but it should be punished in some way by priests who are higher in hierarchy. I don't know if them talking about drugs means that they are talking about politics because the priests should campaign against drugs (but without any political opinions).

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I agree, priests should never tell people who to vote for or force the government to pass or reject a law because of religious grounds. Is it wrong though for a priest acknowledging the evil that he has seen? Is it okay for him to tell you not to kill or lie, but he should not tell that to the president? They are there to make us realize and see the injustice and immorality happening around us, as defined in the Bible. If they don't, what are they there for?

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I completely agree with you! Church and the state are separate for years now and this means that the church shouldn't be discussing any state-related issues such as politics. It's a conflict of interests. People don't go to the Church to hear who to vote for, how the there is corruption and so on. They go to find peace, to pray. I fully believe that politics shouldn't be discussed there.

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Correct! Those priests are trying to brainwash people to vote who they like, which is not what a religion should do. Religion should nourish people's fate to God and not advertise a politician they like to govern the country.

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Many religion and priests indeed do what you are accusing them to. In this case though, I don't think the priest was trying to push people to voting someone he wants, rather, it's about condemning the action of someone killing people. Thou Shall Not Kill is one of the ten commandments, and it his job to tell Christians that this should not be done no matter who and what they are.

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I don't politics should be discussed in a religious gathering like a church but then the points @wilkan80 highlighted cannot be ignored as long as it is done in an unbiased manner. Some preachers go as far as condemning politicians and telling people who to vote which in my opinion is wrong.

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But the church is no longer a place where people go just to pray. The church has become an institution with a financial purpose and this is very sad and worrying. So, why discussing politics wouldn't be appropriate?

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You are right Church is commercialised in every sense of the word. In the name of progress there is so much money exchanging hands. Have you not seen halls given on rent for marriages and other functions? Is that really necessary?

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The church has already lost its essence for a long time (if there really was any, to be honest). I'm not saying this because I don't follow any kind of religion, but because of the facts that are constantly presented to society.

There is no how to denying the facts, the church has become a gaping trade.

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Those who donate large sums of money are given a lot of importance even if they live in sin (lol) This attitude encourages the followers to compete with each other in order to be honoured by the clergy but bother little about living a pious life.

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I always thought this:

"Those who make the greatest donations are the greatest sinners." and of course the churches just love those kinds of sinners, don't they? Do you think Political issues should be discussed at the Church?

Every time I say this close to some of my friends they call me heretic, haha!

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It is there for all to see but no one talks about it as talking would be mean committing a sin of Blasphemy against the church. It is an accepted norm the more you give the holier you are (lol)

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Oh, my... It's so good to meet people who aren't religiously alienated and who understand us without questioning our faith, haha!

Seriously, it seems like we're part of a parallel world or something similar. Do you think Political issues should be discussed at the Church?

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The world is changing at a rapid pace and people have started thinking for themselves. Be it the church, temple or mosque nothing is more important than amassing wealth.

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Considering that the church made a point of being seen and stabilizing itself as an institution (although many people don't agree with this, as I don't agree) it's entirely understandable that there be a discussion about politics in this place.

The church has to be open to all kinds of subject matter.

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I agree with you on this. They are after all, the body in which Christians look to in times of turmoil and confusion especially in a country where killing of people (despite them being criminals) had been so rampant. No more lawyers and judges to prove and defend the case.

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What you are stating is totally different. The thing about the church and the state being separate is about there not being any type of religious bias/connection to the government. I don't think that it is wrong for political things to be discussed because there are things that definitely should be considered like how some governments are killing their own people. Religious people should be praying that these governments stop and should be aware of the wicked that some people are doing.

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The church needs to voice out what many could not, especially the distaste of many on the killings being done. It is far from religious bias or political meddling whatsoever. They are there to make people see and understand the wrong things that they have no matter who they are, may they be a farmer, carpenter or president of a nation.

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True. I don't see anything wrong with the pastor talking about political issues or other domestic challenges. As long as he is not going to impose anything religious into solving such issues, I tend to think there is less to worry about. Therefore, the state will still remain separate from the church and issues are going to be solved according to the laws, not according to what the church says.

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Yes, but unfortunately, many people don't see it that way. When a religious body talk about politics, they are the accused of meddling with government affairs that people no longer try to listen to the message and depth of what they're talking about. There are many things that has caused people to be discouraged and no longer trust the church fully, but this case is not one of those things.

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What does your countries constitution say? Are church and state separate? I would check the specific provision if I were you.
The church is society's moral telescope where we are supposed to go to for advice on all things moral. I think the priest has a right to comment on all things that are moral. In this case, especially you have indicated that the issue is to do with death.

The right to life is the greatest right, both in the constitution and on a moral basis. He should comment, because he is God's agent, and from a reading of the bible and the ten commandments, thou shall not kill.

There is a reason why your president got his job, to find solutions. He should find better ways of dealing with drugs and the priest should continue to defend life.

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The priest is merely voicing out his opinion on the matter at hand and considering that Thou Shall Not Kill is one of the ten commandments, it his job to speak of its evil. If he doesn't, then what is he there for? Killing is against the core values of Christianity, and considering that the one killing people is the president, the church has to take a stand stronger than they usually do on this matter. They have to and they are expected to.

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Maybe there is no separation between the state and the church in their constitution. I know there are many countries like that, especially the ones in the Middle East.

Many religious leaders get involved whenever there are conflicts affecting their nation or even in conflicts that are global in nature. I don't see anything wrong with that unless the religious leaders are clearly breaking the law.

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The church is no longer what it used to be a place of has become a place for so many abnormal things from being a marketplace to being an arena for gossips and where money can seriously be made.I think discussing politics as in a way forward is bad.

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I see what you mean, but I don't think we should generalize the churches becoming a marketplace for some who make it that way. It is a place of worship and it depends on every single person to make it that way. We should not allow ourselves to be corrupted by those who do this sacrilege. I agree that the church should not meddle with politics but I believe that it is their job to tell people what is right and wrong according to what is written. Thou shall not kill is in the ten commandments and so the priest speaking it being evil and wrong is proper and it his position to do so. Isn't it right for him to tell the people what he has seen is immoral and against God's commandments in the society? The president himself is killing people, isn't he supposed to acknowledge the wrongness of it?

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I think it can discussed in church, to enlighten the knowledge of people who feel that killing nowadays is only normal. It is against the commandment's of God, so the church reacting to that and it is not about politics, it's about violation of human rights. We have the same problem. In our country there are issues about our president's violation of human rights, about massive killing of drug users or even surrenderes being killed. I know they are drug users, and they have sin, but they have the right to change and correct their sin, they have right to live. Even God give us a chance to change even if we are sinners.

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I totally agree with you and the fact that not all of those killed are indeed guilty of being linked to drugs remain. Many innocents have been killed because of these operations and just became collateral damage. It is easy for those who have no loved ones and family members killed by the government to defend these kind of actions, but how about those who have been hurt by this? Now, even the minors are just being killed and no valid proof is given to justify these actions.

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Had you asked me this question 30 years ago, I will definitely say that Political Issues should be also addressed at the Church. However on this modern day that the Church has become the sanctuary of some pervert Religious Leaders while Government Offices is now the business of " some "Corrupt and Incompetent Political Leaders, I would say that allowing anyone, whether the Church nor the Government to influence our beliefs and perspectives about the present issues that continuously shaping our society is very unwise. It is very unfortunate as well that the Media has become a tool for profiteering, making it now as an irrelevant institution of biased news and " self service ". I understand your disappointments and I have the same feeling not just for my Church but also with some of the Political Leaders in my country. We go to Church supposedly to worship, to give thanks and to have peace but when Peace is no longer can be found inside the Church, it is now our main duty for ourselves to find our own way to get closer to our Creator. Probably we could start by reading, understanding and try living with the words of the Bible to have the Peace we are wanting for ourselves. Peace is very elusive to find at this moment and if the Church, the Government and the Media could no longer provide this to us, it is our main responsibility to acquire peace for our self and for our family.

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Well Trump is not just an ordinary president. He's our oldest president and some would say, worst one. His behavior, attitude, ways of communication, etc. I think he's been so bad as a leader thus far everyone is weighing in. They feel like they have to. Like it's their duty as citizens. Look at all the crazy stuff that's happened on this guys watch. It's hasn't even been a year yet into his presidency.

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There is indeed a separation of the church and state, and that is really important to make sure that the government will work for the best of the people, not the church. After all, the church works for God, but the government should always be for the people. With that in mind, I don't think that there is nothing wrong with the church talking about politics. They have to because in times of confusion, people look up to them for guidance, and for what God says they need to do. They are there to make people realize what should and should not be done. It would be irresponsible and useless of them if they only choose to tell other people that what they're doing is wrong, but not the president. That is not meddling with political affairs, rather, they are setting out to open the eyes of the people to the injustice surrounding them. What I believe would be considered meddling by the church, is when they force political leaders to not sign, for example, legality of gay marriage because that is against the bible. That is not mentioned in the constitution, and it a human right to choose whomever one wants to marry. A law should not be passed or rejected on religious bases.

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No. Political issues should not be discussed on church. There is a proper place
to discuss political issues and it should not be done on church. Church is a place we go to pray, get peace, and hearing those kind of issues wont help. Sadly, that is the common thing that is happening to most of the church here in my country.

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Of course I agree. In this case though, I don't think the issue is the separation of the Church ans State and the priests meddling in government issues. Killing is against the Christian belief and it is the priests' job to tell people that this should never be done no matter who and what they are. The Church needs to address issues in the society, especially one as twisted as these police operations that many innocents have already been killed.

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@sirenOnFire I have seen and read all your comments and it shows that you do not respect any views here and to the fact that you said to me were not there when the priest give his sermon so why are you so in that case why are you do persistent. I was the one who heard it. I know what you're fighting for and go for it. But it seems that you are out of topic. The priest I heard preaching in that holy day is talking all about the president and president alone which not fair at all. As a preacher you can mention all killing happenings without naming names. I hope you will respect my views for now and stop insisting your views like you want to prove I am very wrong. You were not there during that time and you mention it . Don't you see? many here in this topic agreed that politics should not be discussed in the church. Killing issues can be discuss but do not mentions people's name who are connected to politics its discrimination and considered judgement . I can't change your views and please don't took this personally as you have said you can sense where I came from base on my views I think you are crossing borders now with your words please be careful with that. That's my views and some others views who agree with me. I don't know your church and if for you its okay to discuss it during sermon well it does not apply to all of us here.

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Unfortunately, this rare moment where we can flaunt our apparent moral ascendancy in this matter does not necessarily mean we are that much better. Most of us are guilty of not understanding the implications of a genuine separation between church and state.

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Political issues must be talked in the government not on the church and there is a proper place to discuss it. Church is a place where people want to have peace and be encourage by HIS WORDS. And not to listened how you condemned anyone from the government especially when they have only doing what is there mandate and obligation to the country.

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Maybe some issues can be discuss at the church if the issue is related to church but if it's not, it is best to discuss it in court. Politics and church have their own different beliefs. Politics depends on the rules that man made. And the church depends on the rules given by God. So I think it could be a mismatch if political issues are going to discuss in church.

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I think religion and politics should never mix. And people who are into faith should never take sides on the politics. That's how the faith can be protected. You can see that people have damaged the faith and culture this way. And it can be really bad approach towards the religion too. So if you want people to retain their faith then you have to understand that politics is something one has to learn without having to mix the faith. That's the way faith should be working for the people. Otherwise people would be directionless in that case.

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Agree, when I go to church is not like I'm going to Fantasyland, and everything will be rainbows, but I don't want to keep talking about politics either. I thinks it's ok if the preacher names an example, or try to give a general vision on something relevant that is happening, but spend the whole service expressing his personal opinion about politicians, I don't think so. I have seen this on the preacher of my old church, and that is one of the reasons we moved to another one. We want to listen and understand the word of the Lord, not the weekly resume of the political issues.

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I do remember a priest advising the congregation to vote wisely. That kind of advice seems ok to me but not discussing various parties and bringing out their good and bad points as church is not a place for such discourses. But sadly churches these days are losing their spirituality and becoming more commercial.

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For me I find it very disturbing. I heard some priests about this before and it really showed that he has sides to partake. If only they would say that people should stop doing drugs. LOL. This was some of my reasons why I don't go to that church anymore and go for others. However, I have even heard some priest before about church issues in which the media has shown and that [riest even confirmed it. I am not vandalizing the priest's dignity but I just hope that truth may prevail and not through the mouths of uncertainties.

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Oil and water don't mix. I live in the Philippines and I support the government's war on drugs which includes killing drug addicts and criminals. The church on the other hand is opposed to this idea as the method is below their standard of morality. This causes discord among the people. The church can only oppose but can't propose a resolution. Another government plan they didn't agree with was the Reproductive Health Bill. The church did not favor the use of artificial birth control methods.

I don't think the church should be involved in politics. They criticize most of the times but can't provide concrete solutions. I really laughed my lungs out when our local priest preached about how people should not use contraceptive methods. He even used Manny Pacquiao as an example. He highlighted that despite coming from a poor family with five siblings Manny was able to soar high and that we can be successful like him if we persevere. Yes it is true but it does not apply to everybody. My jeepney driver neighbor works hard but I have never seen him buy his own house or his own jeepney. The reality is we can all persevere but not everybody will be successful.

I guess what I wanted to stress is that the church does not provide concrete solution to the issues of the country. How would you feel if you were the security guard in Bulacan whose entire family was butchered by drug addicts and the church will tell you that Jesus forgives and so should you?

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Here in my country, it shouldn't be but still this thing happens. The church wants freedom for itself, then, the government gives it to them, that's why today, the church and the government are separate. Then, the church are suddenly, discussing about political issues that must be dealt by the government. If they want to be involved in in this matter, I think they should void the separation of government and church and just be as one. Off course, the church will follow the rules of government, for example, they will be obligated in paying their taxes. The church must do its own business and don't go into the cruel world of politics.

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Mixing church and politics is not a good idea. Church should focus on God's word teach it to all people who attend the worship service church cannot just direct attack the politicians it can ruin the image of the church so for me its better that they will pray for our nation to succeed intead of critisezing.

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I agree to that statement. Politics should not be in church talk or discussion because it insults our faith in god. There are specific places where in you can talk about everything in Politics except in church. We should talk all about our gods words, prayers and everything that involves about our lord Jesus Christ salvations. But sad to say mostly in church this issue happens nowadays because there are churches who are not agreeing on how government manages the country.

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Personally, I feel that it should not be so as the devout usually take the words of their religious leaders as absolute and even divine. This is very dangerous since a large group of people are swayed by the often biased and limited opinions of certain individuals. Instead of thinking and weighing things for themselves, they put their faith on their leaders' words and follow them blindly like sheeps who are willingly being led to the slaughter house. The power of religion to influence people has been proven time and time again and is as such, an undeniably powerful political tool that is often exploited and misused. To make sound political decisions, we should be more logical and critical rather than deciding things based on religious feelings and affiliations.

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The problem is though churches, particularly here in the states... have been involved in political issues for decades. During the civil rights movement, some churches preached segregation... others preached integration. During the Bush and Trump elections in particular, a lot of churches encouraged their parishioners to vote for George W. or Trump. Also during the current immigration debate, there are churches who are pro and anti giving shelter to illegal immigrants.

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I don't think so. I am against political propaganda outside its due place. And the Church certainly isn't the right place. It's supposed to be a place of prayer and introspection and not a place to promote one candidate over others. Totally wrong

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Politics matter shouldn't be discussed or preach in the church. This is a holy place where God presence means love, forgiveness and peace. Pastor or priest should preach about the ten commandments, guide the followers to the right path. Politics are sensitive issues. People could record the video and send it to the political parties, this will cause problems to the church.

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I agree with you peachpurple. Political issues should be discussed in public and not in religious groups and sects. Religious matters should only be based and all about faith in God and the Bible.

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I totally agree with you since there are no politician things in the bible that need to be taught to people. I agree about the separation of church and politics which the church don't mind the business in the politics and vice versa.

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Politicians have or are involved in religion or a religion also. So it's hard to just say church and state should be separated. Especially when there are many who cast their vote for a specific candidate based on their religious values or viewpoints.

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And that is the very problem! Religion should be free from any type of political or monetary involvement. Religion should be practiced as a mean to bring charity to the world!

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It used to be. It's just a hustle now though. Many 'good talkers' have infiltrated the church as self-help guru's turned religious leaders. Using their gift of gab to preach the gospel - And profit vigorously.

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Maybe not inside the church, but a big institution such as any particular religion should be able to voice out their opinion on certain political issues, in the same way that the government should monitor and help keep religious practices in check to avoid abuse from both sides.

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