
When do I mark my physcial item as "Delivered"?

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When do I mark my physcial item as "Delivered"?

Hello Listers!

As I'm a freelancer from so I am a newbie on I plan to sell a physical item here since this is what it is created for. Most designs of and are quite similar.
According to, I will need to mark my gig as "Delivered" once I delivered the service to the buyer and the buyer may reject it and the "Delivered" will be taken away unless the buyer let the "Delivered" status to be there for 4 days or rate me (either positive or negative).

So, I am worry that will work the same like If it really work the same, I am unsure if I mark my service as "Delivered" once I shipped the item or the buyer received it.


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you mark it delivered when it was already recieve by the receiver.

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You'll probably mark it as "delivered", when the product or the item has been received by the buyer. And then, I think when it;s received that;s the time he/she can reviewed the product you've sent to him/her.

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From research think it can be marked delivered when the customers have given a feedback mostly because this is the natural authentic way to assume that the clients have gotten the products but if not I think after some days you can mark it delivered since there has been no complaint.

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