
Should you make an infographic resume from your CV that helped you get the job?

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Should you make an infographic resume from your CV that helped you get the job?

Hello all.

Has anyone here made an Infographic Resume from their paper resume/CV?

You can make one using sites like Canva and using one of their Infographic Resume templates just fill in your own details from your current CV or get someone to make it for you.

These Infographic Resumes are super hot and trending right now. They're very unique and show all your skills, qualifications, experience, hobbies etc etc in a visually pleasing way.

Infographics are very viral by nature! And considering they're a graphic. They can be used or sent anywhere to anyone online or on their mobile device etc.
Should you make an infographic resume from your CV that helped you get the job?
You can upload one to your LinkedIn profile as well and on all your other social profiles. Or you can even just print them off and include it with your actual paper CV.

They are proving to be very effective and show you've gone the extra mile while showing off your personality in a fun, entertaining and pleasing way. Basically it can really make you stand out from other canvassers going for the same job.

You can even make one with a certain theme depending on the job you're after.

That could probably work quite well.

Have you made your current CV into an infographic resume yet?

Also if you're en employer and you got an infographic resume from a candidate you was interviewing what would you think would you be more interested to interview them? Should you make an infographic resume from your CV that helped you get the job?


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If the hiring manager would be able to accurately read an infographic, why not? I don't think a lot of employers would accept an infographic though, especially like a grocery store, restaurant or whatever. They would have no idea what they are looking at, so this infographic may just be for those whom are applying to technological based companies. If I ever want to apply to a technological based company I would definitely be part of the crowd that does use infographics, it's much more exciting to look at an infographic than to read paragraphs of text. So in the long run, and if I needed to, yes I would make one.

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Yes I have to agree with you on this one Everett. It would certainly depend on the industry and the job type.

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I can certainly see how these would be awesome to add to your LinkedIn profile, you could also add it to Pinterest too!

I asked my husband about infographic resumes and he said he has never received one before and he is an HR manager that does a lotof the receiving of resumes, the interviewing and the hiring.

I do think that this type of resume is suitable for certain types of jobs and others not so much.

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Those resumes look cool and if you can read them easily then why not use them? I made my resume using canva and there were many drafts you can change and use and most of them looked similar. It is a trendy thing and if the other resumes look boring yours will certainly be remembered. I think they look good as long as you don't use too much colors.

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I agree getting trendy or different makes you more stand out than the others, but it probably depends on the companies taste or wants. Like if you're hiring for something more like a not needed kind of this CV then go for a more simpler and understandable one, it would make you look more professional. And also, you can use this if you have this lots of experience or things you can write on your CV, it would be really uncomfortable or ugly if you would only put your name and and your goals in this kind of CV.

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I think this is an amazing idea. The problem faced by most human resource mangers is having to read through a pile of resumes. I think summarizing pages of a resume into info graphics is an amazing idea. However I think that it depends on the company. I know most companies in my country will not be receptive to this idea. I think their practices are not progressive. When I'm hiring staff I will definitely like this, makes work so much easier.

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I own a small taxi company. From my point of view, I can say that this is a very ingenious idea to use infographics in your CV. Based on the information, I choose the best employees for me. So it's very important to write a lot of details about you, and your personality. I use an Intelligent Resume Parser. This software is helping me to sort all the information from CV-s, and to classify them in the order I would like. It's saving a lot of time for me. I recommend all business owners to use it!

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it would be a great idea

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I wouldn’t make public my CV from the simple reason that I don’t want to. Why would someone be interested in checking my resume? It is my own business where I did my studies, where I worked and more. Also, my advice after getting a job would be not to make your resume public, but to thank the company for the chance they gave you. I found good templates for that on .

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As for me, this is a really interesting option, why not. But it is also important to be able to show your strengths without such additions. In addition, now there are so many good tools for this, you can find free resume builder here

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