
What's the best book and type of book you've ever read?

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What's the best book and type of book you've ever read?

Whether it's a fictional novel or a self-help book. From sci-fi to romance, mystery to horror, history, poetry or even travel, guides, religion, spirituality or new age. There are many different types and genres of books to read out there!

What is the best book you've ever read?

And what is your favorite type of book to read?

Myself I like to read self help books and books on travel and peoples biographies and autobiographies of famous (in infamous) people from history. I love learning what makes them tick and what their own inspiration was for doing the things they did.

I do like to read novels sometimes too like fantasy and sci-fi and murder, mystery and suspense type books etc. But generally I prefer to read books that actually teach me something. Whether it's for improving myself and my own life somehow, or reading about other peoples lives and extracting something practical from them.

What books have you read like that that stand out and you remember?

What's the best book you've ever read?

And what's your preferred book type (genre) to read?


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Mike, I am going to have to go potty mouth here to tell you about the best book I have read... being an addict and alcoholic in recovery I also love self help books.

So here goes my favorite book of all time has to be Fuck It The Ultimate Spiritual Way by John C Parkin.

This book literally changed my life. I read it last year and since I have applied a lot of those principles my life has literally done a 360. This time last year I was in an awful space and when I read it in October last year there have been a series of events and self growth to now that have changed everything.

If you have not read it then I suggest you do.

The other books well I love reading, I love Fantasy, Drama, Mystery...

A fiction book that stands out for me is "Clan of the Cave Bear" by Jean Auel, it was such a powerful book.

I also love reading some true stories, I'm not sure if you are familiar with Torey Hayden? She writes some fiction books now but she has also shared some real accounts of the work she has done with special needs children, specifically with elective autism. A lot of the children she taught came from very bad backgrounds and there are some beautiful success stories.

Oh man, there too many books to list here.... The Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind... The Dark Tower series by Stephen King.. The Egytian series by Wilbur Smith was awesome, ok any book by Wilbur Smith and Stephen King is awesome!

Since I've had kids though my tastes in reading have changed a bit, I prefer really easy reads. I hardly have any time to read anymore and when I do have a bit of time it is a quick few minutes before I am disturbed. So yes the last few years I've gotten into some chick reads which I never ever thought would have happened LOL

Oh my, do I sound like a reading fanatic or what?

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My favorite types of books to read, believe it or not are spiritual books, spiritual experience books, and paranormal books. Such as aliens, ufos, spirits, ghosts, and things of that paranormal nature. It's just really intriguing and interesting to read about personal experiences. I typically label such books as science fiction, unless otherwise deemed as true by myself.

My next favorite type of book would probably be a coding book, specific to PHP programming. However, those kinds of books are quite BORING and I can not find myself finishing one those books.

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So as a kid i used to LOVE to read mystery books! i love reading the hardy boys series! they were brothers who solved mysteries all the time! as i have grown older, i do not find myself reading as much. who am i kidding, i barely have time to use the bathroom! =D

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One hundred years of solitude, a novel by Columbian writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez is one of the best books I have ever read. The book is written through a literary device called magical realism. My another best book is Ulysses by James Joice. The novel is written through the stream of consciousness. I like these books because these books use the techniques that were introduced for the first time. These tow books are also considered two best fictional books of 20th century

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I read a lot of books and mostly its about romance. But I tend to very diverse and explore other kinds as well. I make sure I will not be bored and look for another genre.

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Me too, I do love reading books which has a romance and comedy theme, like these two genres are perfect for a book. And also, I'm a fan of horror and mystery kind of theme on books, I actually read lots of mystery books when I was in grade school, so these genres are definitely a perfect thing for me to read on a book.

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The best book I had ever read was Wind in the willows, a great mini green book with mini text but it was worth while to use a magnifying glass to read it. I am a fan of this story, I even watch the animation series online. I love kids story books than fiction adult books. Kids story books teach about moral which adults don't.

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Keeping up all the way is a great book written by Dave Peterson a great motivator. He an author that brings life into his books and can light ones body, soul and spirit from solitude.

I'm a great lover of inspirational books and I have quantum of them. This particular book helps to fight depression. from a despair really a soul lifting book.

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