
What's the weirdest/wildest pet you've ever owned?

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What's the weirdest/wildest pet you've ever owned?

I once caught a Magpie with my brother when we was walking through the woods near a river. (Vassals Park in Bristol, UK). It must have fallen out of it's nest and there was no mother around. So we picked it up, wrapped it in a t-shirt and took it home with us! We put it in a big bird cage and fed it dog food and dog biscuits and the like. It got really big really fast and we realized we couldn't keep it as it was a wild animal and it was it's destiny to be free. Hence the expression "free as a bird". So we decided to let it go. But it never went far! It would always come back and be perched on the wood racking we had in the back garden. It was like it thought we was its mother and our home its home or something and probably kept returning for food?

Anyway, eventually it must have flew away and decided not to come back again as we never saw it again. I will always remember it though and this story. What

Some people have really extreme pets though like Monitor Lizards and monkeys, snakes, bears, crocodiles and alligators and the like! Cute when they're young, lethally and deadly dangerous when they're mature though!

What's the weirdest, wildest animal you've had as a pet?

Why did you get it and what's the story behind it?

Do you think some people should keep dangerous pets?


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OMG Mike you really want me to tell you these things?

Ok the wildest pet I ever had was a Nooitgedacht pony. My parents bought her and her filly for me and my younger sister. Neither pony was broken in. Anyway the filly was so young when we got them that we had no problem breaking her in when she was old enough. My pony however was older and she was just not having any of it.

Yes there is a reason they call it breaking in a horse and sometimes you can do it nicely and sometimes a person breaks the horses spirit to break it in. We aren't those type of people. The vet and the farrier refused to come and see to my pony, they both came short at a visit.

This pony had spirit and she was quite frankly dangerous. After a few years we sold her, rather than break her spirit or have a dead vet on our hands.

Then the weirdest pet I ever owned? Well now don't think I'm weird or anything but I stole a duck from a petting zoo. Yes I was drunk. Anyway I took him home, called him Chester (after the SA rugby payer Chester Williams) and soon after he laid an egg for me. I didn't bother changing her name.

Then I also shoplifted two long haired hamsters from a pet shop once... ok wait I lie. I only shoplifted one my friend shoplifted the other. It was fate. We were admiring these cute little things and we so wanted them. We were about to leave when the power in the whole mall went out. Anyway when we were outside it turned out great minds think alike. I had one and she had one. We called them Curt and know Nirvana was the thing then.

She couldn't keep hamsters at her house so I took them to my house. I put them in a box in the back of my cupboard because my mom would've killed me for bringing more animals home. Anyway these little guys bred like crazy busting my ass one day with my mom, a whole colony of hamsters when she opened my cupboard one day. I took them to school and made a few bucks selling them all off.

Then there was the cat that I rescued ... oh wait I lie, that's what I told my mom. I went to a friends house and they had a little black and white kitten which they didn't want. He kept twitching his head. He was a weird little kitty.So I took him home and told my mom how I found this poor little thing in the middle of the road, terrified... you know the guilt trip story?

I made some posters "looking for the owners" and put them all around. When nobody claimed him I called him Dreyfuss (you know like the Lunatic Dreyfuss from the Pink Panther?) hahaha.He was a strange but lovable animal. He outgrew his twitch.

I could share plenty more about strange animals, had some huge mountain tortoises, a crazy ass rooster... LOL

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The weirdest pet I ever had was a squirrel when I was younger. This squirrel was injured so my mother allowed us to nurse it back to health. The leg had a large thorn in it, and it was moving very slowly, and making this odd noise so as i got closer I noticed that the leg was injured and was on a mission to fix it.

During that time, it was so weird because they are not like most "pets". They are always scavenging for things and messing with stuff. Not to mention that they stink! I probably wouldn't have a pet squirrel again, because I tend to believe those types of animals need to be left out in nature, and not caged in.

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I think it should be a wild dog caught by my brother and brought to the house.

The dog was very wild that even the vet found it hard to term but we liked him because he kept dangerous away from our neighborhood.

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For me the weirdest and wildness pet I ever had is antic ant it is like black ant but it is more much bigger than those small red and black ants. The color is black and with big bite mouth they even fight with others like them and fun to watch. I was still on school on that time I catch it inside of our school campus and put it in a glass but eventually it died because not in his place like grassy and more on soil.

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Pigeon it's for me, this actually happened when I was still a teenager, one rainy day I heard a thudding sound outside my corridor, I was a bit scared but eventually went out to check what it was and behold it was a baby Pigeon.

It probably learnt how to start flying but the rain that did wasn't making like and flying easy for it that day leading to its landing on my corridor with no choice. I had no choice but to rescue it and nursed it back to good health.

I personally built a cage for it and harbored it for up to 5 months and before I realized what was happening, I started getting attached to it and I had difficulty letting it go but I had no choice because I knew that cage wasn't meant to be his home. Later I decided to let it out into the wild and cried as I watched it flew away.

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I've never had any weirdest or wildest pet but if I would own one, it's definitely the tarantula. It's actually my dream to have a pet like this someday were you just put inside the aquarium and feed it and let it grow on it's own. Having this kind of pet is actually a bad ass thing for me like you doesn't want a tarantula as a pet right? but anyways I would really love and take any tarantula as a pet someday.

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I don't know if this can be considered a pet but I had two crayfish in my aquarium, for us they were some wildest pets, they died after a few months.

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I think it's a Bobbit worms and bristles worms that are pretty much fun to me. Actually, the first time I noticed them when I was in the house of my brother. he lives in my neighborhood and sometimes I come to his house. Anyway, he bought those bristle worms when he was at the zoo store in our city. So, I decided to try those bobbit worms to myself as well. Personally, those fireworms are quite cute What I believe they can live with the other species for a long time..

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I think I am the winner in this competition. Have you ever met someone owning a frog as a pet? Well, you just did. I am not crazy, I just love all the weirdest pets that exist. I admit that it was the weirdest choice I have ever did and it is really hard to take care of it. My cat wasn’t really happy about it too. Except the fact she looked at my frog like at a piece of food. I can say that you must be careful when choosing a pet frog. Not everyone has the power to deal with it.

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