
Do actors do their own stunts anymore?

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Do actors do their own stunts anymore?

So Im sure we have all seen movies where these actors and actresses do these crazy, out of this world stunts or expirements, but in all reality do they do it themselves or do they have stunt doubles?

I know and have done research on Jackie Chan, who is certified in many martial arts and Kung-Fu and believe it or not, he does his own stunts, even back in the day when he first started! For example, "Drunken Masters", "Rush Hour 1-3", and a whole bunch more!

Now the movie making industry has changed since Jackie Chan first started, so with that being said, do you guys think there are any other actors or actresses that perform their own stunts?
or do you think they use stunt doubles and visual effects more often now?


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Jackie Chan actually broke his ankle in Rumble in the Bronx. I think it was Rumble in the Bronx at least, or perhaps it was Project A? - Well, I can't remember which film it was. However, he broke his ankle jumping from a bridge to a hovercraft. And you know what he did? - He jumped a second time too, even though the doctors told him not to even walk on his foot, and all that, just to finish the scene.

He's an amazing actor and he's definitely one of my favorites. I love the mix of action and comedy in his movies. Regarding Rush Hour: In June 2016, an update was made on IMDB, where Rush Hour 4 has been announced. Both Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker are rumored. - I seriously can't wait for that to happen! Do actors do their own stunts anymore?

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oh man, no way! that's so crazy. i can understand wanting to finish his scene. i once played a whole inning of softball on a broken ankle just to finish the game!

RUSH HOUR 4!! yes! so excited for that, i hope its true!

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Oh, that's a bit crazy. So you do your own stunts too then!? Do actors do their own stunts anymore?

Anyhow, that's not even near the first time he injured himself. A fractured skull is the most severe injury. He has also hurt his back, leg, knee and neck. So he's a real badass. Do actors do their own stunts anymore?

The time he fractured his skull, blood came out of his ear, and ever since then, he has been having a hard time of hearing on one side. You can read more about his injuries here.

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haha i guess i do then! =] thats so crazy and quite dangerous! thanks for the link! will definitely read up on those!

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I think they do for all the pleasure and experiment the need to do so as to have and boost self confidence.

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wow! thats still alot of actors and actresses that do their own stunts. very impressive, considering how vauable they are to the movie making industry! thanks for sharing Lynne!

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Yes, but I guess that is a lot of their appeal. People like knowing that these actors do their own stunts and I bet they can add a nice chunk to their salary at the end of the day right?

I bet they have some massive insurance policies out anyway. Imagine someone like Angelina Jolie damaging her face on set....

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Jackie Chan is one of my favorite actors. He is one of the best martial artist in the world aside from Jet Li and Bruce Lee. When i first learned that he did his own stunts i was amazed at the things he was doing. The Rush Hour Trilogy is probably the best cross between Kung Fu and Comedy that we will ever see. I don't think many actors do the stunts you see in the movies. I may be wrong but the only other one i know about doing his own stuff is Chuck Norris. They pay these actors to much money and pamper them way to much. If we had more guys doing their own stunts movies would be alot cooler and they would get more respect. I would say its most certainly more special effects and doubles doing all the work now. Thanks for sharing!

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Scared? - When the Boogeyman goes to sleep every night he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.

And that's only one of all the crazy, fun and hilarious Chuck Norris memes. And I bet they exist due to the fact that Chuck is a true legend. Do actors do their own stunts anymore?

Here's a few other Chuck Norris Memes to enjoy.

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wow thats so interesting. it makes sense though as to why they dont it themselves. because whats if they got seriously hurt or even worse, then who would be acting in their movie! LOL

i never knew Chuck Norris did his own stunts! thats pretty cool and you're right, well respected. im sure it takes alot of training and practice to make sure the scene comes out perfect! thanks for reaponding jkeyz!

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These guys are animals lol! They are the reason the fighting movies did so well back in the day. The Rock recently broke a finger on set and mentioned that he had no time for broken fingers lol! That goes along with the point we both made about being injured. We have to go and watch some of the deleted scenes to Rush Hour so you can see how many times Chan gets hurt before he actually does it the rite way.

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i love the rush hour trilogy, so theres no problem with watching them to see the ending credits to see how Jackie Chan does his thing! =]

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As far as I understand it most actors don't do their own stunts, most of them have doubles that do them. But there are still some actors that do their own stunts!

Here are some actors that have done their own stunts:
  • Angelina Jolie
  • Kristen Stewart
  • Zoë Bell
  • Jason Statham
  • Harrison Ford
  • Tom Cruise
  • Daniel Craig
  • Cristian Bale
  • Cameron Diaz
  • Josh Hutcherson
  • Chloe Grace Moretz
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • Jackie Chain
  • Chuck Norris
  • Shailene Woodley
  • Matt Damon
  • Theo James
  • Viggo Mortenson
  • Keanu Reeves
  • Dylan O'Brien
  • Cary Elwes
  • Steve McQueen

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Jason Statham is awesome and I can totally see that he has done his own stunts. Just take a look at the Transporters movies or Crank for instance. I bet he's done some of his own stunts in those movies. Cameron Diaz though... Wow. I had no idea. - Thanks for sharing Lynne, I appreciate it! Do actors do their own stunts anymore?

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I don't think so, but I know one actor and his name is Coco Martin. He is one of the most popular actors here in the Philippines in his generation. I'm pretty sure he is the only actor who do his own stunts and the only actor who do action movies. Coco Martin is such a good action star and a good person too. A very humble person and loves his family so much, well that's what filipinos are.

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In past almost every stunt the celebs were using the stunt actors. And now these days many celebs are making use of their own on ability to do students. And it does work out just fine. But some stunts are left for the stunt people for sure. In another cases where stunts which are not safe. I think it'd be reasonable to make use of the stunt person in case of the safety of the celebs. That's what I have found from most of the action and the scifi world.

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I think almost all of the actors have a double if they going to have stunts in the movies. But some take it as a challenge and want some great experience. Although it is dangerous if there are no proper training. If I am going to be an actor someday, I will not take some doubles. I want to go extreme in my movie or show.

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This is a tricky topic. If the actor is worth a lot, their team urges them not to do their own stunts. An injured actor can't perform. Which means he or she can't take on new projects, and their management team doesn't get paid for lining up new jobs because the actor is too beat up to show up for work. Some actors though call their own shots enough to do their own stunts. But over time, they either scale back due to injuries or age. So it's a mixed bag. There are also still actors who under NO CIRCUMSTANCE will do their own stunts. It's in their contract. Ultimately, the production saves money if the talent performs their own stunts.

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They do actually, I remember watching Jackie Chan's interviews and he'd say that he usually do his own stunts and now that he's getting older, I don't have any idea if he's still doing his own stunts. And also, for me doing your own stunts makes it more realistic and it makes the movie and the audience more excited.

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I watched two recent movies featuring Jackie Chan and all I can say is that he is one of the finest actors. He is irreplaceable and he is still making very good movies at this age. I think that most of us are aware that Jackie Chan does his own stunts. Other actors which I know have done specific stunts in some movies are Daniel Craig, Tom Cruise, Angelina Jolie without forgetting Arnold Schwarzenegger.

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Many of them are not doing their own stunts but I know that Tom Cruise is well known that he made his own stunts and he is really appreciated for this. I do not condemn the actors who are not doing this because the life is more important than a well-done stunt.

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As far as I know Jackie Chan always did their own stones by himself without any help of the stuntman. There are a lot of talented celebrities who are also good as people not only as celebrities. I was in self-isolation during 2 weeks and I followed many of them and was watching their activities. They shared their life with their followers and I found many great and interesting ideas about how to spend your time in order to make it productive and efficient. How to organize and plan your days. Many of actors and singers helped us to not to be upset.

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Yeah, thanks for sharing. I've also followed many singers and started to learn to sing.

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