
Why do vets charge so much money? How can you avoid this?

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Why do vets charge so much money? How can you avoid this?

We are living in a time where its just as expensive for you to take your dog to the vet as it is going to the doctor yourself. Recently my dog got hurt and broke her leg, i know very unfortunate. She is just a puppy and im sure she will bounce back nicely from this. The first visit was about 600 dollars and they took her temp, vaccinated her, and casted her leg. 600 dollars? i know i should be more worried about Bailey than the money but i don't make that much! So me and my wife have been looking for solutions and we found dog insurance for about $50 a month and they cover almost everything. The big downside is that they do not cover pre existing problems. She has another visit on Saturday and im crapping my pants rent is due ina few days and im looking at another big vet bill. Do you guys think Veterinary practices are over priced or am i just being a big baby? What do you think about pet insurance do any of you have experience with this?

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I think this dog is going to be accident prone lol

pet insurance is going to be a good idea. and these Vets around here are probably ridiculously over priced because otherwise you have to travel so far! some people will pay anything!

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I know i will almost pay anything to fix my dog too the problem is im running out of money. This vet has already drained almost 50% of the little savings we have. The fact that these vets do not even offer some kind of payment plan is just beyond me. They need to open clinics where they have a sliding fee scale like they do for people. I guess if you cant afford the vet than you shouldn't have a dog i guess. The problem is that some people are doing well when they add this member of the family and when things get bad they can no longer cut the bills. I just feel like their needs to be more help for people who are just going thru a rough patch. Nobody wants to help they just want to get paid. Thank you for sharing!

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i know, theyre snoody around here though thats probably why. lol poor pup, alls she wants to do is run after the smaller dog!

that would be such a good idea to open up little vet clinics that actually work with people who care for their pets. is taking your pet to the vet a rich people thing?lol!

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Hmmm. I think it's because the medicines that they will give to you is really pricey and I think studying vet is a very long time course and takes a lot of money so it's their legal way to get back those money. LOL. How to avoid it? take care of your dog! Or asks some of your friends if they know vet clinic that charges cheaper.

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The obvious reason is simple, most people don't appreciate reading vetinary medicine as a course in the University today not to talk about practicing it as a profession. So from the looks of things, the demand for vet assistance in pet issues is far more excessive to number of vetinary doctors to take care of them.

Simply put, the vetinary doctors are few today in the society and this practically makes their services more costly, since you have got no choice but agree with them or choose to let your pet to either suffer or even die is eventually dependent on the decision you make.

If more people take up the course of being a vetinary doctor more often, I totally believe that the high cost associated with hiring a vet would drop to a very considerable amount, that even if the drugs required to treat the pet is costly, you then know it's the drug and not just the service fee of getting the vet to do the job for you.

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I am sure some vets overcharge as do some other doctors and practices. There are bad people in every profession. But the majority of veterinarians provide a very important service. A very useful one too. Saving a pets life through surgery or medicine is just as important as what doctors do with actual human beings. In some cases even more important, as there are people who their dog or cat is all they have in life. Even more sociable people love their pets. A pet is like a family member, and because they live shorter lifespans than humans, it costs a large sum of money depending on the problem... to keep them alive.

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I think some of the basic tests and the pet care information is available online. And in the extreme cases you'd find them online. And this can be reduced if you go for the some of the basic care at your own home. This way pets would have less health issue. And another thing is that vet can tell you what to and not to do in this case as well. I think they may cost high if they are doing some specific medical treatment. But reducing some health care cost is in our hands.

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I wonder same because even here in my country vet Docs fee is really over-priced, even more than my regular visits to the Doctor,
I try to do the little I can do myself but try to take the puppies for vaccines once in a while.But I wil advised you take out the insurance,it might better in the long run.

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Vets charge so much money because the can and they know people will pay because they love their animals. Lucky for me we have a traveling vet around here and he travels in a motorhome and gives low cost vet care. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't have anymore animals because the vet care is way too much when you go to a regular vet.

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I agree that the prices do seem inflated. I paid around $300 to have my dog castrated when he was a pup. And there were the vaccination visits on top of that ($100+). The first year is the most expensive. Things have gotten much cheaper due to having to go for less checks and shots once the initial round was done, but it still hurts the wallet every time his boosters and check ups come around.

I know big things like spay/neuter/castration cost more due to the time it takes, anesthetic, and the recovery time which takes up space for another potential patient, and the fact that I'm sure they need a second pair of hands (one to do surgery, the other to monitor breathing etc). But to charge $80 just to be LOOKED at by the vet seems crazy.

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Price of vet service is very individual. However, think that all people should understand that veterinarians studiend a lot of years, like doctors, yhey have very expensive equipment and a lot os add staff. I am vet assistant and everyday I see tens of outside dogs and help them. I don't want to work for 100 dollars monthly. I have been studied to communicate with them a lot of years since I have started my education. Every year I tried to get new certificated, thanks that they help a lot of vet to be more qualificated

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