
Porcelain and ceramic crafting recipes

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Porcelain and ceramic crafting recipes

You can make a lot of things out of porcelains, anything from plates and cups to jewelry and other art objects.
Porcelain and ceramic crafting recipes
All you need is clay, you can mix your own composition or buy already mix clay from the market, shaping it to you desired form and just bake it in an oven.

There are even tutorials out there teaching you to make your own air drying clay that doesn't need any oven treatment. I personally prefer the porcelain to be treated in an oven because it really hardens the material, giving it a glass type properties.

But if you are a beginner and you don't want to use heat to treat the clay once you giving it your desired shape here is a simple recipe to create "cold porcelain" that will just air harden.

  • 1 cup of cornstarch
  • 1 cup of PVA glue
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon of baby oil
  • Lotion

Please share your own recipes or experiences, how do you like your porcelain?


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Well I have never tried to make any porcelain or ceramic before. The closest I think I came was making a clay bowl when I was in school, part of the arts and crafts classes we had in primary school.

I would love to try this out with my kids though, I am sure that they would love this. Tell me though, what is the lotion for? Do you have any tips on what is easy to make and how to go about making it?

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The lotion helps the clay from getting hard, it stays mailable throughout the process of getting in the shape you desire. I think the simplest thing you can make would probably be a plate of some kind, it doesn't need to be perfect, you will then be able to paint it and creating something very interesting.

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Well making it perfect wouldn't be the point... then I could just buy a perfect plate at the shops Porcelain and ceramic crafting recipes

This year I have decided to make homemade gifts for everyone in my family. The kids can help me and we will have a grand time doing it too.

Things have become so commercialized now and it is sad to see. It is also damn expensive. I want my children to know what is important and that is family.

I know my family would much prefer a wonky homemade plate made by my kids and painted by them than some fancy, expensive gift!

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Nice post, this looks quite interesting and I will definitely try it out and see how I do in having my own creation. I haven't really had my own yet but definitely with the tips you offered and some that I would source from online search engine such as Google, Bing,, I am very quite confident that I would have a better creation of my own.

Creativity helps so much in such task, as it serves as a bank of innovation that would motivate you and propel you into actually producing your own piece of art. I am definitely looking forward to having my own creation sooner than later.

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wow! nice post i have learn new thing creating my own art plate cup etc by porcelain clay. i would love to try this if i have the right exact materials i will make my own jar design for plants use and maybe if i find my arts good i would try to sell it online trying to make extra cash on it.

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The recipe is kind of easy, I may give it a shot! I've been to a place where ceramics is produced once and I find it super cool. I will try to do something like that because it looks like a fun activity.

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Great post and awesome tutorials, this is actually perfect for Christmas where you can make your own plate or mug and give it to your loved ones and tell them that you customize it yourself. And also, If I want to make my own coffee mug, these tip or tutorial would be perfect for me, not just it's easy to make but it's fun to make and the end part of having satisfaction with your own work

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Nice one,I have never tried this crafting because the one I come across looks difficult to do and the materials to be used looks new to me but this is a simple technique with readily available materials.Since these materials are all accessible to me will try this out soon.

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This craft looks amazing. Now I know how other people work it. My mother always want to buy porcelains and ceramics for the house. She spends a lot to it and I am worried spending almost all of the money in it. So this craft idea is very helpful to me. I will train how to do it so that my mother will not spend money in just buying porcelain and ceramics.

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Wow, i haven't tried this one yet. The ingredients are simple and available at home. I wanna try this for my kids, i think the ingredients are child friendly and easy to make. Also its very cost efficient, i just hope that the end result is rigid enough for a planter.

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I'm really excited about this.It's very hard for me to find cups or mugs, that I really like. don't get me wrong there so many cups on the market. Love my own personal version. As it's nearly Christmas time, you've given me a great idea for Christmas gifts. I'll make all my friend and family their own mugs. I'm new to this so I'll follow your recipe to the last and the time goes by look for other recipes what can compliment to this. who knows I might even make this into a business my country we import most of our cups .Great information.

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My experience goes back to when I was little. We used a recipe similar to what you shared in your discussion. Because we lived in Florida where the weather was hot most of the time, we left our creations in the sunshine to harden. We made real pots! I remember thinking that was something so great! LOL.

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