
Jamberry Mommy & Me Collection Review!

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Jamberry Mommy & Me Collection Review!

I wanted to share some information on some of the different kind of nail wraps they offer. One of the collections i really like is the Mommy & Me collection! They have a design that you can wear and then they have the exact same design in the children's size nail wraps! So you can match each other! It's really cute and the designs are even cuter!!
Here is a Mommy & Me Combo:
Jamberry Mommy & Me Collection Review!Jamberry Mommy & Me Collection Review!I have a few Mommy & Me sets for the girls and I! But now that Jamberry has collections of Disney, I cant wait to get some more of those! They have Finding Dory, Frozen, Minnie Mouse and so many more!!
Jamberry Mommy & Me Collection Review!Jamberry Mommy & Me Collection Review!
Jamberry Mommy & Me Collection Review!

I think this weekend, the girls and I will have a girls nail day at home! LOL They like those kind of things, especially when it comes to Jamberry! If you go the website and go to the Mommy & Me collection you can see all the other ones they have to offer! They're really cool! Keep a wish list going (i know i do but shhh don't tell my husband!!), you never know when they might have a sale! OH wait they are always having a sale.....these wraps are all BUY 3 GET 1 FREE! That is 8 manicures and 8 pedicures plus some extras on each $15 a sheet, you spend $45 plus shipping! You can go to the salon only 1 time with $45! That is why i LOVE these and they look AWESOME!! =]

Thanks for reading guys....look out for my next post on Jamberry; NBA Collection!


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We need to get these for the girls i love the finding Dory ones. That was probably one of the best movies i have watched EVER! They really captivate your imagination and you really feel involved when you watch the movie. Its a great movie for both children and adults for sure. These Jams really pulled it off i just wish they had finding Nemo ones too. The girls would love to wear these especially Jayla. I like the ones that only have one Dory on it better than the tiled looking ones. The second style is just a bit to much, way to busy for my eyes. I just read the NFL collection and those Jams are awesome too! They also have an NBA Jam set? I didn't realize Women where into sports enough to buy nails like this i guess im wrong. I learn something new everyday!

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i know aren't they cute! finding dory was a great movie and so was finding nemo and i think eventually they will add that to their collection of wraps! the girls love every single wrap they have LOL and so do i. haha but i think they would LOVE the finding dory ones and a few of the other Disney ones they have!! i love how they made adult wraps and then made ones for them to match their little girls in the Disney collection. i agree some of the dory ones are a bit busy and i probably wouldnt wear them! LOL

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Oh my, these are super cute designs. Maybe I'm super busy but I didn't know they have this cute Jamberry mani. The best part of this, is the chance to share those moments with the girls. I've had some spa time with my little cousins and god-daughters, and it's super fun. Also, these are super practical and easy to put/remove manicures, so you won't have the usual mess you get when you try to do mani/pedi with the kids.

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Nice nails wrap for mummy and her girls, these are really cute looking.I'm sure if my cuties should see this, I will not rest because They love anything, Disney. Really is a good and cool idea from Jamberry.

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If my little girl sees these I probably won't be able to sleep until I bought one. Haha. I have to admit that the price is too much coming from my country, for nail spa costs a dollar in our part of the world. So spending 45$ on these already hurts my pocket. Maybe I could go search for an alternative.

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This is very cool! I soon will have a theme party and I don't know what costume to choose, as I can't decide on a manicure. I wonder if
they can do that in Japanese style? I just really want to be a geisha. I even looked for a hanbok . Here you can see it here And when I called
the nail artists, they kept telling me that either they were busy or
they couldn't do the nail design I wanted. In general, if Jamberry Mommy & Me, can make me the design I want, then I will pay them very well.

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