
What to sell at Easter Time to Make Make Money with - Easter Cards

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What to sell at Easter Time to Make Make Money with - Easter Cards

Hello all! I hope you liked my last post on What to sell at Easter Time to Make Make Money with - Every Easter. And in that post, I preposed making and selling Easter gift baskets which can sell like hot cross buns at Easter time and make you a nice profit on the side. Someone actually pointed out in that post how you can also make sweet cones too and even make themed Easter sweet cones and gift baskets too which is a great spin on a great idea!

Make Money at Easter by Making and Selling Your Own Easter Cards!

Well here's another way to make money with at Easter time. By making and selling.... Easter cards! People love to send and receive Easter themed cards at Easter time to their friends and family. But it can be hard to find the right card sometimes. So how about making and selling your own Easter cards?

The good thing is, you wont need to have a lot of art and design skills (although it will help), you can make Easter cards on your computer just using some free photo editing software. Or even make them online using Canva. There are many sites you can use to make free cards with online, and most of them provide you with hundreds of free images and clip art you can use/import into your cards.

I was having a quick play around in Canva to make something quickly and they actually provide you with quite a lot of Easter photos, pictures, illustrations and things you can use. While some of them are free, some of them are paid as well at around $1.
What to sell at Easter Time to Make Make Money with - Easter Cards

Well you could design a really nice one, make a whole batch of them then print them out on some thin card and then sell these quite easily. You could sell them individually to people, friends and family, neighbors, work colleagues etc. Or you could sell them to local shops, newsagents and arts & craft type shops by taking them in to them to see if they want to buy them. Chance are if they are nice and they will make a profit from them they will. And any they don't sell that year they can just keep and sell again next year. What to sell at Easter Time to Make Make Money with - Easter Cards

Well that's just another way in which you can make money at Easter time by making and selling your own Easter cards. With a little imagination, (you could search in Google Images for "Easter cards" for inspiration. And even use Pinterest to find them as well that you can base ideas on.

Then all you'll need to do is print them out and start selling them! This could turn into a lucrative business for you as those that purchased one from you this year, would be more likely to do so again every year like tradition. People like tradition. What to sell at Easter Time to Make Make Money with - Easter Cards

Do you make your own Easter cards? Is this something you would consider doing?

Let us know if you have a crack at it and show us your DIY Easter cards!


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What to sell at Easter Time to Make Make Money with - Easter CardsThis is a good idea. One that I have never thought of before. I love to craft, so this might be a good way to earn some extra money. I quickly looked online and here is one that I think that would be cute to make. Of course, I would somehow add my own spin to this to make it completely mine

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This is an amazing idea! Making cards is another unique way to give someone something for Easter that is different and not something others would receive. My Grandma makes her own cards from scratch with crafting bits she has and she can make some really cool cards with the skills she has, even pop out cards and 3D cards she can make. If you are able to make something like this for an Easter card the possibilities are endless with what you can create and the more unique the better chances you have of getting good sales. Being able to create custom designs as well for people would aid your sales.

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Hiya again mike yeah brilliant idea , My kids are wanting to make chocolate corn flake buns lol They wanted to set up little table out side and sell some to friends lol . I wasn't keen on the idea but sure it be ok if they really want to do it but i will help them as well . I really am busy over easter time lol

But yeah cards are good ... was thinking ecards but you prob couldn't sell ecards could you

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Canva and Pickmoney seems to be two good tools that have lead to the easter cards promotion. I have noticed that canva seems to be having a lot of good designs. And if you are going to use external tools like photoshop then surely you have some nice designs in due process. I think people should definitely consider using canva. As it has some nice fonts and the images. That's the part we have to consider as well. I guess for each one of us things can be slightly different with art though.

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Printing has been my offline freelance job for four years now and this can be a seasonal source of extra income for me. Most people here like glossy cards than matte so I will use glossy papers for this. Photoshop can help me in editing as it helped me do calling card layouts. I just need to do a research on which people prefer. If it's a folded card or not. Souvenir cards would be a great idea as well if there are people nearby who do a simple Easter celebration with giveaways. I can add this to my offline freelance activity next time. Thanks for sharing this idea.

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I like your idea of making Easter cards for sale. I 've never tried to make my own, but your giving me ideas. I would make mine and sell them online. This is to cut on costs and broaden my market.

I know they are millions of online cards. I would make my designs and cards really unique and also make sure they have an amazing message. For example I would include jokes.

It would also be an idea instead of using Canva to have the cards designed by someone. You can hire a freelancer at Fiver . This would ensure your cards are really unique.

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This is not actually bad, it's definitely a great idea and also making cards is another way to express your feelings or your love to other people that you don't even know. They would definitely love it not just because the card design is beautiful and it has letter on it but the effort you put and the way you write your letters for other people to read it.

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I usually make personalized cards for my friends and relatives for Christmas. Some of my friends have suggested me to sell Christmas cards but I am not ready to do this yet. I have never thought about making Easter cards before. I have to admit that this is a very good idea. Now that Easter is around the corner many people will surely rush to the stores to buy Easter eggs and decorations. I am sure many people will love to receive Easter cards and I am of them. lol

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I have never done it before, but I want to try it this year.

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Do you know some profitable apps?

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I have never heard about Easter cards as well. It sounds very interesting indeed. Sorry, but I can't advise you to use it. What do you think about trading? I used to trade on the Forex platform, but it was an extremely stressful process for me. I decided to quit it a few weeks ago. After that, I realized that planning your financial flows is a very important thing. But this thought came to me after years of frustration and stress. My friend suggested me to use this lovely financial planner. It gives you the most flexible tool without the pain and frustration of manual data entry and report building.

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Wow!!! The idea is incredibly cool. I'll talk to my wife about it. I think she would be very interested in it.

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