
Make Money at Easter by Writing a Book or Blogging About it!

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Make Money at Easter by Writing a Book or Blogging About it!

Make Money at Easter by Writing a Book or Blogging About it!
If you are a bit of a writer and you have a passion for all things seasonal, Easter especially, then you could turn those writing talents and that Easter passion into cash by writing eBooks or even running a blog that blogs all about Easter! In fact, it wouldn't be just the once, since Easter comes round every year so year on year you could make a passive income from just writing about Easter! Make Money at Easter by Writing a Book or Blogging About it!

But how? Well because every Easter time, there are always people that want to know about Easter. Like things to do at Easter time, best places to visit at Easter time, best place to go on holiday/vacation to at Easter time. What food to cook and eat at Easter time. How people can enjoy Easter to its fullest and even the spiritual side and meaning of Easter, these kinds of things, recommendations, reviews etc etc.

If you can write up some nice detailed topics on these things, and then bundle them together in an eBook or something, you can then sell that eBook every Easter time on places like Amazon, here (Listing Dock), eBay etc etc. You could create an eBook or even a physical hardback book as well. You could even sell them on CD's/DVD's too.

If they contained the promise of telling you about some of the best places to visit or travel/vacate to, what some of the best most Easterly food to cook and eat is and lots of other cool and fun to know Easter facts and stats and stuff, there would be people that would be wiling to cough up a few bucks to download or purchase and buy and read that to know.

There are billions of people in the world, and every Easter millions of them are searching online for things related to Easter. Like what good Easter gifts are good to buy, where to go and what to see and what to do and stuff like that. If you can answer all of those questions and more in great detail and compile and bundle all that together into one big resource that would save people hours of searching around for it. And you list it at a reasonable and fair price, there's no reason it wouldn't sale!

You could make fun to read kids books as well. Those sell really well! Here's a screenshot of Google Images for Easter books which shows some very popular kids Easter books and stories. Some novels, some explaining the real meaning of Easter!
Make Money at Easter by Writing a Book or Blogging About it!???

Bloggin' at Easter for Cash

And of course, you can blog about Easter as well. An Easter affiliate blog would do quite well around about Easter time and coming up to it. Especially one that posted all the best stuff on it, answered all the questions from above in detail and much more. Then that blog could do quite well. You could make it go viral on social media by posting contests/competitions and things, using #hashtags and lots of photos of great Easter stuff, fun stuff, practical stuff etc etc.

If you think about it, and do a little research, this is not a hard thing to tap into! If you are the creative type, a good writer, or just innovative, you can surely make money from this method of writing all about Easter. And every Easter after that!

Do you make money from Easter by writing for Easter?

Do you blog about Easter with a dedicated Easter blog or or at all in any way?


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Around Easter time this could work awesomely however I feel it may end up being just a temporary money maker once a year during the lead up to Easter and during Easter when it's most talked about. I know myself I don't really tend to bother about Easter until it gets closer to the time which is when I search about Easter or people do research on Easter. If you are fine with it being a temporary money maker around that time of year and you are interested in Easter enough to write about it, this would definitely be worth trying.

Would I blog about Easter? More than likely not to be honest, as much as I do show an interest in Easter I don't feel I have a strong enough interest to be able to write a detailed blog surrounding this particular holiday.

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When you are blogging about a current topic such as Easter, you might get instant traffic when the topic is trending, however, when the topic is outdated, you are not receiving any traffic. Not getting traffic means you are losing money. People begin to search about Easter when Easter is around the corner, however, when the easter is gone or is far away, no one will search about Easter. Therefore blogging about Easter is not very profitable if you think about long term traffic. However, if you have a book n Easter, you can sell it during the Easter. Even when Easter is far away or has recently passed, you can still sell this book because books are always ever green.

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I wonder how well something like this would actually work? I mean, sure event-specific content during the event will always sell, but if you're a new writer it's extremely hard to get your name out there, so a short event like Easter can easily pass over before you get even a single sale! Wouldn't it be better to start off earlier and write something else, so that when Easter actually does come around and you're looking for sales, you'd only need to send the information to your mailing list and BAM - instant sales!

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Writing and blogging about something will earn you some money somehow. This is a great idea to earn money every easter time. I would prefer to write a blog about easter. And I also want to share my experience everytime easter comes.

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I think easter, halloween, christmas and chanukah traffic is usually high. And it can be possible with the help of content to reach more people. As you can see blogging about it gets you more leads too. And another thing is that blogging needs to be regular on this for to work. There are some really good options out there when it comes easter deals. So I am thinking it's worth checking out the options with promotions.

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Blogging and writing about holidays and festivals is a good way to pull traffic, and drive sales. Not just the holidays and festivals, but if you write about the specific season you can get positive results. For instance, when winter comes, a lot of people will be searching for tips like how to care for skin, what to eat to keep you warm during the winter etc.

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I think targeting specific niche and working around that can be a good option. I have seen some of the people making some really good earning through the sales based topics. But it depends on how we are pulling things though. Not a lot of people can write on all the topics. And it may not always works out.

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Yes, not all people can write about all topics. If you ask me to write on Easter or Halloween, I cannot. I am not raised in Christain culture and I don't know anything about these festivals. Christmas is the most popular Christain festival and I may be able to write by doing a research, but I may not be able to produce high quality content.

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I can write good articles and even make designs at zazzle for halloween. But easter and the valentine are not my topics. I have also written the topics on the christmas. But not much of sales have gathered from the same. So I'd say it can be really good to see how the blogs are going to work on that part.

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I once had a recipe article published on hubpages. During the Christmas time, I used to do some tweaking and change the title by using keyword "Christmas recipe," I used to get a lot of views and comments. However, I have taken that article down and sold to someone else.

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Yes hubpages seems to be getting a lot of traffic lately. And many people are earning consistently from it. So it does seem like a good place to post things. Though it's not easy to say all will work out there.

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There was a time when I was earning around $100 every month on Hubpages. After I stopped writing on Hubpages, my earnings have substantially dropped, still, I receive payment every two months. This is good because I am earning even though I am not publishing or promoting articles.

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That's a good amount. I remember that time. Now that it is completely down. I am not sure how else is the way to get things properly handled though. I have mostly moved to other sites for content hosting.

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I was doing well on hubpages, than I heard about Bubblews. I joined the site was began earning twice or thrice more than hubpages. For one year, I earned pretty good money on Bubblews, but the site shut down. Then I joined many writing sites. I was not writing on hubpages because I had to write long SEO articles, however, on these sites, I could write anything. It was easy to write. I was scammed on many sites, still, I made some money. In the mean time, I was also earning from freelancing sites. Now, I have my own blogs and I may never write on hubpages again.

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I followed the same formula like you. These days I am more into my own blog. And some of the time I am on beermoneyforum and forumcoin. That's pretty much where I spend most of the time. So that being said, hubpages is a good website even today.

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If you do not have your own blog and want to earn by writing site, hubpages is the best site for you. Hubpages is the best site for writers looking to build passive income. However, earning on hubpages is not easy. You need to write high quality articles and generate massive views. If you write daily, it might help you though. I have account on Beer Money Forum but have not created any posts. I was on Forum Coin once. This is a good site to know about money making opportunities.

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Yes hubpages is a good site but the thing is for affiliate review. I have found out that that they don't allow any form of such links. So I am just making use of whatever works for me. That's what I think would be the option. Non affiliate pages on hubpages and affiliate based on the blog.

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In order to earn from hubpages, you need google adsense, if you do not have adsense your earning potential will be limited to affiliate products. If you do a review of product, it can be easy to sell the product. If you are using adsense on hubpages, you will earn from adsense as well as hubpages earning program.

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If I remember correctly there is no more affiliate linking allowed. And those hubs are now marked and often taken down. So not sure if I want to use their service for the affiliate marketing.

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I think they still allow Amazon products. However, if you want to use an Amazon product you have to use a product that is related to your hub and write at least 50 words describing the product. This was the rule of affiliate marketing last time I checked hubpages.

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I see I was not fan of the product modules. And ebay was even more harder to make use of as well. But it was good to have those options. As long online moentization works the better for many of us freelancers.

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I often look for D.I.Y Easter decorations online. I think that an Easter blog will be successful during that period only. One can easily sell storybooks about Easter. Children will for sure appreciate reading those books.

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This is the exact thing I do with my blog,which I see instant result and I know a lot of bloggers are aware of this and try using this approach on their blogs.Blogging about a trending period,festival or season is the way to go if one really needs traffic during a period,try to blog around what is happening,the season one is in should be written about and the period can also be written,this is what people can readily relate with.yes I do write about easter in it season and also other festivities in their different seasons.

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You don't even have to write new content for the holidays. All you have to do is tweak your articles. For instance, if you wrote and article giving ideas on easter, halloween or Christmas decoration last year, you can upodate that article and add new affiliate products. Seasonal topics get a lot of visitors.
Even if you have not written any articles on these topics, you can tweak articles and make them relevant. For instance, if you have written an article titled "how to make your own cards" you can tweak it as "how to make your own Christmas card." Since the title is relevant, more people will look into it during the holiday season.

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