
You come home after dark... to find the front door open...

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You come home after dark... to find the front door open...

I have not encountered this situation yet, but I think if I came home after dark (or even during daytime) to find the front door open (or even broken), then I would be very alarmed and panic and run back to the car.

Hopefully, i would think to call the police and/or drive away. For sure, my heart would be pounding so hard with fright! I don't think it's safe at all to enter your own house if there is a chance that someone may have broken in while you were gone.


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This is one of my worst fears, coming home to find that someone had broken into my home whilst I was gone. I don't think it's so much the worry of what may have been taken during the break in but more the fear of whether or not those people were still on the home. I would definitely not enter the home until I had called for some help so that someone else could check out the property before I entered. So far, this has not happened to me yet and touch wood nothing like this ever does.

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I've been through that a few years ago. Someone broke into my house and stole my laptop and a few other things of value.
From what I was told by the police it was the work of a kid from what they could gather from the evidence left behind. He only tools what he stumbled upon first and left in a hurry. I had some cash lying around plus some other valuables but he/she never looked for more once the laptop was found.

Still, as you said, my heart pounding as soon as I saw the window broken and forced. But fear was instantly replaced with anger, I got in the house right away hoping who ever broken in was still there. Hehe.

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That kind of situation scares me a lot, thinking about it. The world is not a very safe place and you think of all the people that use any little opportunity to sneak into the house when you are out buying groceries. We used to have only desktop computers and I figured no one could just go walking out of the house with one of those heavy things. But, now all we have is laptops and just like what happened with you, it could happen with us. Everything I do is on my computer, whether writing or work; it's all wrapped up right here. And, it would not take more than a few minutes for my whole little world to be gone. For sure, I will put my laptop out of sight when we leave next time.

I do have a somewhat related story for this situation. Some years back, i was moving a long way from our then home and put all my stuff in storage, thinking I would go back. And, I guess the stuff was stolen out of that storage without me knowing it. And, the company that was storing my belongings didn't even contact me. I didn't know it until Gmail alerted me to how someone had logged into my Gmail account from my previous (city) location. I knew instantly whoever was on my Gmail had gotten access to one of the old computers that I had left in storage. I guess it must have automatically logged into Gmail when they visited that site. I changed all the passwords and everything associated. Hopefully, no major damage was done as a result. You can never know what a person will do when they have such deep access to your info and life.

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I only wish I was like you Cristian, I can imagine me being angry that someone had broken into my home but not sure I would be the kind to hope they were still in there so I could look for revenge so to speak. I can see why you would hope they were still in there though, they did take things that belonged to you which were never there's in the first place and if you could meet them face to face and make them understand how their actions have affected others it may meet a turning point.

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This can make on paranoid and angry at the same time.Paranoid that the third doesn't hurt any body and angry because you know your things will be gone forever.

it can be frustrating when someone break into another person house to cart away things.

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Well if this gonna happen to me for sure ill grab some baseball bat or anything in my car and slowly enters the house to find out whats the cause for the door to open. If ever there's an intruder and smash them my baseball bat and make them pay. Calling authorities or police is another option on my mind. For sure authorities or police have enough knowledge in that kind of situation.

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Hmm. This is very..situational (pun intended). I guess if it were to happen to me, I'd slowly sneak around and try to be in a somewhat far distance from the house as much as possible. Then I would try my best to get a glimpse or a view inside the house, and see who is in there. Because we still don't know right?

What if I call the cops, and when they arrive, we get inside armed and loaded, only to find out that my brother went home and he wanted to surprise me but he doesn't have a key to the house (or assuming the door unlocked). Lmao!

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This is not a good thing to take it so lightly. Maybe someone try to steal inside, or by chance someone in your family, tried to break out. Whenever, I counter such thing, i immediately be cautious enough to bring some sort of weapon, as protection. You don't know, what might happen to you, if the person try to get inside your house, will hurt you badly enough.

Though, I encounter it once, but what happens that, my brother was trying to get inside our house forcibly, because he forgot the key inside, the house.

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That's the same thing I will try to do. I mean to contact the police to open an investigation on the matter and see how everything is going to work out for good.

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I really can't imagine myself if it happens to me. But i think the first thing i'll do is to call my partner and ask if she locked the door. Then while talking i will enter the house and check if there's something different. Cause i think if there's a criminal who entered my house they already left cause the door is open. I think if someone enter our house to steal or do something they will make sure to close the door while they are inside the house, so they can hear if the owner arrives and it will serve them a warning. Though it's not really an assurance but atleast i still have someone on the phone which can call for help if ever i see someone inside while checking.

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I have never been in a similar situation but still, I think that I'd try to investigate. I wouldn't miss a chance to fight for my property even if it meant putting my life in danger. I could call the cops beforehand and then enter but despite what they might tell me my entrance would be certain.

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I wouldn't advise you to fight at the expense of your life. I understand that we need to secure our properties, but let us not put our lives in danger as a result.

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Yes, I realize it's not worthy. Still, I think that while it's dangerous I have the right to fight for it. I was raised that way and little can be done about it sadly

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If you notice any sign of forced entry into your home when you are gone on your return from work or anywhere that you came from, it's best not to head into uncharted zone because your home is no longer how you left it. You cannot be sure if the assailant is still inside the house and probably armed or that something has been planted, drugs maybe by your enemy just to set you up.

It's best to call the police the moment you realize that you house has been broken into. It's best this way for your safety and well being because life doesn't have any spare should you get shoot trying to enter your house without being sure if someone is still inside and probably armed with a guy. Just one shot and it's your corpse on the floor. So it pays to be very careful in my humble opinion.

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I'll probably went to the right and immediate authority in our village that would likely be the chief aside from calling the police. Inform what's happening and then check my house for what happened inside then maybe look for things that might probably missing supposedly a thief broke in. Panic should be the least thing that you should do, as you wouldn't be able to think straight and know whats the right thing to be done on that exact critical moment.

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Good thing that nothing happens to you and to your family. Make sure always that everything is locked before you leave your home. In this generation, nothing is safe anymore.

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That would be really scary, I think that I would call the police and my family and try to stay far from the house. It could be too dangerous to get inside because somebody might still be there, like a burglar with a gun so you could be killed. It's better to be safe than sorry.

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The first thing that I will do is find the way if there are any thieves in the house. And I will call the police right away. And it seems to be good enough for the protection I'd try to grab something. And will ask the neighbors if possible for the issue. Often neighbors do keep an eye on others properties. And that can be something you have to look forward to as well. I guess in that context it'd be reasonable to see how the police is the only way you can find the safety and protection as well.

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If I will experience this kind of scenario, I will think that there are someone who broke in to my house. But maybe in some cases like my birthday or some special occassion, I would assume that this is some kind of suprise from my family and friends. But in most cases, it is possible that it is a threat so be careful if you will encounter it.

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If this would happen to me, I would also be panicking and be shaking like you guys. And also I will quickly call a police and not go inside first. It would be the most scary or horrifying thing that would happen if the thieves are inside and they had the chance to nearly kill me, if I did go in.

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The calling for help part is good. The panicking isn't. It always leads people to do bad stuff like trying to fight the bad guy or making noises that will lead them to be discovered but whoever left the door open

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Coming home to find my front door open and not broken will probably leave me thinking maybe I had too many drinks at the bar before coming home. Lol.

This kind of situation is really going to unnerve me especially if I find that my front door was broken.

Let's see, first I might want to go in and see if anything went down or alternatively I'll call the police so we can all walk In together. Or better still, let the cops walk in first while I wait outside in order to avoid getting stuck in a hollywood like movie scene.

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The way I see it, while you're fleeing and getting a police officer or trying to find help they could've made off with your belongings and valuables. The correct response imo is to call the police and wait around your house to see who if anyone comes out. Confronting them might not be the proper course of action until you see who emerges. But the smarter move would be to remain out of sight and see who comes out of your home. Then catch the license plate number of their vehicle if they escape in one.

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I'm going to call the police or the security agencies in the place I live in when I experience such issue. This is really a bad taste in our society that such a situation will arise. So, I'm going to relax and allow the security personnel get in first.

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You're goddamn right. I had this very problem and it really was terrifying. I came home and my patio door was broken. Broken glass everywhere, suspicious noises from inside. I called 911, the cops arrived after 10 minutes. They arrested the guy just before he took everything he have found. Well... I didn't miss my stuff and that's a good part. I was forced to buy new patio doors, and that's the bad part. My friends helped me with that. One of them told me where I can find nice patio doors and I have bought it for a good price. Now I have brand new doors and this guy who broke into my house, have a hard time in the country jail.

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It's so frightening to think that you can be robbed at anytime.

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I was in the same situation not a long time ago. I always had a fear of being robbed and that I can't don anything about that. After all my fears confirmed. Someone broke my door entered my house and stole a lot of my things that wasn't cheap you know. Policemen recommended changing my door for some more solid and unbreakable. Also, they said that it will be better to put some alarm system on my door and windows. To buy a new solid door was easy because I bought it from the store where I bought all wenge internal doors in my house. But now I need to know where I can find a good alarm system.

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No,no I don't want to imagine that.

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That's the worst that can happen. When you arrive home from holiday or something and you find your front door open, and a big mess in your house, wow don't want to imagine that. I have an entrance alarm that sends alerts , hope that will keep me secure. The guy that installed that said that, is it super safe, hope he is right, I don't want to risk with the safety of my household. Mate hopes this is an imaginary situation and no one got hurt. Be safe guys.

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