
50+ Words of Wisdom My Father Told Me You can Tell Yourself!

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50+ Words of Wisdom My Father Told Me You can Tell Yourself!

50+ Words of Wisdom My Father Told Me You can Tell Yourself!
Your old man probably told you a lot of things growing up? You know, those little "pearls of wisdom" that have helped you to get through the day, or your whole life, in one piece. But just in case he never told you everything, here's 50+ more words of wisdom that you may have not been told by your dad that you'll probably find useful in living your life. Like a true wise man! Maybe!

And I had another idea while writing this, since people like things in "bite sized chunks", and they are great perfect life hacks! I thought I'll do a post on about 50 things that my old man taught me when growing up. That I've taken with me, embedded into my memory like they're written in stone! Some of the things he told me I don't think I was ready for. It was only later on in life that I fully came to understand the wisdom behind them! 50+ Words of Wisdom My Father Told Me You can Tell Yourself!

So here's the first one for the day:

1. Looking for a date son? Don't go for a woman that you think is a match for you. Go for a woman that you think is out of your league. Trust me on this one son, you'll surprise yourself!

I can't remember how old I was when my old man told this to me! I think I was about 10 and going on my first date or looking for a date to take to the school prom with with me. I was like 10 years old and I was really just thinking about what girl I could call up or talk to at school or something that I could ask to go with me and here's my old man talking about woman as though I'm a grown man! LOL. But I understood what he meant and trusted him on it. Partly for a laugh to see what happened, I ended up asking some girl in the year above me who I'd always thought was out of my league and never really bothered talking to before. That was one of my first high school loves and we went out for a while but I ended up finding out it was better to have her as a friend as I was growing up fast and dated a few other people since by being more confident in myself than I thought I could be and by not settling for what peer pressure or natural instinct alone tells you and reach higher. You never know what might happen and what is the worst that can happen you know? 50+ Words of Wisdom My Father Told Me You can Tell Yourself!

Have you ever been told anything like this by your dad or your mom as a son or a daughter?

Have you ever not settled for what the world tells you you should have and reached higher for better and got it?

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed this post and you're a little wiser for it too! 50+ Words of Wisdom My Father Told Me You can Tell Yourself!


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"Looking for a date son? Don't go for a woman that you think is a match for you. Go for a woman that you think is out of your league.
Trust me on this one son, you'll surprise yourself!"
Damn, your father is class personified, what a piece of advice, those words especially this one pierced through my heart like a dagger, and hit me real hard. Your dad is a wise man, and really hope he transferred the wisdom to you. what a word!

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Well,it depends on how we understand quotes,because I believe a woman that is a man's match is still proper,why would I marry a man that is in my same class or level,must he be way of my level or league and I think true love shouldn't look at all that class or level stuff.I believe it should just be two people loving themselves passionately and unconditionally.Well,pardon me,if I have read out of context.

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One of the great things my father told is related to alcohol and women. He said, "Son, never have this opinion that you will have control over alcohol consumption or women you bed (having multiple partner0, once you get into it you will continue to do so."Thankfully I have always stayed away from alcohol and women.

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My father always told me to never argue with a fool, he said passersby would never know the difference.

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Father's wisdom is the best. Everyone would miss their lines and words of wisdom. So you must treasure the moments that you had with your father. Listen to his advice and remember his dad jokes you will need it in the future.

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Not sure this advice works for all cultures and places. But going after woman who is out of your league has it's issues too. The world is changed a lot now. And people value money and other stuff more. So going after woman out of your league means we have some ego and the jealousy issues to sort out. That being said, it may apply to you. And that is more than you can get out of the advice. But I guess each to their own. This does not sound like universal wisdom to me.

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True that. Most importantly you got to see yourself as a catch. So go for the type of woman you want and not for the type of woman you think that would want you. Confidence is a must in every aspect of our lives!

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Wow! This is somehow accurate, like why find a girl who has the same personality as you when you can find a unique and crazy out of your league style of girl and be happy for the rest of your life. For me, dating a girl that has a same personality as you is like dating your opposite self, like when you both have a same personalities then there is a high chance that you will fight again and again with just a single thing, like a color of toothbrush. So it's better to find a girl which has your opposite personality and has a unique one.

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My father always give me advice on many different things. He also share his own experience in that. One advice I like the most is how can I face a woman I like. He tell that I must not be shy and have confident in yourself. Be a funny guy and make her believe that you are the perfect man for her. I tried it and it works! I'm so thankful to my father.

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My father is not very good at words, but he's very good at facts. So, his better pearls are his cooking lessons. That guy can cook anything, and he's making sure I can cook too. I know, that's not exactly "wisdom", but every father pass on what he can do best, and I'm happy with it. Holidays are coming, and usually we cook all the food together, so I guess these are the best memories I will have of him for the rest of my life.

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I think that this is a good piece of advice. If you find someone who is different from you then you can discover and learn new things. My boyfriend and I don't have much in common but this does not mean that we do not love each other. In fact, I have been learning many new things from him. I can even say that I learn something new from him every day. We have also been to several of his favorite places together and I can say that I enjoyed.

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Indeed. Learning new stuff means you have to find different people who can share things with you. And that is what makes the life interesting. Where we learn from others and try to emulate them to be more positive and productive. Having same interest all the time leads to boredom too.

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These words are like from a book, they contain so much wisdom.. I thank you for this great publication. Well, I feel like I've read a good book. And I would very much like my husband to treat me with the same tenderness and love as in these words. But unfortunately life is not so beautiful, or maybe I met the wrong person. So I decided to end our relationship because I feel unhappy, which prevents me from living and enjoying the new day. And I plan to create a profile on the site de rencontre sérieux. Perhaps all isn't lost yet and I can be happy. Time will tell, it always does.

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