
What is your opinion on having a United States President that communicates via Twitter?

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What is your opinion on having a United States President that communicates via Twitter?

It is certainly an unusual time that we live in here in the United States. We currently have a president that chooses, as his daily communication platform, Twitter as a means to address the nation and speak his mind. President Trump has become known for voicing his opinion, giving direct orders, and in general (seemingly) run the nation via posts from his Twitter account. Often, these posts are made in the wee hours of the night. I don't believe we've ever had a president before that ran the country in such a manner. What is your opinion on President Trump's tendency to tweet? Does it make him modern and more accessible? Does it make him less professional?


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Well to my own understanding and view of point, i don't think there is anything wrong with your President using social media, because first of all, he is a human being before being a president, so if he wants to make use social media to address the people then i see no biggie there, because maybe he wants the people to have first hand information, and not filtered information .
But the wrong thing in it, is him using that channel to abuse and create havoc with people, that's when the wrong point of view creeps in, because the president shouldn't prove to the whole world how retarded or bigoted he is, by coming to the social media space to do that. and then clear all doubt.
I think modesty and decorum should be in his dispensation when using the social media.

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I agree. The account is exactly that, which is a personal account and at the end of the day even though his job requires him to be almost more than human, that still is impossible and there is definitely some charm in him just accepting that and holding onto what made him personable in the first place. Like anything else though, it can get out of hand sometimes and I think people use those moments to over react and use it as a reason to bash him while completely disregarding other previous instances where the account was beneficial.

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Exactly my thoughts, those instances stir up the opportunity for those who don't like him, to find more reason to bash him to the extreme, and talk down on the use of his social media, in passing information, neglecting the good side of it.

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Our current president never ceases to amaze me with his unprofessional and immature behavior. My six year old behaves better than this man, it seems. It is a dangerous policy to use Twitter as a platform, and he portrays himself as an over-emotional tantrum-thrower. This undermines confidence in the leadership of our country. As a teacher, I can tell you that I would have been fired a long time ago if I behaved like Mr. Trump. So, what does that say about the leader of the free world and how the office of the presidency has now somehow diminished? Trump does not use social media for positive reasons. He uses is to agitate, and this is not a good way to establish a climate of democracy and open-mindedness in our country.

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I agree with your comment about being a teacher. I am an elementary school teacher and not only would it ever be permissible for me to behave the way our President does, but you better believe that I wouldn't tolerate any of my students behaving that way either! Whether I found out that they were doing over social media or just name calling and bullying out on the playground, zero tolerance. Why is it that we teacher children to behave better, yet somehow our president seems to be allowed to behave that way. What message is that sending to our younger generations? Then again, this is the same president that pardoned himself when the CIA said he did some not so legal things. I think regardless of what anyone else feels or believes, I have the impression that Trump will continue doing what he feels like... while also telling us all that he is the smartest man in the room.

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Well said JM! I totally agree with everything that you've mentioned regarding President Trump. The sad thing is ( I don't really know if some people consider it sad and whatnot), most people would tolerate his childish behavior specially when it comes to Twitter. I mean, some would eventually agree, saying that he is the president and he has the right to use any social medias just like everyone else, yada yada yada. We know that. But his use of social media doesn't really help his country, it eventually makes it worst and would potentially trigger some people specially those who opposes him.

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It's hilarious, to be honest. I'm not from the United States, I live in London, United Kingdom and right now most of us are laughing at the US because of how much of a joke it has become. It's unbelievable really the things that Donald Trump has done and he is going to continue to ruin the reputation of the United States. I understand why he would use Twitter, it goes straight to the people and there is no bullshit from his speech writers etc. But it's just so unprofessional. I read recently that a few people were getting together to sue him because he had blocked them from his Twitter but the government has classed his tweets as official communications and you can't block people from viewing those.

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There are many, many reasons I did not vote for Donald Trump, but your comment exemplifies one of them very well: I didn't want this man to represent me and my country, especially on an international platform. It's shameful that our president feels the need to whine and complain daily on Twitter. "FAKE NEWS this", "FAKE NEWS that", "I'm the subject of biggest witch hunt in history", "Anything critical of me or my administration is FAKE NEWS".

Yes, this whole administration is a laughing stock and I don't blame you for laughing at us one bit. However, I'm sure you understand this already, but I want to point out that due to our Electoral College, Donald Trump was elected by a minority of the voting Americans. The majority of voting Americans voted for Clinton (roughly 3 million more people).

Of course, Donald Trump made it crystal clear in his early Tweet-storms that those 3 million additional votes for Clinton were all cast by illegal voters.

Obama was by no means perfect, and I didn't agree with everything he did, but at least he was professional, kind, and cared for the American people. Evidently, we weren't ready for him, and on some level, I think we deserve what we're getting right now.

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I believe it is pretty unprofessional to have a state leader to do so. Well, Trump is free to do what he wants but his advisers will have their hands full and need to moderate his usage and Tweets. Making the wrong message will reflect badly on him and his team.

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You're spot on, Trump has every opportunity to use Twitter in a professional way, but he chooses absolutely not to. This infuriates me because I knew, I absolutely knew he wouldn't create a good image of our country, especially internationally. The president is supposed to listen to and represent the entire country as a whole, but Trump, through his Twitter, does just the opposite. He distances himself from Democrats, foreigners, congressmen and women who don't agree with him, and all major news organizations that aren't slanted toward the right-wing. He essentially disregards half of the country simply because they don't agree with him, which I think is childish and below the standards of what a president should be.

My feeling on the entire matter is that until Trump can man-up and start attending daily briefings in White House, quit spending so much time on the golf course (which he promised he wouldn't do), and start being able to take criticism from people, he shouldn't be on Twitter at all. It's an embarrassment, really.

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I agree that is unprofessional. Still what I think that most people miss here is that it's just a clever marketing trick. He uses to associate himself with the simpler fellas while still being able to attack his opponents. A suitable thing for a president? Well, maybe not but I got to admit that it is clever.

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To me, it is honestly a combination of both hilarious and ridiculous. It's hilariously ridiculous. Now don't get me wrong, I don't hate Twitter, and I actually do feel that it can be used in a professional manner. There are plenty of companies out there which use it in a dignified manner to promote and advertise important information. But to send insults and make threats over a social media platform, as the President of the United States of America? Come on, this is behavior I would expect from a 12 year old, not the man that is supposed to be the leader of the free world.

I don't like getting into politics, but some things are just blatantly dumb, and I think Trump's Twitter habits are one of them.

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You make a good point that Twitter can certainly be used in a professional manner. There are plenty of people and corporations out there that do so, and it proves to promote their product and/or ideas. I think if the President were to use Twitter in such a professional manner, then it would actually be a good forum for communicating with the public. In a society where many people communicate online, Twitter could potentially be a good source to briefly communicate directly with the people. It's the fact that he resorts to offensive behavior, as you said like a 12 year old, that makes it both an offensive and laughable manner.

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It truly is disheartening because his use of Twitter is effectively alienating half of our country from his graces. He attacks anyone and everyone who disagrees with him including Democrats, congressmen and women, celebrities, news outlets, and more. Social media is a very, very powerful tool, and the public knows how it works, sometimes better than the president himself.

Take this past weekend, for example. The protests in Charlottesville turned violent especially when a white supremacist drove his car into a peaceful crowd of counter protesters, killing one person and injuring 19 others.

Now, social media in nearly instantaneous. You have the capability of sharing your message immediately with the world, and it has the potential to spread quickly once put up. This is especially the case for the President of the United States. Trump had a platform and a following to immediately spread his message about the event in the aftermath of it. It doesn't take the smartest person in the world to figure out that white supremacists and Nazi's are bad people, and their actions shouldn't be condoned. But what did Trump do instead? He remained silent for nearly 48 hours before issuing a weak, condemnation of nobody in particular, but "all sides".

This is a man who jumps at the opportunity to call Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski horrible names, say terrible things about Rosie O'Donnell, or bash The New York Times and CNN. He doesn't waste time flinging is ridiculous tweets at people and organizations who shouldn't be consuming his attention, but when it comes time to buckle down and issue a statement about something incredibly important, he can't manage that.

It's disgusting, is what it is.

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I went out to eat with my grandmother a couple months before the election last year, and she asked if I was planning on voting in November. I told her of course I was, and that I considered it my civic duty to do everything I could to make sure Donald Trump did not become president. Not that my vote mattered since I live in a deeply red state. My grandmother said she believed we needed Trump because he would bring a different viewpoint than a career politician like Hillary. I understand her viewpoint and respect it, but I told her I was concerned about something she should be too: I didn't think Trump behaved like a man that I wanted to represent me and my country. What you're voicing is the exact reason I did not vote for Trump. As of now, at least I can take solace in the fact that every time he does or says something stupid, I can simply say, "I didn't vote for him."

Fast forward a couple months after the election, though. I grabbed lunch with my grandmother again when she was in town. During lunch, she expressed her disappointment in Trump, and went so far as to say she regretted voting for him. She told me "she thought he would do a better job, but he's just making a fool of himself". This would have been a perfect "I told you so" moment for me, but sometimes people have to see the consequences of their actions to fully understand that they made a mistake. My grandmother realized voting for Trump was a mistake and she had the courage to admit it, too. That's respectable. I love my grandmother.

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As an American, and a supporter of our president, I think that it is superb that President Trump is communicating directly with the people of this country, and it shows how much he actually cares about all of the people, and not just letting the press decide what to report. Since the press, here and in most other countries are mostly liberals, with an agenda against closed borders, most people cannot actually get real truth from just reading the paper or watching television, because it is all distorted and slanted to the liberal viewpoint.
These are people who are paid to write what they are told, and will lose their jobs if they do not comply, so it is no surprise at all that most other countries only hear bad things about our president, who is actually loved and supported by most of the people here in the United States, regardless of the propaganda that no one likes him.
The politians here don't like President Trump, and that he speaks the truth, but unless they can stop him from communicating directly to the citizens here, we can still hear what he is actually saying and doing.

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As an American, and a supporter of logical discourse and fact-based argumentation, could you provide statistics or any articles to back up your claim that Trump is "loved and supported by most of the people here in the United States"? Because according to the most recent Gallup poll, Trump's approval rating is currently sitting at 34%, and his disapproval rating is sitting at 58%. Generally, by definition, the word "most" would require that a majority, or above 50% of people, approve of him in order for your statement to be accurate. I don't think that's the case here. I think what you mean is that Trump is "loved and supported by most of the people I associate with". You're trying to speak on behalf of a large, large number of Americans, and I don't think your statement is justified in being an overarching generalization of that.

Your comment illustrates exactly why the political climate in the U.S. is so divisive: people aren't consuming their media or evaluating their facts correctly. If you're going to discredit all of the news outlets that are "slanted to the liberal viewpoint" (like CNN, MSNBC, The Hill, etc.), then logically, you should also be just as quick to discredit conservative leaning outlets like Fox News, Infowars and Breitbart due to their right-leaning viewpoints. After all, those news outlets I'm sure employ people who are "paid to write what they are told, and will lose their jobs if they do not comply" (which is a completely inaccurate statement in regards to news outlets.) I've worked at local news stations, so I've seen the inner workings of the exact industry you're trying to discredit, and I get the feeling you've never been a real journalist before.

If you're not holding conservative-biased outlets to the same scrutiny as liberal-biased outlets, then you're holding a double standard as to your consumption of news and information and puts your intake on a completely one-sided level, which isn't healthy regardless of your political affiliation, which I think also discredits your political viewpoint all together. Or at least requires me to be even more skeptical of it than I would someone who consumes their news evenly or tries to remain in the middle of the road (NPR, PBS, and the Associated Press are good middle ground sources).

You can't remove my trust for publications like The Washington Post unless they do something absolutely abhorrent, which they won't because they're an upstanding group of journalists. It doesn't matter how many times Trump refers to them as "failing", WaPo was the publication that took the initiative to bring exposure to the Watergate Scandal and hold Nixon (a corrupt Republican president, may I remind you) accountable for his actions. It's this sort of reporting that solidifies my understanding that The Washington Post absolutely has the best interests of the American people at heart, they're not publishing stuff in order to "further the liberal agenda" as I've seen some claim.

And to push things further, you should never, ever simply take Trump's word for fact just because he or his administration say it's fact. Always fact check those statements., fivethirtyeight and other sites are great places to check and make sure they're actually telling the truth. After Kellyanne Conway's infamous "alternative facts" ordeal, or the way Sean Spicer would dance around and adhere to Trump's early lies (such as the completely arbitrary facts regarding the inauguration crowd sizes), I think their administration made it very clear that they think facts are subjective, which they absolutely are not. Their statements should always be held in question and never taken as truth without further investigation, just like other news sources.

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I am not from America or anything but I do occasionally check out Trump's twitter since I find it quite funny... And a bit sad at the same time. I think that it isn't bad if a president is using Twitter or any other social media platform to communicate with the people/nation but what Trump is doing is a bit silly. He gets into arguments over Twitter. He calls people out... Even when he is caught lying, he denies everything or distracts people with irrelevant tweets. He is quite good at creating a distraction from the real issues like Russia and so on.

I don't like the way he behaves over it. Yes, you can speak your mind but there are always certain rules that you must respect when you are representing a country. This is just my own personal opinion though What is your opinion on having a United States President that communicates via Twitter?

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Same here. I don't even follow President Trump on Twitter but I don't need to. All of his posts and tweets are very controversial so people would just share it or re-tweet it instantly. And yes, I don't like the way he behaves too but as you have said, he does a good job at distracting people while at the same time, making enemies too. I don't know if it's just "drama" and all but it gets interesting every time.

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You make a good point when you comment that when Trump is caught in a lie, he generally denies or distracts. He calls people names, blames the media for being false, says something absurd, or just all together talks about something else. I realize that politicians in general often don't answer a question directly at hand, they have a special way of dancing around a question and talking about something else instead as if that was what was being asked. My husband and I refer to this as "politicianing". We occasionally do it when we are trying to avoid something too... like who took the last cookie from the cookie jar. At some point though, you expect that the leader of a country should stand up and take some form of responsibility. Even kids admit from time to time when they've done wrong.

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It's not bad to have a president who is on social media per se, but the real deciding factor is how they use social media. I don't think Donald Trump's use of Twitter is very beneficial to himself as president, nor the country as a whole. He needs to understand that a president of the United States, he is now speaking to the whole country, not just his fanbase like he was during his campaign or under Obama's administration. I think it's damaging to Trump's ego that he's receiving so much backlash now because he doesn't understand that people aren't going to sit by and let him say whatever he wants whenever he wants without speaking up.

The problem is that Donald Trump doesn't use Twitter to bring people together, to provoke meaningful discussion, or to lead the American people. He uses Twitter to spread lies (like his false claims about illegal votes for Clinton), viciously attack those he disagrees with (like Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, The New York Times, etc.), and wages a constant war against the media, claiming that they're "fake news".

Social media is a powerful tool, and we're seeing Trump's messages spreading through his fanbase, make them close their eyes to the media and simply denounce them as fake news due to Trump and his team's rhetoric. It's astounding how this can even work on people. You absolutely cannot denounce a news source as "fake news" unless you can provide evidence that what they report is in fact fake or false, which if asked about CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo, or any other publication, Trump supporters will absolutely not be able to provide any concrete evidence that suggests why entire news organizations can be considered fake.

The closest response you'll ever get from people is that "those organizations lean left, so they can't be trusted", which is a real cop out of the entire argument. If you're discrediting an organization for leaning left and calling them "fake news", then those outlets who also lean right are equally as "fake". If you can't trust an organization because they lean left, then you equally cannot trust an organization who leans right, otherwise you're a hypocrite. It's common sense.

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I don't think the issue is as much having a personal Twitter account as it is just that he uses it so unprofessionally at times. I think it's good that he did not give up the account as it was a part of him before he was president, so it shows stability in who he is, but at times it does seem like a bad idea to tweet some petty messages as president. I think overall we are all headed in this direction anyway. Culture is getting less and less formal, but who knows maybe this is just a phase. Perhaps the next president will be able to show us another way of dealing with modernization a little better.

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I agree. Everyone knows that Trump uses his Twitter account to be controversial and I think that it is a good idea that they allowed him to keep the account. It allows him to be straight with the country and allows him to release news the way that he wants to without anyone editing it etc. It's also great because it allows people to quickly see things that have been said by him and means that people don't have to waste time seeing whether it is true or not because it is from his official account.

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There is nothing wrong when a president doing twitter to inform everybody about the event. President trump became more popular to us
specially in asian region. His information will deliver to everybody
than usual announcement. Although, some of his post for a while found to
be funny and entertaining, it deliver special attention to all.
I was surprised when President trump announce to retaliate, if North
korea attack guam. I laugh too hard when I read some of his twit about
IQ test.

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I actually think that this is very good especially because the majority of the US citizens use twitter every day and this way it can help people to be in touch with everything that is going on. In Romania, we have a president that communicates with us via Facebook because we don't use twitter a lot.This being said I really hope that people will understand that social media is really important and informative as well.

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Yes, social media is important and informative, but whether or not the use of said platform is good, especially in regards to the President of the Free World, rests largely on how that person uses the platform. Or at least the manner in which it is used, I should say.

You can tell a lot by someone who uses social media constantly, and that's no different for Trump. Most of us can see right through him. Take the tragedy in Charlottesville earlier this month, for example. When a white supremacist ran his car into a group of peaceful counter protesters, killing one person and injuring 19, there was silence from Trump. No Tweets, no statements about the incident for nearly 48 hours.

To put this into perspective, we're talking about a man who didn't waste any time when Nordstrom's (a chain clothing retailer in the U.S.) dropped his daughter's clothing line from their selections due to poor sales. He lashed out immediately on Twitter toward the retailer (which is childish regardless of who you are), but yet couldn't make a quick statement about how terrible the events in Charlottesville were?

Please. At least his Twitter use shows his true nature to those of us who are paying attention.

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Twitter is and always will be an online company, it can go down, change policy, or worse: ban Donald Trump one of this days. I never believe that any president could do much for a country in terms of development; it's the citizen's job, the least a president can do is maintain a certain prestige among other countries, something which Donald Trump failed to do till now.

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There's no law that states I a president is not allowed to post on social media. The guy seems to be a realist and is ruthless about the way he voices his opinions.

There are times though when I question his sanity and he sometimes voices his opinions without giving proper thoughts to the consequences.
He could be funny sometimes though with his choice of words. But he should be careful lest people think there's a clown in the white house.

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Yeah thats cool maybe he is just going with whats trending now in our time. But pres trump should be conservative in talking trough twitter, on the other side using twitter reaches many people nowadays than news agencies but he should limit his post to very important matters.

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You have to understand that he was once an ordinary citizen like you before he became the president and you shouldn't expect him to change all of a sudden from the way he used to live his life before becoming the president of America. We all have our personal social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and the rest and because we won an election does not mean we should abandon everything.

However, I think President Trump should reduce the way he uses his personal twitter account for official purposes for the sake of some citizens that do not care much about using social media platforms. Using live press conferences 7 out of 10 official announcements should be okay for him so as to have his message spread across the country.

I do not agree that it is unprofessional of him to use the twitter anyway, but I feel he should do conferences as well to make the message reach almost everyone in the country.

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I think you're missing the point of the criticism most of us have in regards to Trump's Twitter use. We don't think it's unprofessional that he simply uses Twitter, we think it's unprofessional in the way he uses Twitter.

We're not saying Trump should quit using social media because he's president, we're saying he should act like a president when he uses social media. Or act like a president at all, for that matter. Every president before Trump was also a private citizen before becoming president, just like Trump, and those who became president during the age of social media didn't use the platform to belittle and bully people like Trump does. I don't care if people think he's "adjusting to his new life of not being a private citizen", the way he uses his authority and power to belittle other people should be below the standards of any U.S. president.

He shamelessly attacked Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, tried to bully Nordstrom's when they dropped Ivanka's clothing line (because of declining sales, not out of hostility), and even used the platform to bully his own attorney general, Jeff Sessions, whom Trump appointed to his cabinet himself. Not to mention sadistic stance he has toward CNN, like when he Tweeted, then quickly deleted, a cartoon picture of a train hitting someone with the CNN logo pasted over them.

The way in which our president uses Twitter is unprofessional, and pretty disgraceful.

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Now you've made your point the way I should understand. At first, I thought what was being said was that President Trump shouldn't use twitter any longer as a result of being a president. However, right from time I read about him, one thing that is clear is that he enjoys courting controversy and this has shown since he took power. I wish the citizens understand and condone with his excesses at this moment.

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I don't think there seems to be any issue with the president these days. Almost everyone has access to twitter. And they are going to voice their opinion. And they are communicating what they want to. And I think that's perfectly fine. It's funny how the people who are into the communicating may have to deal with the opposite opinion some of the time. I think if they have different opinion than us. Then that is perfectly fine. When there is no opposite opinion things tend to turn into dictatorship. So that's a good thing to consider here as well.

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At this point it really doesn't matter. It's not like if he stops tweeting tomorrow people are going to forget or ignore the fact that he's a douche bag. I also think that if they were to ban him from twitter he'd take to Facebook. Then he'd be their problem I guess.

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This is quite funny. As the president, I understand he needs to adjust the way he belittle others on social media like Twitter, but since he is not ready to do so, the citizens should try and stay put till a law is put in place for this.

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We are in the social media Era and the rise of it is inevitable, I don't see nothing wrong with comunicating via Twitter, I don't think he should be using it THAT much, he certainly needs to be more conservative and reserved about it. But He is an opinionated person and the Americans pick him as a president, so they probably like the way he comunicates...

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Well, I wouldn't go so far as to say that the American people picked him to be president, but rather the American electoral college picked him as president. If we're talking about the voting population of Americans, it is crucial that you keep in mind that the majority of voting Americans voted for Clinton, not Trump. Roughly 3 million more people voted for Clinton than Trump, actually, which is incredible.

In reality, Trump represents a minority of the voting population, but due to our election process, the popular vote means absolutely jack squat in the face of the electoral college.

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Oh my! that explains it all. That's why most of the American people I know, don't like Trump that much. You really have an odd method for elections. In my country use to be easier, the one with more votes win, that's it. Thank you for explaining this to me!

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Yeah the electoral college is never going to be changed. Despite its flaws. People in smaller states have a voice because of the electoral college so they're going to fight like hell to keep it active. The last thing they want, is heavily populated coastal states or purple states telling controlling their fate all the time.

The problem though, is that the smaller states continue to shrink population wise. Due to birth rates, death rates and people simply relocating. So their already small populations are just getting smaller. Which means that their electoral vote cache that was at 6 or 7 a decade or so ago, could very well be down to just 3 or 4 by 2030. The very purpose of the electoral college is being defeated bit by bit, by freedom itself. The freedom to move to more desirable locations most of all.

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No, the electoral college will most likely not be seeing changes anytime soon. It's a real shame, because while it may allow more rural communities to "have a voice", someone like me, who typically casts blue votes in a deeply red state, renders my vote essentially useless during presidential elections. Where's my voice?

It's frustrating, but not something that'll be looked at anytime soon.

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i think its kinda cool but its in appropriate because he is the head of the state he must be more formal in professional in informing people. he must also fix his style of that posting on twitter. but well he have the right to post on twitter the freedom of speech but still he need to correct his self.

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Like every media platforms, Twitter should be used responsibly. As long as the president is going to tweet relevant messages and announcements then I don't think there will be a problem.

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Being a president should not stop you to use some social media platforms as a form of communication medium because as of now most people are tech-savvy and will be reach by means of using some famous social media such as twitter. Maybe it will be deemed as in appropriate or unprofessional but be real guys most of us will not even bother to listen in TV just to hear the President speak to the public but some of us will stop by about it when they see it is trending in twitter. I guess this way of communications is somewhat innovative in nature but as a person who takes a superior position he or she should take responsibility for any information he or she will post. God bless and thank you.

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For me, that's totally fine. He just need to check his words before posting it because it reflects himself. He needs to make sure that hes tweeting that are valid and not give false information to the public.

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I think that most of politicians in countries that have good access to the internet use twitter, The posts there should be short an informative so they use it to communicate with the citizens. I don't find that strange at all but I have noticed that many of those politicians are not cultured enough and their posts read as posts written by really stupid people. They should keep the tweets formal.

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Being just a spectator of your country, I think there is nothing wrong for a president to be active on social media particularly in Twitter but just like the rest of us, he should be ready to face any kind of reaction from the people. Sometimes we've been mingling with a lot of two-faced people for so long that when someone readily admits or shows who he is personally, we cringe at the prospect of it. But the truth is, your country is somehow lucky that you can see clearly who he is, how he thinks and how he reacts truthfully. Only problem I see is that even though he's been showing who he really is, most, if not some, still don't see it.

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I think it's completely unprofessional. America has never had a president rule by Twitter, because it's dumb. He should leave the twittering to his social media managers. The problem of his tweets, is that they are emotional. Ever heard of an emotional president? Yeah neither have i, especially an American one. Mr Trump with all due respect is supposed to be the leader of the free world. He has a responsibility to act more soberl and maturely. He should leave the Twitter tantrums to Trump Junior.

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There's nothing wrong with the President using Twitter or any other form of social media. But, like all of us, we need to use social media responsibly. Particularly for a man in his position, he, more than anyone else in his country, needs to think very carefully about what he's posting online for the whole world to see. So far, he's done a very poor job at this. If he were a regular citizen, people would probably not care. But as he is the President, his words carry a lot of weight. What he says will impact a vast amount of people, and therefore can do a lot of harm. I do think it is very unprofessional of him to post every fleeting thought online. I'm surprised his PR team hasn't stepped in by now.

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I don't live in the US but i think that's silly honestly. People won't take him seriously to be honest. And doesn't give an air of respectable reputation. He holds one of the greatest positions. And there he goes twitting hahaha.

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I don't think there's anything wrong about a president using Twitter or any social midia sites as his means of communication. What matters is how he uses it.

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I agree with this one even though I don't live in the US, I'm totally fine with the president using any social media sites. For me, it's kinda cool and less hassle as long as he's not going to be rude. But there are negative effects on this one, like some people would totally say that why don't he talk on public rather than using the internet or the fact that not every person has a twitter or any social media accounts.

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I don't know if you follow the different controversies there have been with Trump using Twitter, but the exact reason that so many of us have issue with his Twitter use is because he acts rudely and as a bully online to those who oppose him. It's been seen time and time again as he lashed out and belittles people over social media.

What makes it even more interesting that his wife, Melania, is an advocate against cyber-bullying, while her husband partakes in the act weekly...

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There are many other Presidents who use Twitter too but yet the media never talks about them. The problem about Trump is that at times his posts are controversial and meaningless. This is what actually attracts the attention of the media and many people. Every time that he posts something absurd this is immediately shared on the other social media sites.

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He not only tweets mostly poorly worded, accusatory, offensive and at times rambling nonsense when he tweets. But these tweets come at odd times of day. 3 and 4 am in most cases. I mean, most people tend to avoid tweeting that late because tiredness and exhaustion after a long work day, can make one prone to typing out odd statements. Most people aren't as sharp witted at 3 am as they would be at 3 pm.

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I see everything good about it to have a United States president communicating via Twitter. Twitter is just an electronic public social media that is used by people of all calibres across the entire world. It isn't meant for just some particular people alone, but for everyone anywhere in the world. Twitter can be used as a public social media platform through which information can be passed across to the people.

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It is a good way yo communicate to your people. A president who communicates to his people is the best president to me. But we must also be careful because sometimes we encounter some fake news on social medias. So you must be aware who you are following in Twitter and other social medias. Make sure that it is the official account of the president.

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Sounds like a plan.

Governing via Twitter can save a lot of time and money. Elected representatives don't have to go to debate issues in a building somewhere. All they need to do is tweet their thoughts. Then vote via Twitter. I am sure that can be arranged.

Like-wise with international relationships. No need to fly here and there anymore. Just tweet what you think and get things done.

Sounds like a bad joke?

Yes, it is. It is a bad joke. And what is happening is a very bad joke indeed.

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It's fine as long as he knows how to keep his opinions to himself and does not forget that whatever he writes on Twitter is a representation of the country as a whole. There should be people who check the president's tweets to maintain it this way, or just don't let him near the platform.

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It's not a bad thing that he is active on social media platforms as Twitter. Many people use social media more than TV niwdays so the message can get fasted to them via Twitter. But, there are many categories of people living in this country, and I think the President should be capable to send his message to everyone, so he should cover all the ways in order to send a message.

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