
Creativity Slumps and How to get over them

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Creativity Slumps and How to get over them

As creatives, we all have those days when we are just devoid of inspiration and despite our best efforts, our creative juices just won't flow. For hours, you just stare hard at that blank screen or canvass to the point your mind and eyes bleed out but still, nothing. Your creativity has just dried up and you are stuck. 

For days like this, I just take a deep breath, close my eyes, and walk away. From my experience, forcing it won't really help. Sure you might still come up with something but in the end, the results are usually not that good and mediocre. So, what do I do? 

Well, if I have the cash as well as the time, I usually take the opportunity to travel and see other places. Other than helping you unwind, you get to see, learn and experience new things that would later on, be helpful to your craft. As for those days when I am short on budget, I just take my camera and go out for a stroll around my neighborhood and nearby places. This helps me see things from different perspectives and helps me find different ways to approach the piece that I am working on.

How about you guys? What do you do to reinvigorate that worn out and dried up creative oasis in your head? Share your thoughts and your experiences.


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When things get like that I don't force it. I let it be by giving myself a treat, I learn something new, I go over old memories by looking at pictures and talking to my family and friends. I listen more to what my body needs and give it a rest doing yoga and massage. Slowly like the pieces of a puzzle it all comes back into place.

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Sounds about right. I try and get a break from whichever activity I need inspiration and do other things completely unrelated like watching movies, reading books, playing games and listening to music. It does help me to get my idea flow back

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I concur. Forcing it is the worst! That really will lock you up creatively for a while, and it also comes with quite a bit of heavy frustration. I think that all of your creativity inspiring techniques are about a change of perspective and perception. You also seem to be a fan pf relaxation which can allow for the creative juices to flow. And you use the word "slowly" here, which also shows that you realize these things take patience.

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Very well said. Forced works lead to worst works. It is better to leave it for a while and have your mind refresh than to try to finish everything that will frustrate you in the end. Having your self relax is important for your mind to function well. You do not wish to pressure your self too much because will drain you more.

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I have had to force work before, due to deadlines. Usually, when I go back and look at that kind of work, I can see so many things I would have wanted to have done differently. Of course, if the work is already published and out there, then it is too late. There are so many ways to relax the mind and creative spirit, as evidenced in this forum thread, but often, we, as writers and freelancers, just can't find the time before the work is to be turned in!

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I think that this is honestly some of the best advice. Whenever I'm feeling creatively starved, I don't try to push something out by force or else it never turns out well. It is like trying to fit a square block into a circular hole, it just doesn't work and you'll end up breaking something if you try too hard. I find that giving myself a break, and just watching some of my favorite television shows, YouTube videos, reading books, or listening to music is enough to spark some sort of artistic inspiration when I least expect it.

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This is absolutely true. Sometimes getting drained of creative thinking is a way of your body to tell you that your physical body needs attention. When you somehow break the chain of your routine for even a small time, you regained enough energy to jump start your mind too.

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Its a good thing you can cope up with your experiences just by comforting yourself all alone. And to look all the negative way into a positive way is a great thing to do.

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Fresh air or maybe a hot shower? That usually works for me. Also trips to the movies and maybe walking around down town at night time. It's like that Jay Z song says... 'the lights of New York City will inspire you.'

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I walk downtown at night time as well whenever I'm in such a mood. I like seeing how some areas of downtown are deserted and completely different at night. These areas are very quiet at night compared to how they are during daytime. You can take beautiful nigh time photos with the moon shining over your head.

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What you said is spot on. Fresh air is actually one of the best things to do to get over a creative slump because just a small walk around your neighbour can help to clear your head, help to reduce stress and can help you start to get some ideas about what you want to do. Your example of taking trips to the movies is also good because it may just be that you need to relax and take a break. Things, like watching a film or just playing some games, can be great.

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This happened to me three weeks ago, I just felt that I am not inspired and delighted to write anymore. I felt that I am running out of creativity and too lazy to work and even to exercise. I was tired of being ME and wanted to try something new and bold. I went to a far away province to unwind and be free from the overly demanding life I have back in the city. I explored the beaches, the foods, the people and most importantly I was able to realized what's lacking into my life, and that is Adventure. All these years, I was doing the same thing as if everything runs like a routine. I needed to pamper my self and let myself enjoy the fruits of my hardwork rather than spend it all for my family. Sometimes we need to love ourselves also so we can take care of other responsibilities. In my case, I needed to make my self happy for me to make the people who depends on me happy as well.

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Yes that's the best thing to do. I also experienced it. And going out and doing the things you don't usually do, specially treating yourself is the best Solution in those times. Sometimes we tend to work so hard and do it over and over everyday until time comes that you feel you don't want to work anymore and your too tired and fed up of doing that work everyday. And the only way to conquer this feeling is taking a vacation. After the vacation you will feel new and alive again.

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Creativity should flow naturally. So, whenever there are days that I dont feel doing such thing like portrait, video presentation, or picture designs, I dont force it. I leave it for a while and go for a walk, listen to music or have some dessert. Take a little break and think for an inspiration to motivate you, that can help to. Forcing yourself to do things that you dont feel it at the moment can cause too much stress.

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I agree with you on that. Also, I talk to my loved ones to be more motivated and help myself to unwind from the pressure that I am in. It's not easy to do things in that kind of state even if you say that it is your passion. Sometimes you have to look outside what you are doing that boxing yourself out from the happenings around you.

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True. Sometimes we really run out of idea to put into our work even if it is our passion. Pressuring yourself to finish something when you dont feel it can make things worse, and finishing works out of pressure is not always satisfying. It is like something lacks on your work. But when you do your work with inspiration and ideas, it will reflect the outcome. Creativity Slumps and How to get over them

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I do exactly the same thing. I find that some of my greatest moments of artistic inspiration come when I don't actually pursue them. If I sit down and essentially tell myself, "I'm going to be creative!" that is a guaranteed way for me to not come up with anything creative. Doing things by force just about never works out, and that applies for both art and many other aspects of life. I typically just sit down with some form of entertainment, whether it's a book, some music, or a movie and I just await for artistic inspiration to strike. And about 99% of the time, inspiration does strike.

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I almost never run out of ideas because I have a notebook where I write down any idea I come up with, and I've been doing it for over 2 years now almost so at this point I have so much written down that I don't think I'll ever run out unless I stop putting in entries and just start using those notes exclusively. Whenever I ran out in the past though, I usually just go out for a drive because I find that when I'm focused on driving, I am not using that energy to force my ideas to come out, so being more relaxed in that aspect helps me get to a better state of mind in terms of creativity. When I come up with something while driving, I'll park on the side of the road and write on my notebook or on my tablet or phone.

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Great. This sounds like saving money for rainy days, but instead of money, you are saving ideas. I think this a good habit, cause there are times when our mind are loaded with ideas that we dont need it at the moment. So might as well, write it all down then use it at the right time. This is a good tip and a good habit to do.

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I used to have a little memo pad where I'd write down script ideas. The problem that came from it was every time I came back to thinking on that idea, it had changed into something bigger or more advanced. So I'd have to scratch out the old idea and jot down the new one. Got messy really quick.

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I had those creativity issues a lot. I wish to write the horror ebook some day. And for me that is just not working out. And I am working on many small things. And trying to get by with the amount of the effort that can help me in such case.You can see that writers block is something one has to consider as well. You have to learn to understand that creativity does not work like that. You have to just start somewhere.

I am forcing myself to write few words every single day. And hoping that this habit leads to solution for my writing procrastination.

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I am a creative person and I always not feeling motivated at the middle of my art. This is always happening to me. So I planned to remember what is the reason I made it. After a few minutes my creativity backs. And when it didn't works, I look on the other works that inspire me and continue to work again.

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I do the same things like looking at my previous work and think things that can improve it. Sometimes I also make my friends to criticize my art and from their opinions I think things that will cover all those opinions. I also think about my great aspect in creating my art so that I can develop things that I am weak on.

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I tried not to run out of ideas, mine is not about ideas is mostly about putting the ideas and thought together.I feel sometimes tire to even raise any finger to type, so all I do at that moment is to take a very cold shower, get a cup of coffee gulp it down and just sleep for hours.Really it does works for me because I come back refreshed.

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Being uninspired is a phase we have all gone through. As for me, I tend not do anything when I am in this phase. All I am thinking is that it will pass by and my motivation will soon boost. It works for me but may not work for everyone. Give it a day or two and soon the sleeping artist in you will awaken. Your mind will overflow with ideas and your hand will automatically paint or draw.

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For me when I feel down I just close my eyes and pray to God to fill in my spirit so that I can right a meaningful one. Also I play video games to unwind my mind and think clearly by interacting with my love once when I am okay I go back to my daily routine.

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I'm not that creative since I prefer simple designs of things. I do believe in saying that simplicity is beauty but being simple is really a part of being creative. Whenever I am doing something, I make sure that it is simple but will rock you. It will, it will rock you. Like that song, it has a simple tone but it's really famous.

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