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These poor dogs have been beaten up on and slandered since forever! I understand that they can lock jaw and really do alot of damage or even kill you, but is it ok to put all Pits in the same category? In Montreal recently they banned Pitbulls and ordered the slaughter of thousands of dogs in shelters. The law states if you already own a pitbull you can keep him or her for the rest of their lives but you can no longer buy new pits. I personally think that the way you raise a dog contributes a ton to how the dog acts when they become mature. I know many Pitbull dogs that are GREAT with kids and very friendly yet the media makes them all out to be monsters. What do you think? are all Pitbulls bad or is it how you raise them?
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My husband had a Pitbull before we met and he said it was the most amazing animal he has ever had. My father in law now has a Pitbull and we don't let it near our kids but it is because he is such a young, bouncy and energetic dog not because I think he will attack my children. He is just too rough and will knock them over so we lock him in the one section of garden when we go visit.
I think they have a really bad name because of the way people have brought them up. They have often been used as fighter dogs and for this they are paying the price. It is not what they have done but what we have done to them.
Anyway who are we to go and put a label on an animal or a specific breed of animal? We are the ones keeping them captive and "training them to be obedient"... if someone kept me captive and trained me I would sure as hell bite. Shame, I really feel for these poor animals! My husband had a Pitbull before we met and he said it was the most amazing animal he has ever had. My father in law now has a Pitbull and we don't let it near our kids but it is because he is such a young, bouncy and energetic dog not because I think he will attack my children. He is just too rough and will knock them over so we lock him in the one section of garden when we go visit. I think they have a really bad name because of the way people have brought them up. They have often been used as fighter dogs and for this they are paying the price. It is not what they have done but what we have done to them. Anyway who are we to go and put a label on an animal or a specific breed of animal? We are the ones keeping them captive and "training them to be obedient"... if someone kept me captive and trained me I would sure as hell bite.
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