
Pitbulls Canada is banning them but are they really violent or does it depend on how you raise them?

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Pitbulls Canada is banning them but are they really violent or does it depend on how you raise them?

These poor dogs have been beaten up on and slandered since forever! I understand that they can lock jaw and really do alot of damage or even kill you, but is it ok to put all Pits in the same category? In Montreal recently they banned Pitbulls and ordered the slaughter of thousands of dogs in shelters. The law states if you already own a pitbull you can keep him or her for the rest of their lives but you can no longer buy new pits. I personally think that the way you raise a dog contributes a ton to how the dog acts when they become mature. I know many Pitbull dogs that are GREAT with kids and very friendly yet the media makes them all out to be monsters. What do you think? are all Pitbulls bad or is it how you raise them?


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Shame, I really feel for these poor animals!

My husband had a Pitbull before we met and he said it was the most amazing animal he has ever had. My father in law now has a Pitbull and we don't let it near our kids but it is because he is such a young, bouncy and energetic dog not because I think he will attack my children. He is just too rough and will knock them over so we lock him in the one section of garden when we go visit.

I think they have a really bad name because of the way people have brought them up. They have often been used as fighter dogs and for this they are paying the price. It is not what they have done but what we have done to them.

Anyway who are we to go and put a label on an animal or a specific breed of animal? We are the ones keeping them captive and "training them to be obedient"... if someone kept me captive and trained me I would sure as hell bite.

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You know i didn't even touch on that and your correct. The negative outlook the public has on this breed of dogs is because of individuals who choose to breed them to fight. The stakes are high in this kind of dirty business, the dogs don't know any better they are just being loyal. These dogs live in horrible conditions and are often fed raw meat and cocaine before fights. We should never blame the animal these are not natural instincts these are commands being taught. We should hold the owners responsible. I have a Black Lab saint Bernard mix and she is very big and energetic as well. My kids have learned to deal with her and she does not hurt them she is just so big that when she goes to lay on you its like having a person on top of you almost. Thanks for taking the time to read and respond i appreciate it.

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Anytime Jkeyz2 Pitbulls Canada is banning them but are they really violent or does it depend on how you raise them? I really do feel passionately about this topic.

I can't understand really how the whole human race just decides how everything goes and animals are treated like commodities not the sentient beings that they are.

We really have failed in this regard haven't we?

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Thanks Mike i appreciate you taking the time to respond i appreciate your comment. Pitbulls are just like any dog i love the point about what they know. That is so true because them fighting another dog to the death is not natural. You show them love and they show love you tech them to fight they fight. What i don understand is and i never will, How can someone sign a law that will murder thousands of animals in shelters? I said this before and i will say it again they need to hold the owners responsible, and instead of sentencing dogs to death we should be investigating people with pitbulls who have a background in fighint animals. Make poeple jump thorugh more hoops if they want to own one maybe pitbull inspections on a monthly to check for battle scars. Anything but a death sentence Canada is out of line for that one and Montreal should be ashamed.

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I personally think Pitbulls are indeed a dangerous breed. Don't get me wrong I don't hate the animals or the owners, I just don't think that aggressive breeds like pit bulls should be legal or should exist.

Fact: they have one of the biggest levels of aggression among all breeds
Fact: pit bulls killed and are capable of killing humans

It's like having a pet T-Rex and saying "well my T-Rex is great with kids, it's all about training" - Yes, it is about training and most people can't be trusted to train bit bulls or T-Rex for that matter.

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I would have to agree with you on this. I'm not a owner and I'm actually allergic to dogs, so I can't own one even if I wanted to. That being said, I'm nothing near an expert in this area and I have very little experience with dogs in general. However, I truly believe you're correct on this one.

It's all about training indeed. That's why people can swim too. But you don't throw your kid in the ocean and tell him to swim. You train them step by step. It requires time and effort.. And most people in todays modern time doesn't seem to have that much free time. - With that being said, anyone with enough time, interest and devotion could probably train a T-Rex, if they existed, but most people don't have the necessary time to do it properly, and that's why they shouldn't do it. - And that's why some dog owners shouldn't be owners either.

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Very interesting points. I don't want to start an argument but are you saying that other breeds are not as aggressive as Pitbulls? Did you know and this is a fact that Chihuahuas are one of the most vicious breeds on the planet? I think they get a free pass because they are a small breed. Not all Pits are aggressive and they are not the only breed than has killed and can kill humans. We would have to ban all dogs over 100 pounds in the fear that they will kill us.

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I've actually heard about that before. That Chihuahuas are like "the" most aggressive dog. And yeah, truth to be told, I'd rather end up in a fight with a Chihuahua than with a Pitbull. Pitbulls Canada is banning them but are they really violent or does it depend on how you raise them?

I would obviously not go that far to say that one should "ban" all 100 pound dogs or anything like that.. But I do believe that training has everything to do with dogs being aggressive or not. If you train a dog properly, and you really devote yourself, then it's okay.. But I still believe that most dog owners shouldn't be owners. - I think dog owners in general are spending too little time with their dogs and too much time at work or whatever, so they can't train their dogs properly..

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It is so sad that society has even put labels on dogs! I honestly believe a dog will behave as it is taught or trained. It is like having a child they are like sponges, well dogs are too especially puppies! LOL

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This law is so wrong to such poor dogs, on getting slaughtered just for how nature made them to appear is so wrong. This is totally displeasing to me, in all ramifications there is no justification for such treatment melted to these dogs.

I can quite agree that they look fierce just by merely looking at them but they are the best pet kid friend. They are so loyal to children and can play and cuddle up nicely with them. I have actually watched a clip where a Pitbull had to allow a kid stand on its back to climb up and open the refrigerator and get a snack inside. I practically laughed my ass out that day watching that, it was very funny but lovely as well.

Everything bothers on how one trains his or her own dog, and I wouldn't use because of few cases of violent act by a pitbull and condemn all pitbulls to death. It's not a rational decision for those that makes such law because if it's proper that way, then certainly one day a law would be passed to kill some certain race of humans.

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I believe the only violent-by-nature dog or canine is the doberman and rottweiler. They aren't bloodthirsty persay but - they have been known to turn on their owners a lot. German Shepherds too. But not as often. I honestly don't think most dogs are violent - even pitbulls. It depends on how they're raised and treated - and who their owners are. But sometimes nature takes over within these animals and that's where dobies and rotties are the most dangerous on those rare occasions.

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