
Stragety guides for games do people still buy them?

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Stragety guides for games do people still buy them?

When i was younger i use to play video games 6-8 hours a day on weekends. When i graduated High School i had no job but i had alot of money and all i did was play games all day everyday sometimes 10-12 hours a day. I use to play all types of games including RPG games. The hardest thing for me was beating the levels and getting the achievements from the game. This was not easily done and often time i needed what is called a strategy guide that was basically a how to step by step for each game.

This is an example of what it is:

Stragety guides for games do people still buy them?

The question i have is does anybody still buy these? As we know the digital age is here but has it taken over this type of market? You can find all types of videos and how to's on YouTube i wonder if they are still used. For example i wanted to learn how to do the Easter egg on Black Ops 3, i didn't buy the guide for this. Instead i Google it and this is what came up:

This is a full Easter egg walkthrough 100% FREE! These books cost upwards to $30 per game. What do you guys think? Do you know if people still buy these?

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i remember these things but sadly i never really understood what they were. i thought it was just a book about the game and had like souvenir like things in them. LOL i never used on of these to help me play any games when i was younger. if i remember correctly, they were just as expensive as the game if not more.

when we played alot of COD and zombies, i remember always looking up how to's and step by step videos on youtube for the special things to do in the games, like the hidden easter eggs, or special objects and materials to build a weapon or protection. like in one of the new maps on COD zombies, i forget which zombie map it is, but 3 different pieces of a shield spawn in different places all over the map and you have to get all 3 and then go to the workbench to "build it". once its built you and anyone who you are playing with can pick up the shield and use it to prevent zombies from hitting you from behind and also from the front when you whip it around to protect you!

so with all that being said, i highly doubt people buy those strategy guides anymore, but you never know. some people dont get accustomed to new things right away or even at all, so there could be a small percentage of people who may still find these guides helpful!! thanks for this topic, jkeyz.

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Nowadays, people rely on the Internet to find strategy guides. Most of these are free so they will certainly not fork out money on guide itself. Besides, there are plenty of gaming tutorials and guides on YouTube thus making it hard for one to earn money by making strategy guides.

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For some people, they tend to buy guidelines for them to finish the game from the beginning. But for me, I don't buy guidelines or search in the internet some tips. I'd like to play the game on my own. I will discover and make my own way to finish the game. I think it's way more fun if you are the one who will discover the game and make your own adventure.

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Its better to finish the game with your own, if you have a guide or if you look on the guidelines or walkthrough in the internet, i think there is no challenge in that game.Its better to finish the game with your own ability as a gamer, because a true gamer never cheat.

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Minecraft guides and the tips books are selling a lot. So yes it's possible to sell them. Be it amazon or another type of sites. You can make the training guides and the tips. That way you can easily sell it. I have found that people who still choose to buy are in less number though. You can see that people who wish to sell I think in such case the youtube and other traffic sources can be good option. You may also want to buy the same in other stores and the website.

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No, I dont buy them. Besides, there are
different guides on games that you can download on the internet which you can get for free. Tons of apps, videos or even books are available for downloading, and you dont need to spend a lot to get them, you just need a fast internet connection. Stragety guides for games do people still buy them?

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I think some people still do buy, but it's not a common act today unlike before. People tend to understand and adapt to games these days as they engage in playing.

Nobody enjoys first reading a game guide first before actually playing it. It seems to be a complete waste of time and energy, when you can be reading from the in-game instructions while playing.

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Yes although it's rare some people still buy them due to being "collector" items. When a fan comes across any official game merchandise (And many times nonofficial too) He will most definitely buy. Still, that's all they're good for nowadays with all hints being available on the internet like you said

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Some People buy strategy guides for games on a selected popular writer only but mostly are not they just watch on youtube, read in Blogs or download some applications which have an specific strategy list for a particular game. Sad to say fast growing ways in internet affects the lives of other people who have a businesses online or even in books. Some players just learn something while they are currently paying a game and no need any guides just experiences.

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I think in this modern generation only few will buy that guide because most of the guide can be answered through google o YouTube. So I think buying guidea for a game is somehow dying now all those online info we don't need to spend dollars just to have a guide we can had it for free.

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This is true. Lot of youtube channels are making it harder to create content that can be sold. Most of it goes into the youtube. And more people are spending the time on the videos. So having it free makes the business go down. So we have to be really careful on that point. It's not going to be easy if you ask me.

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Some people probably still buying this strategy guides just to make sure the game they bought or have are totally worth it. For me, I wouldn't buy this kind of strategy guide because you can find many tips or techniques in internet or most probably in YouTube. And also, you wouldn't buy this one for the sake of your pride like you want play it on your own and discover it on your own.

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Well I guess no because usually the game guides is already in the feature of the game so I think that wouldng be nessessary to purchase game guidelines its a totally waste of money.

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To be honest I have never bought any of those strategy guides. If I am stuck on a particular level in a game then I usually ask my friends for their help or I simply look for guides on the internet. Nowadays there are many gaming forums and tutorials online. There is one particular gaming forum which I keep on visiting. The members are very friendly over there and are always ready to help.

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Many years ago, there were these things called gaming magazines. Gamepro was one of them. They had strategy guides inside for gamers to help them beat or get better at mostly Nintendo, Sega and Super Nintendo games. Obviously, as time went on and computers came on the market. Then they evolved and websites like YouTube emerged, video tutorials became the new guide for gamers. Gaming magazines became a thing of the past. Tech magazines still exist though and some I believe do still deal in strategies for certain games.

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With the advent of the internet, a lot of business ideas and concept has gone extinct because people reliably rely on the internet for virtually everything, and one can't be too sure because even the things that we might feel can't be gotten from the internet are being gotten these days.Having said that I will prefer you start a blog and write about them then monetize the site, that's the trend now, because you might not make much from selling them outrightly, so use a blog or a site to achieve the monetary value of writing games strategy guides.

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This is old, I don't think that players still buying such things, now the Internet evolved a lot, there are forums that guide you how to play, what to play, etc. besides now we can talk live with the other players and they can help us to understand the games and the way we should play them.

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Such guides are quite popular these days.

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I think the target audience of such guides is inexperienced players or children. I recently bought a similar guide for my nephew, who is 13 years old. This was a guide for minecraft and there were a lot of cool buildings and detailed information about each type of villagers and enemies. I rented a server on and we decided to use his guide for its intended purpose. He sent me photos of the instructions for building a large house, and together, block by block, we built a wonderful Japanese-style house. Such guides can develop creativity in children as they see in detail how things are created.

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