
Selling Crafts At The Mall During The Holidays

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Selling Crafts At The Mall During The Holidays

Mall Selling during the Holidays
So I have come to the conclusion that there are advantages and disadvantages of selling craft items at the Mall, during the holidays. I feel that you make more money online than selling at shops, galleries, malls and other outlets. But I have to say during holiday times selling at the mall has some advantages.

  • You basically can be a shop owner without the tremendous financial risk and responsibilities of store ownership.
  • You are selling in a atmosphere without the problems of consignment selling or stress of wholesale.
  • Consumers are shopping and are ready to buy during the holidays.
One huge disadvantage is products in malls during the holidays tend to be handled a lot, so you should expect to lose some merchandise not only by handling, but to the unfortunate thing called shoplifting.

How do you sell your craft items, is it in a mall, or online during the holidays?


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You'd make more money setting up a cheap WIX website and selling your crafts and wares on there. Or get someone to code a cozy little online site that you can afford. Not sure if you live in the states or not but here in the U.S., malls are dying. They're not DEAD yet but... the grim reaper is certainly knocking. Online shopping has killed malls as we know it. In New Jersey, they're constructing a new mall but by the time it's finished.... malls as we know them will be even closer to the grave. Setting up at a mall wouldn't really net you many sales. You should try a busy district in your local area. Depends on the cops though. Sometimes they hassle you if you don't have a permit.

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You can save a lot if you sell your crafts online because you wont have to pay for rentals on malls. Some people do not want to go to the mall during holidays, so what they do is browse on the internet to for sale online, and with good promotion I think product will click. However, there are people who want to see the crafts personally because they feel that sometimes it looks more beautiful on photo than on personal. So I think, it would be best, to have both, you can sell your crafts on mall and at the same time do promotions/selling online for people who will not be able to visit your shop.

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Yes, it's true. I know a friend who did this. It definitely grow her business. She made a lot of money because of the customers she gained online and offline.

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This is rather out of place but during my vacation this year on holy week, on the province where my girlfriends grows up, I ended up helping her family to sell stuffs on their village's tourist spot which is a beautiful scene of the mountain valley with large formation of rocks. There are lots of people from other village who went there just to unwind and swim on the river and my girlfriends parents tend to get their stuffs there in order to sell it to other villagers. Mostly foods and liquor which they brought just by walking at least 5 kilometers to reach the spot. They quite sell a lot a gain a lot of profit rather than just selling it on their mini store on their house. Well I don't really able to help that much though as I mostly carry light stuffs when they day ends.

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The disadvantage is having cart to the stuff to and fro and this can happen any number of times until stocks last. There is the likelihood of damage in transit as well. Also you will be catering to a small clientele while online the whole world is there for you.

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I prefer to sell my items online, I sell more and the process is easier. If I would go to a mall to sell my items I must rent a place that will cost me very much especially if is a holiday, and I can risk on having small sales in that day.
Selling from home is easier and without risk.

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It is true. They raise the rentals because most people that needs space on holidays would buy their price. It is just good to know that now there is an option to sell items online. This is a big help not only to the sellers but for the buyers too, because they wont have to go to the crowded malls.

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I also prefer to sell things online because in addition to the process being much simpler, the amount of people who can visualiar the product is infinitely greater than the people who usually go to the mall. So, the chance to be more successful is incomparable.

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I agree that selling online would be easy, less hassle and will cost you less money. And also, I think people would really love to buy stuffs online rather than going out just to buy a piece of earphones, and people would even be lazy to go out due to the weather. You can also use your social media sites to market and gather some audience to your product that you would be selling and you can also use or pay some influencers to promote your product for just low as $5.

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This is true. Some of my relatives still sell on site and they do fairly well but every location is still a gamble, whereas with online selling you are fairly safe as long as you know the product sells well. There are a few downsides too like having to handle returns and answering customer questions that never seem to end but then again everything has a downside anyway and it's really easier to sell this way.

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How much is the daily rental of the lot at the shopping mall? if you can cover up your capital plus the rental from your daily sales, then it is worth to give a shot during the holidays. Nowadays, the lot rental is very high. So maybe you can try selling online instead

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I like to sell whatever it is online, selling offline in a shop or mall comes with so much stress like you earlier mentioned bad handling and shoplifting.I have watched a footage where a lifter was to walked away with merchandise worth so much dollars and you begin to wonder how the owner of the shop would have recovered his capital, let alone the profit.

So any craft I have to sell is always online.

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In my oipinion regarding to this matter is that, you can actually sell your items in the during holidays because during that time more people come to the mall so you can have more customers to attend to.

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But how can you make sure that they will actually stop and look at your products? You have to consider there will be hundreds of people also setting up their own shop and it's a very stiff competition. Unless you have affordable prices nobody will bother. It's not as easy as it sounds. There are many factors you have to consider and outweigh the benefits.

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I was thinking about this idea last year with my boyfriend. We tried to look for mall stalls with low rates for rent. We also tried to look for resellers and yes, the consignment is a problem we encountered. I still prefer to sell online because this is a good way to keep the items in good condition since no one can touch them. It's also cost effective since we don't need to pay for rent and other charges. We just have to be very active in advertising our items in buy and sell groups. I can also sell the items at lower prices since I have less expenses compared to those who are renting stalls at the malls.

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I would preffer sell my products online. You dont have to pay a rent or pay a place you will display your items. In online you just have to take a picture of your product and post it to facebook or different kind of online shops. Im doing it right now. Some of my old things i sell it online. And I save more money and time.

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I prefer online much safer with buyer and seller protection and less hassle but I agree with you that during holiday seasons selling at mall can benefit a lot many people will go to the mall during holidays and they can see your crafting and sell some of them. But for shoplifting this should be taken care off with CCTV it would be had to shoplift.

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It should be, especially on holidays. Thieves, shoplifters take advantage on crowded places to look for something to steal. This would be one of the disadvantage of selling you items to the mall. Sometimes even if you have your cctv installed, it is still hard to recognize the face of the shoftlifter unless the shot is close. On this part, online selling wins.

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Well, you have to consider how much rent actually costs at the big malls... some might not be able to afford it for the whole day. Malls are already packed with so many shops with specially crafted items so I feel like it's hard to stand out from the crowd. I would personally prefer just the good old online selling. Make your own website or use platforms such as Etsy - you'd make way more money through there.

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I agree with you. Malls tend to have a higher rent when it comes to holidays. I remember my mother who had tried renting in a mall to place her store, the rent is not fixed you'll have to pay more on holidays on which people are more attracted to go to the mall. This frustrates her so she ended up closing that down since there are a lot of other selles thee, too, Competition is everywhere. I would recommend if you're gonna sell it online and just focus on promotion and marketing. When you'll be able to bring people to yourr online shop then that would be awesome,

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Does your mother sell or traffic in cookware or food? Because two of my local supermarkets often have people who are granted or allowed space to peddle samples of their finger foods and party snacks. While one of my other supermarkets locally allows a guy to show off his cookware in front of their store twice a week.

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She does franchising in line with food industry. It was an ice cream company, specifically, that she chose. Anyways, that's a great deal for those who are up to a new brand and market. Free spaces for marketing is not common in our place even though you'd place your business in a supermarket or local markets. Some policemen or rather those who are older in there would demand a percent to your sales. It's really awful.

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Selling crafts during holidays is a good way to earn money. Many people are willing to buy your craft items. I use to sell them at the mall and in online shop. Because of the disadvantages of both this method, I should take a big risk and I am willing to do it for earning money. All in all, I earned a lot with this process.

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I think each mall has specific number of the people around which may or may not buy the stuff. And that's what going to change the way things are being sold. I have seen people selling their stuff. But it does not work out for them. I am guessing that people who are trying to sell stuff on mall may often have their own set of the sales. But from what I have seen not all the malls are profitable. So that's something we have to watch out as well. Holidays is a nice time to sell the tools and the stuff around and it earns a good profit.

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It's true. During Holiday Season, especially Christmas, most of the people prefer to buy their crafts and things personally. I even prefer to purchase those things personally. I have a chance to select the best stock they have and it's also the way to relieve stress. If you're gonna sell crafts or decorations for Christmas, I suggest selling the most unique and in demand crafts so they will keep coming back to your shop. Just put some more employees to look after your merchandise and always be vigilant. Good luck! Selling Crafts At The Mall During The Holidays

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In the malls or town centres there are often some fairs, "christmas markets" organized before the holidays and during that you can seel your crafts. Many people sell ornaments, hand-made things so it is a great way to make some additional money.

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The idea is very good, but... Unfortunately, this isn't something that exists everywhere, does it?

I mean, I live in Brazil and I've never seen this... Not at least in the big malls or shopping centers (which is very contradictory because the flow of people is very large).

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During the holidays, selling at the mall comes with a little extra box because of the influx of people during the period. You can also set up at your neighborhood if it's a busy area.

Online buying and selling are fast taking over sales. You don't have to worry about setting up, sales permit and all the sorts of hassles.

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Wouldn't you have to pay some tax or commission to the owner of the mall? I know that over here nobody gets to sell anything without giving someone a cut. Especially that big business

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In my area they typically don't allow most people to setup shop at the mall and sell hand crafted items. They only let you set up a booth if you're tied with some sort of official company. As an individual craftsman you're out of luck in that regard. However, there definitely are other means of selling your items. My community has a market area that is open twice a week, and anyone can sell just about anything so long as they pay for a booth. Not to mention that there is a Christmas themed market organized during a festival before the holidays.

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Oh just saw the word CHristmas and I am now thinking of what gifts to give or rather what interesting things to do on Christmas. LOL

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Haha, don't be like all those stores that put up Christmas decorations like three months before Christmas! We still have plenty of time until the holiday season. That being said, I do have to admit that I'm pretty excited for Christmas as well. It's my favorite time of the year so it's hard not to think of all the decorations and gifts that I need to get! It's tempting to start making lists already.

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Those decorations are just making me remind myself that I need to buy for Christmas. Expenses= Christmas. But it's worth the time and the fun. That's why it is somehow one of my favorite celebrations of the year, too.

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People tend to spend more money during the holiday period and you can definitely benefit from selling your crafts at the mall during the holidays. I have actually seen many people doing this. They do not only sell crafts but other items such as homemade pickles and people do buy them. If you are selling in a mall there will be less chances of shoplifting. I think that it is more risky to sell on the streets. As for me I mostly sell my items online and I have never tried to sell them in malls or shops. I am quite successful online and contended with that.

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If you want to just test the waters for your products, I suggest you try and sell online first. In this method you'll be minimizing your overhead expenses and maximizing your profit. You just have to be always online and active on all social media platforms to accommodate all inquiries and possible online client. Also try to provide a free website wherein you can showcase more of your products and goods for sale. Invest also in a great photos of your products. You may want to hire someone who knows how to take pictures of the things you'll be selling online.
If you happen to choose doing your business on the mall, be prepared for a much larger capital to put up your shop. Know your probable capital like rent, and staff. Also, applications for permits to comply with the requirement of your government for issuing receipts. This is a little bit more work compared to putting it up online for holiday crafts.
Both types of putting up a small business will be profitable. But consider each small details so that you'll be able to maximize everything from efforts to money.

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Selling something at the mall is a good idea, if the mall has other such vendors, because people would usually pass them, however it can be better than selling online, because using the internet for such services requires having a stable following or at least being well known, which is hard to achieve.

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I agree that the idea is good (it may even be better than we might think), but you have to look at what kind of mall they will sell because the type of audience that frequents the place may end up frustrating your expectations too much.

So, I think it's good to do some area recognition before the final decision.

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When I need to sell something I always prioritize the online field because everything is more practical and easy to do (both: the sale and the payment). So far, all my experiences have been so great and that motivates me to continue to prioritize this option when I need that.

You just have to take some basic care to avoid falling into any fraud (thus avoiding many headaches).

P.S: Malls can be a very tricky place. Selling Crafts At The Mall During The Holidays

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Well, when I was still into craft making I don't sell in the mall, the people who sell in the mall come to my place and get the crafts so they will sell on the mall, and I think it's the best place to sell your crafts, because it adds value to it, trust me, and that means an increase in the price which means more profit and more money.

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yes, you can sell crafts at malls during the holidays and you can actully make a good money. However, the main question is will the mall authorities allow you to sell your items on the mall premesis without renting the space? If you have to rent the space to sell your items, then you might not make profits. A good alternative can be having your products displayed in the mall and giving sales commission to the mall every time your items gets sold.

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I agree with the majority. Getting a stand at the mall must be really expensive. I know in my country a stand at the mall is not cheap. To make sure that you make a profit you will have to raise your price. In this way, you lock out customers because of the price.

I would also recommend that you open an online store. The costs are less and you can maintain your store even after the holidays. What I would also recommend is use the mall to advertise your online store. For example, you can hand out fliers at the mall, to attract people to your online store.

Don't you think with an online store you will also get more customers? With a mall, you limit yourself to local clients. With an online store, you attract local, national, regional and International clients.

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I don't really sell especially during the holidays. Whenever I have some things that I don't have a need for or want to make a bit of extra cash then I will sell but this is mainly done online on sites like eBay. However, I think that it is a pretty good idea to sell at a mall during the holidays especially during Christmas because of how many people go to the mall during this time. Because of the extra footfall, you can definitely do well in terms of sales especially if you have a great product that people love.

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Neither of the two since I sell them during our once a year Fiesta in our Condominium. It is being celebrated every November, so I get to sell items for Halloween and Christmas at the same time. As a resident owner, I can rent a stall for 2 days since the celebration lasts only that long. A lot of visitors and residents attend because there are tons of activities poured into such as games, parades, contests and even pageants. The best is where I belong which are the stalls and booths around the vicinity full of various food, toys and apparel and even massage service. My stall sells primarily of Halloween and Xmas toys. I made a huge revenue out of it.

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I think it's a good idea. Many people tend to downplay the power of offline selling these days because of how strong the online market has gotten, but obviously selling your goods offline could still be very profitable otherwise no one would keep doing it. There are still a lot of people gaining massive profits even just for taking advantage of selling during the holiday season so I would say it is a good path to take.

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Most of the malls in my area are very expensive, and it costs a lot to rent even a small space to sell something; so no one really sells homemade craft items at the malls here. During the holidays, there are often people set up to sell more expensive items, such as handcrafted jewelry, and maybe paintings; but they sell for enough money that the person selling them can afford to pay the high price of selling at the mall.
Sometimes there is a large craft show here in town, and even though it costs to set up a booth there, it is not as expensive as setting oneup at the mall would be. People who attend the raft show have to pay to get in, so that covers part of the cost of renting the building where the craft fair is held.
Some people do very well at selling hand made items on ebay, and there is no overhead to do that, but you do pay a commission to ebay when you sell something; so there is always a cost to sell crafts, one way or the other.

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Selling crafts at malls on holidays is a good idea for me. This will be a good alternative source of income. It would be a great way as well to introduce your very own creations and craftsmanship. Aside that it will practice your entrepreneurship skills, it will also advertise something new and special for you on the market.

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I have tried selling them on Mall boots and Bazaars but the rent is killing me. I learned that you have to study first the location and the expenses before getting into it. Although there are days that you'll have great results, still i recommend selling your products online. It is much more convenient and can save you lots of time for other important things.

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I am currently selling my crafts online because it saves me on rent expenses. I used to rent a space in a concept store and almost half of the money I get from selling goes to the rental. I haven't tried bazaars yet but was planning to join this coming Holiday if I'll be able to stock up my items. I need to have a lot of stocks in order to maximize sales.

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That's true, I can relate with what your saying. My wife tried it years ago and it's hard to earn because of the high rental and other expenses unless you sell something in bulk.

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