
Why having a well defined and written goal is important

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Why having a well defined and written goal is important

I just realized the importance of setting life goals as I noticed that where I am currently in is not actually the life that I wanted. Back in the early days of my life, I have never set and written any goals that I want to achieve in the futures. I did not even know what I want to become when I grew older. Without a clear picture of what I wanted to become, my life is like boat without oars. Just being drifted to anywhere the sea would take me and end up in the place where I really don't want to go. 

Having a well defined and written goals gives focus and direction in where you want and what you want to achieve in life. You are always motivated and inspired to move forward the realization of your dreams no matter how hard life seems to be. You will keep on rising again after being hit by trials and adversities. You can determine if you are moving forward because you have a benchmark  to measure your progress. You'll learn how to organize and prioritize things based on importance. And it is most likely that you will succeed because you have a target that you are aiming for. 


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You should always have a goal in mind, even if you do not achieve it, you have at least tried and learn something that can help you try another time. One should not surrender, just because the goals he/she has set are out of their reach, the only things that are worth it are those that you have fought for. It is also important to know what you are fighting for, that's why you should carefully learn about your goals and see where you could go wrong.

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Very important statement. Even if you fail at achieving goals or a particular goal - you should always come away from that experience with some new intel and lessons. Ones that will help you reshaped your plan and approach, and succeed the second time around.

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A lot of people don't realize that mistakes are a part of the process and that they should learn from them instead of just quitting or whining about how much they've failed and so on.

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I think that's the thing about it as well. It's not easy to accept your mistakes especially, when people are going to ridicule you for it. That's why it's admirable whenever we're able to push past this.

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Failing is an indicator that you have tried something to reach your goals. The road to success is not always easy. Sometimes you'll fall and hit the ground. Having your goals allows you to rise again and keep on moving. Sometimes you have to slightly change your course and will take a little longer to arrive at your destination. But you'll get there as long as you continue on striving,

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It is hard not to get down do to failures, but trying to keep a positive setback despite setbacks is important to do. I think that most people take setbacks with difficulty but it is best to be able to "roll with the punches" as they say.

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Completely agree with you here. I think that without a goal in mind, a person will lack a sense of direction in life. Without a sense of direction, one may be inclined to feel worthless, useless, or fall into depression because they feel like not only are they not achieving anything but that they do not bring any value to the society around them. Not having a goal in life is like getting into a car and driving aimlessly. Sure you might end up somewhere alright, but odds are you're likely to just get lost and confused.

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Definitely, setting goals is a way to monitor your progress as well and to motivate yourself to work towards improvement, rather than just going with the flow no matter what. You should also set short-term and long-term goals so that you can focus on one task at a time but can look at the bigger picture as well.

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My former boss always say this "Start with the end in mind.". In everything you do, it's very important to have a well-defined goals so that you won't be mislead. And that you can make sure that everything you do is in line with what you want to achieve.

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Understanding the goals we seek in life and ensuring that these goals are within reach is very important. Setting unrealistic goals can make it hard for us and lots of pressure as well. It's really nice to read the article to understand what it is all about.

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Goals are road map to the things that we want to achieve in our lives. Top-level performers in school, business, sports and any other field are good in setting goals and are committed to it. They stay their focus on the great reward. They train their mind and body so hard and are always motivated that's why they have greater chance in achieving victories.

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In as much as I agree with you that goals are roadmap of things we tend to achieve, I still stand on the ground that we should make it quite high so as not to put unnecessary pressure on ourselves at the end of it all.

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This thread is interesting to me in terms of figuring out what a "healthy" or "unhealthy" goal is--for example, me having the goal of becoming a professional football player in my shape and at the age of 45 would not be an attainable of very smart goal for me whatsoever. However, getting two more ebooks out by the end of the year--well, I think that I COULD accomplish that. After having said all that, I would need to make an outline or plan of how many pages i would write each day or how many hours i would do each day and develop a system of discipline based upon these goals.

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It's okay to aim very high because it will also raise your standards and our actions. But sometimes you really need to shift from what is really achievable to prevent you from being frustrated. Work on the goals that can be realized with your current situation and capability rather than forcing yourself to something that is seemingly impossible because it will just give you pain.

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I read somewhere that affirmation does not work. Writing your gaols is similar to affirmations. You repeat something again and again or read the lines again and again, do you actually think you can make things happen by doing such things. You should have a goal, however, it does not matter whether it is etched on your mind or written on a paper and pasted on the wall.

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I have tried doing affirmations before about the things that I wanted. I found it hard and disappointing especially when things doesn't manifest. What I understand about affirmations is that you have to align yourself with what you are asking for. Meaning you have to do necessary steps. Just waiting for the things you are asking to happen does not really work. Affirmations are just like goals, it could somehow motivate us to take action in order to achieve what we wanted. What's good about written goals and pasted in our walls is that it reminds us to spend our precious time and energy on things that really matters and not just waste our abilities and talents.

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Affirmations work if you are under depression. Think about it. Your mind tells you negative things. And affirmations in form of audio and written form tells you different. Your mind eventually starts to go with the affirmations. That's why affirmations are very much important. Affirmations don't work on people who are procrastinating a lot.

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I tend to agree with you here. An English professor of mine once discussed with me the "script" which we all run in our heads. Obviously, we all speak in language and think in a symbolic language. We are taught this language from a very young age. If the thoughts running through your mind are more negative than positive, this will reflect in your every day reality. however, if you use affirmations to run a "positive script" or to remind you to do so, there is a possibility, for some of us, to make a more happy reality every day.

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Having a goal is important, repeating your goal in mind or in writing may not help you succeed. You need to work, instead of focusing on goal too much, you need to start working on your goal. Let me illustrate this. I have a goal of making my ecommerce site my main revenue source. If I go on repeating what I want, I will never have it. I need to have a clear goal and I need to have a well-defined plans to achieve the goal.

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What I have read about affirmation is that it is somewhat thinking positively. Let's say you're going to speak to the crowd and you're feeling nervous, what you're going to do is keep on thinking and uttering to yourself that you are an excellent and effective speaker. I think it is much better to do rather then focusing on your nervous and thinking the worst that might happen once you're on in front of the crowd. But in reality believing in your affirmations is not that easy to do. I have tried this many times. In some way it worked but many times I failed believing my affirmations especially when it comes to finances. Maybe I'm not doing it the right way.

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Having a clear goal is important. Your goal will tell you to want exactly you and how to achieve it. However, repeating your goal in mind or writing it on paper and hanging on the wall cannot help you to achieve your goal. Not every thing can be achieved and when you don't achieve you end up being frustrated.

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Yeah you're right. And I was using affirmations in the wrong way. I have recently watched a video about affirmation and I found out that it is not only thinking or saying about the things that you want but you have also to carefully choose the words you're going to use because there are words that seems positive to us but when it is receive by our subconscious mind it creates a negative picture that's why it manifest an opposite result in our lives.

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This is so true and I wish I had realized that when I was young! I never felt like I had control of the negative thoughts in my head. Once I learned how to ignore them, I started paying more attention to the positive ones. I quickly noticed that I seemed to be in a better overall mood. Total life changer!!

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You know what? Affirmations do work when you set your goal in a time frame. Of course affirming something and then not doing something is impossible to happen. Being affirmative requires being proactive. We shouldn't rely on 'wishing' things to just fall into place but we need to work on achieving it. Being affirmative is on the positive side, this helps you lighten the work you need to do to achieve your dreams by thinking 'this is me' five or ten years from now... For me, this is a part of my success in the long run. Also, when things do not go according to what we affirm, it only means it is a necessary step that is needed at the moment to be able to reach the goal.

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I think that you are right here, but I also think that experience is our greatest ally when it comes to managing goals, especially in terms of time management and time maintenance. The more that we do certain repetitive tasks, the more we are able to discern just about how much time it will take to complete certain tasks. With this experience comes confidence, I think, and then that confidence boosts us to even more and more success.

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I think affirmation works as long as you are getting something. When you don't get anything affirmation will make you feel worse. let me illustrate this. You continuously repeat that you will get this job. You work hard and finally get the job. It looks like affirmation helped you. Now lets imagine the other way around. You did not get the job. You worked hard and you repeated what you wanted, but you did not get the job. Now you will begin to feel worse.

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True. you'll feel worse when you didn't get what you were hoping for. But having an affirmative attitude will somehow make you see that that failure is essential step to go through to be able to eventually get to where you should be. It makes the journey and planning easier to accomplish. For me, being affirmative is helpful to both when you get the result and when you don't. It helps you develop the positive attitude for everything.

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having a positive attitude )and affirmation both look same at the first glance but are different concept. You need a positive attitude, you need to have high hopes, you need to be an optimist, if you want to achieve something. Affirmation is a "statement asserting the existence or the truth of something." Just by saying "this will happen" or "this thing exists" it is not going to happen or the things will exist.

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Well the affirmation you're saying is the one that is empty. Affirmation is partnered with positivity and faith that things will turn out better for you. While you clearly state the meaning of the word affirmation, it also means encouragement. But hey, if affirmation does not work for you, and it works for me, then I can say, to each his own.

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Being affirmative and affirmations are a different thing. When you are affirmative, you believe in yourself and this belife will give you power to make it happen. However, affirmations are repeating something on and one. By saying it again and again, you cannot make it happen.

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We will somehow on a different phase of things. It felt like you will be just reading something affirmative like a robot. Of course nothing will happen. But this affirmation being mentioned here is linked to your emotions of being affirmative. Not just chanting something like a drugged individual without ever associating it with your intentions. I rest my case here. Why having a well defined and written goal is important

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The difficult part of affirmation is saying something to yourself about the things that you like and believing that you already possess it. And according to gurus on this subject, you have to integrate a strong emotion on your affirmations to make it work. Like for example if you want to accumulate lots of money, you have to believe and feel that you already have it. With the feeling of having lots of money already in your possession, you'll attract circumstances and money making ways that will give you more money. Affirmations will help your brain to notice many ways of accumulating lots of money that have been already around you but you just didn't realized it because your brain was busy thinking millions of things. It gives you focus on what you really want and your energy and effort would be spent more on about getting more money. Having a focus increases that chance of achieving what you are affirming to yourself.

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I do agree with this point, and I am not trying to contradict myself in a previous post, but I think we have to be careful with aspirations too, to a degree. If you believe that an aspiration can take the place of wiring your brain towards truly hard work then you will get off track, I believe. Still, I think that surrounding ourselves with positive language, positive images, positive art, and affirmations can really bolster our confidence and help us to push forward through hard times.

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I'd set a few goals but remember too many goals can derail your life later on. You have to set a certain amount of attainable goals. That are within the realm of reason - and fit within a certain time-frame. While also leaving room for 'life' to flow and unfold as it sometimes does. There are all kinds of surprises, twists and turns that you simply cannot prepare for. These 'detours' can either push your timetable up or delay it a little or a lot. Hence why setting too many goals or too lofty of a goal is not a good idea. Best to set a few, and capture those. Once those are captured - then you can move onto bigger ones.

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That's why we need to consider SMART in setting goals. Too many goals will also lead to frustrations and disappointments. Long-term goals should be defined in detail by setting short-term goals.

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I agree with you that lots of goals might result in frustration since we might be able to tackle down a single goal which will bring disappointment. Setting a goal at a time and making it come true can be a better way to go about it.

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I think goal needs to be more defined. Like every single day that goal should have some level of planning. And that seems to be the only way to handle the goals. Because if there is no day to day plan for the goal. Then it can be harder to execute it. And things get really bad. So on that note I'd say it's reasonable to make use of the goals the right way. It also requires some level of planning. Because without plans there seems to be no point either way.

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True! A detailed plan is necessary to achieve the goals plus the series of actions and the time of implementation. Goals are the target destinations, plans is the road map, while the actions is the actual road that will get you to your desired destination.

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I think target with proper instruction is real key. And learning from others on how to do this. That can save a lot of time. You can see that some of the time written goals such as that with the proper instruction can be good enough in many ways. You have to be really careful on that ground. It takes time for those types of the things to work out though. It's not easy.

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yeah it's better to ask from the people who have already reached the destination you want to go. It will save lots of time.

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"Like every single day that goal should have some level of planning."

I 100% agree with this notion. I think that goals should be a multi-leveled system, and not just writing down "I want this" and being done with it. For some reason, I keep comparing goals to driving a car. When you get in a car, you have to have a destination in mind if you want to get anywhere. Driving around aimlessly will just get you lost. But even with a destination in mind, you have to know which turns to take where, as no goal/destination ever comes in one clear, straight line. This is the benefit of daily planning, and organizing your activities on a daily level and not just a big picture.

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I totally agree with you on that. One should make a detailed plan or path to take towards reaching a goal. It's best to make sure we reach every step or point in our path to be closer to our goals in life. Set challenges as well and do it for the betterment of oneself and not just for other people. If something fails, do things differently next time at least we all have another day to try.

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Having a well defined and written goal is important because it motivates and keeps you on track to ensure that you get there in no time. There is no business started without setting a goal first that will move forward in life. For a business to flourish, it has to be built on a concrete goal. This goal is what you will be aiming at or working towards daily.

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Yup goals can measure your progress. It's better to aim to a specific target rather than just shooting randomly. With sure target, your energy and effort will not be wasted.

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For me, the reason why you have a well defined and a written goal is because It's the only reason why you are born or why you're living in this world. And I know all human being wanted to be rich when they grow up because that's the only goal why you are or they are working hard and aiming to be the best in all platforms.

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You're right to an extent, but we have to admit that not everyone follow that goal to be great in life which is bad and not the best way to go about it. One good thing about following goals is that it makes us remain focused at the end.

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Yea, well-defined goals are like a written book staring us in the face all the time and wishing we read it,to familiarise our self with it.Defined goals give us a sense of direction, one focuses on what is more important and strives to accomplish it.I try to set goals for my self every month and I strive to accomplish it,it the best thing anyone can do for his or her life.Set some goals, focus on working to keep it going and win or achieve them.Don't just quit.

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Yes well defined goals and the actions are the key. You can have well defined goals but there is no action. And that could lead to more of an issue. You should be thinking about it the right way. You can see that written goal has their own set of the issues. So one has to constantly working on the actions. So the written goal needs lot of focus.

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I like your analogy about the "unread book" here--I write my daily goals down on a legal pad everyday and check them off as I go. When I do not finish these goals, or I am getting close to the end of my work day and have not been able to check them all off yet, then it is like that legal pad is a living thing just staring at me from my desk like an angry parent, lol.

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It isn't just about well-defined goals but you also have to make them realistic. Sure, you can set them high but not so high that it is literally impossible for you to reach them or you might end up disappointed.

What I always do is set goals weekly and monthly. I define them well, keep them realistic yet challenging and I use those goals as an extra motivational tool and to see how well I am doing.

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Setting weekly and monthly goals can be a way to measure how successful we are with the goals that we are pursuing. It is good that we look at realistic goals for it is going to make things go better for us at the end of everything.

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I tend to have issues with this, Tronia. Sometimes, I have the tendency to "bite off more than I can chew" and try to do the impossible in such a short period of time. In doing so, you can set yourself up for failure, and then, because of that, you can somewhat self-sabotage and then get more discouraged. Your advice about having realistic goals is good--a lot of times, though, I am just on a strict deadline for work or other endeavors, so I have no "choice" but to complete those goals, even if I pull all-nighters, etc.

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I think it's still a good thing to have something to work for in the end so you have something to work for and go towards. Planning from week to week or month to month can be good too but there might be a chance that you miss out on aiming for something you want to achieve in a few years or decades. In the end, though, I guess as long as you are happy with the way you are doing things then it doesn't really matter which method you use.

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I gibe you a thumbs up for this article, there are so many people who don't write goals to themselves, neither can they define what setting goals for themselves mean.

When I was a kid I was taught to always write down goals that I feel will work out well for me, with time I will write so many goals and couldn't keep them lol, I was just a kid then I thought you just have to do was writd goals and always look at it, also I will write my goals paste on the wall and I would always stare at it that's what I thought goals was basically about. But with time I was taught that it wasn't just writing goals but also keeping them that's what is important, don't talk only about writing goals talk about seeing it as a reality.

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I agree that we should always write down those goals, but it's better we have the goals at the back of our minds as well to ensure we fulfill those goals at the end of the day.

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You are right, it is just like we saying the same thing, but in different context.

Keeping up with written goals can be so funny, other activities might just come to take your hands of it, but like you said writing them is important first keeping to it is next. Oh! Sorry for the typo-errors, I couldn't edit them but you still related to it despite errors, thanks.

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I understood the points you made and I hope you now realised that the major issues ain't about writing those goals down, but the ability to keep to what the goal is all about.

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Having a well-written and well-defined goal is very important because that's what sets you on the go for the rest of your life. That's what you are aiming at and what you really want to become in life. The goal you have set for yourself is just like the steering that is driving you to whatever direction you should go in life. So, without setting a well-written and well-defined goal, you obviously don't have a direction.

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I guess you are right, a well written articles with good contents helps one to reach the goal in writing and high traffic

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Having written goals is very important. In my opinion this is committing to yourself to achieve them. I always go back to the story in the bible of the ten commandments that were given to Moses. They were written on a stone. There is even somewhere in the bible where God mentions writing down your goals. The main advantage for me, is that when you write down, your goals you can always refer back to them, especially when you are discouraged and re-commit to them.

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Another important piece of information to add here is don't be afraid to alter your goals. Everyone has had to alter their goals or plans once they receive more information or new information on something they're targeting. Sometimes for example - you are set on landing a certain job, but then you are informed of the new bit of education you might need for it. Or a certain license you need to acquire. So that should be your short-term goal - in order to then move on to achieving the long term. There are also scenarios where you see something you think you want, but upon further investigation you realize it isn't as 'great' as you first believed.

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Yep I personally experienced altering of goals because it seems so impossible to achieve at my target time of completion. I set new smaller and achievable goals to stay motivated instead of pushing too hard to hit bigger goals and be disappointed in the end.

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Having life goals in life is important to all of us. It tells that a person has a dream he want to achieve. Everyone have goals we want to achieve even if it is a short term like cleaning the house or a long term goal like graduating in college and go to work. By reaching our goals, we are able to go to the top. It is the end? For me, it's a no because I will find another goals in my life and accomplish them all.

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Goals makes us excited as we wake up every day and do our tasks. It is our driving force to work harder and be persistent no matter how difficult life is going. Sometimes goals makes impossible possible.

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I agree because having a list and an outline makes your goals that much more tangible even if it's just a little difference such as having something written down. When you have an outline you at least have plans and not only will your goals not seem as overwhelming but you'll also have a better picture on how to better break them down into smaller achievable milestones. It's really a simple but often used advice that many people give for good reason because it really does work.

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It helps you also to organize the things that you are going to do. Every day you are sure what must do because you are guided with your goals and the series of actions that you plan to do. You'll be more efficient in using your time and other resources.

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Very true. You should have a list of what you want to accomplish, and the list should be well written and well thought out. It'll take a few drafts to get there though. Every list of goals starts out as a jumbled mess of things you have jotted down. But then you must take the time to organize, trim and smooth out that list. Your final draft should be a crystal clear picture of desired achievements.

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We tend to forget our goals if you do not write it. If there's no list of what we want to accomplish, it's easy to pick up and do whatever comes in our mind. Then later on we're so disappointed that the most important things was not been done because we're so busy doing the things that are less important.

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Alright. I thinking laying out a self defined goal is actually a good thing; a first step towards planning ahead in a positive way.

However, the problem with setting a defined goal or goals lies with keeping or sticking to those set self goals. As we move on with life things begin to change in a way not expected. We get distracted sometimes and life itself just has a way of twisting things around. Al this in my experiences can be a barrier which the ability to block or pervert a person's set goal. So it's nearly impossible to achieve all set future goals.

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If you know that reaching the goals that we have set will make a big difference in our lives, we must learn to focus and endure the challenges that might come along the way.

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You are absolutely right. It might seem like it doesn't mean much but even if it doesn't improve the way you act by 100% it affects you, even if it's only a bit. I find a SWAT analysis to be a good tool and I've learned about it at school. You should analyze Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of your solution.

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Thanks for letting me know about the SWAT analysis and I hope to research more on it. One good thing about goals is that we can always have them at the back of our mind as the day progresses.

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I actually make a list every morning of my short term goals and what I want to attempt to accomplish every day. Sometimes I finish them all, and often-times, I do not. I prioritize these goals and try to complete the most important of them first so that the smaller ones can then fall into place or be shifted until the next day, if need be. I got into this habit a long time ago, and it works for me, but I can see how others may not want to do this. I do have many longterm goals, but i do not really right those down; I am just constantly working towards those in my mind.

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I set life goals before when I was just a little or even at college because I believed that time, in that way, I can get control of my life, of what my life would be after schooling. And, that is because also the product of a young mind where there's no idea of what the real world is or the adult world at all. Why having a well defined and written goal is important I remembered that time I always write down all of my plans and life goals in my diary. It served for me as an guideline and an itinerary. However, as I get along with life and start entering adult world, everything just blown away. Everything that I plan faded away. I guess it is because everything that I plan before is so unreal. And, Adult world is far different from the perspective of a young and schooling mind. So, right now, I am trying to have plans and life goals that are real and attainable. Something that one could achieve in real life, in the real world since I am living with it now. Why having a well defined and written goal is important

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Can a man survive and succeed in life without having a well-defined and well-written goal? Not at all! How can a man live a fruitful life or have his destiny fulfilled before leaving here? Definitely no way out of this! For anyone to have a breakthrough in life and live a happy life, he needs to set a well-defined and well-written goal.

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I also like making goals. Not necessarily what I am sure I will achieve, but a goal that will make me keep trying everyday until I achieve it. I have almost given up so many times but I kept reminding myself that until the deadline of the goal is over, I will keep on fighting.

I feel I have progressed and I am happy with where I am at present. I just need to make more goals.

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Feeling burnt out at times is perfectly normal The trick is to rediscover the spark that led you into this field of work in the first place. Then ride that spark of inspiration until you can latch onto or manufacture the next one.

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Nope, not for me. I have not risen again. Still waiting, been far far far too long! That has NOT been the case for me.

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Sometimes the decision is ours if we want to keep stuck or set new goals to move forward. Negative circumstances might pin us down but we can do something to turn that around.

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Hearing other people say about their goal in life is really inspiring. You'd start to think and ponder upon yourself what would you do, too? I, myself, wrote something about having goals in life before. Even when I'm in college I would write what I would want to achieve when graduating. It was really a motivator for me. I know others do, too. And years after I'd look back on what I have written and be glad to what I have done. Why having a well defined and written goal is important

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I have written 10 goals on a piece of paper about 8 years ago and stuck it in my wallet. And I transferred it as I have got a new wallet. Until these days, I still got that piece of paper. As I have checked it, I'm so delighted that 7 of my written goals have been already achieved. 3 major goals are still unrealized which I have broken down into smaller goals so I can possibly reach that in this coming year. It really feels amazing when you realized your goals.

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Having a well defined and written goal is extremely important. Like you said, the fact that it gives focus and direction is exactly the reason why your goals should be written and well defined. If you do not write them down then chances are you will slowly forget about it and end up not even trying to achieve your goals. Ensuring that they are well defined also means that you know exactly what to achieve.

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Yes, we tend to forget unwritten goals because of our brain processes of billions of information every second. There are tons of things that can capture our attention and make us forget what we really want. And as time goes by, we just realized that we are taking the wrong path that will not bring us to the destination we wanted to be. I'd like to borrow the thought that I have read in a book, and it says that, Life's without a goal is like a boat on the river without an oar. We don't have control of our destination.

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I was in the same boat as you, I had no goals in life when I was young and my life also had no direction, And it wasn't until my 30's that I finally realized that hey something is wrong here. And it wasn't until I was 38 until I got my act together. And I am still learning as I go and I am 43 years old now. But I do have a life plan now and I am starting to get my life in order.

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When you don't have a clear goal what you want to achieve you are really going to waste lots of time. As I reflect myself on my current situation, it is really the lack of goals and the time that I wasted is the main cause why I don't live the life that I really wanted. I'm 36 years old but I haven't achieved yet major successes in my life. Same as you I am in the processing of learning things that really matter. I think it is better for us but to move on and aim much greater life no matter what age or late we are rather than just accept that we have lived a complete wasted and failure lives. I have read stories about people on their 60's still managed to be successful.

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I agree with you and Soulwatcher here. I struggled for a very long time with just figuring out what I wanted to do with my life, in general. I had high test scores, always, but a low GPA, always, and so I was labeled a "classic under-achiever". I did not really understand a true direction in my life until I got to college and made real friends and discovered real mentors. There are some goals that I am sure i will never achieve; however, having them there as an ideal pushes me forward, and so I achieve many other goals along the way as I go.

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I set some goals each year which I try to achieve. Those goals encourage me to work harder and enhance my skills. If you have no goals then your life will be boring and you will not be able to learn anything.

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No goals, no challenge to take and no motivating factors to go beyond what you can and what you are at present. Being comfortable with the current situation sometimes lead to failures in life. Just like me, I was just comfortable with getting passing grades and I don't aim to excel in my studies. I'm just comfortable with the small knowledge that I have. Later in my life, I realized that because I did not set goals and aim for something bigger than I can, I end up in a mediocre life.

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Having goal in our life is one way to become us successful person. Without goal you may not able to obtain those dreams you want. That's why you should make a goal as a inspiration to yourself so that you can achieved those kind of goals.

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Yup, you'll never be inspired to do something if you don't have a target goal. Goals are what keep you stay late at night and wakes you up early in the morning. Goals push you to go beyond what you believe you are capable.

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Precisely, I couldn't agree more. Goals are needed to challenge and motivate oneself to perform better and achieve more thereby transcending your present state.

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