
How important is home protection?

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How important is home protection?

So as we all know this world isnt getting any better as far as violence, terrorism and many other horrific things that are happening all over the world! How important is it now a days to have some kind of home protection, whether its an alarm system, firearm, or our good ol guard dog?

Did you know that every 13 seconds a home intrusion is committed?
Did you know that 2.5 million or more home intrusions are committed each year?
Did you know that only 17% of the homes in the U.S. have a security system?
Did you know that 2,500 or more cars stolen per day? That's almost 2 cars a minute!!! That is total craziness!!!

My husband and I do not live in a high crime rate or bad area in New Hampshire, but the whole state of New Hampshire has a bad heroin problem so we took extra precautions to help keep our family safe.

We had ADT security system installed in our home when we moved in. It gives us piece of mind if something was to ever happen. When we leave the house, we make sure all the windows are closed and locked and also all the doors are locked. You can never be too safe!

What do you guys think? Is home protection or security needed now more than ever? What do you guys do as precautions? Do you use an alarm system?


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Not to mention that i will beat someone down if they try and break in my house with my kids home. We are no accepting to home security because our crime rate ere is low. Studies show that criminals target suburban areas and areas with low crime rates. Why do they do that? The average response time is usually lower, and people are less likely to assume a crime is being committed. ADT is something i recommend for all home as well as a DVR camera system. I think you should do a review on our camera system that we have here in the garage for the coin operation. We really should own a firearm its just scary with the kids in the house.

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yea i know but you already know how i feel about the whole firearm thing. these kids get into everything and find things that i could have never found!!! hahaha but yes will do another post on our camera system. i forgot about that, the cameras were such a good idea because if anything were to happen we would have it on video too!

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Wow, I had no idea about the statistics, thanks for sharing. I appreciate it.

I don't have any alarms or things like that at all, but I live in an apartment so I don't need to have it.. Well, I don't think I need it. However, I can totally see that alarms can act like a security thing to make people feel more safe at least, so I guess that's good. But it's a shame that people need to have alarms and security cameras and whatever.. It's a shame that people can't see the difference between mine and theirs. - But I guess that's how it always have been.

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yea it is really unfortunate that some people do not know the difference between mine and theirs!

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For my opinion home protection is important now a days many bad guys who want to steal from our house so my advice is we better put cctv camera at home to have more evidence incase that act will occur also try to have some big dog pets to guard the house and they will bark out and we can wake up.

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Home protection is very important for the securing of one's life and property, it's very paramount to have any form of security in one's home as it's benefits can be said to be overemphasized.

With the rate of criminal activities going on in the world today, one would be very foolish not to have any form of security for his or her house. If one could afford digital online 24/7 security, it's what I would recommend but it's very expensive to have such kind of security at home.

But any form of security is better than nothing, so I advice that one gets his/her home Security up and running in order to prevent had I known comment.

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We live in apartment which is not much safe. And we work really hard to keep things safe. And so on that point I can tell you that keeping home safe is not easy. You have to keep valuable stuff in locker and the bank. You can see that locker is much better option as well in such way. You just have to make sure to keep the stuff in proper place. Also you have to make use of the limited keys for the stuff. And that's the way things are going to be for you as well. That's the thing about the safety I learned by living in a unsafe environment.

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If you live in a safe neighborhood - no one would or should advise you to leave your door unlocked. Even safe neighborhoods have criminals. The issue is the frequency of overall crime in your neighborhood - and its overall voracity. Is it just people snatching things off your lawn from time to time - or armed burglary? Factoring in those ingredients will ultimately decide whether or not you need to just keep a ball bat under your bed - or install a full on security system with cameras, scanners - the whole nine yards.

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I agree with you, I really cannot understand those people who are staying in Guarded and Gated residence, still could open wide their gates, even though they are inside the house and front door open too.... Where are their common sense on security?

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I have always been security conscious since my childhood days, though we hardly stays in crime-prone areas but one can't be too sure,so we have always had a security guard to manned our gate and one only get into the compound after been authorised,no dropping in indiscriminately because can't get past the gate.Home protection is a huge or vital part of human security and safety and it shouldn't be treated with levity, because a home might not only be burglar but one's life might be in danger.

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I haven't been bugled before and I hope not because I won't take it likely with anyone who puts my family in harms way.

To the issue of home security, my home doesn't have any such security system. In fact 90% of homes in my country do not have any such security systems put in place. We still use the old security style of employing one or two people to mount the perimeter.

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Most buildings or neighborhoods have a security office or a doorman or door person. To ensure that most bad people don't get onto the premises. However for people without those luxuries - I know of many apartments here in NYC where VERY - ground floor residents still have bars on their windows.

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I get that in NYC most or all the residents buildings are secured well against any intrusion. It's unfortunate that over here in my country the majority of people don't have such security systems put in place, even those who can afford it just don't do it. I guess our mind sets are quiet different from that of yours in New York City.

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Home protection is very important. The last time I heard a case of intrusion, murder or stolen electronics in my estate is like 5 years ago. We always lock doors though that is not enough.

Jobs were created to prevent youths from getting into crimes. There are security dogs that walk around the estate especially during the night. We have security lights on the streets which are always on during the night.

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Jobs don't matter in a society where there's good and evil. People who are evil or devious will always look for an opportunity to steal from hard working people. For example, there was a story last year where a professional athlete had a night with two ladies he met. When he woke up - he noticed jewelry and cash had been stolen from his apartment.

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I see. But he just met them meaning he never knew their real intentions.

In my estate few years back, many youths after completing campus and highschool,they were idle. But jobs were created in the hospital which is just next to my estate. Most youths involved in crime are now in jail. There are also jobs for 3 months and some for few years which people can qualify without need for higher grades in school.

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Hospital jobs are complicated because for example - I know people who hate visiting hospitals as they don't want to contract other peoples illnesses. Much less work at one. I think in order to work in certain positions at a hospital, you have to not only be educated and intelligent - but also comfortable with your environment. There are a lot of people who hate hospitals for a variety of reasons. Even if they were intellectually gifted enough to become a doctor or nurse in training - they still wouldn't apply for the job due to their phobias.

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We need to protect our home of course. Our home is like a military base. All of our important things are there so we need double security to prevent it from thieves out there. We don't want to destroy our base right? It is the same in our home. We build so many memories in here so it is sad if we leave it unprotected.

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True, and part of that is being careful about who you let into your home or allow to watch your home. Many home invasions are described as 'inside jobs.' Meaning the thief was either known to the victim, or a close friend or associate, of theirs.

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Home protection is extremely important and shouldn't be taken lightly. Hone security and emergency household protocols must be discussed to all family members.

There are many affordable ways of having an effective home security system like getting a guard dog to deter would be trespassers. Another effective and cheap method is by posting warning signs boards.

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I think this is really a very relevant question. Even if you have the safest area, it is important to make sure that your locks and security system work properly, Besides, it is now so easy to get help with lock rekeying service

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I completely agree with you, regardless of whether it is your home or even an office - the front door should fully perform the function of protection. In addition, now there are really cool services that will help you with this. You can find door repair in Mississauga here

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