
Valentines Day is on the way!

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Valentines Day is on the way!

Do you prefer to make something for your partner than buying it? I am a romantic person and I like to create things for my wife, and this year I have decided to make her a heart and write here that I love her very much. In every year that passed, I have bought her flowers or a perfume, this year I want to give her something different.
What about just a few days until the Valentine day....have you decided what is your gift for the loved one?


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It depends on the person I guess. Some people tend to prefer to create their own things for their partners whilst others tend to just prefer to buy things. Personally, I would much rather buy something because it's much easier but I think people tend to appreciate gifts that have been bought as well. Most people, myself included tend to just associate homemade gifts as the easy way out especially when they maybe forget to get something and made something last minute.

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Valentine's day is not readily accepted in my culture and country. Generally speaking, people frown upon the people who celebrate Valentine's Day, they believe it is a western culture that is corrupting the youth by encouraging them to go together and have sex.

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Valentine's Day much like Christmas in the states, is certainly more about advertising, and boosting the economy than it is about the real origins. In America, they make sure to go extra thick on the jewelry, candy and Victoria's Secret advertisements this time of year.

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I alwaysbelieve that a particular event is not wrong but the abuse of it, valentines day has nothing to do with immorality but trust humans to so abuse it,I don't see any thing western about St.valentines day unless we will conclude that showing love and sharing with one another is immoral,you see the people have totally deviated from the reason of the season to what concerns them,youths having sex has nothing to do St.valentines day even without this said day youths would still do immoral things,we should then frown at the attitude of the youths for being immoral not on those celebrating love on st valentine day.I think your people need re-0rientation about the whole essence of St.valentine because they are getting it all wrong.

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With over 85 percent population following Hinduism, Valentine's day is associated with Christians tradition in my home country. Well VD has nothing to do with Christianity, however, people associate VD with Christianity because it originated in the west., Love cannot be confined to certain faith and religion. However, these days VD is more of a commercial activity.

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If I have a partner at the time Valentine's Day rolls around, I prefer to buy them a gift and then maybe prepare a romantic dinner or something.

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I have always been a very romantic person and I have always been expressive about it with my partner in fact right from our dating days till now it has always been a romantic day for us,sometimes we just have to make our partners feel loved and more expressive on a day set aside for it not because we don't show love daily but the day set aside for it must be honoured.Life isn't that hard to let down our hairs a little.I have preferred getting a gift pack or basket for my partner, because this will contain so many different assorted items all for his pleasure, same this year will be getting a pack of various handcrafted items for him all in a gift basket.

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Yes just another day for many. I think business are going to do much better on this day. Food, entertainment and other stuff. I don't have much sentiments for this day. But it can be really good for some people though. I guess depending on how we are seeing it in such case.

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In my home country Nepal, VD us just another day. I woke up at 3 and began working on my assignments. Its around 6 in the morning, in a while my wife will go to work. She has a teaching job. In the mean while, I will be looking after the baby. She will be back at 11 she will take in charge of baby and kitchen and I will continue to work.

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I think valentines fad is wasting a lot of money of youngsters and the adults. i think it needs to be properly handled. I hope that things change. I am done with most commercial stuff of the days. It's bad influence and waste of money.

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I think the true value of valentine's day is fading, thanks to the consumerist culture. The businesses are eager to sell and the consumers are even more eager to buy. Valentine's day has just become a day of commercial activities. People are no more caring about love, all they want to do is give a nice gift.

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Valentine was designed as commercial day from the start. It was never real to begin wtih. So in general there was no value unlike our eastern countries where religion like hinduism buddhism has something of value. valentine had no value to begin with. He was prisoner and loved someone and got killed for it. and people are celebrating day for it. So it was always commercial to begin with.

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Well I usually just buy stuff because I don't really have the time to make anything that would be worthy of giving to my special someone. While I'm sure she'll appreciate the gesture, i still want to give something that both of us won't be afraid to show off to other people.

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It's probably great to have a handmade item rather than buying stuffs, but it actually depends on the person's status, like if the person is not that rich then probably making own-made gifts would be more meaningful, but if the person is rich then buying flowers, chocolates and taking her on a expensive restaurant, wouldn't be a problem. And both would probably make any girl feeling loved and special. Valentines Day is on the way!

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I've already ordered a strawberry chocolate cake and a giant pizza for Valentine's. All I have to do now is pick up some flowers and chocolates.

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Haha, if nothing else, you and your chosen one will definitely eat well!

I really love strawberry cakes and haven't had it in ages... You gave me a great idea and I might go pick one up for the Valentine's Day as well!

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Wow you sure are a romantic person KAKA!

My hubby didn't give me anything. He says that Valentine's day is Waste of Money day for all pig heads!

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I often also make handmade gifts on top of the bought one. So, most of the item it is a combination of both.

And yes, I have the gift all ready to go. I always like to take care of it at least a bit earlier so I don't have to worry if something gets sold out and so on.

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Handmade gifts or 'arts and crafts' presents, come with conditions though. Your significant other has to be the type to appreciate such things. Some aren't. Also, you have to actually be good at it. If handmade items aren't your strong point, best not try. Otherwise, your mate will be confused and possibly offended.

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It would definitely depend on the person, for my husband there isn't really a whole lot of handmade things he would want or need! He is more interested in electronics or video games than a handmade item, but I do always make the cards or notes myself... I think the store bought ones are too expensive!

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A surprise tickets going to beach is my only gift right now for my girlfriend. but personal thing, none. I don't know and I can't decide. It's really hard for me to buy or choose the best gifts for her. I don't know why it's really hard for me to do that. The ideas from comments helps me a lot to choose.

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A girlfriend I dated a couple of years back was fairly financially impoverished, so she never really had the money to buy actual gifts for holidays. However, she was very artistic and creative so she would often make wonderful handmade gifts. Honestly those handmade gifts are something that I will always treasure, because to me they had so much more value than anything you could buy in a store. Something created by someone just for you makes it invaluable.

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Actually I have no partner right now and since it's almost valentines I will celebrate that with my adorable sister and one and my one and only mother. Valentines Day is on the way! I will make some surprises for my sister and my mother and give them some flowers and chocolates. Valentines Day is on the way!

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I like your positive outlook on things! Most people who are single on Valentine's Day may feel inclined to mope around feeling sorry for themselves all day. The fact is that Valentine's Day doesn't just have to be for lovers. You can use it as a day to show your non-romantic love and appreciation for your friends and family. Not only is it going to make you feel better by not being alone that day, but I'm sure the people you're with will feel glad to be appreciated.

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Valentines day is on the way and It is a great opprtunity for businessess to theme their valuable products with the current holiday. I am currently single and I will probably celebrate valentines day with my two sisters to show my appreciation and love to them. I will not treat them with any flowers and chocolates but instead I will just treat them in a fancy resturant because they prefer food than flowers. Since my mother is currently miles way from home, I could not celebrate it with her but I will buy her a gift and greet her in a video chat.

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I prefer something that is personally prepared. I think that the cost is not the most important thing that should be considered when choosing something to give to your partner. Instead it should be the heart and sincerity that makes the gift special.

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If you have any personal craft that you are good at, it would be the best thing to gift your Val as long as it would put a smile on her face. Personally, I love painted arts, I would have gotten one for my lover on valentine's day but I already had a portrait of her painted for her in January, so giving her another one in February wouldn't make much sense.

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How sweet of you to do personalized things for your loved ones ???? continue that and may your love continuously grow too. Anyway, for that, I am very much wiling to give my time to them. Time to be with them during this valentine occasion. Time to have a bonding with them and let our relationship tighten. Valentine is not only for couple, it is also an occasion suited for relationship such as family, friends, etc.

But of course, I will answer with material thing. I think I will givdn them chocolates. My mom really love kisses chocolate so I think if I will give her this, she will really love this kind of idea.

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Last year I had never give my partner any gift on Valentines day just a simple greetings from me saying a happy valentines day since I am working out of my home town and I rarely go home . But, this year I wrote a special message in a card with a dozen of fresh roses that I personally picked up to show my love for her. I sent it through a pick up courier to let her be surprised during the Valentines Day. I also had a video chat for her to express my love and gratitude because I think it was just a very special day and moment for my partner. I want to show my love and affection even in just simple ways since she had been a great partner for me for a very long period of time already that is why I want to thank her for all the sacrifices and love that she showed to me.

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This was the day and I am proud to say that I made a nice meal for my fiance today. The thing is that I am not that type of person that always cook for she doesn't give me that opportunity, but today was different for I insisted that I will do the cooking which she said yes to. So, today was really a good day that we spent talking about life and what the future holds for us.

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That's good for you bro. I am also learning to cook for my girlfriend. As of now, I'm learning a lot and started to love cooking.

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I think anyone and everyone appreciates a good home cooked meal. I bet your girlfriend really enjoyed it. I hope she said "My compliments to the chef."

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Yesterday was my best ever Valentine's Day experience. I'm still on a cloud 9 thinking about the romantic date we had with my girlfriend. We watched a heart-warming movies together. We had a romantic dinner and the rest of the day was the best moment ever.
I can't still get over with the overwhelming feeling.

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".... We had a romantic dinner and the rest of the day was the best moment ever.
I can't still get over with the overwhelming feeling....."

I can easily feel that someone is blushing already from his love escapades on valentine's days. It's such a good feeling when you get to spend a good quality time with your lover who values you as much as you valued her. This would always make you a happy man.

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Here's the thing about Valentine's Day, especially in the American mainstream, which really bothers me. All of these guys suddenly start giving their significant others gifts, attention, candy, flowers, etc. DUE TO the holiday. I think you should behave like this YEAR ROUND. I can't stand holidays because of this--they suddenly place an emphasis on our love and relationships (personally, i think it is a scam to sell a lot of candy between Christmas and Easter, but that's just me...) when WE should be putting an emphasis on our important Romantic relationships EVERY DAY. Send him or her flowers or chocolates "just because"--don't wait for a so-called corporate-invented holiday to be your excuse to being a good partner in love with someone!

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I prefer to give personalized gifts to others and many of my friends and relatives have praised me for my creativity. I made a really nice D.I.Y card for my boyfriend this year and he was really pleased. I also gave him a shirt which he wanted to buy for a very long time. I can say that he totally loved his gifts. We had dinner at home yesterday and then we went to the beach. We finally got to spend some time together.

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Whenever it comes to Valentine's day, I would always buy a new gift for my loved one. This past valentine's day, I got a red dinner party gown for my darling and it's worth $60. In fact, I decided to spoil her this valentine that I was even the person who fixed up all our meal that day. All she did was smile and climb all over me.

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Well I know I am late here and that is on purpose because I was too busy during that holiday which I am growing to dislike more and more. I try and it is nice and all but I am glad it is over and am not really pumped about it next year.

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Not anymore it isn't. Valentines Day was good but it is certianly over now. I think it is just one of the things that you can enjoy on a yearly event. It is just a way that you can get the kind of fun you might want to have on the day itself. It's too bad it is just once a year.

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"..... It's too bad it is just once a year....."

Haha, oh you wish to have valentine's day more than once in year? You are very funny but I'm sure that there are some people who would want such as well because they cherish anytime that gets them appreciate their love life well.

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It's 11 months to go before Valentine's Day and I'm already thinking of a gift for my wife. I want next year's Valentine's to be extra special because were celebrating 15 years of marriage, i can't believe it, we've last this long. I'm thinking of giving her a really expensive diamond set of jewelry but to buy it, I must write 100,000 articles Lol.

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Well, I am single and I have not fallen in love with anyone for a long time, therefore, celebrating Valentine's day is not possible right now. Actually, I am enjoying my singlehood, therefore there is no possibility of celebrating it in the near future. However, as far as my view about gifting something to your Valentine is concerned, I would always prefer to prepare something on my own rather than buying it and then gifting it.

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Dude its probably time to get a girlfriend now, I mean how long have you been single? being in love is one of the best things in life someone could experience, and who knows maybe they're just around you, you just never notice them because you're not opening yourself to being in love again.

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This is my favorite day of the year since it was the day I met my wife. We first wrote to her just on the Internet here and then we agreed to meet right away. She and I were looking for someone to spend Valentine's day with and we immediately decided that we would go for a walk on this day. It was very romantic and nice. Many people stay at home on this day from those who are single and I believe that on the contrary, it is necessary to go out on this day on dates as this day is almost created for this.

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This is my favorite day of the year since it was the day I met my wife. We first wrote to her just on the Internet here and then we agreed to meet right away. She and I were looking for
someone to spend Valentine's day with and we immediately decided that we would go for a walk on this day. It was very romantic and nice. Many
people stay at home on this day from those who are single and I believe
that on the contrary, it is necessary to go out on this day on dates as
this day is almost created for this.
Very cool story and great advice on how to spend this day.

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I'm not a love guru lolValentines Day is on the way! but I can advise you to do something creative like smb with pictures and text. It will be nice and sweet. You can create your own text. I used to just download them, it was fast and convenient beautiful and lovely good night sms examples on this site . After that, I decided to make a soy application and make such SMS messages on my own. What do you think? I think it will be nice for any girl. I have plans to create a website, too. I want to make some of the content for ordinary users like us, so that it is accessible and pleasant. I grew up on memes, and now I want to do things like thisValentines Day is on the way!

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