
Do you think there can be parallel universes?

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Do you think there can be parallel universes?

The parallels universes have been a controversial topic for many years there are many physics theories established by big minds like Albert Einstein with his string theory were pose a possibility of other parallels dimensions. There are many investigations about this topic and also in the world of art and cinema, we can see many examples of it like Stranger things, The Chronicles of Narnia, Doom etc. These parallels universes can be explained by the paradox of Schrödinger, It describes that the life of a cat depends on a particle, if the particle disintegrates the cat dies but if the particle does not disintegrate the cat will remain alive. that means that maybe in this world you are a veterinary but in another world you are a carpenter, because you did not have the same chance in both universes, and small variations can create another new reality.I think that we have still had a lot of things to discover about this beautiful universe. Do you believe in parallels universes? or is just a sci-fiction thing?


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This topic has just been magnified by Hollywood and other several books but has not been proven. Even the black hole hasn't been established. But if ever the parallel universe exists, I hope we won't be messing with them any time soon because the world we live in right now is chaotic in itself that it may be possible that the parallel universe isn't and we will just screw them up.

The best TV series I've seen that portrays this parallel universe is Fringe and I love the plot of the story too.

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Yes, there are many TV series lately that discuss the possible parallel universes.

I remember Fringe, haha. I used to watch it but I think it got a bit... over the top in the last season. The best ones were first and second. My favorite character was Olivia. She made it feel real.

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Yeah, the early seasons were the best. My favorite character would be Walter Bishop. Especially the other Walter from the parallel universe.

This parallel universe is hard to prove but a possibility. However, my brain is in no capacity to ever prove this or not. I will just rely on future studies about this and hope that the discovery of this will help this universe of ours instead of us spreading destruction to others.

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Not really, I think that is something that science fiction authors and physcist might like to discuss but I don't think one really exists no. I think that what we know is what exists. I don't put too much creedence in the alternate universe idea.

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The thing is there are many experiments done to prove the hypothesis. The issue is we don't know the means to go there and come back. So it remains like a door of possibility which we can verify as exists. But no means to say anything apart from that.

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If you know of the results of these experiments than I would like to look at them. If there was scientific proof of this, it would be accepted as common knowledge and not simply theory.

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It is actually accepted as common knowledge the reason where it is theory is in the exploration of that. Anyone who tells you such multi verse can be accessed is talking about hypothesis.

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I will do some research on this. I never took physics, so there could be something being taught there that I am unaware of. I will look at the research and see what it says. It would be interesting if it is true.

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CERN's recent particle physics experiment proved many small things on multi universe. What remains hypothesis is the way they are created and can be accessed. That is what I have learned in due process.

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I agree with you. With all of the shows that feature black hole and parallel universe, people really can become more curious and may be one day be messing up with the natural order.

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Parallel universes are indeed a possibility and there are scientific theories and research that sort of support their reality, but we can't say for certain right now. Personally, I just care about the universe we have where we live in.

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Yes, I mean there is some support, but unless we can travel back and forth between the dimensions, it is kind of a moot point really. It is kind of a strange idea to contemplate though and I have enough trouble living in this dimension.

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I guess parallel universes are being studied so that one day we can travel between them? I don't see that happening anytime within the next 2 centuries though. I just let the experts worry about the possibilities and calmly wait for the results if there are any.

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Honestly, the universe is so vast and unknown that we have a very limited understanding of it. There is so much going on around the universe that we have no clue about. Planet earth is just one entity in the entire universe! So coming to your question, I think there can be a parallel universe, although it may take some time for physicists to figure out the truth!

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I also believe that parallel universe or multiverse is possible. I have watched movies that illustrates and exemplifies this and I personally think that there are a lot of things that we as humans do not yet understand. We are only bound by our limited knowledge which does not encompass the many possibilities that the world can give.

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Exactly! The universe is a complete mystery, and the earth that we live in is just a small dot in the entire universe. There could be a planet just like the Earth or even better that we may not know about. Or there could also be aliens! Who knows, right?! It's truly beyond our imagination.

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Well everything's possible. Both Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking believes in the possibility of parallel universes or what is now called multiverse.

In the Multiverse theory it is said that we exist as ourselves in a myriad of universes and these universe occupies the same space as we do but in a different frequency.

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There are so many researches and theories that prove the existence of a parallel universe. However, despite the fact that the Universe is complex and cannot fully be explained and understood by human beings, I don't believe in the theory of parallel universe. Even though great scientists came up with interesting theories, there is no actual proof of another Universe.

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Yes. So far there are only theories of parallel universes. No one can surely say that a parallel universe exists. Modern technology is still developing, and so it will take some time until scientists discover another universe. It will take time because so far they've only been able to land a probe on Mars. Thus, it is still a long road ahead.

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In our world, many discoverable things haven't discovered yet and an infinite possibilities exist in our world so in my own opinion, Indeed, a parallel universe might exist because of so many possibilities in our world and How vast the universe Is. Although scientist might take more time to uncover the truth, there are many theories that supports the idea of parallel universe.

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I would say that the pure fact that one of my favorite movies ever was Donnie Darko I just have to believe in them in some way. It is a little tough to think that we are right when we think of these things though just given how little we actually know, but it does not prevent me from thinking about it. I wonder about these things a lot and maybe one day we will get some real answers.

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Isn't everything in life a possibility? If you asked somebody 50 years back if they believe that we could once communicate over devices such as phones, the internet, etc. they would mark you as crazy.

I personally believe that parallel universes are completely possible but hard to prove. Without solid proof not many people will believe in them and it is also needed for some scientific backup.

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There are plenty of parallel universes, dimensions, realities, etc. You don't see them, obviously as you exist in this reality. But certain tools such as ouija boards for example, can access them in a primitive, backdoor sort of way. The problem is going that route is sure to cause you great strife much later on as entities and beings can attach themselves to you and cause havoc in your life. Scientists estimate that there are probably multiple universes operating right next to ours, with people who are dead ringers or clones of ourselves.

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Oh boy, don't get me started on this. Opening up topics with these themes is like going down the rabbit hole for me, and all that awaits me at the end is an existential crisis induced mental breakdown.

After giving it a lot of thought over the years, I agree with certain physicists who say that the concept of parallel universes currently isn't even a topic worth discussing. We know so very little about our own universe that you could say we practically know nothing. Going outside of it is literally unimaginable.

I don't think I subscribe to the multiverse theory, but I do believe in extra dimensions. I suppose these may ultimately turn out to be parallel universes, but there really just isn't any true evidence for any of this stuff.

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This topics do excite me the most. Even if those are just fictions, though I hope not, I still get this tinge of feeling that there is always the great unknown that humans still do not explore or yet has been explored but not yet revealed. It's just that today, there are a lot of possibilities and lots of revelations that we still need to catch up. Maybe someday we'll be able to uncover them, I maybe dead at that time but I hope that the future generation would be able to see everything clearly.

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"Even if those are just fictions, though I hope not,…"

The really interesting and exciting aspect of it is when you realize that there is the possibility that it really isn't all just fiction. It's cool to watch a movie like Interstellar for example, that utilizes concepts such as wormholes, time distortion, parallel universes, and alternate/extra dimensions, and you think to yourself, "Wow! What a fantastic work of science fiction!".

But then you have an actual theoretical physicist chime in and tell you that actually, there are legitimate theories that conclude many of these things are possible. That blows my mind.

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I love thinking about these kinds of things and ideas so much. I have always been fascinated with the cosmic, ever since I was a boy reading comic books and loving sci-fi and STAR WARS films and toys. As I matured, I started getting into more and more complex writing about topics like this, especially when I fell in love with the writings of Phillip K. Dick. In any case, I have read some of Max Tegmark's parallel and transdimensional theories, and I tend to believe in this possibility to a great degree. I know that the CERN particle collider project is discovering new and fascinating things about the universe, or multi-verse, all of the time--hopefully they don't accidentally open up a black hole, but it will be interesting to see what the future holds and if we discover a way to see into or travel into other dimensions!

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I don't believe in a parallel universe. It is just a theory and will forever remain as a theory and fiction. It has no proof. There's an extremely lack of evidences and proofs. Whatever theories you adapt from different well-known theorists and book authors, these still remain a theory. As you can see, those authors and theories are already dead for numerous counting years and their ideas still remain as theories as of today's times. No empirical evidence is proven until now and it could not be proven forever because it's not true. You are just reading theories. Take note of the word "theory". It is just a theory no matter how you adapt into it.

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I definitely think there is going to be a parallel universe. And multiple of them. Every bad and good choice that we make could be done in the parallel universe. And that being said, you can see that parallel universe have their own way to understand way. I think there is a lot to be learned. And lot of things needs to be understood with the science.

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You are living in the world of fantasy my friend. There is no such thing as a parallel universe, it's just something made up to make people feel hope of something better. If a parallel universe existed by now, don't you think that it would have been a public knowledge and the world powers would have fought over it already?

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Not fantasy. There are some of the quantum mechanics proof regarding parallel universe. Though exact replica of our universe is least likely to be true. And that's not going to be there. So that's the part we have yet to figure out. Have your heard of LHC experiments at CERN? They confirmed parallel universe formations through their test. That's public knowledge.

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I watched a film called Parallels two years back and where the main characters kept traveling to different parallel universes only to discover that there was another 'them' in the other universes. I have to admit that this movie got me thinking. The universe is immense and there are so many things which we will never be able to discover. It is possible that there is another planet with another me.

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Yes lot of movies are on that way. There are also DC comics and the TV series working on the parallel universe. And recent cloverfield paradox was on the parallel universe too. So it seems like lot of such changes. I guess there are always things we can learn.

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I believe in the concepts of parallel universe existence, sometimes I feel so incomplete that I begin to think of another me somewhere that still lives the way I do, maybe that is the reason some of us seek that journey of self discovery and illumination. The thoughts of parallel existence can somehow be involved in astral travels, this is what the Ekankars(forget the right spelling,lol) have taught over time, there is a theory that says that till our existence in the other parallel universe is broken we will continue to live in a cicular motion which propelled the reincarnation school of thoughts followers. As the years go by, I have come to understand that the world is more deeper than we think more like they keep using lies and religious sects to keep us away from knowing the truth, I don't know why because just everything is possible.

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Astral traveling is another interesting topic that ties into parallel universes. These other dimensions or worlds are place where souls sometime travel or stray during the physical body's sleep time.

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It's not proven yet, but still there's possibility. and for me, It's hard for me to believe on something that not proven yet. even somehow, like what the other said, NASA is just hiding everything to us,

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Parallel universe theory has been proven through the CERN. Though how it works and how each universe has the connection through dimensions is something to be debatable. And nobody knows how that part works out. I guess for each such theory there would be countless doubts.

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I have heard a lot of stories about this, some of them tried to bring proves about this, but in my opinion, I don't think it is real. We cannot exist in two places at once, this is impossible. I think there should be worked in the other domains, for example, to find the cure for cancer and not look a parallel universe.

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We don't exist in two places. We have instances in two places. The meaning is different. For example you i this earth as rich guy and you in another earth not rich. So there is a difference of choices and action and life. So it all depends on how the universes timeline has set of choices. That's what makes it different.

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I'm not the most knowledgeable person in terms of science and physics so my answer is going to be pretty simple. I doubt that there are parallel universes out there, it just seems impossible for there to be another universe where I'm a millionaire or one where I'm the king of the world lol.

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Haha, I so love this your comment. This was exactly what was acted in one series movie that I watched known as "THE FLASH". The were several earths in the movie where an individual would be have different lives in each earth they exist on. This is absolutely not true in my opinion as much as some scientists want it to be true.

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Science doesn't work on based what someone would want to be true, that's the realm of fiction  Do you think there can be parallel universes?

Also I think that the whole premise is usually taken a bit out of context, although I do grant that it makes for a great movie plot, considering how hands-free approach it allows for the writers.

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I think that there is definitely something to be said about the possibility of parallel universes, or at least different dimensions that we know about right now.
One of the most interesting arguments for the parallel universe theory is what is called, “ the Mandela Effect”. this interesting phenomenon occurs when many people remember something happening different than the rest of the people believe, or have been told. Because many, many people remember hearing about Nelson Mandela dying when he was in prison, and now we believe that he was released from prison and lived many years afterwards; and this is why it is called the Mandela Effect.
One of the most well-known of these occurrences involves the death of the evangelist Billy Graham, ( who actually just passed away a day ago now), but many people remember hearing that he had died around 20+ years ago, and some even remember watching his funeral on live television .
Obviously, there has to be some explanation for this, because so many people have the same alternative memory of the same event, and not something that a person just remembers wrong.
Whether the answer to this turns out to be because of a parallel universe or not , still remains to be seen.

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Hi there, I think ive experienced something that's a bit similar to what your saying it's what we call "deJa vu" or the feeling that the situation currently being experienced has already been experienced in the past. And it's opposite which is "vu deja" which is seeing something we already know as if it were the first time. There's also "deja vecu" which is the feeling of having already live through something" or recollection of events.

I have experience all these in my life and Im still looking for an explanation. And the multiverse theory might ultimately be the answer.

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Well, some of these are just a result of "fake news" spreading during that time, which could imprint a false memory to people, particularly during those times when you can't really fact-check quickly using the internet.

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As much as the concept of parallel universe rages on, and with science fiction movie always writing about it, I would say that it looks pretty convincing to be true but for the fact that there haven't been any real travellers to such world, I would still maintain my stance that it's not real until I know otherwise. But in truth, I would want it to exist because it definitely gives us more option to leave this God forsaken earth.

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I too would like it to exist because I like to think there is another me that took a different path in life. I can only imagine how things turned out in his life if myself in the other universes decides to do things differently.

We could only hope that parallel universes do exist because I think it is very hard to prove that they do exist. As you said, once it is discovered I think it would also be possible to move from the universe you are originally from.

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I'm not really all that well versed on these matters, but I guess something like this could be possible. Now I'm not religious or even spiritual, but I do believe that there is a lot that we do not (or will not) understand about the universe, so in that sense something like this wouldn't be completely out of the question.

Now would I believe into it? Probably not, I need evidence to back it up.

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The way I understand it is
a Parallel Universe is an alternate reality existing alongside our own but with some differences and a
Multiverse is a number of linked parallel universes in existence along with our universe or reality. This is what I learned from reading comic and quantum physics books.

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According to the astronomical theory of the Multiverse which the theory of Parallel universe is a major part of, 13 Billion years ago everything in the the universe started as a Singularity.

Then according to the Big Bang Theory (not the sitcom) an unknown catalyst caused this Singularity to expand in all directions in 3 dimensional space.

When the energies of this expansion cooled, light was created. After which pieces of this event began attracting each other forming planets, stars, galaxies and other large pieces of matter in the cosmos.

This theory relies on the assumption that Space-Time is flat, hence the number of possible particle configurations in multiple universes would be limited to 10^10^122 distinct possibilities, to be exact. So, with an infinite number of cosmic universes, the particle arrangements within them must repeat infinitely, it's a little hard to follow at first but you'll get it eventually. Lastly there is no 2 universes that are 100 percent alike but never being 100 percent different.

So this explains in brief the theory of both Parallel and Multi universes which all hangs on the theory of Three Dimensional Space-Time which in layman's terms means Space-Time is expanding in a Flat surface.

My Problem about this is I believe in the Four Dimensional theory of Space-Time and is considering the 5th.

I'll just take the word of Stan Lee when he said that "there are an infinite number of universes out there and one of them is the Marvel Universe."

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The concept of parallel universe sounds more like a topic in religion. The concept of the parallel universe does not sound like science because there are not proofs but just a proposition.
Well, I don't believe in a parallel universe and I don't believe that I can exist in two places at the same time. Einstine talked about the parallel universe does not mean parallel universe actually exists. He was just floating a concept and nothing more.

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A parallel universe is within the realms of possibility. No one knows what's out there. However the fact that people like J.K Rawlings can come up with stories about an alternate universe says there is a possibility. I believe they tap into a part of their brain, which probably holds that memory. I don't think that there is another you living in another world. But you may have come from there and maybe heading there when you die. With all the new planets discovered on a daily basis, this is very much a possibility.

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I am a believer of the existence of parallel universes. For anyone that has heard of the Mandela effect; would definitely understand how they could be possible. For anyone that has not, I suggest you do some research. The Mandela effect is often experienced but, not realized for what it truly is. The overall idea of the Mandella effect is experiencing an idea or event, it feeling so familiar; as if it may have happened before. It could also be an object that you know you placed somewhere and yet, now is nowhere to be found. You think you may have lost the object; when really you maybe experiencing an event or thought that stems from a parallel universe. Another time when your mind is able to experience a parallel universe is through dreaming. Even though Trump won the election you may dream of a time when Hilary actually was the president. When you wake up it may have seemed so real. However, waking up in this current reality you quickly realize it was just a dream. How many times have you had dreams like this? Did you ever think what if? I bet after having such dreams you never thought that you were actually in an alternate reality.

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I only thought of the parallel universe because of all those science fiction movies I watched. But really, I think there really is a parallel universe out there. Maybe there is another version of us out there.

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Scientifically that theory is proven. Issue remains is accessing those universe and dimensions. We have no means to do that. And that limits our judgement of how the parallel universe is likely to be.

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Wahhh I just finished binge watching stranger things! And yeah! Its plot supports the idea of having a parallel universe which they termed it as "up side down". Well, if I'm gonna answer whether I believe to this concept of parallel universe and based my answer from stranger things, I would answer no. Its concept of parallel universe is purely fictional and its origin is still unknown aside from the fact in story that El opened the gate for this parallel universe. However, despite that, I enjoyed watching stranger things, and will definitely wait for its season 3 to be released hopefully soonest!

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I've seen so many movies and read a lot of books with focal points on the existence of a parallel universe. However, they are all just fictional stories. They haven't been any concrete proof or even something close to one which actually shows that a parallel world does exist.

On the other hand, if travelling back or forth in time has anything to do with a parallel universe, then it surely does exist. I did a research on time travel not too long ago and came across so many pictures on the Internet which supports or proves the possibility of time travel. One of those picture was of a lady back during the 1900's, in a Charlie chaplin's street video when it was still black and white. The woman can be seen holding up a mobile phone and talking while walking pass by. There were no cell phones back then, not for at least another 3 to 4 decades. Where did it come from?

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Time Travel has long been proven by Albert Einstein both his theory in general relativity which basically means gravity can bend time and his theory of Special Relativity which indicates that time slows down or speeds up depending on your speed relative to an object. This 2 theories has been proven by GPS Satellite Technology that has very accurate clocks on board in which the effects of gravity as well as the satellites increase speed above the earth causes time dilation which means the satellites clock is a bit slower than the clock that remained on earth. This means a returning astronaut is slightly younger than his twin brother that stayed on earth. The difference due to time dilation is 38 microseconds a day. This means that a person travelling in a craft with the speed of light will experience a day but his twin brother here on earth will experience a year.

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Even though we have no proof if there are any indeed, there is still a chance that some might exist, there are a lot of theories that support both sides, however it's not like that much has been done, so we don't have concrete proof and confidence on this topic.

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It is simply a matter of not having a big proof on a situation such as the parallel world. What I think about this is that what we don't know shouldn't be much of a worry to us as the existence of a parallel world do not in any way affect the lives activities that we have in the different parts of the world.

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On one note yeah, however it's interesting to research this field of study and by some chance if they do exist it can change life as we know it, because it's going to allow us to communicate with completely different worlds if we reach that stage of technology.

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Sometimes, I always have a thought about the existence of the parallel world considering lots of events that I've heard in the past. There is some saying of people that die in one place being alive in another place and even when some think that we should attribute that to the power of the ghosts, I am of the opinion that it is all about as a result of the parallel world that we have.

I've not got any proof about this, but the reality is that the possibility of having a parallel world is glaring most of us in the face, but we choose to ignore that and think everything is all about one earth and one event at a time.

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Many high level research scientists have said recently that there is almost definitely a reality similar to ours that is operating right beside our world.

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I truly think it's possible. I know that I won't have proof for most theories on Earth, but some things you just can't ignore. Not that I would want to. I mean that there are things in this world that feel real and can be accepted as fact without hesitation. There's probably a reason why unusual stuff happens on "our" Earth.

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Well I just got done watching some documentary like thing on this sort of thing and learned about entanglement, which is pretty crazy. I am not sure I even remember what it is despite just learning it so I might need to go back and it just gets me thinking about all that is possible out there.

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I also want to believe in parallel universes. Maybe I would've chosen a different girl or a different career in a parallel universe. Who knows.  Do you think there can be parallel universes?

As much as I would like to believe parallel universes are real, we don't have any proof and we can only enjoy this concept in movies and TV shows.  Do you think there can be parallel universes?

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I can't say I don't believe because there is possibilities in every theory or ancient stories. I am practicing meditation and doing taichi every day of my life, we believe in "chi" or it is known as spirit or life force to us and some consider "chi" as the source of all things and this is not acceptable to others because we can only feel it during our practice and maybe occur in any of you but you are not aware of if because we have different belief and understanding to this matter or some of you don't understand what we are doing just like that stories you are telling most of us don't believe because we've never been there or we don't see any evidence or clue but only in movies, but I think its real but we don't have a chance or power to understand and to travel that dimension.

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I think it only depends on the person on what he/she thinks about parallel universe. We have different perceptions. But for me, I don't think parallel universe existed unless there is a concrete and a visual proof that we have our own versions in the other universe and I believe there is only one universe. People's minds are powerful and very creative especially for those people who are gifted with such a high level of intelligence so there's a tendency that they will create some theory that may also not too far from reality like the theory of parallel universes.

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I think parallel universes do exist and it's the reason for such occurrences as Bleedthroughs, Dejavu, Vudeja, Mandela Effect, Apparitions and other strange things that people see and experience. One can't say that all these can be explained scientifically. I've just read several reports in cia declassified documents which any person can access and download through the cia website. And the things I read are quite extraordinary and defies logic.

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Something I know for sure is that anything can happen here. So, for sure there's a chance parallel universes can exist. Maybe not in the way TV or movies show them, but more in a scientific way. Science has shown proofs of them, and that's a very solid ground to believe about them. It would be somehow freaky and interesting at same time, to be aware of them and viceversa, like to exchange knowledge or people, for sure I will send some annoying people there.

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I love this, lol. I agree, there is a bigger chance that parallel universes are actually existing. We might not have enough evidences or proofs for now but as what you say, anything can happen here. I mean who knows, but it's interesting and freaky yes, because we're not used to it. And we don't know if they'll accept us or not, or if they'll treat us a friend or an enemy.
Just imagine how it will be exchanging things and thoughts to them, that's just mind blowing.

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I know right, haha. Unfortunately as you said, we're not used to it, and we're not prepare to deal with something like it. I mean, look around all the mess about immigration everywhere, if we can't solve the passing of people through borders, how are we going to deal with the passing of things or people through parallel universes or dimensions? I just imagine the whole deal, and I can see the violence, rage, and chaos about it. Not yet for us for sure.

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I agree with you. It could be weird but if it happens, our view about everything would change. What we believe may change, what we feared may not give us the same fear as before. Everything is possible.

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Yes, not just parallel universe, but multiverse. I do believe that every time we make a decision a new version of ourselves are created which follows the decision we did not make in this universe thus creating a new world.

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Oh this is a very interesting theory. Multiverse would make more sense indeed, and creating new versions of ourselves it's great too. Sometimes when I make a choice or decision, I keep thinking, what would has happened if I had made another one? I think your way of seeing it fits better with what I've been considering, that's nice.

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Yes I believe that there is a possibility that parallel universe may exist becayse of the previous theories that's been proppsed by the scientist. However finding it out is a difficult task because the stars move away from each other faster than the speed of light. Meaning that every universe move away from each other too. Still it is a 50-50 probability.

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I believe in parallel universes. Yes. As long as you can think of a possibility, like winning the lotto or getting struck by lightning, it may have already happened in another universe. There are infinite possibilities as their are infinite outcomes to the possible future. I often think it the theory has influenced a lot of people and movies over the years. "In another life, I may have been a (insert job here)" for example. I've heard that a lot of times over the years and even used it myself.

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Yes, I do believe in parallel universes and their existence. People often try to mock the concept of the parallel universe as a subject which is close to religion or spirituality and far away from the realm of Science. I think the parallel universe is a concept which is beyond the reach of Science. Our ancestors were closer to this concept because they had a deep knowledge of these things due to there understanding of nature and its laws. Some of the inventions that Science has made recently were known to our ancestors long time back

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The concept of parallel universe is so massive that it's hard to totally comprehend if something like this is really true. My mind is not close to the possibility as we only have limited knowledge about the totality of the universe, about everything. Who knows what could be existing aside from parallel universe, there could be "multi-verse" too.

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I don't really grasp the concept of the parallel world but i watch some videos that gets me into it. Some writers and scientist wrote an article about it that helps people to understand its point. One proof would be the Mandela effect. It like a occurence that a large number of people states or remembered that it does really happen when it's really not.

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