
Best Autobiographical Movie

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Best Autobiographical Movie

An Autobiographical Movie is a work based on writings that relates to events of the life of a person that has written it. In the movie industry it is commonly called as "Biopics".
What is your favorite Biopic?


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I've watched a lot of documentary bios about artists who i respect--recently I watched an amazing one about Francis Bacon. In terms of movies that do this, one of my favorites of all time is IMMORTAL BELOVED, starring Gary Oldham. In this film, he portrays the composer, Beethoven, and gives an amazing performance that shows the hardships and triumphs, and ultimate heartbreak, of the life of this musical genius. I know there are much more decent and good biography films out there, but this is the one that comes to mind this morning.

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I really have to see that one. I can't believe that I missed it. Thanks for the post, I can tell it's a good movie just by reading it.

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I recently watched the documentary film named " The Autobiography of Nicolae Ceausescu". He was the communist leader of Romania until 22nd of december 1989. I am born in Romania, in 1994 so I didn't catch that period of communism, but I was interested to find out how the life was during the communism It was a hard period, our country was like a cage, we couldn't travel freely, there were ratios for food, for eample every family could only get 2 breads/day, one chicken every 2 weeks, people used to wait in line 4-5 hours for a bottle of milk. There were also good parts, like the fact that after finishing school everyone got a job and a house from the state, there were no unemployed people, everyone had a workplace suited for his qualifications. The documentary is very interesting and it introduces you in one of the most historical periods for Romania.

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Ceausescu was from my country, I have seen a few documentary films with this character. I was around 11 years old when he was on trial and killed. I remember the happiness of the people at that time, but now most of the people regret him and they would want him back as a leader of our country.

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I think my best autobiography movie is the Last Emperor of China. It was documented in 1987 and discussed about the life of the Chinese Emperor Puyi, who spent his childhood and youthful age in prison of the Red Army. This was really a great life tale about the how the Emperor lived his life in captivity.

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Hey Martin, I've watched "The Last Emperor" atleast 5 times and it's a very good film, showing the lavish life of the last Chinese emperor.

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Yes, it was a very good movie, I have lost count on how many times I did watch the movie. It's one of my favorites and I normally tend to overdo things when I like it a lot. I think I can remember watching it to the extent that my siblings find it difficult to stay in the living room with me anymore because I kept watching one movie over and over again.

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For me it's a tie between Schindler's List and The Aviator. But I like the Aviator more.

The Aviator released in 2005 is the story of Howard Robard Hughes Jr or Howard Hughes, one of wealthiest man in the world, his rise to power, his dreams and aspirations as an innovator and an inventor as well as a defense contractor for the U.S. Military along with his complexities of having an obsessive compulsive disorder that eventually led to his downfall was immortalized in this brilliantly made biopic starring Leonardo Di Caprio. It is also good to note that Marvel Super Hero Character Tony Stark of the Iron Man Series portrayed by Robert Downey Jr., along with his mannerisms and speech was based on Howard Hughes persona.

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Great people think aline. LOL
My favorite autobiographical movies are also Schindler's List and The Aviator. Schindler's List tells a story about a war profiter who saves Jewish people during the second world war and The Aviator tells a story about a man's dream to build the largest aircraft. Schindler's List and The Aviator features my favorite actors.

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I think the aviator is more of dramatic than the book. I guess but then again movies are meant to be dramatic. But overall the schindlers list is a good movie. I think many people have chosen that as well. And there seems to be leaning opinion for this.

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I have not read aviator book or schindlers list book. I knew about these books only when I watched the movie. Since I already watched the movie and knew what the movies are about, I never felt the necessity of reading the books. Therefore, I cannot make a comparision between the movies and books. Since a lot of money is involved in the making of thr movie, the priducers also have a compulsion to make the movie dramatic in order to grab audience attention.

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Books is good too if you want more detailed version instead of dramatic cinema. I think that's one reason i choose most of the autobiography books. It makes things lot fun and better as well. I guess there are some movies which we can approach for that part.

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I also feel that autobiography books are better than autobiographical movies. Books are true whereas movies are dramatic. However, you will remember the story if you watch the movie. You might easily forget what you have read. That's because visual images are stored better.

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I like reading Schindler's List book knowing the fact that I can appreciate more the author's writing style in every details of the text but I also love watching the movie. The dramatic portrayal of the characters is very captivating and fascinating.

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I loved this movie--it was epic! I own it and recently re-watched--it seemed like it was fours hours long, lol. Leonardo was amazing in his portrayal of Hughes, and the cast was also amazing, even in the smaller supportive roles. I knew a lot about Hughes before I saw this movie because of my own interests, and I thought that this movie thoughtfully and intimately portrayed that man's life and how it all fell apart for him in the end--the idea that genius and madness can be closely connected was definitely demonstrated in this film--thanks for reminding me of that again!

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I liked both of those as well. I thought they were very well done movies that showed the lives of amazing people for better or worse. There are lots of people who could be done in that way. Jackie is another one in that genre.

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I don't really watch a lot of autobiographical movies, but Schindler's list is my favorite (watched it mainly due to Liam Neeson). It was a great movie and was an eye-opener for someone too young to have experienced any conflict of war (particularly WW2) and the conditions at that time.

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Honestly, I have watched this movie yet and from the looks of things, I'm seeing that it's actually a good one. Maybe I would make out time to go explore the possibilities of watching it in the cinema this weekend. I hope that I would find it very interesting and appealing as it already appears.

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I am not sure if many people here have seen this movie. But this one on the mcdonalds is definitely worth watching. Especially for that part. The name of the movie is "the founder". And it's not easy to form a chain as successful as mcondlads. I learned a lot from that movie.

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A beautiful mind by Russel Crowe, from the story of Dr. John Nash. the genius mathematician who has schizophrenia, but still manage to win a Nobel prize in spite of that condition.

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Oh yes! I had forgotten about this film! It might be my favorite Ron Howard movie ever, actually. I loved the performances in the film, and I am love with Jennifer Connoley anyway, so that didn't hurt either. I discovered this genius because of the movie, and I ended getting so interested in his story that I read books about him and his troubles life. John Nash's theories of economics, and math in general, changed the world and the way that we look at how humans behave in groups. It was a shame. though, that he had to suffer like he did because of how his mind worked!

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Indeed, and I really love how he refuse and skip his medicine for his wife, and let his mind control his imaginary friends. I think it's really hard to deal with that kind of situation but he still manage to get back and proves how powerful the mind is, and the way Russel Crawe play the life of Dr. john Nash is really amazing.

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Oh, I forgot about this one. Really beautiful film and great performances by the cast. I first watched this in a Psychology class and I was really surprised how good the film was (we usually watch boring movies in school). *Spoiler* I did not expect the twist about his roommate.

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Oh my god, that's one of my favorite movies of all times. I've seen it at least six times and it makes me cry every time... it's impossible to stay calm while watching it. The actors did an outstanding job because you can just relate to what they're acting out.

The story is so touching and inspiring... this is a must watch movie!

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Yeah me too, sad to say, I cry also specially when some of his colleagues leave the pen on his table. I love to watch that movie over and over again alone. The twist of the story of his room mate is really amazing, and yeah, very touching and inspiring.

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Probably, I've been unlucky not to watch some of the documentary of men and women that I look up to in life, but watching that of Robert Kiyosaki, Robert Greene, Obama and Sam Adeyemi is one of the goals I should have in mind. I'm looking at doing all I could to source for the movies and see how I'm going to learn one or two things from how they behave in the real world.

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There are a lot of fantastic biopic movies out there. In fact, some of the best movies of all time are biopic films. Movies like Schindler's List, A Beautiful Mind, The Aviator, and The Pianist are just some of the films that come to mind.

I would have to say that my favorite biopic in recent memory has to be The Wolf of Wall Street. Leonardo DiCaprio and Martin Scorsese are a match made in heaven. Any time they make a movie together, it is pure art, and The Wolf of Wall Street is no exception.

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You seem to have listed some of my favorite biopics. I don't know about A Beautiful Mind, however, Schindler's List, The Aviator and The Pianist are some of my favorite biopics. In Schindler's List, Liam Nesson and Ralph Finess performances were great, I liked DiCaprio in The Avaitor and Broody in The Pianist.

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Thanks for the list of interesting autobiographical movies, Never been watch some of this movies, and I think this wolf of wall street really interesting. I always forgot to watch this, although I already downloaded this movie.

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I am yet to watch wolf of wall street and this movie is on my priority street. I don't remeber the name, however the movie based on the life of mark Zuckerberg, the founder of facebook, is also very interesting. I watched this a couple of years ago, but I forget the name. I think it was something like Social network.

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Really? I think I also know this movie, or is there other mark zuckerberg movie before? I also forgot the name but If I will recall, mark stole the credit to other classmates and pretend that he is the only responsible for that facebook.

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I recently saw that film, and it was quite a wild ride! DiCaprio was amazing, as usual, and the man he portrayal of this psycho (lol) was even crazier when you find out that the things depicted in the film ACTUALLY happened in real life! It exposed a pretty vile culture, if you ask me, but I could not stop my interest in watching it! I also adore the work of Scorcese, and DiCaprio worked really well with him in the film Gangs Of New York, It astounds me that the characters in this movie could behave the way the did--they were like some kind of insane fraternity. In any case, thanks for reminding me of this film--I think I might even watch it again.

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Have you seen interviews with the actual Jordan Belfort? I honestly can't decide if I love him or hate him. On one hand, I'm fairly anti-materialist so I find it hard to respect people like him who base their entire lives around gaining material wealth by any means.

But at the same time, I can't help but admire his energy and charisma. The man is legitimately a psycho to me in some ways, but he's such a character that I can definitely see how Scorsese wanted to make a film about him.

Gangs of New York was also another fantastic one. Daniel Day-Lewis' portrayal of Bill the Butcher was mesmerizing.

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I do not know much about Jordan Belfort, except what I gathered from the film--honestly, and not to mince any words, I think he was quite a pig. I am also am not much of a materialist, sometimes by choice and other times by circumstance. His life story was interesting, and you could also see how the life he was living was taking a real toll on him throughout the film. And yes--the Butcher is an UNFORGETTABLE movie villain. I think I might have actually had one or two nightmares about him after watching that movie the first time, lol. Some of the scenes he was in were almost hard to watch. He plays an equally powerful biographical role in THEIR WILL BE BLOOD as well!

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I hate Autobiographical movies. I think they misrepresent most of the stories to get sales. I prefer reading Autobiographies. This is often closer to the truth. I limit my movies to chick flicks. I think life is too short to watch what you don't like. On the few occasions I have watched Autobiographical movies I liked Wolf of Wall Street. It gave a good account of the greed that goes on in Wall Street. It was so good that I wouldn't wish wall street on my worst enemy.

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Some autobiographical movies are a visual presentation of facts. These movies try to show what happened in the life of X. However, some autobiographical movies are based on real life and events, however, these events are manipulated and dramatized to attract an audience. I dislike when the character is made larger than life in autobiographical movies.

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Another great biopic which you can watch and research without getting bored is another Leonardo Di Caprio film 'Catch Me If You Can' which was all about the life of Frank Abagnale Jr, famous for making millions of dollars by forging and encashing checks while posting as a pilot, lawyer and doctor and he did all these at the age of 18, ., You know I was thinking after i first saw this film that if ever Frank Abagnale was born in the 1920's he could have been the perfect American spy in the second world war haha.
This movie also stars Tom Hanks and has Steven Spielberg as it's director. I've watched it about a dozen times already and I don't get bored watching it.

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Catch Me If You Can is also one of my favorite movies. I like the movie because the story is interesting, and it features my favorite actors like Tom Hanks and DiCaprio. This movie never fails to amaze me.

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Catch Me If You Can is a great movie! I watched it when I was pretty young, and I remember it just being a really fun watch. My dad told me afterwards that it based on a real story of a man who posed as different people to travel the world and make tons of money. I was blown away by the thought that someone could have actually done that one time!

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I'm not so sure if it's a Biopic but I like the movie "The Imitation Game" I like this kinds of films about cracking codes. It amazes me how people are able to think of those codes using mathematics, whicg was my favorite subject at school before, and I feel that I wanted to try cracking codes too.

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Yeah, it's biopic, and the story is about the life of Alan Turing. Alan Mathison Turing was an English computer scientist, and mathematician, logician, crypt analyst, Philosopher and theoretical biologist. He was the highly influential in development of theoretical computer science,

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When I took an introductory journalism class in college, we watched two really fantastic films: Jobs and All The President's Men. Jobs is more of a biopic, which is probably most suitable for this discussion. It was a really good look into the life of Steve Jobs and how he found success in the computer industry. I don't remember how it fit into a journalism class, but I really enjoyed watching it.

All The President's Men was a phenomenal movie as well. It was about Bob Woodard and Carl Bernstein, two reporters for the Washington Post, and how they broke the story of the Watergate Scandal under President Nixon. It's fascinating to watch how they worked to produce information for the good of the American people and how difficult it was to produce the story.

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I've watched All The Presidents Men a couple of times and it was a good biopic of the Watergate Scandal during President Nixon's term. But I still haven't watched Steve Jobs biopic, I'll definitely have to watch it though since he's one of my idols.

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Awesome! i just recently re-watched ALL THE PRESIDENT'S MEN with my family, and it was still as poignant, well-done, and provocative as it was the first time I had seen it years and years before. I love how Redford and Hoffman's characters and journalistic styles play off of one another--this biodrama is also significant to me because, historically, these events and the Watergate scandal happened the year in which I was born. I agree that watching their process, without cell phones or computers, was fascinating as they broke this case.

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There are a lot of such movies that have left a deep impression on me and the most recent one that I've watcher or let's say re-watched is probably The Wolf of Wall Street, the way it was directed was really amazing, I liked a lot how it was made, it was definitely more oriented on a party theme rather than a more serious one, even tho the whole story is pretty serious and you can learn some important lessons out of it.

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That's another bad ass movie. It's definitely going to count as a biopics because it tells the actual story of how Jordan Belford played by Leonardo DiCaprio, founded his own firm alongside his close friends, wife and other brokers during his early twenties. It's one of a kind story and a must see.

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Oh yeah, I forgot about this movie. And the performances by the cast were great too, especially DiCaprio, McConaughey, and Jonah Hill. It was a good biopic since it actually showed the main character in a realistic light, unlike other biopics which tend to glorify the people in it. Of course, the direction of Scorsese was topnotch.

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I am not sure if it would count as an autobiographical but the HBO movie on Kevorkian was pretty good. I was a little familiar with the story but not really enough as I thought and this kind of opened me up a little bit. I am just not sure it is based on anything that he wrote or did specifically so autobiographical not so sure.

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I think one of the best biopics ever made is the black and white film Schindler's List which was masterfully directed by Steven Spielberg which is my all-time favorite director. It starts Liam Neeson as Oskar Schindler the man who saved 12,000 Jews from Nazi concentration camps during the Holocaust in World War 2.

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I have watched the movie Ip Man several times already and in my opinion it's a very good biopic.

The film recounts Ip Man's life before and during the Japanese occupation of China in the late 1930's when the famous Wing Chun Master Ip Man was forced to leave his home and work to support his family. The fight scenes where awesome and Donnie Yen's portrayal of Ip Man was
superb. It is also good to note that Ip Man or Yip Man was also the Master of Bruce Lee.

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I like that movie also, I like how he fights for his country men, and the fight scenes very realistic, First time to see that actor who portray the life of IP man, and he's really good, and because of that movie, I think I can consider him to the same line with jacky chan, and jet lee.

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Hacksaw Ridge is one of the best I've seen in a long time. It's the true story of an American World War II veteran, pfc. Desmond T. Doss played by Andrew Garfield and filmed by Mel Gibson. The movie shows the events of how T. Doss got drafted into the military, refused to carry firearms, killed no one and still, got awarded the medal of honor after the battle for okinawa. I've never seen such braveness in my entire life.

The second best on my list will have to be "Hurricane Carter" played by Denzel Washington. The movie tells the true story of a rising boxer who got framed and wrongly convicted for a crime he never committed which then destroyed his career and his person after serving 20 years in prison.

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What I know is the movie "The Pianist" .The setting of the movie was during the Warsaw, the beginning of World War II I think it happened in 1939-1945. This was a story of a man's survival during the Warsaw. I like the story of this movie, this movie made me into tears. I just can't help but feel sorry for those people who still want to live but wasnt able to survive during the war. Such a heartbreaking story because you can't imagine how children were abandoned and dying on the street and how soldiers killed the men (shot directly to the head). A wonderful story tho. I also like the "Emily Rose" It's kinda scary tho. It gives me goosebumps whenever I heard the title.

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The Kings Speech is another great biopic its about England's King George VI, played by Colin Firth, who was suffering from a speech problem, he stutters and stammers a lot and how his wife hired an actor cum speech therapist Lionel Logue played by Geoffrey Rush, using unconventional methods to cure the kings speech problem. It is worthy to note that both actors gave a wonderful performance in this film.

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The other autobiographical movie I like is "the fighter" by Christian Bale, and Marc Wahlberg. This is sports drama and the story about the lives of professional boxer MIcky ward, and his older half-brother Dicky Eklund. Micky ward is an American boxer from Massachusetts, Managed by his mother, Alice Ward, and trained by his older half-brother, Dicky Eklund, Micky became a "stepping stone" for other boxers to defeat on their way up. Dicky, a former boxer whose peak of success was going the distance with Sugar ray leonard, in 1978, has become addicted to drugs.

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An old film comes to mind, I think it's one of the first biopics I've ever seen and it's title is "Lawrence of Arabia", this is about the exploits of British Colonel Thomas Edward Lawrence who documented and help the Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Empire and afterwards during the First World War.

This 1962 film starred Peter O'Tool as T.E. Lawrence and Omar Sharif as Prince Faisal. This film is ranked #7 of the best films ever produced.

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I am wondering if anyone out there has gotten a change to see the Andre The Giant documentary that just came out? I have heard some mixed reviews and am wondering what you guys might think. It sounds interesting but I am not a big wrestling fan so I am not sure.

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I may not as historical as others in the comments here, but what is the best autobiographical movie for me so far is "The Social Network" that depicts a series of events in which Mark Zuckerberg creates Facebook after his college girlfriend breaks up with him. I like how it tells the story of Facebook's CEO and Founder from the start he plans on creating something which turned out to be one of the most popular social media platform up until today's generation. I like it more how it conveys Mark Zuckerberg's challenges and how he overcome those difficulties in order to start his company and also how he become billionaire by not giving up to achieve his goal. I think some of you here had already watched this movie and maybe you already know what I am trying to tell.

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One Autobiographical Movie I've seen lately was titled "The Founder" starting Micheal Keaton it's all about how McDonald's started in the 1950's and shows what happened from a small burger joint run by brothers to being owned by a visionary salesman to becoming a billion dollar empire.

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In connection with the Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Meagan Marble craze going on, the best autobiography for me is "The Crown". It's Queen Elizabeth II's life story. On how she and Prince Phillip fell deeply in love and how she stood up and fought for having her name be the same and not carry Prince Phillip's name even if they're already married to how she bringing herself calmly even on the verge of assassination.. he he, I am so in love with the Queen.

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The Wolf of Wallstreet is one movie that I like watching over and over again, it's Martin Scorsese's Autobiographical take on stock broker Jordan Belfort's rise to fame, power, glory and his eventual downfall. It stars Leonardo Di Caprio as Belfort.

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Last night I came across an autobiographical movie in YouTube titled Bernie. It's about the life of Bernie Tiede a mid aged mortician and funeral director who touched the lives of hundreds of people in Carthage Texas until he killed one of his benefactors by shooting her in the back 4 times and hiding her body in her freezer for 9 months. He later was caught and found guilty and is now serving a life sentence. It stars Jack Black and Shirley McClain.

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