
What is your favorite Superhero Movie?

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What is your favorite Superhero Movie?

When it comes to Superhero Movies, the best I've seen was the 2010 film Watchmen, it's a film adaptation of a DC comic book limited series of the same title set on an alternate reality in 1985 earth.  The story revolves on the lives of retired heroes and villains and their investigation on the sudden rise on the death of their friends.


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My favorite is the Batman movie by Christopher Nolan - The Dark Knight. He's my favorite director and his mastery of the art is visible in The Dark Knight, something that isn't present in other superhero movies which only rely on the entertainment value of superhero movies. Heath Ledger's performance as Joker is simply outstanding, and Christian Bale is a pretty good Batman and Bruce Wayne too.

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Oh Dark Night series is amazing. The characters, the plot, the villains, soundtrack, photography, dialogues, very very good work. I also liked Wonder Woman movie, I've felt very disappointed with previous female roles like Catwoman, Ivy poison, including Anne Hathaway's one. But Gal Gadot did her character, was a super strong and serious one, and more real than fantasy.

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Yeah, Wonder Woman is a really good movie and shows that superhero movies work best when they take time to develop the character and not just rely on special effects and good vs evil storylines. I really think DC should've made Wonder Woman their movie universe's 'Iron Man' instead of relying too much on Superman, and it could be so much better than it's current state.

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Gal Gadot was really hot, I think that she was perfect in the movie as Diana/Wonder Woman. I think I've watched the movie thrice already and to think that she's already 33 years old and has 2 daughters is amazing. She looks like a 23 year old.

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The actor is good, however, I did not like the character or the movie. There is nothing new in the movie. Even the special effects and action scenes are boring. I watched Wonder Woman for the first time, and I was very disappointed. I did not like the move, however, do agree the actor was very hot.

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Yeah, I love Gal Gadot, she's pretty both inside and out, a perfect representation of Wonder Woman.

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Yes, the actor who plays wonder woman is beautiful and hot. Wonder Woman movie was a huge success, however, I did not like the movie. The story was boring and the CGI uninteresting.

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I don't like Batman at all. I don't know why, maybe it is because of DC Films. I don't like how they do there story line. I just don't find it really interesting.

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I'm more a fan of the old Batman (around 70's), than the modern one. However, I have to say the Dark Knight series is a very good one. I like the dark side of Batman's story, the pressure between fighting evil, the responsibility of Wayne company, and wanting to be a regular citizen, that shows a human complicated side, and that is way more real than just putting a black suit and drive a cool car.

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I have watched several versions of the Batman in so many different movies to the extent it's starting to confuse me, although they still played to the end of him being the protector of his city in fighting crimes and terror. I have watched Batman in Gotham, I have watched him in Superman vs Batman, I have watched him in the Dark Knight and so much more.

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Yeah, there have been a lot of versions of the popular superheroes like Superman and Batman to the extent that people don't even care sometimes about the story anymore. Same happened with Spiderman, although I really like how Marvel incorporated him into the MCU, and in this way, there is a big storyline that people can relate to when they think of a particular Marvel superhero.

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I have also seen the Batman Dark Knight movie and it's really well made. Although too serious for me, the movie is very enticing and the movie overall has great value.

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Yeah, it can get too serious but what I liked about it is that everyone can enjoy the film for what it is. People who analyze the film in-depth can see the layers put in the film and the appropriateness of the serious tone, while people just looking to get entertained by a superhero movie surely are satisfied with Batman vs Joker's performances.

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I also like the Batman movie because of its great story and fantastic special effects that makes it more interesting to watch. It always reminds me of my childhood times whenever I watched that movie. I could really say that I am a fan of that movie because I always patronize it's new and upcoming movie. Batman was one of my favorite because of its great characters that it portraits in the movie.

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A fellow Christopher Nolan fan! The Dark Knight is actually my pick for favorite superhero movie as well. I have to agree that Nolan is a fantastic director, as I'm a huge fan of all of his movies. His use of practical effects and reluctance to use CGI really makes all the difference in the feel of his movies.

Heath Ledger was an absolutely brilliant Joker, and delivered one of the best acting performances of my generation. Christian Bale on the other hand, I can't say I'm as much of a fan of, but he isn't terrible by any means. I think he played a pretty ideal Bruce Wayne, but his growly Batman voice left a lot to be desired.

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Haha yeah, when I first heard his voice as Batman in Batman Begins, I thought that it was weird and funny. But I think he did well in portraying the 2 aspects of being Batman - as the dark knight and as billionaire Bruce Wayne. Heath Ledger is really great, it's a shame that he passed away right after giving us his best performance.

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Yeah I think that is one of the saddest aspects of Heath Ledger's passing. Everyone laughed when Nolan had cast him as the Joker, because Ledger didn't exactly have the reputation at the time to be cast for such a role. A lot of people went, "The guy from 10 Things I Hate About You? HA! Yeah right."

But boy did he blow everyone away. I think Ledger was just reaching the peak of his career, and probably would've been able to give us many more fantastic performances.

And then just like that...over.

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That is my second most fave superhero movie. The Christopher Nolan Trilogy with Christian Bale, in my opinion was the closest to the comic book Batman character in terms of storyline, and darkness, Christian Bale was really intense and I think that he should have been cast in Justice League and not Ben Affleck. If Christian Bale starred in Justice league, it could have been the best superhero movie of all time.

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Great minds think alike. LOL
The Dark Knight is also my favorite superhero movie.
Even though I watch all superhero movies, Batman is my favorite. I like Batman more than others because he is human, he does not have magical or out of this world power. His super power comes from technology. He is human thus he has human emotions and I this this quality.
The Dark Knight is amazing because of Heath Ledger as Joker.

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Yeah, for that reason Batman is my favorite superhero as well, because he's just a human who managed to stand toe to toe with superhumans and aliens. I think this is also why Iron Man worked for the public, because they made him so human with flaws to make him be relatable, enough to build the MCU franchise around him. I still think the DC universe should have continued from the Nolan Batman films.

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People like the characters that they can relate, even if the characters are super human. Super hero movies are all about the visual effects and nothing more. There is little room for the character. However, superheroes who are more human than out of this world creatures seem to be popular because they have our flaws, they make mistakes like us.

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I have to agree that type of the joker performance is harder to get. And the christopher nolan did a lot better justice to the movie than anything else. I think script was good too. Otherwise I am sure christipher nolan would have had done average job with it.

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I just watched this movie today and it really should be considered a masterpiece. I didn't know Batman but I just watched Batman Begins earlier this week and The Dark Knight today. Heath Ledger really fits the role of Joker perfectly and I couldn't ask for a better performance. The plot of the movie is also good and you can't guess what's going to happen next. I hope they can make more superhero movies as good as The Dark Knight.

I'm going to watch The Dark Knight Rises next but when I checked the ratings, it isn't as good as The Dark Knight.

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The Dark Knight Rises is still pretty good, but yeah, it's very hard to follow something like The Dark Knight and with such a classic villain and great portrayal of Joker.

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Yup. I just watched the last movie of this trilogy. It still is good and above other superhero movies. But I love the Joker as a villain better than Bane. Joker just has a better character compared to Bane whose character feels flat. I was expecting to see Joker in the last film because he didn't die in the second movie but I researched and found out that Heath Ledger died sometime after the second film. RIP Heath Ledger.

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Batman is pretty good but I like the old Batman. I see the current Batman as a robot not the classic one. I don't know why I hate Batman. Maybe because of the weapons he used? I mean Iron Man is much cooler in terms of weapons.

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I think the Iron Man. I really love his character, funny, smart and sarcastic. Robert Downey did a great job for portraying Tony Stark, I wonder who's gonna be the next Iron man after Robert Downey.

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I'm kind of a big fan of all movies produced by Marvel's movies industry, and in saying that, I have definitively watched all Ironman movies including the entire Avengers collection. Tony Stark is a very good character and he is a very likable fellow even he is sarcastic most times. But when it comes to replacing him when the time comes, I'm sure the company will have a capable replacement lined up to take his place.

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You're right, he become famous for being sarcastic and arrogant, and compare to batman, well of course they don't have any special power, Iron man, is less dramatic and much more fun to watch.

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I'm also a fan of Iron Man and i have watched all his movies. I like the fact that iron man is just an ordinary guys that can able to do unbelievable things just by using his knowledge on technology.

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Yeah, that's also what I really like about this iron man, he doesn't have any special power and like Batman, he is just rich. He just an ordinary guy with the ability to create a war materials, and that's it, that's simple.

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Yeah, great casting and a great origin film for Iron Man, which was at the time not really a known superhero, it's amazing how they managed to build such a big franchise because of a good first film and great performance by RDJ.

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Iron man is also my top favorite superhero of all, though all of them are really great and amazing in their own ways. But just like what you have mentioned, I also like his character as Tony Stark the super rich businessman and a wonderful inventor, as well as, of course, his character as the great Iron Man who plays an important roles in some Marvel's movies. I love his angst and coolness, and as a sweet boyfriend to his girlfriend.

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And I remember the famous weather forecaster in our local T.V station. Because he always mentioned the "knowledge is power", and in this Iron man movie, Tony Starks prove it right. What is your favorite Superhero Movie? I really like how he approach or making a conversation with other people, like a boss. LOL.

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Oh yes, his way of communicating to other people is just so cool as well, just like you said- like a boss. There are actually a lot that I like in Iron Man's character and one of my top favorite is he is really a genius inventor. Robert Downey Jr. really justifies well Iron Man's character. It suits him really well.

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Yes, Robert Downey Jr. is the perfect actor for the role of Iron Man/Tony Stark. I see it as pretty natural for him to act like that. I really love Robert Downey Jr. even if he is not Iron Man.

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Absolutely right, and I think he doesn't really needs to act and that is his personality, very natural. The news about his real life is also very interesting.

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Maybe you will laugh but I have grown with Superman series movie and even now when I see it I become nostalgic and I remember of my childhood and my dreams of becoming a superhero, so, my favorite superhero movie is Superman.

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Wow, that's nice to see that you are a fan of Superman because I loved him as well. His freakish strength and indestructible nature is what attracted me to all his movies. Are you the type that enjoys TV series? If yes, then I would like to recommend one Superman TV series that just got produced earlier this year. The movie is called Krypton. I hope you enjoy watching it.

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I was born on 80's and as I was growing up, superman is my favorite superhero. I love watching superman because he can fly so fast, very strong, he can hear voices from a distance, and has super mighty power. I think if superman is real, he could beat all other superheroes.

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Since you are a good fan of the Superman movies, then I still strongly recommend you to watch the Sci-fi movie called Krypton which I recommend to @wallet to see as well. I have watched it and still waiting for the new season to be released soon. It's worth watching any day and any time.

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Except "superman returns". I think rest of the superman movies were good. And it seems like those movies made much better impact on the TV box office too. I didn't like the superman returns to be honest. It was not the type of movie I'd watch as a fan.

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I also grew up with the DC superheroes, especially Superman and Batman (although Batman is still my favorite). I wish the recent movies from the DC universe can give these classic superhero characters justice.

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A modern and funny superheroes are the ones on BIg Hero 6, I love that animated film. I like the fact that Honey Lemon, Fred, Go go, Wasabi, and Hiro are regular guys, that decide to be real life superheroes, so they use technology to develop superheroes weapons. And not to mention Baymax! I know, he's a robot and not a regular superhero, but let's face it, he melts everybody's heart and actually saved the day. Those who haven't yet check this movie, go for it, is absolutely lovely.

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Big Hero 6 was a great movie me and my kids had probably watched it several times by T.V, YouTube and DVD. Its generally a movie for all ages with great value and content.

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Let me go with one of the latest production of Marvel's movies industry and the particular movie which I'm referring to is "The Black Panther". As a man of African origin, I felt connected in the movie because it shows how most African nations fight against themselves for power. The plot of the movie was wonderful and I'm sure that the whole world went nuts before it was released and after it was released.

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I am from an African country, and I can relate to this. The Black Panther is definitely the movie of the year. I love the story, I love the actors and I adore their accents. And for a movie with mostly black actors to achieve this success, I can't be happier. It's just spectacular and one of the best sci-fi movies I've ever seen.

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Exactly, Black Panther was a major hit when it hit the cinema. Every movie fans was eager to watch the movie and in my opinion, Marvel's movies industry never disappointed their fans. How vibreanum was used in the movie to advance technology was marvelous. I really wonder if such is possible in our world today.

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I think it was a good movie though not that good compared to the Christopher nolan's dark knight type. But it was good enough for the quick watch. It had a good vilian in both dark knight and also in the black panther. More than the heroes the vilians stole the show.

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I have to admit that I was never the biggest fan of the superhero movies because most just seemed very predictable and not exciting to me... but then I saw Deadpool! Damn, now that's a good movie.

I love how Ryan Reynolds brought the character to life and the humor used is superb. I have seen it twice now and I've still not grown bored of it. I highly recommend it.

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My favorite would be Superman and Thor. It's really interesting about how they got their powers and how they use it for the greater good of everyone. It's my childhood superhero and I always watch it in cartoons back then. So I guess growing up in these characters made me like them as a favorite superhero. It's good to know that movie producers are making old cartoons to be in the big screen.

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Watching the cartoons version of Superman was really nice as I get to see how he did his best to save the people in his world. The thing about such movies is that it is an action movie all through. You get to see that the hero is always around to save the people that are into one problem or the other.

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Seems like most people would love to have some action going on in a superhero movie and it gets more exciting when they use their superpowers to win over villains. Feels great when superheroes win and they will always be at the end of every movie. I really thought producers made it that way as always like in the Marvel movies.

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Wonder woman. Actually I started admiring her just recently, because of the actress who played the role. I admire her genuine aura and beauty. She is very much worthy to play as Wonder woman. She posses the quality of a strong woman. Gal Gadot can actually represent women's abilities. She has the ability to inspire women to do great.

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Yeah i heard and read about that too. She's really has an amazing personality in real life, a true example of a woman of perseverance and vision. I love her also.

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I am glad to know we are loving and admiring the same girl What is your favorite Superhero Movie? I can see a real super hero deep within Gal Gadot. She deserves the role so much. Looking forward to see her again in Marvel movies. She is Diana, the Princess of Themyscira. My favorite!

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Deadpool for me, very cool super hero. Very annoying and sometimes disturbing but at the end of it all the heart never fails to do good, Basically he's just like a normal person who curse and do weird stuffs, just reminding us that he's still human by heart with a awesome special ability.

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I never really enjoyed the deadpool. Because he is not serious and nor his opponents. It's kind of universe where the heroes are mocked. And it's kind of american humor. So it does not sound like superhero type of the stuff. But yeah it is one good interesting concept though. Something worth watching for fun.

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Super Mario has got to be one of the best super hero movies that I have watched in recent times which was fun. Just last week, I watched green lantern which is a good movie where a human went into the other planet to save the earth and the other planet. Such movies are always a great motivation to me as I tend to feel that I can do anything to make the world a better place after watching such movies.

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Yeah i have seen the green lantern movie and its a good movie. A little bit too short for me but the effects and cinematography was awesome. I hope a sequel will be out soon.

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Hmm, this is a really good question because there have been a lot of good superhero movies lately. The first one that comes to my mind from my list of favorites is The Dark Knight, so I'm inclined to feel that it's my top favorite. Christopher Nolan did a fantastic job with his take on the Batman universe (yes, even Dark Knight Rises with all its flaws) and could only be second to Tim Burton's Batman and Batman Returns films. In terms of faithfulness to the source material, I'd say that Burton's films are better in that regard.

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Yes I loved the triology that he produced. All three movies were great. Though 2nd and 3rd movie was good. And it was one of those movies that people will remember for years. After this batman used in other new movies was not that great.

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My favorite has to be Batman: The dark knight. The reason being batman and joker were great in this movie. And it was something that many people loved watching. It has action, drama and superhero fun too. So though it does not contain any powers and stuff. But it was one of those movies which are worth watching these days.

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I just watched The Dark Knight today and I can't think of any superhero movie that can compare to its greatness. I haven't read the comics but I can't ask for a better performance from the actors of this film. The Joker's performance was the best of them all. The plot and the characters in this film are what sets it apart from all the superhero movies that I've watched.

I can't believe it took me this long to find and watch a movie this great.

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My favorite Superhero movie is a local superhero movie in my country which is Darna. It's a classic film with so many adaptations and remakes. It's the best superhero movie for me because it tells the story of a simple woman who looks so weak whenever she doesn't have a costume but whenever she swallows a very special pearl-like ball called 'bato ni Drana' or lit. Stone of Darna, she becomes very powerful and is very different from her usual image. I like it because it speaks a lot about how women's image is seen as weak on the outside but they are actually strong on the inside.

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I know Darna. I'm a Filipino and I'm am watching it when I was a kid. I like the old darna version than the new one.

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My favorite superhero is Superman. He is the strongest of all superheroes. That is all I can say.

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I think the first superhero movie that I have watched and became my favorite was Superman starring Christopher Reeve. I guess what I liked in the movie is that it is a mixture of action, comedy, fantasy and love story. From then on, I would always compare almost all Superman movies that come up with the original one.

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One of my recent favorites is Wonder Woman starring Israeli model and mom Gal Gadot, that girl nailed the role. I mean for decades noone really matched the beauty and screen presence of the original Wonder Woman Linda Carter, only now with Gal, she looks even better as Wonder Woman than Linda.

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One superhero movie I like most is the X-Men series, I really think that it was made as close as possible to the comic book stories I have read when I was a teen. Also the casting was awesome with Patrick Stewart as Professor X and Hugh Jackman as Wolverine. It has a very good cast and the action sequences and Costume of Mystic was simply amazing.

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Hugh Jackman is perfect as Wolverine, and the actors for both versions of Professor X and Magneto are perfect for their roles as well. The only problem with the X-Men series is the timeline and 1 or 2 movies which are not up-to-par in terms of quality, but the overall plot and direction is really good.

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I have already replied to one of the comments here my favorite superhero in movies since we share the same favorite character. But I also wanted to share this another superhero in the character of Thor because I like his power. It was so beautiful and it has full of angst. I also love Thor movie's story specially the Ragnarok version because that movie further shows behind Thor's family history. Oh, I am also very amazed with the gatekeeper!

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My favorite super hero is Iron Man. I really like him because his suit is pretty cool. I wished there is some suit like that is real life. I wonder how cool it is to have that. I also picked Iron Man because I am a fan of Marvel movies. I also believed that he is one of the leaders in the Avengers.

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One of my favorite superhero movies is a 90's film titled League of Extraordinary Gentlemen which stars Sean Connery as Allan Quartermain, along with several other heroes like Tom Sawyer, Captain Nemo, a lady vampire and others against enemies who wants to rule the world like the Immortal Dorian Gray, the monstrous Dr.Jeckyll and Mr.Hyde, Jack the Ripper and others. It's one movie I've watched over and over.

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I love the superman franchise. I remember when I was younger I used to watch Lois and Clerk which was the series version of Superman. I couldn't get enough of it and still to this day watch the re-runs that come on my Country's history channel(Lol! shows how old I am) I also watch all the movies that come out. Now that I think about it I guess it's just an addiction because if you think about we all know how its going, to go down. Superman will save the day, he will fall in love with a girl who will soon discover who he is. He also will keep saving her. The idiosyncrasy's of childhood. Sigh!

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Captain America: The First Avenger is on my top 5 list of must watch superhero movies. I like the way they made the film, showing Captain America in the 40's and at the present time. It connected heroes and events in the past up to the present. It was a good prelude to the Avengers.

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Justice League is one movie that I like more than the Avengers. DC's JL movie is a bit dark but unlike the Avengers Movie, it has depth. Although I'm really not a fan of Ben Affleck and would really like to see a darker Batman like Christian Bale which I think is the best Batman of them all.

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I have also watched the movie watchmen. It is good. But my all time favorite superhero movies are the marvel Avengers movies. I mean like I have watched all of it. I have watched their solo movies and also the avengers movie itself. But I just skipped one movie, the last one, "the infinity war". I am not able to watch it because I am pregnant during that time when it was showing in cinemas. But I am looking forward on seeing the movie. My favorite avenger heroes are Iron Man and Captain America. All of them are awesome but i just fell in love with Ironman and Captain America.

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I like Thor and Avengers. I just find Thor or Chris Hemsworth very hot. He's the reason why I watched the Avengers. For real I am fond of watching movies but not superheroes, somewhat I find horror, suspense, love stories and animated film like the most.

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One of my favorites is the Deadpool series starring Ryan Reynolds. Deadpool is one of the most unique And funny superheroes ever to grace the big screen. I hope that there's a third film in the future.

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Funny thing that this question was asked me way back when I was a child. ,My playmate asked me who was my favorite superhero. I could say that its superman. Like him he can do anything. Even if there were times he feel so tired he did everything for the world peace.

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I personally love The Avengers. Iron Man in particular. I really loved how Robert Downey Jr. is such a perfect match in portraying the role of Tony Stark. I really love his attitude. Aside from being a rich man, he's very smart and funny in a good way. I loved all of his movies because of the action scenes and everytime he suits up.

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The top 3 on my list are:
1.The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen - which they should have made a sequel off.

2.Watchmen - again no prequels or sequels. They should have made a lot.

3.Suicide Squad - great cast and script.

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When I respond to this question people go "DUH???" I say the best superhero movie was "Gladiator", released in 2000, the film which starred Russell Crowe as a "the gladiator who defied an emperor".

People say "But he wasn't a superhero!"

I'm like "Yeah! But he acted like he was a superhero!" What is your favorite Superhero Movie?

Tell the truth. Wasn't Maximus Decimus Meridius larger than life?? He was so awesome!

The true story from the history of Rome is that the real emperor Commodus fancied himself a sort of superhero, or a god, a person who possessed supernatural powers. He actually went into the ring to fight with gladiators. Of course, the fights were rigged for him to always win. Both the fictional Commodus and the real-life Commodus were king-sized jerks!

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I like Doctor strange. I'm a fan of mages. I like his skills cause it look 's cool. I also find it tricky and maybe someday they will add some more cool tricks or power to this hero. One of his skills that I like most is where he can teleport anything in a different place. That's very handy when travelling from far places.

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I like Big Hero 6. Although its an animated film but I found it very entertaining and funny. I like how the character of Baymax was made being a healthcare taker as well as being a super hero. He's way too cute to be a superhero. I love also how each characters in BH6 was made as they have different powers which is related to their characteristics and attitudes.

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I love Big Hero 6. The plot of the animated movie is really good. I love how cute Baymax is. It is really funny and entertaining. My family and I had a good time watching it.

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My favorite superhero movie is without a doubt: Captain America: Winter Solider. It had probably the best fight scenes in the entire MCU and it's pretty underrated for what it is just because the main lead is Captain America. Captain America is the one superhero who doesn't seem all that super, but he gets the job done despite of this. I think that in this digital age where anything flashy gets everyone's approval, Iron Man became the face of the MCU because of this. But Captain America will always be the best avenger in my book. I hope he gets a good meaningful death in Avengers 4.

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My favorite hero is Super Man. Because he is strong and he also fly fast.

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One of my favorite superhero hero series is Arrow. It tells the story of Oliver Queen, a rich playboy who got marooned in an island where he learned and honed his bow and arrow skills to become the hero in DC comics Green Arrow. Although in the series the storyline was not quite like what happened in the comic books but seeing Green Arrow fight in a live action series is great more so with other DC characters guesting like Ra's al ghul, Deathstroke and his buddy The Flash.

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Yes, I don't want to add to the pile here but it really is Nolan's Batman saga for me. To render Tim Burton's earlier version a distant memory and a nice reference to what is now the quintessential Batman film: The Dark Knight. I am all for the Marvel movies that seem to break box office records every time they release a new film, but they cannot really compare to the story The Dark Knight told the viewers. It was compelling, it was deep, it was superbly written.

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My favorite superhero ever since is Superman. I am a girl but i chooice to watched Superman tv series that other. His strength make mime amazed and always dreaming what if there's a real human having the same strength. His hearing ability, his moving skills was so strange.

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My favorite superhero movie is definitely Deadpool 2. While you could argue that since Deadpool isn’t a superhero it’s not a superhero movie, it’s still easier to call it that. But I will acknowledge that I do know he’s an antihero, not a superhero. Deadpool 2 capitalized on everything I liked about Deadpool, and improved on everything I thought the first movie could’ve done better on. It really outdid itself - and the effort they made to make the movie great is so obvious. A lot of superhero movies are just a whirl of colors and punching and entire scenes that are only in the movie to built up to a single punchline or conclude suddenly for total shock humor. Deadpool 2 uses this and makes fun of it, pokes fun at it to further establish the self awareness aspect. It’s my most favorite, favorite superhero movie of all time! Totally recommend it.

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To be honest, there are so many superhero movies that I cannot decide which one is the best for me. I love superhero movies, I am keened on them and I like each hero, because it is a personality that becomes a legend in the future. But if I had to chose, I would like to put Marvel movies on the top, it is the best work for nowadays. Also, if you're interested to see new sh movies that you missed, you can check on, I think that this website can suprise you with a lot of new things.

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I don't really like fantasy. I loved Bones on Netflix and consider those FBI agents as superheroes. But I cannot find the last season anywhere, and I have no idea how those TV series ended

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The Bones series ended a long time ago. I think season 11 was the last one, but I’m not sure. If you love TV series like this, I would also recommend you to watch Criminal Minds, which is quite similar to Bones. I think there are 12 or 14 seasons, and they are quite interesting too. They used to stream it on Netflix. Something happened to my account after I upgraded it to Premium. Now, I watch everything on I’m no longer paying for Netflix because they neither returned my money neither activated my account.

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Got to be Spider-Man! It combines all elements of awesomeness and graphics and suspense! I fancy all superhero movies as am a nerd when it comes to marvel and DC Comics and I even buy whenever I get a chance. Still having the opportunity to watch these movies in 3D it's something else. When I'm not able to go to the cinema I usually have a cinema HD download alternative for my phone that allows me to watch all of these great movies for free while I'm on the move and make my days less boring.

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I also like Christopher Nolan's Batman movie series. I like the actors who were chosen because they fit the role very well, and I can't imagine any other actors in these films. The coolest character I like is the Joker, played by Heath Ledger. But Christian Bale is the best Batman of all who played the role of this character. This role went down in history as one of the best. Last week I watched all three movies on my favorite website"/ . Here you can find a lot of high-quality and very interesting films.

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I just love watching free movies online. For me, watching a movie is the best thing that can be. What are your favorites in the film industry?

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