
Is marriage that important?

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Is marriage that important?

Normally, in African society once a man get to the age of 30-35 years, it's expected that he gets married and start up his own family. The same thing is expected of a lady/woman when she gets to the age of 21 years upwards. 

Some people actually don't get married but are established in life. Some even have their own kids without getting married. So, does one have to be married to be seen as a responsible individual? Is marriage really that important? 


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For me marriage is very important because this will tie the knot between two people. Followed by responsibility, commitment etc. Marriage is a sacred thing that symbolize loyalty to each other.What I also know is that marriage is the start of creating a family in the sense that premarital sex are prohibited until the two individuals tied the knot.

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Marriage is an institution that was authored by God according to the Christian faith. This can be confirmed in the very first book of the bible which is Genesis thus very important according to me. According to the christian faith and other faiths, God did create a man and a woman, which mirrors marriage in our generation. in our society, marriages ensure continuity of the lineage hence the society. Marriages also help in instilling moral values in the kids being raised. Mostly, children raised by single parents, say single mother, will missing guidance that can only be obtained from the father figure thus tend to lack some morals, more so baby boys.
In the African culture and setting, women who are of age and are not married are considered to be having some social or medical problems and they are mostly associated with immorality in the society considering that they will satisfy their sexual desires in ways not called for in the society. Thus marriage is a very important institution which apart from procreation, it helps curb societal immorality.

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Though many of us are becoming more liberated and open to all circumstances, marriage is not a big deal for two people who are in love. However in my opinion, I believe marriage is important because it is sacred. It is a bond that is blessed by God and is designed for purity. Marriage is not just a physical union of two people, but also a union of our emotional and spiritual beings, too. For the law of people, marriage also gives us all the right and protection not to be abused physically, mentally and emotionally.

Marriage is a bond that is incomparable from anything. It gives you a best friend and a lifetime partner that will always be there by your side as you go through challenges and the happiest days of your lives.

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I was married about four years ago. Before I was married, I thought marriage is just an institution that is losing significance. My view on marriage was: marriage was devised as a way for sexual gratification and produce offspring, and in the modern times you do not have to get married to enjoy sex or have children.
My views have changed. Marriage is more than sexual gratification and having kids, marriage is about living with someone who gives purpose to your life,

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Yes exactly. Marriage is not only for sexual interaction and satisfaction. It is between 2 persons who love each other without any hesitations. Even if there are problems that will come in their way, being separated is not the solution rather its a way to hold more on each other for them to resolve any storms that might come. Marriage is a bond bound for each other to create offspring and protect them until the time when they are already independent. They are the way to guide them in a proper way and spread love on them to be a good person in the future.

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Exactly! The thing about marriage is that it's very sweet and lovely when you are fortunate enough to get a partner that understand you, open to tolerate you and you on the other hand willing to give exactly what you receive from your partner. But it's important to know that marriage isn't always a bed of roses, there are definitely going to be challenging moments in your marital life but both your maturity and that of your partner is what would keep you guys strong.

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I honestly believe that if a couple loves each other, both will be willing to forget their pride and let love and God be the center of their marriage. Both should also be matured enough to understand each other and accept each other flaws.

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That's actually 100% correct, love is very important in any marriage. It's important to note that marriage isn't always a union of two perfect people but a union of two different people that are willing to let their ego slide and try to understand their indifferences and try harder make things work out between them.

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That's absolutely right! No couple is perfect as there are no perfect people to play the role. Everyone has flaws, however these flaws can be positive in a way that both partners accept, understand and help each other to make the marriage fruitful.

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I totally agree with you. I came from a very religious family. Me and my siblings are oriented that marriage is sacred. That you should only marry the person whom you perceive to be your partner for the rest of your life. Though there are a lot of people who believe that marriage is just a piece of paper, I still believe that marriage is a bond in heaven.

"Mark 10:9 Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

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Your statement was so true. Marriage is sacred and very important. This is not a game to play.
I am wondering how about those arrange marriage,are they happy on their lives?
Well for this matter I believe that sooner or later they will learn to love each other.

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Definitely, some people look down on marriage because they say it's not important, but getting married can really change a couple and improve them for the better as they get more committed to one another.

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There is a saying that you will know what kind of person you really want to spend your life with only when you live with him in one roof. I believe in marriage because I believe how magical it is. When a relationship is in a crucial situation, a live-in partnership usually breaks off. However, in a partnership bonded by marriage, couples try really hard to fix and pass a crucial and very difficult situation. Marriage is not easy to break because it is bonded by love, loyalty, trust and respect with the blessing of our Creator.

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Yeah, marriage makes people work really hard to save the relationship, whereas other arrangements can easily be broken by a few hardships. People often persevere when they are married and is rewarded when the relationship is saved and eventually works out for the better.

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That is indeed true. When a married couple works hard together to overcome the trials, they will be rewarded with a long lasting-relationship bonded by love, courage, trust and happiness.

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I agree withwith you. It feels like marriage is what seals your relationship as a couple. Without marriage, you being together and living under the same roof makes it less sacred. Marriage mustis be one of the foundations of a family.

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Marriage is very important, maybe not when you are young but as going in age you will notice that you feel the need to have a family of your own, get marry and all the rest. Every individual will feel complete if it gets to marry and have kids, I know there are people who prefer the other way but when they get old and feel lonely they regret their decision.

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When I was young, I always said I am not a husband material. I never imagined myself as a married man. Interestingly, many women used to say I will be a perfect husband. I don't know why they said this, however, when I met my current wife, I decided to get married just after 6 weeks of seeing her for the first time.
Your views on marriage changes with age.

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I am happy for you that you finally met your better half. I think when you grow older, you become matured in may things like marriage. Maybe you were love at firs sight to your wife thats why even you knew it for awhile you married her. I think shes also your destiny.

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It was not a lot at first site for me. In fact, when I saw my wife for the first time, I did not like her. However, the situations forced us to met again and talk more. When I began to spend more time, I developed some positive thoughts. When I decided to get married, I was still not in love. I fell in low two days after I got married.

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That was a nice story of yours. I think that was destiny. Love can be learned through days,weeks,months or years. There is saying that if you are meant to be then you are meant to be no matter what. What is important is that you both happy in your married life.

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Happiness is what matters in life. happiness builds up through love. If there is no love in your conjugal life, there is no happiness. IN the marriage, where the couple do not love, will never find happiness. If there is no happiness in your married life, you will have an unpleasant relationship.
There are things that you should strictly follow in order to build love. You need trust and loyalty. Without trust and loyalty, marriage does not last.

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It is true that people changes when they age. I also used to say when I was young that I will not get married. But it changed. I am happily married now and have two lovable kids. Being married with my partner is the best decision I have ever made.

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This is interesting, because honestly, I've felt that way my whole life. I can't see myself as a wife, or doing motherhood. That would be understandable when you're a teenager, but I'm over 35 and I still don't get attract to the idea of living with someone. So far, I think is because of so many bad ending marriages around me, including my parent's, and whenever I meet someone, I'm just not interested in moving forward.

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I hope you find someone that can accompany you through your life. Living with someone you love and having kids on your own is the most precious thing in the world. I respect your perspective right now,but I do hope you can find your someone.

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I agree. Marriage is important for me too. It has effects on ones feeling of being loved. Of course you can find love even when you are not married but the feeling of being married is different. You have security and in my own perspective you will feel more loved. In my country marriage is really an important thing. Well, nowadays people are okay with no marriage but I would prefer being married. It is what every girls dream of.

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Marriage is as important as people wants it to be. As you say, it also depends on society standards, and what society teaches through generations. My family comes from a large tradition of marriages, but that doesn't make them successful or happy ones. So far, I see that's a big step that I don't want to make, unless I feel secure of my decision.

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Exactly @wallet you have a very good point about everything getting to change when one gets older. The essence of marriage tends to make more sense as we get older and children changes everything. The joy of being a father and hearing your child/baby call you daddy even if the child is still muttering it is so sweet.

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Yea, it's part of growing up to want to have a family of you're own and settle down with the person that you love, although you can't fault someone who hasn't married by choice.

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Marriage is an important vow to celebrate the love of a man and a woman. It's also a symbol of the union between them. Marriage is important because it signifies the devotion of a couple to one another.

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Let me ask this question, in as much as it's obvious that marriage is an important thing to do, it's a union of man and women who are going to live out the rest of their lives together until death do them apart, but why do we have lots of divorce cases today? Do you think that marriage is meant for everyone? There are some who have married more than once and separated or divorced, so what could be wrong with them or their fate?

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Very well said. Who would not love marriage by the way? That is the most exciting part of every people lives to get married and starts building a wonderful family.

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For me yes, but should be at the age of 50. It's just an additional expenses and the annulment or divorce its not just an small amount. It's really hard to keep or to find a successful marriage right now, social media is one of the reason why.

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Is 50 years not that far? In as much as I agree that we need to have experience for marriage to work, there is need for us to be able to marry when we can be able to train those kids while still younger.

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50? Why 50? That is so so so late! Wow, that is not a positive view. Getting married that late isn't going to change anything.

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Well, you can live at the same house if you want without the marriage. It's just a piece of paper for me. At that age, people really matured and know exactly what they want. Look at how many celebrities and people broke up their marriage and find another partner again.

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People should be married at least late 30s. I think by that time they will be more prepared for marriage life.

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It's absolutely true what you just mentioned about social media having a very serious negative impact on marriages today, a lot of marriages have failed as a result of the impact of social media on the union of man and wife.

But I must point out that getting married at the age of 50 years isn't cool. It's not that I have seen some people who got married at such age but it's not advisable in my opinion. At 50 years and if you are fortunate enough to have a child immediately, how old are you going to be when you first child will be at 20 years of age?

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You can start your family without getting married. You can live with your partner at the same house with your kids. This is just more on live in partner, and if you both 50 with your partner then marry her. For me the word married need the legal assistant to make more reliable, and sad to say, the generation right now, they're getting married at young age and end up nothing, because they are not ready yet and they are just more on feelings.

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Living in the same house with your parents and starting your own family isn't a good thing in our culture. It might be acceptable in some other part of the world but not in my own culture and anyone who does such will be looked at like an irresponsible fellow.

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While I agree that marriage is essential for a man to continue building up the lineage in their generation. One other thing that is very important is for the man to have the financial muscles to be able to handle the family for when that is not in place, the marriage will not be a comfortable one.

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Exactly @Barida you just mentioned about something that is so very important in any relationship and marriage as well. In as much as love is needed for a marriage to thrive, money is the undying variable that when it's not in place, the marriage is as good as dead. And looking at how the society is fashioned today, where most girls are so materialistic, as a man if you lack the financial power to back anything you are doing with them up, they are going to treat you like a piece of shit.

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I think it all depends on the goals that one has regarding their life. Some people just want to live a successful life without having to cater for others.
There is however a huge need to ensure that you get a family that can enable you to strive for more. A family can make one more responsible and is a huge step towards having a fulfilling life.

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There is a very good logic in what you have just mentioned here on the purpose or what one looks for in life that goes on a long way in determining whether they would go for marriage or remain single. It's absolutely true that some people don't like the pressure of family responsibility and as such they would prefer to remain single. Other would desire to get married but aren't open to having kids.

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marriage is something that we need to celebrate as human being. I believe in the power of marriage,it is the union of two hearts promising to be forever for better or worse.

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When you are ready physically, emotionally, psychologically and financially to get married, it's better to find a partner suitable for you and settle down with your partner and build your family, have kids and get old together.

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You're right, this is not just about emotions, and I think all of these qualifications just applicable for men. LOL. specially the financial. The head of the family should be responsible enough and always be responsible for everything.

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Exactly! Personally, I see it as a shameful thing to see a family where it's the woman that is the beard winner of the family. It's not right in any way even if the woman isn't complaining about it, it doesn't make it look good at all. The man should make every effort to be the one to take care of his family and not the other way around.

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Everyone’s different, so I can only speak for my personal circumstance. To me it’s important. It signifies that my husband and I made a commitment, and we are a family. Sure, you can do that without being married, but it meant a lot (and still means a lot!) to us.

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That's right amelia88. Everyone's different so the importance we place on marriage really depends on our priorities or beliefs. Some people do not believe it's necessary and they have their reasons. As far as I'm concerned, it means a lot. Marriage is both legally binding because it's a contract and also a covenant established before God.

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Exactly, when you are not ready to commit yourself to someone else who will become an extension of your life and yourself, it's very much better to still remain single as a bachelor or a spinster till you are ready to settle down with someone to call your husband or wife.

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Marriage is important but you need to have the right reasons and certainly not because of family or peer pressure. Your life doesn't revolve around it and each has their own clock or right timing so to speak. It doesn't mean that just because everyone else is getting married then you have to tie the knot as well as soon as possible. It's God's gift and therefore there's no reason to hurry. If the person is what God has for you, you got your name on him and no one can take it away from you.

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Yeaah yeeah. Great points @chinet23. One should never be pressured to take some decisions such as marriage. It needs to be personal and at the moment that one has decided. Otherwise it may be regrettable later on.

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Exactly! African parents are 100% guilty of putting pressure on their kids to get married because their mates are getting married without knowing whether their own kids are actually ready to get married or not. This leads to getting married when one isn't ready and which would most likely push one into making the wrong decision in choosing a partner. It's more better to get married when you are convinced that you are ready.

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Feminism has destroyed the marriage system. So it seems less likely to be important today. Now a days world is surviving without the marriage. And for the same reason I think men should not marry because if they do the feminism is most likely to harass them in that case. You can see that marriage is definitely not worth it.

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Feminism has NOT destroyed it. It was destroyed long before by men who didn't respect women. I guess you are a male. You have major issues with women to work on and to work on yourself.

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That reply proves my point. Considering you came at me with personal attack. And also you are defending societal destruction feminism concept as a religion. That goes to prove that it's not me having issues with women. It's you having problem with men who don't stand for feminism.

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No, it doesn't. I am right. You attacked as well! No, I am not defending it as a religion. No, it doesn't. You do have issues with women!

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Nope. I didn't attacked and anyone who can read the replies can see that clearly. Considering people here are defending feminism like cult. It is proven that it is the reason many cultures and societies are soon to be collapsed. You seem to have an issue with men it seems.

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It wasn't a personal attack. It's a fact. A statement. Etc. I DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING ABOUT RELIGION. I have no idea where you got that from. I only tell the truth. Yes, I have a problem with men/guys who don't respect women. A woman gave you life! Sorry there are TWO genders in this world. More women then men in the U.S. Yes, two genders so 50-50 chance. Just science and luck, you just got lucky to be male. A woman gave you that lucky life. Damn straight, I tell guys what's up. I respect myself. Guys need to respect me. I am not lower then tp on gum on the bottom of your shoe buddy.

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What on Earth? Feminism has destroyed marriage? It offends you that women are on the same footing as men these days? We're not possessions, you realize? Good grief...if anything's destroying marriage it's people who don't understand that simple concept.

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Is marriage that important?

Seriously, feminism have ruined marriage from what we used to know it to be. I'm never against treating women well or recognizing them in the society but with the way these people kept going, they ask for everything without giving anything back in return. It's such a shame our world is this way now.

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Preach!! So true. Very well said. Look at amelia's post. She is right. Good grief is right, it's people who don't understand that women are not possessions, women are on the same footing as men.

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Glad you get it too! I've found that generally the men who are most troubled by women being treated as being on the same footing are the most insecure ones. The ones who are secure in themselves uplift women and want them to be equal. Always makes me laugh, to be honest, when I see a man being so backwards in the way they they're living in the dark ages!

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It's true what you just mentioned about women not being a possession or property to own but the sad truth is that in some African society today, such occurrence still takes place as the culture and norms of the land where women are at the mercy of men. Women are still practically seen as objects of men and are used as men pleases. I have seen where a man married 15 wives and he is hailed as one of town's greatest man because of his acquisition of women.

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Marriage for me is sacred and important. If you are married it doesn't mean you will have a good life and it also doesn't mean that it will be hard all the way. Marriage for me is more of a spiritual enrichment and a god given gift. My wife and i is blessed because we know and respect our vows, if you have faith in the process of marriage both of you will have a strong foundation.

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I love your perspective with regards to marriage especially when you said it's a spiritual enrichment. It's God blessing indeed and the couple should grow together spiritually through thick and thin. It's a vow, a commitment that you made not only between yourselves but also to God. Both need to make our marriage work because we'll be held accountable to God.

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Exactly! There is no guarantees that you will have a better life when married or that you will have a bad life. Everything depends on what has been installed for you from the time of creation and your destiny. I have seen some people whom their marriage ruined their lives forever and some people it made their lives positive and perfect. So, it makes you wonder if there are some who marriage are meant for and those that it's not meant for. What do you think about this?

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It can really help couples regarding legal and financial issues, and from a relationship standpoint, marriage shows commitment and a responsibility so that it isn't as easy to just leave the other person.

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Getting married means that you are no longer comfortable living a single life all alone by yourself and as such requires someone that will be your partner and build your own life and family together. But starting up a new family comes with heavy responsibilities and it's not something to take lightly because if you are not 100% sure of taking those responsibilities, it's better to still be a bachelor or a spinster.

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Its taking a chance and a leap of faith because you believe in another person. You will have troubles down the road but standing together as a couple really helps to weather the storm.

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I think marriage is important. It's a milestone in a couple's life that celebrates their togetherness in holy and regal ways. It's just that people are often divorced nowadays. That shouldn't discourage people from the idea of marriage.

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When you marry the one that is meant for, it's definitely going to make your married life a beautiful one and more enjoyable one. I have seen lots of families that are so happy married together. But when you make the mistake of getting married to someone who is not your soul mate, it's definitely going to make your life a living hell.

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I think marriage is very important for a couple that loves each other who wants to be committed to each other for life. That is if they are really sure that they do love each other. In cases of insurer they could just opt to live together until they are ready to take the plunge.

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Actually, you are definitely with a very good point about couple who are willing to love and commit themselves to each other is the only way to have a family bond well and be a happy union. But the sad problem we have or witness in the world today is that people have and put their selfish interest first even when it comes to family and such breaks any union.

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In my honest opinion? Not really. Considering that 53% of marriages in the United States end in divorce, clearly there are other forces at work here besides having a ring on your finger. A marriage only has as much value as the relationship already does. Tying the knot isn’t going to suddenly fix all of your problems or bring love into a loveless relationship.

There are people with great compatibility who love each other, and can be in a relationship for decades without ever getting married. Then you have people who are together for two years, married for one, and then follow it up with a divorce the next year.

Marriage is mainly for tax benefits, in my opinion. That being said, it doesn't mean that it can't be a ritual of everlasting love and companionship between two people in a healthy, loving relationship.

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I do wonder if the failure of marriages these days is because we live in such an instant gratification kind of world these days. You can basically get whatever you need at your fingertips, and often that concept of having to work through issues is lost on people.

My husband and I have definitely had some arguments, disagreements, complete differences in opinion - but at the end of the day we've decided to work through them because we made a commitment. I've seen people throw away their marriages for silly reasons and it often makes me wonder why they bothered in the first place.

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Yeah, I’d have to agree with you and think that it definitely might have something to do with people’s demand for instant gratification. It might also have to do with the idealized nature of romance thanks to all the media that depicts what the “perfect” relationship should be.

A lot of people forget the fact that a relationship is going to take work to keep it going. A lot of people think it’s going to be smooth sailing, but once they hit rocky waters they end up jumping ship.

People don’t seem to realize that you’re not always going to be infatuated with your partner, but they’re obsessed with this notion that if you’re not starstruck 24/7 then the relationship isn’t worth it.

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Ah, that's such a true point as well. I think that it's easy to see other couples on social media and think "oh - they are obsessed with each other all the time!", but it's so convenient to just post the great things on social media, and never really post about the bad/difficult times. Comparison can be such a rough road to go down, and can be really detrimental for relationships!

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Your point about comparison vaguely reminded me of a quote I love from the comedian Louis C.K: “The only time you look in your neighbor's bowl is to make sure that they have enough. You don't look in your neighbor's bowl to see if you have as much as them.”

Comparing your relationship—or any aspect of your life, for that matter—to someone else’s is just begging for dissatisfaction. It’s the whole “grass is greener” argument. Stick to your side of the fence and care for your grass ‘til it’s green, and help those around you if they’re having trouble, but don’t hop the fence just because you think it’ll take less effort.

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I have actually been worried so much about this issue of constant divorce in most of the marriage all over the world and not just in the United States of America. Now, I keep asking why enter into a marriage one have no intention of living out the rest of his or her natural life with his or her partner? This issue is divorce has put a huge dent in importance of marriage in our society today, there is no doubt about it.

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For me of course marriage is very important. Marriage is sacred it is just that there are countries who are that liberated which marriage turns out to be just easy to break. If you want to get married, make sure that you are ready to conquer all the struggles with your partner, you are ready to commit yourself on responsibilities as husband or wife and as parents to your children. People may think that marriage is not that important because it is just legal documents that the two of you agreed to unite but it is not only documents rather it something to be treasure forever as couple and reason for a family to be complete that is why before deciding for marriage, make sure you are financially stable, you love your partner and you are ready to do responsibilities as parents.

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Commitment, tolerance and loyalty as well as trust are among the best qualities one needs to have in order to have a marriage that can work out with every other thing else being equal. Seriously, nothing is guaranteed in marriage, but the only way to actually getting your marriage to work would be willing to sacrifice your ego every once in a while so that peace would reign.

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I think that marriage is a wonderful thing but not necessary. In the olden days people used to get married to procreate and for protection and provision in the case of women. In the days we are living in, where both men and women can provide for themselves, its not necessary. I think for me you should get married if you love someone,if you want companionship and if the person generally helps you to be a better you. You should not get married because society expects it.

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Thanks for the awesome comment. The pressure that they put on people that are not married is one thing that makes me wonder how we view marriage. Marriage should be with those that we love and once that condition is not met, there is always need for a rethink.

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Marriage is something that every woman. Thats their dreams,to walk down the aisle with her better half. I love to see wedding ceremony wherein the environment of that moment is very solemn. Everyone is on their suits and dresses witnessing the beginning of two people who found love to each other. It is a celebration of love indeed.

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"if the person generally helps you to be a better you"

This, 100%!! I think that everything you said was on point. These days it's definitely not necessary from an economic standpoint to get married - but if it's a good thing for people personally then I think that's wonderful.

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Hahaha economic standpoint. Ooh my. I do see your point but the huge necessity ought to be for one to get progress in their life. I mean by you locking yourself from marriage you avoid a million other positive things.

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I think that it's God's plan for man and women to get married, live together, have children and make a family when he put Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. Men have taken that ideology ever since till this moment, although some people now take advantage of the marriage concept for just monetary benefits.

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Yes! I'm an old fashioned kind a guy and I'm a catholic, so yes it is important. It just not complete, even though if you're already with someone for more than 5 years and you're still not married you still can't cal yourself a family even when you have a child.

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I understand exactly what you mean about how catholics take marriage to being a sacred matrimony. I believe that catholics are the only religious sect that still practices marriage like that of the old especially when it comes to one man with one wife instruction unlike what we have in other religions.

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For a woman like me, marriage is important. It is an indication for us that our partner is willing to spend the rest of his life with us. Once a person commit on you, it gives you an overflowing happiness and it's priceless. That's also the start of entering a new stage of relationship which is building a family. However, nowadays, there are a lot of people who are scared of commitment and to settle with one partner only. It's a sad reality and can ruin every person's dream of marrying the person they love.

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Seriously, our world is no longer as it's used to be in our parents days. They understood the importance of marriage and commitment unlike what we have in our world today. Do you have any idea the number of marriages that goes into divorce as a result of infidelity on either the part of the husband or the wife? People now are marriage as a business opportunity where they go in and divorce in few years later and go away with their spoils from the divorce.

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Marriage is very important for all couples. It is a sincere promise that you will need to fulfill for the rest of your lives together with the person that you love the most. Some might think that its just waste of time and money but it is an event in which 2 persons become one. After marriage, they are bounded to cherish and take good care of their partners. This is where commitment to the next level took place. Not all couples were able to reach this level but I hope that someday I'll get to married the person I truly love.

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There are qualities that must be exhibited by married couples in order to ensure the survival of their marriage and union. They are tolerance, loyalty, love, commitment and responsibility. Any marriage that lacks any of these qualities will definitely crumble along the way.

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While growing up, I've alway's wondered what marriage meant. I would ask every older person around about it and they would come up with the variety of explanation's.
Now that I've grown up and read a lot, I've discovered that marriage is so much broader than this. It is an institution where two people come together, form and extend a family. One big reason why does people get married is because they seek somebody to spend their life with.

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Exactly! Getting married means that you don't have to spend the rest of your life alone any more because you have got your partner to share it with both in the good and bad times.

It's also about starting a new family of your own, having kids, building a home and getting loved and old by the day. Don't forget you have freedom to have lots of carnal knowledge of each other.

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I think at present time, the value of marriage is not as important as the old times. You would often hear people who goes into marriage and then file for a divorce or annulment a few years or even months after. Some people jump into marriage without thinking much and would just follow what they feel at that time. I believe marriage is more than just having one another to build a family. It is a lifelong commitment to stay in love and take care of each other.

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If you decide that married life is for you, then marriage is extremely important.
It is a sacred bond that you enter into before God where you fully commit yourself to your partner and the life that you will both live together 'til death do you part.

If you don't want to get married, then don't. Don't make another person miserable!!

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I agree. Marriage is not a temporary commitment, but a lifetime commitment to someone you wished to be with rest of your life, witnessed and bonded in front of God. If you are not fully decided that you want to share the rest of your life with that person, then do not commit. Things will just be pushed into something unexpected and basically will end into something miserable.

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Seriously, you have made a stern warning to people looking at making life miserable for others all in the name of marriage. If you are very sure that you are not willing to stay loyal and faithful to your marriage partner, why decide to be a source of pain and anguish to another person? No one is going to question you if you decide to stay single, it's not a must to get married if you are not ready to do it.

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Marriage is important in the sense that it allows for someone to procreate. The qualification for the importance of marriage is when a person finds a soulmate. There and then it becomes important to form a family with that person.

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I really think marriage is important but there should be some amendments to it like it should be renewed every 5 years or something.

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Haha, you are definitely funny seriously I will give you that. But taking a closer look at what you have just mentioned about renewing marriage every 5 years looks interesting but if it's should be done that way, then it's no longer a union of man and women alone but also a contract where one can opt out when they are no longer interested. What do you think about this?

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Marriage isa union between two individuals Man and Woman to live the rest of their life
with each other for the Better or worse. But here lies the case that now we
hear of divorce like never before, from the common person to the celebrities. We
hear of some marriages get destroyed over just toothpastes and some on very
serious matters like cheating on all over social media and the internet. But the
all start by saying I love you and I will do anything for you and worse of it
all is that they said for better or for worse but when the worse comes they all
want to quit.As a ChristianMy Lord Said “whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of
fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that
is divorced committeth adultery.” So then whydo you have to get married if you know that you never loved her that much to
forgive her or him of his mistake. Love is kind and not jealousy. So the
problem is we confuse ourselves by thinking attraction is the same as love, so
we hurry in to marriage without any careful studies of our feelings towards the
other person. And later when we get used to that person we want to through them
away.Marriage isnot compulsory if you cannot handle the pressure of living the rest of your
life with another then do not say ‘you want to try the waters to see if it is
ok for you.’ Marriage is sacred and
should be respected as such.So then, yes!Marriage is important but it is not compulsory that everyone should get married,
because it comes with responsibility and a territory

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Marriage is an institution. Marriage is for procreation. It is ordained by God. Marriage teaches us how to care for others. Without marriage one is not complete. Married couples share life challenges.

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Who says it's only when one gets married that one can procreate? In our world today, marriage is the very last thing most people consider as a requirement before having children. Some people most girls are now in the business of becoming baby mama for some celebrities and the upkeep of the child would be under contract.

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I respect other's opinion on this matter. But for me, Marriage is important. It is a sacred ceremony for the two persons who truly love each other. Marriage will make your relationship stronger since God is the center of your relationship. Although there are some cases of divorce and annulment, these circumstances should not affect our beliefs in marriage. Those people loved each other. It just did not last for reasons.

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Yes, they are many benefits in being married in paper. I know that you can love each even though you are not married but married are really important. When your husband or wife dies you and your kids have the rights to their property. It is also important to your kid and in the eyes of the government and the lord you are legal that you are husband and wife. Marriage also shows your commitment to the relationship.

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Marriage is very important so that you can provide security for your partner and children. Most importantly your children has all the legal rights for your property when the husband or wife dies. Knotting the tie will also show you are serious to commit to your partner throughout your life.

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Most people are just going into marriage for having children in order to ensure the survival and continuity of their lineage. I would say that this is not enough reason to get into marriage but it's what we have in our world today.

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The significance of marriage nowadays is it give us a reason not only to live with a purpose but also motivates us to be at our best. Besides of having sex and children into our love one, if we try to assess the other perspective of marriage it will make us happy because someone will take good care of us and we will have a big obligation and responsibility upon the judgement that we are about to make when we get married; because in making a decision at that point is not only for your sake but also for the sake of your family.

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Of course marriage is very important. I was able to marry at the age of 23 because I was just alone in life. My parents and siblings were in another place. I desired to get marry so that I will have companion in life. Praise God we are now 21 years in the life of marriage. Marriage is not that easy. What is good there is you have somebody to be with you until death do you part.

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I think many people overlook this aspect of marriage. I think the biggest reason marriage was created is companionship. If you believe and read the bible God created woman for man for companionship, not as a house help to cook your food and wash your clothes as most people take their wives.These days I actually think that marriage is a luxury. Both sexes can now provide for themselves and don't haveto marry for financial security like most people used to do before.

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It depends. There are countries and families who do some sort of traditions like getting married at the age of (for example) 21 for girls just like you said. But with families who don't do tradition in marriage then it's up to you if you want to get married or not. But for me, marriage is an important matter in the society that we shouldn't have taken lightly. Sometimes, it also depends on the experience of an individual, for example, I'm a product of a broken family therefore I don't easily think of getting married at a young age or without a concrete plan for the future. I want to make sure that everything is stable already before I make my own family so the history won't repeat on me.

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For me, Yes, it is vert important, because in marriage, you will both promise each other in front of the altar that you will be together for better or for worse, and with that, you can prove to your wife that you really love her so much.

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Probably not for everyone but the majority of people feel it gives them security and I think if there are children involved then it is nice for them to all have the same surname. I got married for the sake of my children but it didn't work out so I would not do it again. Now I have a partner that I don't live with and that suits me fine as I like my own space.

As you say some people feel pressured into getting married because it is the norm not just in Asian countries but sometimes here in the UK too so they might marry having doubts just so they can be like everyone else.

I am very happy being single now. My marriage was happy for a time but when it broke down it was one of the worst times of my life so my answer is no, you don't need to be married to be happy in life.

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Apart from religion related reasons, Marriage is important because in a way it keeps a relationship work. Knowing that you decided to marry a person and spend the rest of your life with them will make you realize that you should not give up easily in every problem you are facing.

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Yes, of course, it is really important especially if you want to prove to your love ones that you really love him/her so much.

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Well I think it depends on person to person. If you ask me I am really not tempted to marry someone and " settle down in life" , as is the most common phrase used.
Any relationship which is not based on mutual trust , love and respect for each other is eventually going to fail. I have seen many marriages failing miserably due to to lack of mutual understanding between the partners.On the other hand I have also seen couples married happily ,living together and proving to the world that they are truly made for each other
I guess if one is lucky enough to find a life partner who is like minded and there is a mutual understanding between the two then marrying or not marrying doesn't make much of a difference.

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It depends, for m, if you plan on creating a family with your partner, marriage is definitely very important. It sets your start and builds the foundation of your relationship since you make vows in front of your families, friends, the state and also God. It makes your relationship holy and hard to break. On the other hand, thinking that every person on earth must be married is something that I don't approve. We cannot force someone, who chooses to be single, to be engaged in a married life especially if a person has no plans of doing that.

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Marriage is really important, especially if you are both inlove with each other. However, for those people who doesn't love their partner it might just be a game for them. Marriage is a bond, that you shouldn't break, but now a days people always do that. Marriage should be beautiful and happy, not miserable and sad.

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I agree with you. It's just so sad to see people marry only to separate if problems arise. It's like marriage is not that serious for them because there will always be a way to break it like divorce or annulment.

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Marriage is important but the documents or the contract are far less important than the feelings of the two people. Marriage will tie the know between the lovers and it will make them official. However, it is not called "marriage" if there is no feeling between each other. Marriage is a sacred ritual and there shouldn't be "arranged marriage" where you will force the two people to love each other and tie a knot.

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In our culture, marriage is very important. Atleast it used to be. Marriage to us signifies the bonds between Man and Woman. They are bond together as one being that everything they do after marriage would be for the wellbeing of each other and ther future family. But sadly, these truths are no longer held true by most of the kids today. Since divorce are legalized, they think of marriage as "something" that they could take and leave afterwards if they don't like it anymore. They see marriage as a ritual, but not the meaning that it holds. Now marriage is just a word and the promises that it holds are just sweet scripts that are easily forgotten when things are getting rough.

But for me, as my family have taught me, marriage is a very important part of a human life.

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Yes, Getting married is important in a relationship. It is the start of a new career in life. Start of a bigger responsibility and a start of the true happiness. If you will know how to handle getting involved in many things such as taking care of a child while doing business, then you are ready to enter your mary go round life as husband and wife. Marriage is a tie between two people that bound with love and responsibility.

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In most societies, it's actually becoming less and less important. So is having children. Couples these days now are just living together and being in relationships. They're also putting off having kids or choosing to not have them altogether. However, that doesn't mean if the right opportunity presents itself later on, they'd be against marriage. It just means they aren't as insistent on it as earlier generations.

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